《In Lockdown With Them》Chapter 10: What The Hell Dude? You Don't Just Yeet Food Like That!


"I don't think we should do this bro," I thought I heard a voice say from afar. I ignored it and just snuggled further into my pillow.

"Dude she clearly forgot to set an alarm, I think we do."

"How will you do it?"

"What do you mean how will I do it? She's a normal human being Cole, stop being so dramati..." I drifted back to sleep.


"Wakey, wakey Babycakes." I felt something poke my side and I jumped in surprise and hit whatever was in front of me out of reflex.

I sat up straight after opening my eyes and found Blake groaning on the floor rubbing his jaw and Cole leaning on my door frame clutching his stomach while laughing.

"What the hell was that for?" Blake groaned.

I furrowed my eyebrows, extremely confused and not fully awake yet. I looked down at my hand when I felt a pain in my knuckles.

Why the hel-

I looked down at Blake who was letting out a bunch of profanities while getting up from the floor.

Did I...?

Holy shiz did I punch him?

Oh my god, I punched him!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know. I swear it was a reflex action." I quickly apologized, feeling guilty and embarrassed.

"Reflex action?" Blake asked while Cole continued laughing even more.

"I thought you were a murderer or something." I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"A murderer? Why wo- you know what, just hurry up, school starts in ten minutes and I don't think you'd wanna be late." Blake sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed almost immediately. I totally forgot today was Monday! I grabbed a random hoodie and a pair of jeans and sprinted to the bathroom.

After slipping into my clothes, brushing my teeth, and combing my hair, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I stared at my face for a second and then pulled my hair out of the ponytail and let the waves fall onto my shoulders. I pushed a few blonde locks over the sides of my face, letting them cover the slight chubbiness of my cheeks and make my face look less round.

I looked down at my thighs and tugged at my hoodie, feeling a bit insecure wearing tight jeans like these. I kept tugging until I felt comfortable with the amount it was covering of my thighs.

I looked at my reflection again and smiled. I didn't hate my body or anything, I'm actually grateful for the healthy state it is in. I just felt a bit, actually more than a bit, insecure of the chubbiness of my cheeks, and a little self-conscious of the thickness of my thighs... and my hip dips. My damn hip dips. Even though they weren't that apparent, they were still there, stopping me from having the perfect curvy body that my mom had.

I rushed out of the bathroom and towards my room to grab my school bag and headed towards the kitchen where Blake was eating a banana and sipping on OJ.

"That was fast," Blake said, amused.

I just shrugged and grabbed a few snacks for school and a water bottle.

After putting all the food in my bag I made my way towards the front door and slipped my feet into my shoes. I was about to open the door and leave when I was stopped by Blake's voice.


"Where are you going?" He asked.

"School?" I said in an obvious tone.

Blake rolled his eyes. "Is your ride outside or something?"

"What? No, I'm walking." I answered.

"No you're not, it's a thirty-minute walk from here to school and school starts in-" he checked the time on his phone's lock screen "-one minute." He said as he slipped into his shoes and opened the front door.

He stepped out of the house and started walking towards the elevator but stopped when he looked back at me. "You coming or what?"

"Where's Cole?" I asked.

"He left a couple of minutes ago, now hurry up," Blake answered.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door before locking it with my key and following him.


"No. Nuh uh. I'm not riding that. I'd rather crawl to school." I told Blake as I stared at the death machine in front of me.

"Aww is the princess scared? Don't worry, I'll make sure not to crash into more than ten cars, you'll be perfectly fine. Plus, It'll be fun! I even have an extra pink Barbie helmet!" He held the hot pink helmet up in the air for emphasis.

"Oh how nice of you to let me wear your bimbos' helmet, but I think I'll pass."

"Well if Cole's considered a Bimbo then yeah, sure! This is my bimbo's helmet. Now stop being a wuss and hurry up; we're already three minutes late." Blake hopped onto the motorcycle and patted the spot behind him.

"That's Cole's?"

"Yup. I got it for him as a joke, he's never worn it though, so you'll be the first to ever wear it! Isn't that nice? Now hurry the hell up Muffin before I drag you here myself." Blake gave me a shit-eating grin.

