《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜


As the pair of you walk to Kuroo's car, you cross your school's campus along the way. While you walk, you begin to feel bad that Kuroo had to deal with Tsukishima.

"Hey Kuroo?" you ask as you look towards him.

"Yeah Y/N?"

"I-I'm sorry about Tsukishima before. I saw you two talking and-"

"Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal and besides it's not even your fault."

Should I ask Kuroo if he thinks this is a date since Tsukishima said that it was? I hope Kuroo didn't tell him that it's a date...

"O-Oh okay thanks, Kuroo."

I mean Kuroo is attractive, but I don't think I'm interested in him like that. What would I even say to him if he thought it was a date?

Eventually you arrive at Kuroo's car. The rest of the walk went pretty slow since you spent the whole time stressing out over your possible date. Once you get in the car, you try to push away your thoughts.

When he asked me to hang out with him, he never said it was a date so it can't be one.

The next thing you know, Kuroo has already started to move the car.

"Where are we going?"

Kuroo looks over at you and smirks.

"It's a surprise, Y/N," he says smugly.

You continue to stare at Kuroo, trying to figure out his intentions.

Well great, that's not a good sign of it not being a date.

"Are you okay? Why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"Sorry it's nothing," you say as you turn away to look out the window.

You do your best to hide the blush on your face from Kuroo.

Just ask him, Y/N. If you don't let him know it's not a date now then he will probably think it is.


"Um, Kuroo?" you call as you look back over at him.


"A-Are we on a date?" you ask cautiously.

You freeze up the moment Kuroo starts to chuckle at your question.

"It is if you want it to be," he tells you.

You look away, unsure of what to say.

"I don't really know-" you trail off.

"No worries, I understand. Can't forget about Four-eyes, right?"

"W-What, no! I-It's not like that at all with Tsukishima," you respond in a panic.

"Really?" Kuroo asks "because the way he acts around you is like he's already dating you."

"N-No really, it's not like that Kuroo I swear. I hate Stupidshima!"

"Are you sure about that, Y/N?" he laughs.

"You're just trying to provoke me to say this is a date, aren't you?" you complain.

"Maybe," he shrugs "but I'm not going to force it on you. I just wanted to hang out with you because you're fun to be around. It doesn't have to be a date."

"Thanks," you say stiffly as your blush starts to reappear on your face.

Shortly after, Kuroo parks his car.

"Okay first stop," he looks over to you, "ready?"

"Mhm," you nod back.

Both of you step out of the car. You look around to see an area you haven't really been to before. In front of you is a cute little coffee shop that you haven't been to before. Once the pair of you order your drinks, Kuroo starts up a conversation.

"So Y/N, what year are you in?"

"I'm a first year," you reply.

"Oh so that's why I haven't seen you before," he laughs "I'm a third year."

"Yeah well it wasn't really my intention to manage Karasuno's team anyway," you tell him.


"Then why did you do it?"

"Well my brother, Keishi, is the coach and I was practically forced to join by him and Takeda."

Kuroo laughs. "Yeah I've head about Takeda's determination before."

"It's the worst," you giggle "but I guess it's fun now that I've been the manager for awhile."

"Do you ever play?" Kuroo asks.

"Not really," you tell him "but I've learned a lot from watching my brother and grandpa, who was the former coach."

"Woah Ukai-sensei is your grandpa? That's awesome!"

You can't help yourself from blushing as Kuroo's face lights up in excitement.

"Kuroo?" you ask "How did you get into volleyball?"

"Well it's a long story but basically I played a lot with Kenma and got him to join the team when we got to high school," he says proudly.

"Wow that's awesome that you were able inspire him to play!"

"I know," Kuroo says with a huge smile across his face "I'm very inspiring."


Once you're both done with your drinks, the waitress brings over the check. Immediately, Kuroo grabs it away from you.

"Kuroo!" you yell at him.

"Don't worry about it," he says as he scribbles along the receipt "it's not much anyway."

"A-Are you sure you're okay with that?" you say shyly.

"Like I said before, Y/N, I don't care if you want this to be an official date or not. I just wanted to hang out with you."

You lose your thoughts about complaining to him as he gives you a comforting smile. You relax and let him pay for the food.

After he pays, you walk back to the car together.

"It's getting dark," Kuroo says with a smile.

"Why are you so happy about that?"

Kuroo shrugs, "I like the dark."

"You're such a liar," you giggle as you roll your eyes at him.

"Anyway, what are we going to do now?" you ask.

"I've got an idea," he tells you.

You watch as he looks up at the sky. You look up too, expecting to see something interesting, but it's just the same sky as usual. You look back over to Kuroo and wonder what he's so excited over. You casually begin to look at his features.

He's pretty attractive too, I can't deny that.

"Like what you see?" he asks without even turning to face you.

You instantly feel your face heat up and look away from Kuroo.

"I'm just kidding," he laughs.

You look back over at Kuroo and see him smiling back at you.

"But you are cute when you're flustered."

"K-Kuroo," you say before your words fade away as you look into his eyes.

"Do you like chemistry?" he randomly asks.

Is he going to blow me up?

"Kuroo you're such a nerd. Why are you asking me that?"

Kuroo shrugs and unlocks his car. You get in, confused for what's about to come.

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