《That teacher Who Saved Me / Adopted By Gerard Way》19
Tw: small mention of periods
Laysa's pov
I woke up feeling like garbage but soon enough that feeling was gone as I realized what day is.
With excitement filling my body I jumped out of the bed.
As soon as my feet hit the cold floor I regretted leaving under that warm blanket.
Today I'm going to Gee's place for the night and I'm super excited.
Soon I can call his place my home.
I started walking to the bathroom shivering of cold I looked in the mirror to see my face starting to break out even more.
As I got to the bathroom and sat on the toilet I realized I have started my period.
"Shit" I mumbled under my breath.
Why now? It really comes at the worst time!
After I cleaned myself up and brushed my teeth I got changed and went to eat.
Cornflakes as always. It reminded me of Delilah and all the mornings eating cornflakes with her.
I wonder where she is now.
I looked at the clock every five seconds to see if it's time for him to come get me.
I was so excited but also really nervous.
What if something bad happens?
Even though I'm sure nothing bad will happen when I'm with him.
My legs were trembling and I bit my nails till it hurt.
I was so nervous. I don't know why. We have done it before.
But anxiety is a bitch huh?
I stood up from my bed and walked to my table opening the drawer and taking my sketchbook out.
I opened my sketchbook. Taking a look at my old sketches I turned to a clear page.
I knew exactly what to draw.
Somehow I finished it because I got distracted with thinking about today and looking at the clock.
I drew me and Gerard watching TV.
It looked like it came out of an anime movie.
I liked it. My style of drawing is inspired by an anime look. It just looked so cute.
Gerard's pov
I was nervous, so I did what I usually did, called Frank.
"Hey man" he said.
"You okay?"
"Yea, just nervous."
"It's going to be alright."
"Yeah, I know but what if she doesn't like being here?"
"Gee you are overthinking, I've seen how you guys get along she's going to love being there."
"You sure?"
"I'm more than sure."
"I feel like she's not gonna have fun."
"She is gonna have fun, but what have you planned?"
"Well I thought that we should watch movies and draw but that would be boring because we do it often."
"You can still do that but add something."
"Like what."
"Just add something childish."
"She's sixteen Frankie."
"Yea, but do it! It will be fun."
"You sure?"
"Yes, it will be fun because you both are physically grown up."
"Okay, but I have grown up only physically?"
"Now you are mentally as well but back in my chem days."
"Do I have to remind you what did you do!?"
I said as we both burst out laughing.
We chatted until I realized I should clean the house a little bit.
It wasn't that messy but there were still some things to pick up.
I started at the living room, picking up dishes I had left there before.
As I was walking to the kitchen I started thinking about what food to make for her.
"What would she like?" I asked myself.
I thought about what have we eaten before and realized.
The first night I was at her place we ate pasta and she has only ordered pasta when we have gone out to eat.
I put the dishes in the dishwasher and went back to the living room.
I took all my things back up my room where they belong.
I cleaned the rest of the house and made Laysa a bed in one of the guest rooms.
That room is going to be her bedroom when she comes to live here.
As I was walking out of the guest room I looked back at the made bed thinking about what childish thing to do.
At this moment my mind was empty.
I couldn't come up with anything!
And what if she doesn't like it?
There was a knock on the door.
"Who would it be?" I mumbled under my breath.
Shit! I forgot that Ray was coming over.
I quickly walked down the stairs and straight to the front door.
I opened the door greeting Ray and giving him a good old hug.
"So Laysa is coming today, right?" He asked.
"That must be fun!"
"Yeah." I said looking down at my feet still thinking about what to do.
"Everything okay?" Ray asked as we were walking to the living room.
"Yea, just I don't know what fun things to do." I said as we sat on the couch.
"But what are you thinking about?"
"I thought watching movies and drawing but we have already done it multiple times."
I said.
"Hmmm...." Ray hummed thinking.
"Frank said that we should do something childish but I have no idea what." I said rubbing my face with my hands.
"Something childish? Really? When Frank is going to grow up?" Ray said as we both started slightly laughing at the last part.
"He told me 'since we are physically grown up it will be funny'... But maybe it would be funny if I only knew what to do." I said air quoting what Frank had told me.
"Hmmm... Maybe build a fort?" He said as he furrowed his brows slightly together.
"That's not a bad idea! And we could play board games there." I said smiling.
I know it's a small and childish thing but it's going to be fun doing that with her.
Everything I do is different with her.
Like watching movies, there's just something so magical about it.
"But if you guys build a fort then you have to send me a picture because I want to see what do you guys come up with!" Ray said as a smile found its way to his face.