I glared at him, took a deep breath, and climbed onto the motorcycle, putting the helmet on, and wrapping my arms around his chest as he started the bike.

"Not too tight Muffin; I kind of need my ribs for, y'know... protecting my thoracic organs and crap."

I would've rolled my eyes if they weren't shut tightly and I wasn't praying to the big guy up there to not let me die at such a young age before the next season of Prison Break comes out.

I felt the motorcycle start moving and smiled. This isn't as bad as I thou-


I heard him chuckle and he slowed down to a less deadly speed. I kept my eyes close and continued to internally pray to god.

A couple of minutes later after opening my eyes I started getting used to the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair and hitting my face and was enjoying the feeling of adrenaline rushing through my system.

I breathed in the air and loosened my hold on Blake a bit, so I don't crush his ribs, and closed my eyes again.

About five minutes passed and I felt the bike come to a stop. "We're here, Muffin," Blake whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were parked in front of the school. Not many students were outside because the first period already started a couple of minutes ago and I thanked God for that; I really didn't want the whole school thinking I'm Blake's chick of the weekend because of the ride. And I know, I know... I'm not supposed to care what anyone else thought, and I don't. It's just nice to be known as one of the few girls who still had her dignity left in this school.


I quickly hopped off of the bike, took the Barbie helmet off, thanked Blake for the ride, and sprinted to class, praying the teacher won't slaughter me for being late to class.


I was making my way to my locker to put my chemistry book away before leaving the school when I felt someone hit my shoulder.

I turned around to find Huda about to punch me again and stopped her. "What the hell."

"You idiot." Huda slapped my head lightly.

"Stop-" I hit her head with my palm, "-hitting-" I hit her again, "-me-" and again."-for no freaking reason!" I slapped the back of her head one last time.

Huda rubbed her head "Jeez, okay okay, I'll stop. I called your name a hundred thousand million freaking times and ran across the entire school trying to keep up with you, slow the hell down. Jesus Christ."

I continued walking towards my locker with Huda following me, "Oh. Sorry, didn't hear you."

Huda sighed, "It's fine. What the hell is going on between you and Evans though? Is it true?..."

I turned around to face her so fast I saw her slightly jump from the sudden movement. "What do you mean?"

I swear to god if a rumor starts because of this morning I'm going to kill someone and drown whoever started the rumor with the person's blood after feeding them the organs of that dead person.

Okay, maybe that was a bit too much. But I'll make sure to kill an asshole like Donald Trump or Jake Paul. No one likes those rotten oranges anyway.


Huda stared at my face for a few seconds and burst out into laughter. She pointed at my face and continued to laugh hysterically. "YOUR FACE." she choked out.

I slapped the back of her head so hard she stopped laughing. "What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't funny."

"Oh but it is." Huda laughed a bit more while rubbing her head. "I knew it would work! I was just kidding by the way; I saw you guys this morning and was about to say hi to you but you were running so fast to class that you didn't even see me. Though Blake did, he waved at me and then continued to smirk your way. The dude's weird as hell."

I let out a long breath in relief. Thank goodness, I really wasn't planning on killing someone at such a young age... even Donald Trump- actually nah, I'd totally murder that frickface.

I smacked Huda's head again.


I turned around to put away my book and grab the ones needed for my homework assignments. "Oh shut up you deserve it."

Huda huffed. "Whatever, I gotta go pick up Malik and Eddie from school. Call me when you get home, I need to tell you something but I don't think it's safe to say it to you right now since you're in a really... violent mood. Bye."

"Byee." I kicked her butt. She flipped me off and ran to the entrance.

When I finished placing the books in my bag I shut my locker and turned around to head to the entrance when I looked up and felt my heart stop and my breathing hitch.

There she was, standing there, talking to a group of girls, including Tracey and her female dogs.

I think she felt my gaze on her because she looked up and directly at me, and I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

Tina smirked at me and slightly tilted her head to the side.

I can't breat-

Suddenly a certain chest appeared in front of me, blocking the view of the she-devil standing a couple of feet away from me. I looked up and was met with familiar hazel green irises looking down at me. "Hey, are you ready?" Blake asked.

