《exchange student (cevans)》twenty three
–Okay, we'll turn on your mic ten seconds before you go out, clear?
–Yup. –I said to the guy who was adjusting my ear piece and handed me a microphone.
–Are you nervous? –asked Charlie.
–A little, I'm a bit all over the place, Chris and I got into a fight last night. Well, I was the one who got mad and I shouldn't have, what happened wasn't his fault...
–Come here. –he said pulling me into a hug.– I'm sorry, Y/n... What happened?
–Charlie! Here you are! What are you doing? You go out in one minute! –said his manager. Yes, he recently got a manager when the record company wanted to release his album.– Y/n, you too. Come here!
–I'm sorry, we can talk about this afterwards, okay? –he asked while we followed his manager to the backstage and I just nodded.
–My stomach aches, I'm getting nervous by the minute.
–You'll do amazing, okay? I'll see you in a bit. –he kissed my cheek and got out to the stage since they were already calling his name.
He was going to perform a couple songs before I went out to sing the last one with him. I was surrounded by other Berklee students who also were going to present their work. It turned out that Chris hired a stylist and professional make up artist to help me get ready and they were still here, making sure my make up was still looking good and that my dress stayed where it had to.
I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. I had been ignoring Chris all day and I know he doesn't have anything to do with what his friend said but her words didn't help my surging insecurities and were just cruel...
–Who are you? –I asked harshly, pointing at her.
–Uh... Y/n, this is Tara, my best friend. –he said stepping between us.
–So this is your new...?
–I suggest you watch your next words. –I said approaching her.
–Huh... so you downgraded to a rude moron. Why are you really with Chris, kid? Money? Fame?
–Tara! What the fuck? –he said turning around pretty mad to see her.
–What did you call me?
–You heard me.
–Look, estúpida con dos dedos de frente. –I got closer to her but Chris stood on my way, grabbing me by my arms.
Okay, I didn't know what she just said but it sounded pretty bad. And seeing the way Y/n was approaching Tara, I knew I had to stop her. I don't know if she knows how to fight but I'm guessing that if her grandfather taught her how to throw knives and manage weapons, he also had to teach her how to fight.
–Tara, I don't know what's going on with you but don't ever talk to or about Y/n that way. Please leave.
–No need to, I'm going. –said Y/n breaking herself out of my hands and walking towards the door.
–No, babe...
–Nice friends, Chris... It's good to know what they really think of me. –she said closing the door behind her.
–What the fuck, Tara?
–Chris, I'm so sorry... I...
–Never mind, I have to go get Y/n.
I ran to the door as fast as I could to avoid her getting far but when I opened it, I saw Y/n stopping a cab and opening the back door. I called out her name but she just looked at me and hurried to get in.
–Oh Chris... Uhm... Hey...
–You look gorgeous.
–Thank you... and thanks for booking the make up artist and stylist for me... that was lovely...
–No need to thank me.
–I do, and I'm so...
–I'm sorry about yesterday. –I cut her off.
–No, I'm sorry. I lashed out on you and you had nothing to do with it... And what I said to your friend... –she said biting her lip and stroking his arm with her hand up and down, evidently nervous.
–But I'm also sorry, I had no idea Tara was there and she's always really nice, I don't know what the hell happened to her yesterday... Please don't apologize for what you said, you had every right to.
–It's okay... I shouldn't have left like that.
–It's not and I completely understand why you did it. I'm sorry for not going back to get you, I'm an asshole.
–You're not. –she came closer to me and hesitating a little, pecked my lips.
We hugged each other and I kissed her cheek. It felt so good to finally be okay, yesterday I couldn't sleep thinking about what happened. Our hug was interrupted by one guy who told her she had to go out in a minute. She nodded at him and then looked back at me.
–You're going to do great, princess. Don't be nervous, you're an incredibly talented singer. If you start feeling insecure just look at me, okay? Everyone's excited to hear you.
–You know me so well. Thanks, Chris. –she pecked my lips one last time and left with the guy.
I smiled, finally relieved to know that we were okay now. I quickly ran back to my sit which was almost in the first row and sat in between my mom and Scott. My whole family was here to support Y/n alongside Grace and Josh.
–And now, I'd like to introduce you to a very talented and special person to me, the one who helped me write this song, Y/n Gonzalez everyone!
