《exchange student (cevans)》five


The sound of a car alarm woke me up. My head hurt a little, not really from the alcohol but from going to sleep late. The clock on my bedside table strikes quarter to ten in the morning, I don't usually wake up this late but I guess it didn't matter since it was Saturday and I went to sleep pretty late.

I sat down, not really wanting to leave my bed but somehow got the enough strength to do so. I sighed, opening the drawers to grab my outfit for the day and without hesitation got in the shower, spending way too much time in there. Once I finished showering and getting ready I went downstairs, I could hear some voices in the kitchen and I started walking in that direction. Dodger was the first to greet me, I pet him while greeting Scott, Lisa and Chris who were having breakfast.

–Rise and shine. –said Scott.

–Good afternoon, girlfriend. –Chris said.

–Huh? It's not noon, yet. –I frowned.– Plus, it takes more than one date for me to be your girlfriend, Evans.

–Oh, so yesterday was a date? –he lifted a brow, smirking.

–Uh... no?

–I love that you're my sister now! –said Scott sarcastically and getting up to hug me. I hugged him back a little hesitant.

–How much did I drink yesterday? –everyone laughed and I went to grab a cup to serve me some coffee.

–I take it you haven't seen the news, honey. –Lisa said and after I shook my head, she turned the living room TV on.

"Marvel actor, Chris Evans seems to be off the market, ladies, for he was seen today at approximately 2:00 am with a mysterious girl having a midnight meal at a Boston diner. We are 90% sure the girl is Instagram star, Y/n Gonzalez, Salma Hayek's daughter with former husband Joe Gonzalez. What makes us be this sure about their romance are the comments that the 39 year old actor left on Y/n's most recent post, where they allegedly admitted to have spent the night together. Is this a one night thing or is the Marvel hottie in a serious relationship? We'll have to wait until they confirm it."

–Oh God... –Lisa turned the TV off, I covered my mouth and turned around to see them.– Now I get why my mom was silent about me for so long... How do paparazzis know where you are at that time of the night? –Chris just lifted his shoulders and laughed at how shocked I was.– Oh no, does this means that they'll follow me everywhere now? –I pouted.



–It's posible, sweetie.

They all spoke in unison, making me sigh. I grabbed a plate and served some pancakes that Lisa had made on it, adding some berries and sliced bananas on top as well as maple syrup. I sat down at one of the kitchen island's bar stools and started eating my late breakfast.

The three of them started talking about their plans for today. Scott had to run some errands and would help Lisa with hers, they asked me if I wanted to come along but I had to write an essay that was due for Monday so I turned their offer down. Chris was going to spend some time here in Lisa's house since he originally came here just to do that, relax and spend some family time before going back to Atlanta to keep shooting for his movie.

After I finished eating, I washed the dishes and went straight to the office. It used to belong to Mr. Evans but apparently since the divorce no one entered that room and Lisa said I could use it as a work space. I took a sip of coffee and started writing my essay.


I don't know how much time went by until Dodger came to see me. I was already halfway through my homework so I took a little five minute break to pet him and rub his belly. My alarm went off, letting me know my five minutes were over. Before I got back to writing, I decided to go pour myself another cup of coffee, Dodger followed me around.

I had to go through the living room to get to the kitchen and as I was passing it, I heard some snores. I peeked, seeing Chris asleep on the couch and decided to cover him with a blanket. I poured myself more coffee and went back to work. After what felt like an hour, I was finishing my conclusion, ready to send my assignment, when Chris knocked on the door, making Dodger get up and run towards him.


–Hi. –I smiled and looked back at my laptop.

–Can I come in? –I chuckled.

–Yeah sure, it's your house.

–Technically, it's my mom's house but I get the point. –he was the one chuckling now, I smiled.– I'm starting to think my dog likes you more than he likes me.

–It's because dogs recognize amazing people.

–I'm amazing. –he said and I decided to keep bothering him.

–If you say so...

–You're mean.

–Dodger doesn't think so.

–Gosh, I haven't been here in quite some time... –he sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk I was working on.

–Yeah, Lisa told me no one gets in here at all...

–Yeah, it was hard on all of us... the divorce. And I guess this room just reminded us that he left.

–I can imagine... my parents aren't legally divorced but they have a weird on and off relationship so I know how hard it can be to have one of your parents leave your home. –I said while typing the last details.

–How's your essay going? Thanks for covering me with the blanket, by the way. –somehow that last comment made me blush so I turned away to try to hide it.

–No problem. –I smiled.– And I'm done, finally free. –I said closing my computer.

–That's perfect because I was about to invite you to come with me to take Dodger on a walk.

–Sure. Just let me change into something more comfortable.


I went upstairs and changed into some leggings, a sweatshirt and sneakers. It didn't take me long, I got back downstairs and told him I was ready.

