《Camp Closeted》28. Lucky Luxury Leech
"This is your suite?" Benny's mouth was dropped as Milan guided us through the large marble walls of his suite. "You sure this ain't a mansion?"
Milan looked back as if he was slightly offended at what Benny just said, Benny and I continuing to follow him through the large hall way. "Oh no, god no. If I had a mansion this small I think I would honestly jump off my private jet."
Benny's eyes quickly narrowed at him. "Bitch, I don't know if you're being serious or just highkey showing off." His voice slightly echoing throughout the picture framed walls.
"I swear I'm not trying to show anything off." Milan worriedly let out. "Okay, so this is the lounge area." He smirked, his hands presenting the large room that was carpeted and was completely intimate and beautifully designed. "The drugs or whatever can be done here so it doesn't stink up all over my suite. Although if it still does, I'll just hire people for cleaning." He casually told us.
I finally spoke out now. "This room alone is the size of my house. I'm not even exaggerating." I walked down the small steps and began to walk around the lounge.
A clean wooden pool table sat across us as various fur couches were spread all through out the velvet carpet. Each wall was padded and had small bedazzled shining jewels stitched into it. This is how I would picture an incredibly expensive and classy strip club would look like, just without the poles.
Benny slowly squatted down, his hands rubbing against the soft carpet as he slowly took his sun glasses off. "So this the type of shit y'all rich people see every single day?" He looked back at Milan.
"I would answer that question, but you'd hate me." Milan held back a laugh as he bit his lip.
"Just say it." Benny tiredly clicked his mouth as he got back up, pushing his sun glasses back towards his eyes.
"To be honest, this suite is like an apartment to me. Only because it's kinda small and I'm normally used to bigger rooms." Milan anxiously let out, our mouths still managing to drop at him. "You guys should see my villa in Cabo San Lucas, now that is gorgeous!"
Benny slowly looked up as he began counting. "So a suite that has 2 floors, 5 bedrooms, 3 restrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 marble staircases, a wave pool with a jacuzzi, a lounge area, a private theater, and 2 garages is considered an apartment to you?" Benny just began to laugh out loud as it was visibly hard for us to process the lavish life that Milan has been living.
Milan tried to quickly defend himself. "Not that I'm a spoiled brat or anything, but I just gotten used to it. I know for probably a lot of people this would be considered grand but I just can't relate that much." He shrugged.
Benny slightly crinkled his face as I just looked around the lounge area with him, carefully examining the unique furniture that filled the entire place. "The price of one of these couches can probably feed a whole struggling village."
Milan walked down the steps to take a closer look at the couches that Benny was talking about and he slowly nodded his head. "Probably, yea. These couches are made out of red panda fur." Benny rapidly lifted his hand off of the couch as his face magnified pure disgust.
"I didn't even know red pandas existed but oh well." Benny tried to force out a smile but he couldn't. "Having a red panda couch is definitely more important than helping a malnourished child in a third world country, am I right?" He breathed, his voice painted with genuine sarcasm.
I knew that Milan having so much and still being able to complain about something, knowing that so many people didn't have anything, bothered Benny to the core, and Milan understood this. "Benny, it's not my fault that there's people out there like that and I have money and they don't. Are you telling me to help them or something?"
Benny immediately responded, his voice not raising in volume, instead speaking in a more dignified tone. "I'm not tellling you to do anything, I'm just a little shocked about your blessings that's all."
My eyes slightly widened as Milan began. "I mean I am extremely grateful. I wish I knew about some of the hardships that regular people go through in life, but rich people aren't completely problem less either. I-I really am willing to learn how to be humble. Instead of trying to be Posh, I wanna be the complete opposite. Hopefully you guys will have enough patience for me until I become that person." He bit his lip, running his hand through his bright blonde hair.
Silence struck all through out the room as I just looked at Benny's blank facial expression, his mouth finally opening again. "Just as long as you're willing to try, I mean yea. Just don't try and test if that patience lasts forever because it doesn't" He nodded, a genuinely warm smile now formed on his face. "I wish Posh tried to do the same but knowing that bitch, he probably never even thought about it."
Milan chuckled with him as he quietly cheered to himself. "let's keep going, I have more rooms to show you guys." All 3 of us walked out of the lounge area as Milan continued to talk. "Believe it or not, Posh's parents were actually really poor. Right after his real dad died, that's where his stepdad, Mark Montgomery came into the picture. His mom worked for Mark while she was pregnant. I think she was an assistant. Next thing you know they get married then she gives birth to Posh."
