《exchange student (cevans)》seven
–Hey, ma. –I jogged down the stairs and kissed her cheek.
–Hey, baby, how did you sleep? –she said cooking some eggs.
–Well, well... –I sighed, still waking up.
–I've been meaning to ask you something. –she took a quick glance at me.– Why aren't you staying at your house? –she put a plate in front of me and sat next to me.– Not that I'm complaining, you know I love to have you here but I suppose it's more comfortable sleeping in your own bed than in your sister's old one. –she smiled resting her elbow on the table and her head on her wrist.
–Oh, it's just that they're fixing some stuff...
It wasn't a complete lie, a few weeks ago there were a few problems with the electric and plumbing systems but they were all fixed by now. I didn't even know why I decided to stay with my mom in this visit.
–Mhm... are you sure is not something else? –she stared at me.– Or should I say someone?
–Mom... –I leaned my head to the side.– I know what you're trying to do, Scott told me.
–Ugh, as your red friend from Avengers says, snitches end up in ditches. –I laughed when I realized she was talking about Paul Bettany.– But isn't she lovely?
–Yes, she is. But she's twenty and I'm thirty nine. She could be my daughter.
–Ugh, I know, the age gap is the only bad thing but don't exaggerate, you would have had to become a dad at nineteen...
–Are you hearing yourself, mom?
–I am aware this is crazy, Christopher but you two have so much in common and you're not getting any younger, love. Besides, I sense some chemistry between the two of you... –she moved her eyebrows up and down, making me playfully roll my eyes. All members of my family have told me that now.
–Where is she, anyways? –I said trying to change the subject.
–She goes to church every Sunday. Oh, don't make that face. She's not like those disrespectful religious people. –mom started cleaning up the kitchen while I finished my breakfast.– At what time do you leave tonight?
–My plane leaves at 10:00 o'clock at night, so I have to be at the airport at 8:00.
–I'm gonna miss you, hun. –she kissed my forehead before getting up to clean up the kitchen.
–Me too but I'm almost done with the movie and I'll be back in no time. –the main entrance door opened and Y/n came in, speaking to someone on the phone in Spanish.
–Sí, te prometo que todo es broma, nos estamos burlando de la prensa. Te hablo luego que ya llegué a casa. Te amo más, bye.
(Yes, I promise you everything's a joke, we're making fun of the press. I'll call you later, I just got to the house. Love you more, bye.)
–Hey... –I said closing the door and turning to see Chris and Lisa in the kitchen.
–Hey... –Chris smiled at me.
–Hello, sweetie. How was church? –asked Lisa.
–It was great, thank you!
I left my coat on the coat rack beside the entrance door and my keys on a small plate where everyone put theirs. I sat next to Chris while Lisa asked if I wanted something to eat.
–Oh, I had breakfast before I left but thank you! I'm just going to eat an apple. –I reached out to grab one from the fruit bowl in the middle of the kitchen island.
–Do you have any plans for today? –Lisa asked me.
Before I could answer her, the phone started ringing so she excused herself and answered it. Chris and I stayed silent, he was finishing his breakfast and I was replying some texts from my parents and friends.
Jess kept rambling about how she had to urgently talk to me and didn't stop reminding me how upset she was about not knowing about me meeting and hanging out with Chris Evans. Grace asked me to come over but I knew she only wanted to bribe me to send her one of my assignments. Josh told me his mom came to see him all the way from Canada so he was spending quality time with her.
On the other side, there was this classmate Charlie. We took a couple subjects together but he was studying Music at Berklee. We hung out every once in a while, he was also sort of my friend. I could tell he liked me a little and I still hadn't figured out if my feelings were a hundred percent reciprocate. We were just telling each other about how our weekends were going.
–Kids, kids, you can't tell her what to do! You can just ask her if she can take you. –we heard Lisa say.
–So... –Chris started talking.– I didn't know you went to church, are you a religious person?
–Mmm... I don't really like that word, for instance, the word "religion" wasn't even mentioned by Jesus. Besides, I think when people hear that word they immediately picture the judgmental person who likes to tell other people what's wrong with them or what they're doing with their lives. –I chuckled.
–Yeah, a little. –he wrinkled his nose and joined in, chuckling.
–I see it more as a personal relationship with God and a way of living... as cheesy and cliché as it may sound.
–Well, that sounds good... –he gave me a sympathetic look.– You mentioned Jesus, so are you a Christian, Catholic...?
–I'm a Christian. –I nodded.– Do you practice any religion?
–No, not really. I like a few postulates from Buddhism but that's it.
–Oh, okay. –I nodded, smiling without showing my teeth.
–Y/n... –said Lisa coming into the kitchen and covering the phone speaker.– the kids want to talk to you. –I smiled, nodding at her and went to grab the phone.