"Of course we'll send you a picture!" I said excited about tonight.
We continued to talk until it was time to go pick Laysa up.
"I can drive you home since your car is still in repair." I offered.
"But we have to pick Laysa up first... just don't want her to wait longer y'know."
"Mhm... I mean it's fine by me!" Ray said almost screaming with excitement.
I giggled at his reaction. It was so cute that the guys are interested in seeing her. It really warmed my heart.
We walked over to my car as I realized I forgot my keys inside.
"Fuck... I left my keys inside." I said as I started walking back to the house.
I got my keys and walked back to the car.
I started the car and immediately drove off.
Drive there felt like forever but we got there.
A couple of minutes late but we got there.
I went inside my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like it was going to rip out of my chest.
I don't know why I was so nervous.
But that nervousness faded when I saw a girl with a jet black ponytail run up to me.
She wrapped her arms around me strongly and buried her face on my chest.
"You excited?" I asked already knowing the answer because of her lustful eyes.
"Yes! Of course, I'm excited!" She said blinking her long eyelashes.
Sometimes I wonder how she has so long natural eyelashes.
We started to walk to the car.
"Oh... Ray is in the car, so we have to drive him home as well." I said looking at her worried about how would she react because she didn't know.
"Oh... Okay!" She said rather happily.
We got to the car and she hopped on the backseat since Ray was sitting in front.
"Hey, Laysa!" Ray greeted her.
"Hey." She said smiling widely.
My heart melted.
I turned on the engine and put on my seatbelt.
"Can you turn up the volume please?" Laysa said shyly tugging at her sleeves.
"Of course!" I said as I turned the volume up.
A small laugh escaped my mouth when I realized what song was playing. Teenagers.
She hummed along quietly.
After the chorus, she asked giggling
"So I'm your biggest fear huh?"
Ray burst out laughing as I looked at the road with my mouth open not knowing what to say.
"If you kill me then yes." I said.
"But how could you be scared of me when you're already dead?" She answered holding in a laugh.
Ray laughed even more and I joined because I didn't know what to say back.
Laysa joined us with her cute quiet laugh as well.
It was perfect.
I turned to Ray's driveway and Ray stepped out saying 'bye'.
Laysa's pov
I looked at Ray getting out of the car and walking up to his grey two-story house.
It looked beautiful. Right next to the house was a big tree and there was a colorful hammock put up.
Everything looked so peaceful.
I was brought back from my thoughts when Gee started driving.
He was holding the wheel with two hands which I thought was super cute.
The corners of my mouth tugged up after I heard the next song. Bulletproof heart.
I started immediately humming along as Gerad did the same.
It was a vibe.
The comforting smell of coffee and air freshener.
The motor's quiet sound mixed with bulletproof heart playing quietly. Me and Gee both humming along.
It was a whole different vibe.
Soon Gee's hummes turned into singing along. And I couldn't leave him singing alone even though my voice wasn't perfect.
We both sang and glanced at each other from time to time.
As we were having our carpool karaoke he turned into the driveway.
It was so fun! I never thought that I would sing with Gee and overall I never thought that all this would happen.
We got out and walked to the front door.
He quickly opened it.
"So I'll show you where you will stay." He said
I followed him up the carpet-covered stairs to one of the guest rooms.
I put my half-empty bag on the bed.
I saw Gee looking at it weirdly.
"You don't have many things." He said.
"Yup, I only had these skinny jeans and that hoodie. But I got some clothes from the center as well so I'm good." I said.
"How much is 'some clothes'?" He asked.
I looked down and said
"A long sleeve shirt and two t-shirts and a pair of jeans... But most of them I can only wear at my own room." I said dragging the last part
Gerard's pov
I was confused why she can wear only wear some of her clothes outside her room until I realized.
T-shirts of course she can't wear them. Her wrists are full of scars. I hugged her and planted a kiss on her head.
It broke my heart.
I would have nothing if she would wear a t-shirt but she has to feel comfortable about me seeing them. Everything is okay as long as she doesn't hurt herself again.
"Do you want to wear my hoodie?" I asked.
"Really? Well, you don't have to give me one but yes." She said as she looked at the ground.
"You get comfortable I'll get you one." I said stepping out of the room.
I went and took my dark grey hoodie.
As I stepped into her room she was sitting on her bed.
I gave her a hoodie and turned around so she could change into that.
As I turned to face her a small giggle escaped my mouth. It looked so big on her.
But it looked cute.
"You look cute." I complimented her.
"Thanks." She said slightly blushing.
"So I have an idea what to do." I said scared if she'd like it.
"What idea?" She asked.
