《His Vampire king[√]》Chapter Nine


Viktor made his way back to the packhouse and up to his room. When he entered he saw his friends, sitting at the counter eating breakfast.

"Vik, where have you been?" Christophe asked, looking up.

"I waited out the storm with my mate," Viktor informed as he sat down between Archie and Diego.

"Oooh, did you do the dirty?" Jeremiah asked, wiggling his brows, and Viktor chuckled.

"No, we are waiting for the weekend after he graduates. But don't mention it to anyone. We want to keep it a secret for now." Viktor said, and Christophe frowned as he placed a plate in front of him.

"Why?" He asked, and Viktor sighed.

"Because he is an Omega." Viktor said, and Diego and Jeremiah looked offended.

"Are you embarrassed to have an Omega mate?" Jeremiah asked with a harsh voice that others wouldn't get away with if they used towards him.

"What? No, never. It's the pack that is the problem." Viktor said.

"What does the pack have to do with you guys being mates?" Christophe asked.

Viktor began to tell them all that Skye had told him the night before, he could tell they were pissed at what they were being told by the way the tension filled the room.

"This pack needs to be examined by the supernatural counsel." Archie said, his eyes flashing red.

"I say don't make a treat with them. Yesterday, I was simply just walking through the hall and this Asshole came up to me and asked why I wasn't helping the other Omegas cleaning up the house and getting ready for lunch. And when I told him I'm not part of the pack, he said that's no excuse." Diego said, and Christophe moved over to him and wrapped an arm around him.


"I won't, but I don't want anyone to know that till after I mate with Skye." Viktor explained as a knock came at the door. Getting up Viktor opened the door to see Alpha Jacob standing there.

"King Viktor, I have come to retrieve you and your team for the packs' rounds." The Alpha said, and Viktor nodded. He sent a mind link to the other and soon the others joined him by the door.

"The Alpha has come to collect us for the daily rounds." He informed them and as they all stepped out of the room and locked the door behind them.

"Yes, but before we start we can stop by the laundry room." Jacob said, confusing the group, who looked down at their clothes then at each other, making sure they were clean.

"Why must we go to the laundry room?" Viktor asked, after inspecting his own clothes once more.

"To drop off the Omegas, it is laundry day." Jacob said, before turning and walking down the hall. The team stood there shocked not following, Jacob took notice of this and turned back. "Is there a problem?" He asked.

"The Omegas stay with us." Archie said in a tight voice.

"But.." Jacob began.

"Jeremiah and Diego will be staying with us." Viktor said, using a voice that left absolutely no room for arguments.

"Very well." Jacob said, giving a forced smile before turning once more and leading them down the hall.

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