–Oh... what can these sneaky little kids want? –I said and they started laughing and saying they're not sneaky.
–We want to play with you! –they all screamed.
–And you promised that one day you would get us some ice cream and that was ages ago! –said little Stella, I couldn't see her but I was sure she was pouting her lips and frowning.
–Oh, I indeed promised that... Could you hand the phone to your mommy?
–Yeah! –screamed the three of them. A couple seconds later, Carly answered the phone.– Hi, Y/n!
–Hey, Carly! How are you?
–I'm great, you? I'm sorry if my kids are bothering you.
–Ay no, not at all. You know I love spending time with them. Actually, I was going to ask you for permission to take them to grab some ice cream.
–Yes! Yes! You sure you don't mind?
–No, not at all.
–I can drop them off in about fifteen minutes, would that work for you?
–Yeah, sounds great. Thank you, Carly!
–No, thank you, Y/n!
–No problem! Bye... –we hung up and Chris was staring at me.– So... have any plans for today? –I said approaching him.
–Huh... –he looked up to the side and scratched his chin before looking back at me and flashing a smile that made my insides tingle.– Not really, what do you have in mind?
–I'm taking your nephews and niece for ice cream and I was wondering if you'd care to join us. –I smiled, tilting my head to the side.
–Oh... I'd love that. Where exactly are we going?
–Uhh... I don't know. I don't think I've eaten ice cream since I got here. –I said quite shocked.
–No way!
–I know!
–I'll take you to one of my favorite places, also the kids love the ice creams down there.
–Okay, sounds good to me.
We stared at each other, smiling. My heart began strongly beating, it felt more like pounding. I could also feel butterflies in my stomach so I looked away because I knew the next thing that would happen, would be my face turning as red as a tomato.
Thank God Lisa came in and started talking about different things after we told her that we were going to take Carly's kids out to eat some ice cream. She seemed to enjoy seeing that Chris and I were spending time together and getting along so well. I wasn't dumb, I knew she was sort of hoping to set us up. That made me feel good and somewhat flattered since that meant she, being a loving, caring and sometimes overprotective mother, thought I was worthy of her son.
A few minutes went by until Carly arrived. I grabbed my purse and jacket from the rack at the door and Chris handed me one of his baseball caps. I gave him a confused look and slowly took it, not knowing why he was lending it to me.
–We're going downtown so let's try to go unnoticed.
–Oh. –I nodded and put it on.
I took my sunglasses out of my purse and flashed them at him, smiling. He mumbled "perfect" and opened the door for me. We said goodbye to Lisa and approached Carly's car. His husband got out of it, greeted us and helped his kids out. Chris approached him to help him. As soon as the kids got out, they hugged me and ran inside to say hi to their grandma.
–Thank you so much for taking them, guys. –she said to both Chris and I but then turned to talk only to me.– We're going to take advantage and go out on a date. We love our kids but we don't get as much alone time as we used to.
–Ay, don't thank me. In that case, take as much time as you want. –I said gently rubbing her arm to show her a little sympathy.
–You're the best. –she embraced me in a quick hug.– Just don't give them a lot of sugar, you guys might regret it later.
–Don't worry, Carly. –said Chris.– We've got it.
–I think I trust Y/n more with my kids than you, Chris. –she joked, giving us a little wink while getting inside the car. Chris opened his mouth in disbelief and I laughed.
–Thank you, guys! –said John, Carly's husband, driving away.
–Ha! –I gave him a soft punch on his ribs with my elbow.– That must have hurt. –I kept messing with him.– We're here with Chris Evans. –I pretended to be a reporter and that my fist was a microphone.– Tell us Chris, how does it feel like to be considered slightly less responsible than a twenty year old by your own sister?
–You know what, González? –he said playfully.
–What, Evans? –I smirked and lifted a brow.
Damn. I was really trying to contain myself because of the age gap thing but her whole being and her personality really started to get to me. As much as I wanted to deny it, I knew I was starting to like her. And right now, seeing how she was jokingly challenging me, with that smirk, made me just want to... Never mind.
–Can Dodger come with us, uncle Chris? –Stella shouted and put her little hands together, ready to beg for my permission to bring my dog.– Pretty please!
–Sure, honey, just grab his leash.
–Thank you! –she ran back inside.
–We should go get the kids. –said Y/n looking down and starting to walk back to my mom's house.
About five minutes later, we were all in my car on our way to one of my favorite ice cream shops. The three kids sat in the back with Dodger, Y/n was on the passenger seat and I was driving. Y/n was singing every song that played on the radio alongside the kids and occasionally made them laugh. I loved how much she liked kids and how well she got along with them.
–I really like you voice, it's really beautiful. –I glanced quickly at her before looking back at the road.
–Thank you, really. Means a lot.
–No need to thank me, just telling the truth.