"Wow! His mom surely moved on hella quick from one man to another! Pregnant and already wanting someone new." Benny's mouth widened as our voices began to echo again. "I mean, now that you say that, Posh was still technically born into luxury though. So, really, he ain't nothing but a lucky luxury leech."
Milan just nodded his head. "I think the mom just wanted the best for Posh. I don't think she could've moved on that quick. I mean, Posh is a constant reminder of her dead husband and I believe she just married Mark to be able to financially take care of her baby, not because she actually loves Mark."
Benny agreed. "You right."
After minutes of finally reaching and walking up the marble staircase, we finally reached one of the bedrooms. "This is one of the 5 bedrooms here, and they're all identical." Milan opened the door.
Benny didn't even bother looking around since the room was a lot smaller and looked like an actual normal room. "Hold on, are you gonna keep every room open during the party? Because I know damn well people aren't to be trusted and I don't want the rooms to get messed up." He amusingly said as I couldn't even hold in my laughter.
"Well, why not. It's not like I use every single one of them anyway. I'll just hire people to clean it after." Milan smirked as he quietly closed the room.
Benny's eyes slightly widened through his sun glasses. "You sure?"
He quickly responded again. "I mean, yea. I just really don't want this party to be lame and I want everyone to have a lot of freedom to just have fun and do whatever they want, just as long as they don't hurt anybody."
"This is gonna be crazy as hell." Benny clicked his mouth as I mentally agreed with him.
With a party being thrown in a place this big, anything could happen.
As silence was about to break out, Benny spoke once again. "Well now that we finished planning this party, I'm gonna go head out!" He announced, preparing to walk back down the stairs. "See y'all!"
My eyebrows quickly furrowed down at him. "Hey wait what? Benny, I thought we were gonna go back to the cafeteria together?" I shyly spoke, making him momentarily stop his feet.
"Can't anymore, sorry. I'm gonna be very busy today and tomorrow." He dryly replied back. "Keanu said he wanted to take me out to lunch today and to the drive-in theater tomorrow night. Knowing me, I obviously said yes to both!" He stuck his tongue out.
My mouth just simply opened then closed, watching Benny excitedly run down the stairs and out the front door.
Cadence couldn't stop laughing for some reason as the library was surprisingly very empty today. "Dude, imagine watching The Conjuring high as fuck tomorrow." He told Rama.
"I'm not going." Rama let out. "That's sounds so lame."
Cadence's quickly frowned at him. "Lame? Have you even seen The Conjuring?"
"I wanna go." Sascha cheered as Cadence smirked, Rama visibly not liking this. "I haven't seen it before and watching a scary movie sounds like fun. The movies they usually pick for the drive-in theaters are always either Disney films or cheesy Romantic films and this sounds different." He innocently smiled.
Rama quickly spoke again, his tone sounding a lot more irritated this time. "Sascha, no, you promised me we'd finish reading my book."
Just before Sascha could've replied, Cadence immediately raised his deep voice. "Dude, fuck your book! You're being so boring. I'm taking Sascha whether you like it or not."
"I can always read it to you the next day, Rama." Sascha softly let out, making Rama remain quiet only for a second.
"N-no, you know what? If you wanna go, then I'll be the one to take you." Rama sternly suggested, his hand wrapping around Sascha's nimble wrist, making him sharply breathe out.
"Fucking chill dude." Cadence deeply chuckled as Sascha looked like he was trying to think of a way of saying no to Rama.
Sascha's cheeks were visibly burning as I couldn't even understand as to why taking Sascha to the drive-in theater tomorrow night was so important to both of these guys.
These 2 gorgeously handsome guys are falling so visibly hard for Sascha and I don't even think he realizes it.
The door rapidly swung open, exposing a Romeo with reddened eyes and an aura of burning fury, my mouth slightly widening at seeing him so disorganized for the first time ever.
Romeo looked like an actual mess and didn't look like himself. His skin was abnormally pale as bags were deeply embedded under his eyes, his clothes being very wrinkly.
This looked like the complete opposite Romeo I remembered seeing a day ago at the frozen yogurt place. "Hey dude!" Cadence lazily saluted as I couldn't help but look away from Romeo. "Are you okay?" Cadence asked him.
Romeo's sharp jawline tightened as he was walking incredibly fast, making me slightly back up against the couch as seeing Romeo so aggressive honestly scared me.
After anxiously watching him walk faster towards the couch, he finally turned towards me, making my body tense up as his sharp hazel eyes sliced mine in half.