I took one deep breath, smiled and got out to the stage. Waving at everyone. I quickly turned to see Chris and he winked at me, which, even if it made my insides melt and flutter, eased my nerves. Everyone started cheering and I couldn't help but imagine I was giving my own concert, that thought made me smile even more. Charlie quickly got up to hug me.
–This is "We don't talk anymore".
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Charlie went back to sit on the piano stool and I started moving and sort of dancing all over the stage. I could see and hear all of Chris' family and my friends cheering for us, which made me feel secure and incredibly happy and loved. Chris was acting like my biggest fan which was adorable.
Once the song finished, Charlie and I hugged. He was approaching my face and afraid of being kissed by him not only in front of like a hundred people but also in front of my boyfriend and his family, I turned my face away, which made him end up kissing my cheek.
I'm sure I went pale out of shock. I looked at Chris, whose facial expression was unreadable, I could just see he was frowning but I couldn't tell what he was feeling or thinking. I waved at the crowed, fake smiling and went straight to backstage.
Charlie stayed at the stage since the director at Berklee was going to publicly congratulate him on getting signed by record label and one of his songs would be the main single of the next Fast and Furious movie. I told his new agent to tell him I'd meet him at the record label's party.
Grace, Josh, Scott and Chris were outside the door that connected the backstage to the parking lot. When I opened it, they were all displaying different emotions. Josh was happy, Grace was surprisingly not going crazy and seemed a bit nervous, Scott smiled as soon as he saw me and Chris seemed confused. They were all holding flower bouquets but of course, Chris' was the biggest.
–Y/n! That was amazing, girl! –said Scott pulling me into a hug.
–Wow, Y/n, you're not that bad. –said Josh teasing me, I lightly chuckled as he hugged me tight.
–You're a goddess. –said Grace pushing Josh and hugging me.– Mr. America here is jealous. –she whispered in my ear before letting me go.
I gulped and looked at him. He gave me a soft smile and hugged me tight. He kissed my cheek and then gave me a quick peck on the lips. If I was confused before, I was going crazy now.
–You were unbelievable. I told you you'd be amazing, doll face. –he handed me my flowers and I smiled.
–Thanks, baby.
–And I told you that kid likes you.
–I'm sorry about that, I thought he didn't anymore.
–You knew he liked you? –his voice changed a little.
–Okayyy... Josh, Scott, I saw this uhm... delicious food truck outside the parking lot! Let's go check it out.
They clearly noticed Chris' change of tone as well and awkwardly and not at all discreetly decided to leave us alone. I sighed, not wanting to get into another argument right after we just got out of the last one.
–Way before you and I even started dating he asked me out on a date and it was pretty obvious he liked me but we never went out... Then we –I said pointing at both of us.– got together and he didn't seem to be into me anymore.
–Ugh, I'm sorry I reacted that way. Mostly when you reacted that way, not letting him kiss you. I trust you, Y/n. It's just that he never gave me a good impression. I'm really sorry.
–It's okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
–It's really not, I don't know why I'm acting like this.
We hugged for a while, he rubbed my back and it felt good. The last couple of days had been full of drama but hopefully this was the end of it. I wanted to be good with him since we were kind of doing long distance right now and I wouldn't want to be even more distanced from him not only physically but also emotionally.
We hopped on his car and he started driving towards the club where Charlie's album launch party would take place. All the way there we held hands and occasionally he would kiss the back of mine, making me blush.
We arrived and we had to pull a show like the one in Atlanta to avoid be seen together. It bothered me a little but I knew everyone would judge us because of the age gap and would think I'm with him for his fame or money.
Once inside the club, we were able to be together and I was happy even Lisa and Chris' siblings decided to come here. We were all hanging out on a booth when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I turned around and instantly covered my mouth with both my hands when I saw who they were.
–Oh my God! –I screamed turning and sitting on my knees.
–Hello gorgeous! –said Scarlett.
–Hi! –said Elizabeth.
–I hope you don't mind us intruding your party, your boyfriend here invited us.
–It's technically not my party but I don't mind. –we all laughed.– And you know? About... us?
–Yes! He told us when you left Atlanta.
–Come, sit. –I said signaling everyone to make room for them in the giant round booth we were sitting in.
–We loved the song! You voice is just so soothing. –Lizzie said.
–How did you...?
–Mr. Evans here might have sent all the Avengers cast a video of you singing a few minutes ago. –Scar said and I looked at Chris.
–You little... –I shook my head, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
–What? I'm very proud of you.