–Would you like to grab Dodger's leash?

–Yes! –he gave it to me, took his keys and opened the door for me.

We got out and started walking, I didn't really know where we headed to so I just followed Chris. We spent a few minutes in silence but it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, which made me realize that I really liked Chris' company. Even if I had just met him yesterday.

We kept walking until we reached an empty park. Chris kneeled in front of me and looked up at me, he stayed there for a good amount of seconds. I felt the heat in my cheeks and I started freaking out.

–What are you doing? –I asked.

–Will you do me the honor of being my mystery girl? –he said alluding to all the headlines.

–Get up, get up, get up. –I said slightly kicking the side of his leg. He began loudly laughing, unbuckled Dodger's leash from his collar and got up. The dog ran away but not to far.

–Did you seriously think I was going to propose?


–What else would you want me to think? You stayed an eternity there looking right at me. –I blushed, crossed my arms and walked to the nearest bench to sit down.

–Remind me not to ever propose to you, unless I want to get embarrassed. Lucky me there was no one here to watch me get rejected. –he smiled, sitting down next to me. I didn't answer, which made him turn around to see me.– Oh, come on, Y/n. Are you mad?

–Of course I'm not. –I rolled my eyes playfully.– You're a child, you know?

–Not the first time someone tells me that. –he smiled, we turned to see Dodger, who was playing a little too far from us.– Hey, bubba! Come here! –he shouted and Dodger came back running towards us.– I don't think I asked you what you're studying...

–Oh my degree is in Clinical Psychology.

–Seriously? I've always found psychology so interesting. Mostly because I myself have been diagnosed with anxiety... –he looked down while he spoke.– What was your essay about? –he said now looking at me.

–Really? I was recently diagnosed with anxiety as well... I also have a couple of depression symptoms, but ever since I came here I've been feeling better. I think the change of scenery alongside my therapy sessions and meds are truly helping... –I nodded.– Oh, sometimes I ramble, sorry. –I shook my head smiling.– But to answer your question, I had to analyze a character from a movie using the basis of the existencial-humanistic theory applied to clinical psychology. I had to give a diagnosis and propose a course of treatment for said character.

Wow... I've never connected this quickly with someone I had just met and it's been a while since I had a mature conversation with a girl that wasn't one of my sisters or Scarlett. We also seemed to have some similar experiences which kept the conversation flowing. I get why my mom couldn't stop talking about her, I feel like she's secretly trying to set us up or something.

–Are you okay? –she asked.

–Yeah, yeah...

–You didn't move, blink or breathe for a second. –she chuckled.

–Sorry, –I laughed.– I was thinking about how interesting your assignment and your degree in general are. What character did you choose for your essay?

–Yes, I really love it, I feel like I nailed the choosing career process. Although I always wondered what it would be like to be an actress and or musician. –she stayed silent for a second, staring at the trees in front of us.– I'm rambling again, sorry. –she smiled while shaking her head. I instinctively smiled as well.– I had to choose from a list of movies and the only one I had seen was The Joker so I chose him.

–Oh... Joaquin Phoenix was incredible in that movie, the way he portrayed the Joker role... I definitely think he's going to win the Oscar.

–Yes, I know! He totally deserves it.

–But why didn't you study dramatic arts, music or something?

–I wanted to, I already had an idea about what it was like since, well you know, my mom is an actress but I guess I was kind of afraid...? –she sighed.– That industry can be dark sometimes, you probably know about that more that I do.

–Yeah, tell me about it. –I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.– But you shouldn't make a decision out of fear... besides, probably your mom could have made it easier for you.

–No, I know... –she looked down and started playing with her fingers.– I took my time deciding what to do, making pros and cons lists, meditating and praying about it. I knew that whatever it was that I ended up doing, I wanted to use it to help people, whether it was helping them connect to human experiences through acting or song lyrics or literally helping them treat their mental health.

–That's amazing... –I murmured.

–Thanks. –she looked and flashed me that beautiful smile of hers.– Sometimes I think I make it look like I settled with my degree choice but I'm truly in love with psychology, I see myself happily making a living out of it. Plus, I ended up choosing my college back home because it offered great acting classes and I could graduate with my degree in psychology with a diploma in acting.

–Really? That's great, you get to do both things at least for now.

–Yes, exactly.

My phone started ringing so I whispered a quick 'sorry' before I answered, it was my mom. My eyes wondered between the sky, the trees and the rest of the park, one of my hands moved towards where Dodger was but I ended up putting it on top of Y/n's. We both looked at each other and laughed, she even blushed a little.

My mom ended up asking me to go back home since my sisters would get there so that we all could have a barbecue dinner together. She wanted me to use the grill so on the way home we would have to stop by a grocery store to get some ingredients. We hung up and I sighed, then I ordered Dodger to come back since he was running like crazy all over the place.

