《In Lockdown With Them》Chapter 27: We're Done Melting the Boobies!



The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I kept my eyes closed as I quickly turned it off and shifted my head against my pillow. I moved my body a little forward so I could find a more comfortable position but stopped when I felt my nose press up against something.

That's when the ambrosial scent of men's cologne mixed with a pinch of cinnamon hit my nostrils and I shot my eyes open.

Holy shit.

I was met with a rugged, sculpted, and tanned bare chest in front of me. I was about to tilt my head upwards but something stopped me from doing so... a chin over the top of my head? Arms were also wrapped securely around me.

My eyes widened, flashes of last night's events quickly started going through my mind. My heart rate accelerated a bit at the memory and my cheeks instantly heated up.

Blake had witnessed me having a panic attack. He witnessed me freaking out and breaking down. He knew how to calm me down. He said the exact words that should be said to calm down a person with panic disorder. He helped me...

I begged him to stay...

I'm not going anywhere Muffin.

He stayed.

I moved my head a little to the side so I could be able to tilt it upwards and look at his face. He was still sleeping peacefully. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed evenly and his forehead was covered by a curtain of soft brown hair.

I took a deep breath before I start freaking out and closed my eyes as I let it out. I stayed still for a minute and then opened my eyes and eyed everything around me, trying to figure out how I'm going to escape his hold-


I slightly smiled to myself as I carefully started to untangle his arms from around my waist and then slowly began to slip out of the bed, praying to god that Blake isn't a total light sleeper.

I was able to roll out of bed without making that much sound and waking Blake up and I internally thanked god for that. I tiptoed my way to the door, the carpet beneath me tickling my tired feet a little.

I slowly opened my bedroom door and almost jumped in my place when I found a body slumped on the floor beneath me.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at Cole's half-naked sleeping figure. Did he fall asleep here last night after he came in to check on me with Blake?

My heart fluttered and a small smile made its way to my face. I crouched down and lightly shook Cole's shoulders.

At first, he just shifted his head against the floor a bit, curled his body even more into a ball, and continued to sleep, but then I shook him a bit harsher and his eyes began to flutter open.

He looked up and squinted his eyes a bit, getting them used to the morning light. He lazily smiled back at me when saw me looking down at him with a smile and he let out a raspy, "Hey" and almost fell back to sleep afterward.

"Hey. Come on, let's help you to the bed; you'll hurt your back sleeping on the floor." I whispered to him as I helped him up.

He sighed sleepily and weakly nodded his head. I walked him to his room and made sure he collapsed onto his bed instead of the floor or bathroom bathtub or something then closed his door before making my way to the living room.


I sat down on the couch and just stared at nothing in particular as I thought back to what had happened last night.

My heart rate went back to accelerating and I closed my eyes again. How the hell am I going to face Blake after last night? He had seen me in my most vulnerable state and I literally begged him to stay with me.

Then another thought crossed my mind.

My nightmares.

They're back. I've had a total of three nightmares in the past few weeks and last night's one was followed by a panic attack. I'm screwed.

I don't remember taking my pills yesterday and I don't think crying myself to sleep helped with the whole thing either. I fell asleep thinking about them...

I took another deep breath.

My heart ached so badly. I really did miss them a lot, and Luke's absence made it ten times harder for me to go through the pain. I really am weak.

A tear slipped my closed eyes and I bit my tongue to hold back a cry. I quickly brought my finger beneath my eye and wiped the escaped tear before taking a shaky deep breath and opening my eyes.

I sniffled and looked up the same second my stinging eyes caught the sight of Blake approaching the living room from the hallway.

He still looked a bit sleepy, but I could tell that he was fully awake and conscious. He stopped walking when he was at the entrance of the room and gave me a soft smile. "Hey," he whispered.

I was glad that I couldn't spot any hints of pity in his face and I gave him a weak smile. "Hey." I prayed to God that it wasn't clear on my face that I was just on the verge of crying.

A few seconds of silence passed and Blake was about to say something when I beat him to it, "I'm sorry..."

Blake frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry- for what happened last night... I woke you and Cole up and put you in a crappy situation... you had to deal with me in the middle of the nigh-" My voice was breaking because of the tears that were begging to be let out.

"Stop," Blake cut me off and stepped closer to where I was sitting on the couch. "First of all, Muffin... Cole and I could give less than a shit about you 'waking us up' in the middle of the night because of such a thing... you think that's what we were worried about? our sleep schedule? Fuck that." He crouched down so he was at eye level with me.

"Second of all, you're not allowed to apologize; I'm not letting you. I also won't allow you to feel even a bit ashamed or embarrassed about it- that would just be stupid... and you, my dear Livi," he smiled as he poked my nose, "are not stupid..."

I looked into his hazel green eyes and smiled a little. My eyes starting to sting even more as they got teary. Why was I so emotional?

Blake brushed a lock of hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear, "Actually- when I come to think of it, you may have just a tiny incy bit of stupidity stored in you along with a few missing brain cells... but other than that, you're good Muffin."

