《Fated • Namgi [✔️]》4


Later that day, Yoongi was sitting in his room, finishing up the book from earlier. Namjoon had let him take it home. He was curled in that ball like he always was, reading quietly. Outside, it rained harshly. Yoongi didn't mind it, as long as it wasn't a lightning storm he'd feel calm and safe.

A knock sounded at his door and in came Namjoon. Yoongi looked up at him, smiling towards him. As if the passing second was gone, Yoongi was right by his side, hugging him tightly.

“It's good to see you too. Are you done reading?

“Not yet..”

“Alright. I just came into talk, that's all.”

Yoongi let go, bouncing back towards the bed and picking up the book again. Namjoon took the desk chair, sitting in it backwards and staring at Yoongi.

“So, Yoongi, I've decided to keep you.”

“What? I'm not an animal, Joonie.”

“I mean keep you in your human form.”

“Okay.. Is that all?”

“No, not really. I have a few friends coming over tonight to meet you, actually. Their names are Jungkook and Taehyung, and they're pretty fun, I guess.”

Yoongi's face lit up brightly, he nodded, standing up and jumping around. Namjoon laughed a little, this was a sight to see. As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and Yoongi was immediately at the door, Namjoon following quickly after. He opened the door, and there stood the two friends Namjoon was talking about. He let them in, and before he could shut the door, another person appeared.

It was Jimin. Yoongi smiled brightly, pulling him inside into a big hug. Jimin laughed, hugging the boy back. Jimin pulled away and pulled aside Namjoon while Yoongi headed towards the living room, where both Jungkook and Taehyung were. As much as he was nervous, he couldn't help but get to know them.

Namjoon looked at Jimin once they entered the kitchen. He wondered what Jimin had wanted.

“I heard about what happened at work today. The authorities figured out how to turn him back?”

“Yes, but I'm gonna... keep him.”

“You mean take him out on dates and have him as your boyfriend.”

“No! That's not what I meant-” Namjoon said, being cut off by Jimin. He shook his head, sighing.

“Okay, maybe-”

“Knew it! Namjoon, you are a whipped boy!”

Namjoon smiled a little before pushing Jimin away. He made his way to the living room, finding his two friends and Yoongi getting along well. Jimin bounced over, joining the three while Namjoon just watched from afar. His focus was on Yoongi, his smile, blonde hair bouncing every time he laughed. It was peaceful.


But that peace didn't last long.

Lightning struck outside, and the lights flickered off for a few seconds. Namjoon felt arms wrap around him, hugging his torso tightly. The lights flickered back on and there stood Yoongi, eyes squeezed shut. The other three were looking over in amazement.

Like an epiphany, Namjoon figured out that Yoongi was afraid of something at the moment. The lightning storm seemed most likely, so he held onto Yoongi. The three others cooed, but when they saw the death glares from Namjoon, they knew they were in trouble. Once again, another strike sounded and the lights flickered again.

“Namjoon, do your lights usually flicker like this?”

“Not really, I'm guessing we may be in the heart of the storm.”

Namjoon checked his watch. 8:01 PM. That was a good time to head to bed. He didn't want to send his friends out into the storm, though. Yoongi still clung onto him, but it seemed like he wasn't listening.

“I have two guest rooms. Jimin can sleep in one, Taehyung and Jungkook can sleep in the other. I don't want to send you lot out there into the rain.”

The three agreed, heading up the stairs to find their rooms. Namjoon stood there, looking down at Yoongi.

“You'll sleep with me.”

Yoongi looked up at him, and his heart did a little flip.


“Yes. Let's go,” Namjoon murmured, taking Yoongi's hand and leading him up to his room. Yoongi sat on the bed, waiting for Namjoon while he prepared for bed. He was quiet the whole time. It wasn't long before Namjoon came back, clothes in hand. He handed them to Yoongi.

“You can sleep in these tonight. Go, get changed,” Namjoon gestured him to the bathroom attached to his room. Yoongi smiled a little. A minute or two passed before Yoongi walked out. Shorts with a little oversized shirt on. Namjoon smiled before turning back towards his small shelf, finding the book he was reading the previous night and heading over to his bed.

Yoongi stood there, and Namjoon looked at him.

“Yoongi, it's okay. Come on,” Namjoon patted the side next to him, and Yoongi slowly trudged his way over. Not once had Namjoon ever seen Yoongi so slow or hesitant. Yoongi eventually got in the bed, finding a comfortable position before closing his eyes. Thunder and lightning sounded outside, but he couldn't let that get to him. Not now, not ever. Namjoon looked at the boy before turning to his book. He read for a good solid 30 minutes before shutting it and placing it on his bedside desk.


