《exchange student (cevans)》eight


Dude, what the hell just happened with Y/n?😂

Read 9:45 pm

I know, what the fuck.

Be honest, was it really that cringey?

Read 9:45 pm

I love you but it was a 100% the most uncomfortable situation I've ever seen.

Read 9:46 pm

Fuck me.

Sent 9:50 pm

Read 9:51 pm

But it was also kind of cute, if that makes you feel better.

Read 9:52 pm

It doesn't.

I'm an adult behaving like a fucking teenager.

Read 9:53 pm

Omg Chris

Read 9:53 pm


Read 9:53 pm

You're starting to like her.

Like really actually like her.

I know we all bothered you with all the setting you guys up together stuff but you're acting just like when you have a crush.

Read 9:54 pm

I'm about to take off.

I'll let you know when I land in Atlanta.

Sent 9:58 pm

Read 9:58 pm

Now you're just changing the subject.😂

Anyways, have a safe flight. Love you.

Read 9:59 pm

Can you give me her number?

Sent 10:08 pm

Read 10:10 pm



Sent 10:12 pm




Read 12:07 am


are you okay??

Read 12:07 am


of course I'm not, you have a lot of explaining to do, Mrs. Evans

Read 12:08 am


do I have to remind you it's midnight here?

plus it's monday, i gotta wake up in a few hours to go to class

can we talk later today?


(i wish)

(not yet ;))

jk jk

Read 12:09 am



but i'm mad at you

yes, you wish

yes, you'll be

Read 12:09 am


i love you


and i don't

and i won't

Read 12:10 am



love u too

and yes you do and will be

sleep tight

Read 12:10 am


thanks bebé😚


have a great day today!!

Sent 12:11 am


Hey guys, goodnight. Here's this week schedule with all the scenes that we'll film. Please try to be on set on time and memorize your script.


Sent 7:37 pm

Read 12:30 pm

Thanks, guys!

Thank you, Anthony.

👍🏼 Thank you


Sure thing, thanks


Alright, thank you.

Okay, thanks Anthony.



Spill the tea

Read 11:36 pm

What tea?

Shouldn't you be already asleep? We both have to be on set at 6:00

Read 11:37 pm

Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about 😉

You forget about sleep when you have a kid, just finished putting her to sleep...

Read 11:37 pm

I really have no idea what you're talking about.

Read 11:37 pm

I'm too tired to keep playing so I'll just go straight to the point and pretend you don't really know what I'm talking about.

Y/n Gonzalez.

Does it ring a bell?

Read 11:38 pm

What about her?

Read 11:38 pm

wHaT aBOuT hEr?

Read 11:38 pm

Did Scott tell you what happened?

Read 11:39 pm





Read 11:39 pm


Nothing happened.

Read 11:40 pm

But you wish it did, huh

If you like her that's okay

I mean I don't know her but she seems fine

She's lovely and funny

She gives me good vibes unlike some of your exes...

The rest thinks the same

Read 11:41 pm

So this is something everyone has been talking about?🙄

Read 11:41 pm


Yeah, a little heads up, probably everyone will be asking about this tomorrow as well, you should check our groupchat.

Mackie and Robert are already shipping you guys and planning on selling t-shirts with your guys' photo

Read 11:41 pm


Read 11:41 pm

Did you guys make out? 😉

Read 11:42 pm

She's 20.

Read 11:42 pm

So did you guys make out? 😉😉

Read 11:42 pm



Read 11:42 pm

Well, yes, there's quite the age gap but if you both guys are into each other, you should go for it.

Look at Leo DiCaprio, his girlfriend is 23 years younger.

Read 11:43 pm

She's lovely.

And super smart.

But I don't know...

Everyone in my family is trying to set me up with her.

Read 11:44 pm

You like heeeer!!

If everyone in your family wants you guys together they must really like her and think she's in the same mindset as you.

Read 11:45 pm

We do have similar thoughts and convictions.

But I'm still hesitant, never been with someone that young.

Read 11:45 pm

Well, take things slow, there's no rush.

Keep getting to know each other.

Okay, tomorrow Lizzie and I will help you plan everything.

Read 11:46 pm

What's there to plan?

Read 11:46 pm

Ugh, men. 😒

Read 11:46 pm

What did I say now?🙃

Read 11:46 pm

I'm too tired, we'll explain everything tomorrow.

I'm going to sleep now.

Goodnight, love you.

Read 11:47 pm

Don't leave me like this!

But fine. Goodnight.

Love you too.💙

Sent 11:48 pm


Got free time today?

I want to show you something...

Read 7:30 am


i'm free at 12:00 am, does that work for you?

Read 7:30 am

That's perfect.

See you outside of your classroom at 12:00?

Read 7:30 am


sure :)

Read 7:31 am


Hey, Y/n. It's Chris, hope you don't mind I asked Scott to give me your number.

Sent 5:30 am

Read 7:31 am


how do i know this is you?

Read 7:39 am

"Hey, Y/n, Sebastian Stan here. Chris is making me do this but I like you and hope you're doing great. If you ask me, I think he's into y..."

Read 7:40 am



i almost got kicked out of class because I gasped a little too loud

what was he saying before robert downey jr. *internally screaming* kissed him? 😂

Read 7:41 am


Nothing, just talking nonsense.

Hope you have a great day, talk to you later, they're calling me.

Read 7:42 am

have a great day too :) break a leg (not literally pls)

say hi to everyone from me

even if they don't know who i am🙃

Read 7:45 am

Hahaha thanks!

Oh trust me, they know.

Sent 7:45 am

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