I told Y/n, that we had to go back and she nodded getting up. I put Dodger his leash and we started walking towards the nearest store. Y/n and I talked non stop, laughing every once in a while, still getting to know each other. Our visit to the store was pretty quick and so we got home in no time.

–Home sweet home.

–Ah... –she stretched and smiled, looking at me.– I'm going to get ready for dinner, don't want your family to see me like this. –she chuckled.– See you in a bit. –she ran upstairs and I headed back to the kitchen.

–Wow... so mom's plan is working? –Scott said entering the kitchen with a grin on his face.

–What are you talking about? What plan?

–Don't play dumb! She kinda wants to set you up with Y/n, why do you think she asked me to run errands with her?

–You're kidding. –I answered getting everything ready for the grill.

–I swear I'm not, she loves her. We all do.

–Scott, I could be her dad, –I said in all seriousness.– how old is she? Twenty two?

–Y/n? She's twenty. –my eyes nearly popped out of my skull.


–You thought I was twenty two? –said Y/n opening the sliding door that lead to the backyard, which was where Scott and I were talking.– Ouch. –she said handing me some kitchen tongs.– What are you guys talking about anyways? –I froze but thankfully Scott answered.

–He was just asking me how old you are.

–Mmm... okay. –she said and got back inside.

–She's not even legal! –I whispered-shouted.

–So if she was you would consider dating her? –he said lifting his eyebrows twice.

–Yeah, maybe... She's beautiful, interesting and smart.

–OMG you like her! –he screamed and started jumping, covering his mouth with both hands

–Shut up! –I panicked.– What if she heard you? And I don't...

–She didn't, and you totally do.

–Drop it before she comes again.

Scott didn't drop it. After getting tired of getting ignored he got inside the house. I kept setting everything up until Y/n came outside again to set the silverware and plates on the wide bench. She looked pretty, she had changed into some jeans and a sleeveless blouse. The temperature was lowering so I knew she would probably had to change again eventually.

A few minutes later, Scott's boyfriend and my sisters arrived with their respective husband and kids. I really missed spending time with all of them and playing with my nephews and niece, only now they preferred playing with Y/n instead of me but she convinced them that I would be a great addition to their usual hide and seek game.

Carly's husband took over the grill while Miles, Ethan and Stella and I ran to hide while Y/n began counting. Stella insisted in staying by my side so I knew we would be found pretty quick since she's very talkative.

–Uncle Chris? –she asked. We were hiding under the indoor dining table. I told her to whisper and she chuckled.

–What do you want to tell me, little Miss? We have to be silent so that Y/n doesn't find us! –I murmured.

–I told Y/n that Belle is one of your favorite Disney princesses and she said I'm just as beautiful and smart as Belle is.

–I agree with her, you are! –I touched the tip of her nose, making her smile.

–I think she's a princess because she's kind and smart and really really beautiful, don't you think?

–Yes, she is.

–You should marry her and you could be her prince charming!

–But, Stella, in real life, princesses don't marry the prince charming after a few days of knowing each other! –said Y/n crawling inside the table with us.– You lost, by the way. –she smiled at me.–

–Oh no! –Stella screamed.

–But now we can go eat with everyone, come on, your mommy's calling you.

We all crawled out of the table. I turned my head away since I had Y/n's butt right in front of me and I tried to be respectful. Besides, I had already peaked, it was a nice ass.

–Are you coming, Captain? –she bent down to see me, since she was already standing up.

–Oh yeah, yeah.

I crawled out and followed her outside. We sat down at the table. We all started catching up and fooling around, not feeling time go by. When Y/n finished she excused herself and went to sit down at the swinging bench. After a few minutes I went to sit next to her. She was rubbing her arms and shaking a little. I took my hoodie off.

–Are you okay? –I said handing her my hoodie.

–Yes! Are you sure? –she doubted whether to take my piece of clothing or not. I nodded and she took it.– I just wanted to watch the sunset. –she said putting my hoodie on.– The sun started to set, filling the sky with a warm color palette. Sunsets have always made me feel happy and grateful plus my favorite kind of sunsets are the pinkish ones. –we stayed silent a couple minutes until she broke it.– You know what would be funny? –she moved a little in her seat to face me and had a little smirk on her face.

–What would be funny? By the look on your face I don't know if I should be scared.

–It's nothing bad, I swear. Well, I think...

–Just tell me. –I chuckled.

–What if we play with the media posting a picture together? We could make fun of how ridiculous they are by sarcastically confirming our alleged relationship. –I thought about it, it actually sounded fun.

–Mmm... okay! Sounds fun. –I smiled and she screamed "yes", making me laugh.– Scott! Come over here! –I said, gaining everybody's attention.

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