I parked the car in front of Cold Stone. Y/n was about to open her door but I didn't let her, I could tell she blushed a little and tried to hide it. We helped the kids get out, specially Stella, who still had to sit at a baby car chair thing. We got inside the store, which thankfully, to our luck, was empty.
We ended up not following Carly's advice on not letting her kids eat a lot of sugar. I knew we were going to regret it at some point but I don't get a lot of opportunities to pamper my nephews. Stella insisted on being carried by Y/n so she picked her up while she decided which flavor to choose.
–Which flavor do you recommend me? –she said looking at me.
–Well, hands down, my all time favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream and here it's really good. But, I know you love chocolate and here it's also amazing, it's rich and creamy.
–Mmm... everything that sounds delicious. I'll have whatever you choose, I trust you. –she smiled at me. She tried handing me some dollars but I didn't let her.
–No, no, it's on me, beautiful.
Fuck. It just slipped. We both froze, even little Stella was shocked. After a few seconds she started giggling. Y/n said something about going with the kids to find us a table and I just nodded in agreement. The whole establishment was still empty but it seemed like an okay way of dealing with the awkwardness.
I ordered both our ice creams and payed for them. I walked up to them and sat down next to her. Her face was a little red but flashed me a smile that somehow made me know that everything was okay. Still I felt the need to say something but didn't know what exactly.
–Listen, about what just happened...
–It's okay, really. It just slipped, right? –she said cutting me off.
–Uh... yeah, yeah...
–Don't worry about it.
She grabbed my hand trying to give me reassurance but it only made it a little more tense. It's been a while since a simple touch made me tingle. We just joined the kids conversation and a few minutes later everything went back to normal.
–By the way, great choice on my ice cream flavor. Chocolate and cookies? Genius.
–Great combo, isn't it? –I winked at her.
–Gotta give it to you, Evans.
–Thank you, González.
The whole evening we spent it eating ice cream and chatting with my nephews and Y/n. Once we were finished with ice cream we went to the park, where the kids chased Dodger all over while Y/n and I kept getting to know each other. Every now and then I could tell that the mood became a little flirty.
I hope this is a reasonable amount of sugar... @carlyevans1 @chrisevans
It was 5:30 when we decided to go grab something to eat before we went back home as I had to be at the airport by 8:00. The kids begged us to go get fast food so we ended up going to a Carl's Jr., they spent most of the time in the games.
–It must be pretty amazing to be part of something big like Marvel, isn't it?
–Yeah... it is. It can be hard at times and I turned the offer down several times before accepting to be Captain America... you know, anxiety. –I looked at her and she was slightly nodding and frowning, just like people do when they're really listening to what you're saying.– But now, looking back, I think accepting the role has been one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.
–Aww, that's great to hear. And I love how close you are to all of your co-stars, well, at least that's the image I get as an outsider. You all seem like close friends.
–Yeah, we are! Hence why they are bothering you on your social media, sorry about that by the way. –she laughed.
–Oh please, don't apologize. I try to not go on crazy fangirl mode whenever I see their comments. Say hi to them from me and my dad whenever you get back, he's also a huge Marvel fan. –I was the one laughing now.
–I'll make sure to send you a video of everyone saying hi to your dad.
–He'll love you more than he already does. –she rolled her eyes playfully.
–Talking about getting back, we probably should head home, I need to grab my things and go to the airport since I have to be there by 8:00.
–Oh okay, I'll go tell the kids that it's time to go.
–I'll pick up and throw our trash.
She nodded and went to where the kids were playing while I grabbed Dodger's leash and threw our trash. We all got into my car and I started driving. As much as I love my job, I would love to stay a couple of days more. It also made me sad to go back because this was my last Marvel movie and it felt like the end of an era or phase in my life.
When we arrived, we got inside and my mom started playing with the kids. Both my sisters and Scott were there to say goodbye to me, which made me feel loved. I grabbed the bag that I had packed and spent a few minutes with them, saying my goodbyes. Scott offered to take me to the airport and insisted Y/n to come with us.
–I'm gonna miss you so much, uncle Chris. –said Stella hugging my leg.
–I'll miss you more, sweetie. –I crouched down to her level and gave her a hug.
–Bye, uncle Chris. –said both Ethan and Miles while giving me fist bumps.
–Bye, guys.
I hugged my sisters and brothers in law as well as my mom, who was holding a few tears back. She got a little emotional whenever I left home. I kissed the top of her head before heading out, where Scott and Y/n were already waiting for me, laughing at whatever they were talking about.
We hopped on Scott's car and he started driving. Y/n was sitting beside him on the passenger seat. We were all talking until Y/n received a phone call and then it was just me and Scott talking to each other. I could tell we were both intrigued by Y/n's conversation because she was speaking in Spanish and we were trying to understand what she was saying.