He took one good last look at Yoongi before shutting off the light. Another lightning strike sounded, and he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He didn't force the pair off, and instead let them be. Yoongi's warmth was enough for him to sleep peacefully. Throughout the night, the storm raged on, but the pair slept peacefully into the morning.

When Namjoon woke up the next morning, he stared at Yoongi for the longest time. The boy's soft, smooth skin, shiny lips. His blonde hair still curly. He seemed almost ethereal. Yoongi mumbled something, and Namjoon heard the word clearly.


Namjoon couldn't help but feel bad for the boy. He had fallen in love with someone so long ago who died in front of his eyes. Yoongi seemed so hooked on this boy, it's no surprise that he'd be having dreams about him. Namjoon sighed, sitting himself up in bed and took a hand through his hair, moving it back. Yoongi groaned, eyes fluttering open slowly as he looked around.

“Morning, Yoongi,” Namjoon said, yawning right after. Yoongi looked at him wearily before nodding. He seemed troubled, and when he curled back into the bed, Namjoon knew there was something wrong. Even if he didn't know the boy that well, he had a gut feeling.

“Is something wrong?”

No response.


Still no response.

“Yoongi, talk to me,” Namjoon spoke softly, a growing worry in the pit of his stomach grew bigger. Why was Yoongi acting this way? He shook the boy a little, but there wasn't a response except a little hum. Yoongi pushed Namjoon's arm away throwing the blanket over him.

“Yoongi, please stop acting like a little kid and tell me what's wrong.”

“I don't wanna wake up.”

Namjoon sighed with a smile. The boy was just tired, that's all. He took the blanket, throwing it off Yoongi. Yoongi looked over at Namjoon, as if he was trying to glare, but that wasn't possible. Namjoon laughed, pulling the boy up and ruffling his hair with a small smile.

“Well you gotta wake up, we have stuff to do today.”

“Like what?”

“Oh.. I don't know.. maybe go somewhere. What do you think?”

“But why do that when you can sleep?”

Namjoon sighed with a smile. He swung his legs over the bed, looking at his mirror and trying to tame his hair. Yoongi appeared right next to him, mimicking him, but it didn't work. The right side of Yoongi's shirt half on while the other side was half off. Namjoon laughed, ruffling the boys hair a little more. Yoongi pouted, walking towards the door, about to leave.

“Wait for me, Yoongi.”


“Yoongi, what happened to 'your wish is my command'?”

“Doesn't apply to me,” Yoongi said, whining a little. Namjoon raised a brow, tilting his head. He walked over, lifting Yoongi's chin up towards him.

“If you're under my roof, you follow my commands,” Namjoon said, looking at Yoongi fiercely. Yoongi, though, said nothing and stared right back at him. Namjoon searching Yoongi's face, but it gave no response.

Yoongi, though, felt his heart racing quickly. He wasn't used to being this close to Namjoon nor Hoseok. Looking at Namjoon, he felt his breath right on his lips. That's when Namjoon leaned in, filling the gap between their two lips, kissing him shortly. Yoongi froze up before kissing back a little.

Namjoon pulled away shortly, looking at Yoongi.

“Don't stop,” Yoongi breathed, staring at Namjoon. Namjoon gladly took the opportunity and kissed Yoongi again. Oh how he regretted not doing this earlier. His lips were sweet like sugar.

Slowly, Namjoon traveled down Yoongi's neck, covering him in kisses. Down to his collarbone where his shirt wasn't on, he sucked on the skin a little before biting down. Yoongi let out a small, audible gasp while Namjoon pulled away, rubbing the new mark with his thumb.

“You're all mine, Yoongi. All mine,” Namjoon murmured, directing his eyes towards Yoongi, “who knew my baby boy could be so dirty.”

“I'm not dirty, it was just in the heat of the moment-”

“Mhm, come on, everyone is probably waiting,” Namjoon said, taking Yoongi's hand and directing him down to the dining room. In there sat Jungkook and Taehyung, who was almost passed out on the table. Jimin sat across, focused on the game at hand with Jungkook. It seemed like a game of cards, per say.

Jimin glanced back at Namjoon, smirking shortly.

“How'd you sleep, Namjoon?”

“Pretty good, actually, Yoongi's a good space heater.”

“Is that so?”

“Like a furnace,” Namjoon hummed. He sat down, watching the two play cards while Yoongi, quietly, say next to him, playing with his fingers. Food was served and the five ate quietly. It wasn't long before Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung were gone, leaving Namjoon and Yoongi alone.

“So,” Namjoon asked, “where do you wanna go today?”

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