"Let's build a fort!"
"What?" She asked as her eyes widened.
"Let's build a fort in the living room!" I said again.
"OKAY!" she squealed which made me laugh slightly.
We got some sheets, pillows, and blankets and headed downstairs.
We put them down on the couch and started planning the fort.
Planning was probably the hardest part.
Laysa's pov
We spent over half an hour building the perfect fort. Because we messed up a little at some parts, but we fixed it quickly and put the pillows and a comforter in
It was amazing!
I have never built a fort with someone else before. It was so funny. Well if two people who are not that much of a children anymore, build a fort it will be funny.
Our fort was pretty spacious and cute after we added some pillows.
He even got some old fairy lights so we put them inside our fort.
It looked magical.
This is how it looks like ↑↑
After we finished he offered to make dinner with him.
We went to the kitchen and he took out a pot.
"What we makin'?" I asked.
"Pasta!" As I heard that I gasped happily. "Pasta is my favorite!" I squealed as he giggled at how excited I was.
He got out a pack of pasta as I filled the pot with water.
We let the water boil and sat on the Ireland stools.
"So, you feeling okay?" He asked me as I nodded.
I really appreciated that he made sure if I was okay.
He's such a gentle person.
The sound of water boiling stopped our conversation.
We poured the pasta into the water and returned to our places.
Like an hour later everything was ready.
Pasta with some vegetables and of course coffee.
We took our food to our fort and he turned on the TV.
He let me choose a movie, which probably was a mistake.
I chose 'Horton hears a who!'.
"Really?" He asked giggling.
"Yeah! I really like it"
He looked at me knowingly and said
"It's because of Jojo McDodd isn't it?"
"Maybe... But it's not important!" I said sassily.
"Oh shut up!" I said as we both burst out laughing.
After we finished the movie he said
"Shoot I forgot I have to take a picture of our fort and send it to Ray."
"He wants to see it?" I asked as he nodded.
He took the picture as I was staring and then he took a picture of me.
"Hey!" I said giggling.
"Awww... You're so cute!" He said as he took a look at the photo.
"Lemme see!" I commanded giggling.
After that, we took one selfie... Okay, maybe more than one. Because our 'one photo of the fort' had turned into a full photoshoot.
"Go inside the fort I'll take one picture." He said suddenly.
I followed his command and got in the fort.
I smiled and looked at his phone.
He made more than one, are we surprised?
"That was supposed to be ONE!" I said getting out of the fort giggling.
He sent the picture of the fort to Ray and then asked
"Wanna draw?"
I nodded violently which made him giggle.
I went up and got my sketchbook and he took the pencils.
We sat in our fort and started drawing.
I drew us in our fort and of course, it was anime-themed.
He drew me sitting in our fort smiling.
I really wonder how he could draw something like that with so little time-.
I looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was 12.30 am.
"You tired?" Gee asked as I shook my head.
"Great, we can play board games if you want?" He asked.
"Yeah, that would be fun."
We got comfortable and laid down the Monopoly board.
"I want to be a skateboard and you can't say anything!" I said taking the skateboard.
"Sure thing honey!" He said.
When he said 'honey' a warm feeling rushed through my entire body.
"You're on my street so pay me!!!" I said with a hint of sass in my tone.
"Okay okay! But damn you really have spent time with me." He said and we both burst out laughing at the last part.
"You tired?" Gee asked in a sleepy voice.
"Yup." I said following his tone of speaking.
"Okay let's put the Monopoly away and go to sleep."
"Mhm... What time is it?" I asked looking at Gee who looked at his phone and said
"2.15 am."
"Really? That's late." I said
"Mhm." He mumbled smiling at me.
"Oh nothing you just look so cute right, oh wait let me take a picture." He said.
He took a picture of me before I could react.
He showed it to me and I did KINDA look cute.
We went upstairs and he sent me to my room.
"Goodnight honey!" He said planting a kiss on top of my hair.
"Goodnight Gee!" I said and hugged him.
After our hug that probably lasted minutes, I went to my room and fell to the bed closing my eyes immediately.
Gerard's pov
As I went to my room I immediately took those blue jeans off.
After that, I fell on my bed with dark blue silk sheets.
Memories of today were going through my mind and not letting me fall asleep.
Sadly tomorrow she will leave.
I tried to stay on the positive side of today and not think about tomorrow.
But when I adopt her she won't have to leave. That thought made me smile.
I'm going to try to be the best dad ever.
But maybe it's too hard?
Is she really going to like being here?
I turned to face my room's window.
I looked at the shining stars. It had a really calming effect.
And like that, I was off to sleep.
I love her.
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