Everyone said "aww" and started yelling "kiss" several times. I just threw my head backwards in laughter. I wasn't a fan of giving public displays of attention, especially if everyone else was watching waiting for it to happen. Chris knew that so he just leaned in and kissed my shoulder.
A very loud gasp made us turn around and I bursted back into laughter at the face Josh was making. He was staring at Scarlett wide eyed and his jaw could almost reach the ground. Grace was just as shook but kept it better together than Josh.
Scar and Lizzie chuckled and I introduced them. It was safe to say that Josh was making a little of a fool of himself but eventually calmed down and was able to say full sentences to Scarlett.
A few moments later, Charlie, his team and a few of his friends arrived. I could tell he was avoiding me but I needed to talk to him alone and clear the air. I left my friends and Chris' family on the dance floor and walked over to where Charlie was, talking to a couple of his guy friends.
–Hey, boys. –I smiled.– I'm gonna take Charlie away from you for a couple minutes, okay? –I said gently grabbing Charlie's arm and we walked to a more quiet corner.
–I know what you're going to say... I can't say I'm sorry, Y/n.
–Why him, Y/n?
–He's my boyfriend, Charlie.
–He's too old for you, Y/n. You've known him for a short period of time and... I know his type, he's going to break your heart.
–He's not Charlie and his age or how long we've been going out only concerns us. –I mentioned slightly mad and sighed.– Please just don't do this... You're one of my closest friends...
–Give me a chance, Y/n... Let me love you... –he said grabbing my arms and I slightly moved.– You know I'm crazy for you.
–I'm sorry, Charlie. You know I appreciate you a lot but... my heart belongs to him.
–I'm sorry to interrupt, can I talk to you, Miss González?
–Excuse me, we're a little busy... –Charlie cut me off.
–No problem, we're done here. –he said putting his hands on his jeans' pockets.– Just... don't come to me when he breaks your heart. –he said turning around to see me and left.
–Charlie! –I yelled, shocked, confused and angry. I covered my face, sighing.– I'm so sorry, how can I help you? –I asked looking at the man in a suit standing in front of me.
–Don't worry. Let me introduce myself, I'm... –he was cut off by Chris, who stood by my side, putting his arm around my waist.
–I see you've met David.
–Chris, man! –they shook hands.– Quite a talented lady you have here, I was actually just introducing myself.
–Do you guys know each other? –I asked a little confused.
–Yeah, yeah, he's a friend of mine. –said Chris nodding.
It turns out David Whitaker, that was his last name, was a talent manager and Chris called him to see me perform. He was interested in working with and for me. His words were something along the lines of making me a star.
I didn't know how to feel or what to think. Part of why my mom and I decided to keep me low-key was so that I could get recognition and other things for myself, through my own hard work. That was also part of why Chris and I agreed to keep our relationship a secret, not only because of all the backlash we might get due to the age gap but also because I didn't want anyone, including him, to think that I was trying to use him for his fame.
Right now, Chris and I were laying on the grass watching the stars. We talked about everything that went on yesterday night. My dorm building was behind us.
–Are you mad? –Chris asked, scratching my back.
–No, no... I'm just thinking about David's offer. –I moved a little, snuggling in his chest.
–Did I overstep?
–A little. You know what I think...
–But a but of help won't hurt, honey. Just think about it.
–I am.
–You know you have mine too, right?
–I have what? –I frowned, looking up at him.
–My heart. –I blushed.
–You heard my conversation with Charlie? –I looked down, smiling.
–Maybe. Didn't mean to but ended up doing so, sorry.
–It's okay, I'm glad you heard that.
–I lo...
–Don't say it until you're a hundred percent sure you are. –I cut him off.
–I am. I love you. You've won my heart faster than anyone ever has, which kinda scares me but I don't mind. –I blushed at his words. I pecked his lips and moved a little so I was now facing the sky.
–Good, because I love you too.
- In Serial33 Chapters
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In a world where orphans are deemed beneath the dirt, a lone boy lived his life, working day by day. in hope to better his destiny. The day of his coming of age marks the birth of his potential, where everyone unleashes their magic, in hope that he receives a powerful ability, the boy held hope that that might change his fate, hoping to be groomed to a noble's house. however what he ended up with was nothing but a strange book. a book he deemed uselses, however a simple book it was not. and simplicity was far from fair to describe it.follow Basara as he uncovers the secret of the book that is only worthy of the Servants of Death to carry...
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