I gulped back the sudden feeling of fear that I felt rising when I saw Tina a minute ago and focused on Blake. "I-I'm sorry what?"

"Cole left with some chick and I saw your friend leave a few minutes ago. I'm heading home so I can give you a ride."

"Oh. N-no it's okay, I was actually planning on walking home, plus I gotta stop by the store to get some bell peppers since Cole finished them yesterday for dinner when he made stuffed peppers."

"So? I'll drive you there. You do realize the store is a forty-minute walk away from school and the apartment's a thirty-minute one, and they're both in different directions, right?"

I couldn't really process what Blake was saying when I knew she was standing right behind him and was probably looking at me. I took a peek over Blake's shoulder and noticed that the smirk was long gone from her perfect face and she was currently glaring daggers at me.

I gulped and looked away quickly. I could feel the panic rise inside me and my heart started racing again. The last time I saw her was the day she was kicked out of Aunt Becky's house and sent back to her parents' house after Luke had caught her bullying me.

"Olivia? Are you okay? Hellooo?" Blake tapped my shoulder, cutting me out of my thoughts and bringing my focus back on him.

"Y-yeah sorry, I spaced out." I shook my head and glanced back at Tina for a second.

"Yeah, you tend to do that alo-" Blake noticed I was looking behind him. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to see what I was looking at.

Tina quickly wiped the scowl away from her face when she saw Blake turn around and gave him a disgusting smile while checking him out hungrily. Basically eye-raping him.

Blake looked back at me, his eyebrows still furrowed. "Come on, let's go." He didn't give me a chance to protest before he started walking towards the entrance, expecting me to follow him.

I looked back at Tina for a second and gulped again, then followed Blake to the school's entrance.

"Why was Tina looking at you like that back in the hallway?" Blake asked me as he hopped onto the motorcycle.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You know her?"

He nodded slowly and looked back behind me for a second before looking back at me. "Yeah, I um, had a thing with her last summer, but your brother told me she was a bitch a few days before I realized she was actually a piece of trash. Would rather die than touch her again."


"Yeah." He stared at nothing for a few seconds before he shook his head and patted the seat behind him. "Come on, let's go, those peppers aren't gonna make their way to the apartment by themselves."

I nodded and sat behind him, put the Barbie helmet on, and wrapped my arms around his chest as he started the bike.

"Ready?" Blake asked.

I closed my eyes and tightened my hold around him. "Ready."

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"Red, yellow, orange, or green?" Blake asked, holding up the four peppers.

We were currently in the grocery store buying the peppers and other ingredients for the Fajitas that I'm making for dinner today since it's my turn to cook.

"Uhh, it really doesn't matter, all of them work. Though Luke used to get the green and red ones, so I'll just stick to those two."

Blake nodded. "How many?"

"Two of each, I guess," I answered.

Blake grabbed two of each and threw them into the bag inside the cart.

"What the hell dude? You don't just yeet food like that!" I scolded Blake as we walked to the aisle that contained toast and other bread... stuff.

Blake smirked while searching for the tortilla bread. He grabbed the pack once he found it and threw it into the cart from a couple of feet away. "Oops."

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the cheese aisle to get some cheddar cheese with Blake following me.

Blake spotted something in the fridge and yelled "Oo, Oo, Ooooo! FINALLY."

He sprinted towards the fridge and grabbed something before turning to face me and gave me a wide grin. "Hey Olivia?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him "Hmm?"

"Not to be cheesy, but you're looking really-" He held a block of Gouda cheese up in the air "-Gouda."

Blake didn't give me time to react before he punched the air and started jumping up and down and smiling "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WANTED TO SAY THAT?"

I looked at him jumping up and down in the middle of the store like a maniac. "Blake?"


"That was the worst pick-up line I've heard in... well, ever."

"Just-just let me have this moment okay?" Blake whined like a child "I created that one when I was thirteen, give me some credit."

I chuckled at his tone "Sure."

Blake smiled and then walked to the cash register. We paid for the groceries and made our way back to the apartment.

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