In Serial

Needletongue, Carrotcake

8 67 42
Author: Type:Female

The world isn't fair. If anything, the inherent injustice of the world is what separates it from the fiction we so adore. Luis Freighthold knew this all too well, and that was why it took a bit longer than it should have to realise when he suddenly had everything he could ever have wanted.

Raised in a working-class single-father home, Luis had no other escape than fiction. Specifically, vampire stories of varying quality and genre. There was something appealing about the ability to fly, turn into shadows and become smoke. Danger. An unfamiliarity with the social world that rejected him so. Was it so wrong for him to hope for a different life?

Maybe, maybe not. Either way, now he had it—a lust for blood and abilities beyond the understanding of civil man.

Could you really say that he had anything left to complain about?

A vampire story following an unconventional vampire boy forced to accept that maybe becoming a vampire doesn't magically solve all your problems. As a matter of fact, it might just make a whole bunch of them even worse. Regardless, Luis is prepared to try everything to live up to the vampire books he had previously gorged on. What did it matter that his vampire form had no teeth, replaced instead by a long, needle-tipped tongue? He was still a vampire, wasn't he?

Chapters are around 10 A4 pages long, releasing once a week on Mondays, 01:00 CET.

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