I looked down and chuckled lightly the same second a few tears escaped my eyes. Blake brought his hand to my cheek and tilted my head upwards so I could look him in the eyes. He wiped a few tears with his thumb and my lips trembled even more.


I can't stop thinking about them.

Blake gave me a soft look and whispered, "Come here." A few more tears slipped my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him the same time he brought his hands to my back and rubbed it.

My shoulders shook from crying as I tried to shake the flashes of mom and dad's faces away from my head. I couldn't handle it.

Blake kissed my hair, "Shhh, it's okay Muffin. It'll all be okay... let it out." He whispered into my ear as he continued to rub my back. I stuffed my face further into his neck and cried even harder.

Blake smoothly got up a little and sat on the couch close to me, still holding me in his arms. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head. "I miss them, Blake." I choked out.

"I know, cupcake..." Blake whispered, "but you've been so strong for so long and I know that you can get through this. I know you miss them, and you're allowed to, Olivia- you're allowed to feel that way... so let it out. You're not weak for not being able to bottle these emotions in, you shouldn't even be keeping them in like this in the first place."

Blake kept whispering sweet nothings to me as I continued to cry in the space between his neck and shoulder for what felt like hours until my eyelids grew heavy and my breathing slowed... I found myself falling asleep in Blake Evans's arms once again.


For the second time today, I woke up to the smell of men's cologne and cinnamon hitting my nose. But unlike this morning, when I opened my eyes, I was met with one of my pillows instead of Blake's chest.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up straighter on... my bed? I don't remember falling asleep here and I'm pretty sure I didn't sleepwalk towards my room. Someone moved me.


I turned my head towards the room's door and rubbed my eyes once more. Cole stood there, wearing sweatpants and a mustard yellow shirt with his usual huge adorable smile plastered on his face.



Huda suddenly came rushing into the room with a bunch of bags in her hand. She quickly dropped them to the floor as she sprinted towards me and belly-flopped over my body when she reached the bed.

I choked out a chuckle as she started to wiggle and shake her body over mine, causing the mattress to shake with us. "H..ey,"

I caught a glimpse of Cole staring at us from where he was standing at the door. His eyes were widened and he looked quite amused as he watched Huda jump on me.

I looked back at her and just realized how wrong this probably looked...

She looked like she was humping me.


"Yes, baby?" she said as she started to calm down a bit, her body still moving though. Oh my god, this girl.

"Fuck," I heard Cole whisper from where he was standing. The little shit was enjoying this.

Huda's eyes widened and she quickly jumped up and turned towards Cole. "You pervy barnacle!" She gasped, pointing a finger at him.

Cole also pointed a finger at himself and wore a facial expression of mock hurt, "Me? You were the one who was practically molesting her a few seconds ago!"

"So you were enjoying watching a girl molest another? THAT'S EVEN WORSE!" Huda shot back.

Cole gasped. "Who said I was enjoying it?"

"My ass,"

"Well my ass says that I wasn't enjoying it, and I'm pretty sure mine's righ-"

"Nah, nah, shut up. Your ass is full of shit..."

"Damn Hudson," Cole smirked, "that sure was a fun fact to learn! I totally didn't know that buttocks' are full of excretion... thanks for educating m-" Huda shut the door on his face.

"YOU'RE NOT PLAYING BARBIES WITH US! PIECE OF EXCRETION," She yelled to him from her side of the door.

"NOOO~ I TAKE IT BACK!" Cole whined from the other side.

"Take what back?" Huda winked at me as she grabbed one of the bags that she had brought with her and threw it towards me on the bed. I took a peek inside of it and furrowed my eyebrows when I actually found Barbie dolls.

"Wait what do I take back?" We heard Cole whisper to himself before yelling, "HUDSON I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING... LET ME IN!"



"Go away,"

"But I want to strip the barbies and cut off their tits toooooo..."

My eyes widened.

"Huda, what the hell is he talking about?"


We heard Cole gasp from the other side and he flung the door open. He squinted his eyes at Huda. "Take that back!"

"Take what back?" Huds smirked.


"Take the two 'Hudsons' back and I'll take the charcoal back,"


"Fine, what?"

"I take the Hudsons back,"

"Cool," Huda said then turned around to face me. "Anyways, did you hear about the Chinese dude who ate a bat for-

Cole cut her off, "YOU DIDN'T TAKE IT BACK!"

"Don't interrupt me!" Huda shot her head towards him and glared. "Frickin carbon residue." She whispered underneath her breath.

I chuckled when I heard that and Cole raised his eyebrows before narrowing his eyes at her and making his way to the bed, plopping down beside me without saying a word, knowing Huda would kick him out of my room again if he did.

"Go on..." I said to Huda.


"You were telling me something," I reminded her as Cole grabbed the bag and started to pull out the barbies from it.

"Anywayyys... some dude ate a bat for dinner and..." She knit her eyebrows and paused.

"Hmm?" I gestured for her to continue. I was still a bit sleepy since I had woken up only a few minutes ago.

"That's it." She smiled widely at me.


"Just a fun fact that I heard... can we cut the Barbies' tiddies now?"