–Okay, out of everything you said I literally just understood "hola", "bye" and "la casa". –said Scott when she hung up. She laughed.
–You need to teach us Spanish, González. –I looked at her through the rear mirror.
–Whenever you'd like guys. –she smiled.
Scott parked the car in the airport's parking lot and we walked in silence all the way to my airline's counter so I could get my boarding pass. Once I had it, I approached them. I don't know why I felt a knot in my stomach.
–So... –I said and Scott followed, saying "so" as well.
–So... –said Y/n. We all looked at each other and started laughing.– What? I felt left out. –she said and Scott side hugged her while still laughing.
–I guess this is goodbye, big bro.
–I guess it is. –I hugged him tight.– But we'll wrap up in about a month and a half and then we can see each other again.
–Still, I hate to admit it but I'll miss you. –we broke our embrace.– And don't worry, I'll take good care of Dodger.
I kneeled down and started petting Dodger. This time I wouldn't take him with me and I was going to miss him like crazy. He laid his paw on my knee and gave me puppy eyes, he knew what was happening since he started making crying-like noises. I repeated "I know, bubba" and "I'm gonna miss you too" several times, which made him scratch his head on me, wanting to stay with me as long as possible.
–Uncle Scott will take good care of you and I'm sure Y/n will pamper you a lot. –Dodger looked and went to her as soon as I mentioned her name and started scratching her leg to make her pet him.– And just like that, you forget about your father, Dodge. –I got up slightly disappointed at how my dog forgot about me in within seconds, that only made Scott burst into laughter.
–Wow, you were replaced quite easily. –Scott said. I gave him a quick stern look. Then, I approached Y/n, who giggled at what Scott said.
- In Serial485 Chapters
Nano Machine
Until the time of him becoming the master of the lowest rank in the order of rankings, the lonely side of his life without luck was changed. One day suddenly, a future descendant injected him with a nano machine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him. [I am seventh generation Nano Machine manufactured by the Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as central nerve connected to your brain.] “What? What are you talking about?” This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, so he turned pale and asked. The Nano Machine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said. “Who are you, and why are you doing this to me?” [“I am seventh generation Nano Machine.] “Nano Mashin?” [Yes, Nano Machine.] The boy’s face got hardened. Mashin was deity the Mashin Religion worshipped, along with the Sacred Fire. The Master of the Mashin Religion’s role was to communicate with Mashin. “Um, are you really Mashin?” The boy knelt down and asked with trembling voice. At this, the Nano Machine attached to his cerebrum realized he had misunderstood it.
8 215 - In Serial27 Chapters
Rebirth of the Sword Emperor(Original version)
This story is being rewritten. Check the new version here. --------------------------------- Mark has reached the epitome of martial greatness, reaching level 400 and attaining the title Tier 6 Sword God. However, due to unknown circumstances, he is forcibly sent back into the past. Entering the "New Reality", Ashes of Gods, once again, Mark vows to reclaim his former glory and strives to reach unimaginable heights. Armed with mysterious battle techniques, advanced knowledge of gathering qi, and sophisticated dungeon conquering strategies, he sets out to accomplish legendary and unique quests. In this lifetime, he will serve no one, and he will never be underneath anybody. And thus begins the legend of a single man who defies fate and goes against the heavens. ***** I found the cover in google, if the art is yours and you want to be credited, or want it to be removed, just pm me.
8 170 - In Serial27 Chapters
Bound in the Dark
About a kid who escapes his darkness by harnessing it, along with his friend who helps him find a cause to use what powers they have as they fight against the dark and...the light.
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The Accidental Summoning
Meet Melvin Murphy, your average everyday teen trying to make his way through high school. One day he awakens and learns of a system that governs all magic. In his attempt to summon a master to show him the ropes, he accidentally botches the ritual and summons Kalliphae. This is the story of how two kids from different worlds grow into their own while surviving things like school, bullies, and vampires. Release schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 00:30 PST. Come join the discussion. I'd love to hear from you. I also include 2 bonus chapters on my discord. Discord Link You can join me for live streams of my writing at: Twitch Link You can preorder book 1 here: Amazon Link - Comes out 12/6
8 187 - In Serial169 Chapters
Trading Hells
It is the year 2248. More than 150 years after World War 3 ended in the "Night of the falling Stars" large parts of the world are an inhospitable wasteland marred by biological and nuclear weapons. Decades after the 3rd north american civil war finally ripped the great country appart. Powerful corporations have taken control of many nations left standing and are fighting a neverending war behind the public awarness. In this world, a young woman is forced to leave her home for another city, another country. She is trading one hell for another. Cover image is not from me: Image for Volume 1 is from Pete Linforth at Pixabay Image for Volume 2 is from Image by Mark Frost from Pixabay Schedule is Monday and Thursday
8 208 - In Serial6 Chapters
Codes etc.
𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜.
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