Without any word, greeting, or even anything to say, Romeo's strong muscular arms quickly brought me up off the couch and began to drag me out the door with his hands tightly holding onto my shirt's collar.
"R-Romeo what the hell!" I weakly stuttered as he was audibly muttering something to himself out of anger.
Cadence's voice spoke out as I failed trying to break out of Romeo's aggressively tight grip around my collar. "Everyone just needs to chill today." He calmly sighed as he slowly closed his eyes out of euphoria.
Sascha quickly tried to follow us but was stopped by Rama's tight grip around his wrist, Romeo continuing to forcefully drag me out of the library.
After us finally reaching out the door, Romeo's arms furiously thrashed me against the wall.
I felt my back painfully slam against the hard wall as the impact made my head snap back, making pain now begin to grow behind my back and up towards my head.
Romeo immediately walked up to me as his arms caged me against the wall. "Is this what you wanted, huh?" Romeo growled as our eyes finally met. His were red and puffy, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks as mine were just widened from shock and pain. "You seeing me completely fucking broken? That's what you wanted to see, right?"
My breathing became a lot deeper and faster now as Romeo's face glared at me in complete anger and frustration and pain and everything that he's been visibly keeping inside of him. "Answer me!" His scream made me quickly close my eyes in fear as he pulled me away from the wall just to slam me against it once more.
"I-I don't k-know what you're talking about." I looked away to the side as Romeo's face was undeniably very close to mine, a wave of emotions starting to come over me.
It felt like the situation with Logan that I'm trying so hard to forget is about to reoccur and I don't think I can handle it.
"She left me, saying that by dating her I'd only be lying to myself." He brokenly let out, finally letting go off me as his hands went on top of his head in visible agony. His cries uncontrollably echoed all through out the hallway as I still closed my eyes to just try and take in everything he just said. "Why would you tell her?" He sniffed.
"I didn't." I deeply breathed out as my body slid down from the wall and just sat against the wall across his crying self. "She just knew." I softly added, watching him completely have a meltdown right in front of me.
"You're a fucking liar Micah!" Romeo's loud roar made me close my eyes once again. "I was so close to being straight again and finally getting my life back! Why the fuck would you ruin everything!"
I finally had enough..
Enough of this...
All of a sudden, I don't know what came over me or where it came from but my voice was able to let out the loudest and strongest scream I'd ever done in my life. "Stop lying to yourself!"
Romeo's light hazel eyes immediately widened as I felt like I was losing my mind, my scream causing an overwhelming amount of silence to quickly spread all through out the building.
I deeply sighed with my eyes closed as my mouth began to taste blood. I didn't even bother to raise a hand up to wipe the blood off my nose since I was honestly just so exhausted at this whole situation.
I just felt like an actual corpse right now.
"Just stop Romeo." I heavily breathed in and out as his eyes didn't leave me. "Just stop lying to yourself." I continued, blood continuing to pour out my nose and onto the clean glossy floor.
Romeo gulped as he genuinely looked like a frozen statue, my weakened voice continuing to speak through the silence. "Stop trying to constantly change yourself for people who can't accept you for you." I slowly continued as I watched my crimson blood trail down the floor. "You're different Romeo. Whether you like it or not you're different and you'll always be different. Different is okay." I sniffed.
Romeo's defined jaw clenched as his fists tightened. "Don't fucking tell me that bullshit." His voice spoke low but was still filled with audible anger. "Being gay is a choice! Why can't you understand that!"
"Romeo it's not!" I exclaimed, shaking my head at him. "Do you really think gay people would wanna risk getting disowned by their parents and get thrown away by those they love? You think gay people would wanna risk getting bullied or beat up everyday just for being themselves? Do you really think we just woke up one day and said, oh hey, getting treated like shit sure does sound fucking amazing!" My voice still raised. "Well no! Because we didn't choose anything! We're human beings who just wanna be, Romeo! Why is that so hard for you to accept!" I was finally out of breath, subtly wincing at the taste of my own blood.
Romeo still looked like a frozen statue as he just stared at me with intense hazel eyes still widened. All of a sudden, his face softened, catching me off guard.
I broke my eye contact with him as I weakly brought one of my hands behind my head, slowly trying to caress the pain away.
My nose finally stopped bleeding but it didn't help knowing it helplessly just made a huge mess everywhere.
The sound of Romeo quickly walking away rung around my head as I just tiredly closed my eyes shut.
I need a fucking napkin..
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