I looked back at the bag and then at Cole. He was holding a Barbie doll in his hand and was taking a peek at what was up in her skirt. The little pervert.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind and my eyebrows pinched. "Cole?"

"Yeah?" He didn't take his eyes off of the doll.

"Where's Blake?"

Cole looked up at me when I asked that. "Uh- d..octor's.." he was quite hesitant with his answer.

"Again?" I frowned. I hope he's okay.

"Yeah, just another checkup though, don't worry Oliver." He patted my head with the Barbie doll's butt. "Did you get the scissors, Hudson?"

Huda didn't even notice that he had called her that and she gave him a wide grin as she pulled out a pocket knife and scissors from another bag. Cole grinned back at her and she handed him the scissors.

What in the world is wrong with the people surrounding me?


"Guys?" I called out Huda and Cole from the living room.


"Can I go in now?"

"NO," Huda yelled from the kitchen.



I huffed and slumped back against the couch. What on earth are these two doing?

"CHARCOAL NO! BE CAREFUL, YOU'LL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!" I heard Huda yell followed by Cole's laugh.

I knit my eyebrows and decided to go check what they were doing. I was getting bored in the living room doing nothing and I was really curious as to what the hell these two were up to.

I walked into the kitchen and my eyes widened as soon as I caught the sight of what the idiots were doing. Huda was holding two barbie dolls with her hands and Cole stood in front of her with a small lighter... He was melting the Barbies' boobs.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Both of their heads quickly shot towards me when I yelled that and Cole stopped pressing on the lighter.

"We told you to stay in the living roooom~" Huda whined.

"What are you guys doing?!"

"We couldn't cut the tatas with a knife and scissors..." Cole mumbled.

"So you decided to melt them? What the hell is wrong with you guys? Why do you even need to remove them?"

"We told you in the bedroom!" Huda said.

"No, you didn't!"

"Yes, we did,"

I let out a breath. "That doesn't matter. Just answer the question."

"What questio-"

"Why are you removing Barbie's breasts!?" I exclaimed.

"We want to turn them into men..."

"Why, though?"

"Because it's fun!" Cole answered.

"We're even going to attach penises onto them!" Huda said happily.

My eyes widened even more and I looked back at Cole. He had a huge smile on his face and he was nodding his head vigorously.

"Don't worry, Livs... we're melting three pairs of breasts so you could do it with us! We just asked you to stay in the living room for now."

"How are you going to even do that" I'm so concerned.

"Do what?" Cole asked.

"Attach the... y'know?"

"The dicks?"

"Language charcoal," Huda hissed.

"The peepees" Cole corrected himself.

"Yeah," I answered.

"We're gonna make them with the remains of the boobies!"

Oh my god.

"Okay, now that we're done explaining... we can go back to melting them- feel free to watch Oliver, though clog your nose, the smell might be toxic."

I scrunched my face, "I'm good. I'll just wait for you in the living room, I guess."


I turned around and headed back to the living room.

As I was grabbing the remote control from the coffee table so I could turn the TV on, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out to check who had sent me a message.

It was Ashton.

A: Hey Olivia, I just wanted to inform you that my parents will be away for a few days and I was wondering if it was okay for us to work on the assignment either today or tomorrow since tomorrow's the last day to work on it. I know last time you weren't able to come over because of the transportation issue and we met at the park, but I don't mind picking you up this time. x

Wait, what?

Transportation issues? Was that what Blake and Cole had texted him last time?

I can't give him an excuse now.

But when I actually come to think of it. I don't really care. I don't feel uncomfortable thinking of it now like last time; he proved to be a genuinely nice guy at the park and we've been chatting in class like normal classmates a lot. I wouldn't mind going there.

Only a small part of me felt at unease, but I guess that's totally normal. Any girl would feel at least a tiny bit weird when put in a situation like this, but I wasn't really uncomfortable.

Plus, the assignment's due date is really close and we still haven't finished the rest of it, we only did the writing part at the park. And there aren't any excuses for not going now- I know I can simply tell him that I don't want to... but again, I don't really mind, and even if I did, I wouldn't have it in me to turn him down because I'm a wuss like that.

O: Sure. Tomorrow? I'm kind of busy now...

A: Yeah sure, sounds great. Could you make sure to send the location before 1 pm tomorrow, though? Please. x

I answered him with a quick alright before Cole and Huda entered the room with the Barbies and the bags that Huda had placed in my room before.

"We're done melting the boobies!" Cole exclaimed. Let's just hope that the neighbors aren't able to hear us well.

"Okay, so I stripped the clothes off of all the Kens and brought them with me, they're in this bag. I also brought two red and pink sharpies so we could draw the nipples since they're gone now. The glue that we're going to use to attach the penises is in the other bag, along with a smaller pair of scissors to shorten the hair even more because we kind of did a shit job of cutting their hair in Livi-pooh's room," Huda rambled as she sat on the floor with Cole and started pulling the stuff out, gesturing for me to sit with them.

I got up from sitting on the couch and joined them on the floor. Cole clapped his hands from excitement and grabbed the remains of the boobs before we all started turning the dolls into men.


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