《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛?


At lunch the next day, Tsukishima and Tadashi come over to sit with you like usual.

"Hey Y/N how's your day going?" Tadashi asks as he sits down next to you.

"Not bad," you shrug, "are you guys feeling tired after yesterday?" you ask.

"No!" Tadashi says in excitement "I'm actually really excited to continue working on my serves today."

You giggle at his cute excited tone before turning to face Tsukishima.

"How about you?" you ask warmly.

"I'm tired from having to watch you every five seconds," he says unbothered.

You feel your face heat up as you glance over at Tadashi's confused expression.

"I didn't need you to watch over me. I can take care of myself Stupidshima," you sass to him.

"Like hell you could. You kept looking around for me to come save you."

"W-What?! No! It's your fault anyway for putting me in that situation!"

"H-Hey guys what are you talking about?" Tadashi squeaks.

"Tsukishima made me stay with him since-"

"It's not important," Tsukishima interrupts.

Seriously?! If it wasn't important then why was it such a big deal yesterday? Was Kuroo right about Tsukishima just being protective? He has no reason to be.

As you're thinking of a way to retaliate against Tsukishima's statement, you feel your phone buzz. You take it out of your pocket and see Kuroo has texted you again.

Hey Y/N! How's your day going?

You subconsciously smile down at your phone as you read his message.

"Woah there Y/N what's making you smile so much?" Tadashi giggles.

You look up at the boys, trying to come up with an excuse to tell them, but nothing comes to mind.

"O-Oh it's just Kuroo," you shrug.

"You have Kuroo's number?" Tadashi asks.


"Yes," you nod "i-is that weird?"

You look from Tadashi over to Tsukishima. The moment your eyes meet with his you look back towards Tadashi again in fear of his scary expression.

"What's he saying to you?" Tsukishima asks bluntly.

"Oh, uh-"

"Tsukki that's none of your business!" Tadashi scolds his friend.

You decide to put your phone away before the conversation gets any more awkward.

After practice ends and you're done cleaning up the gym, you run over to Kiyoko since you haven't gotten to talk to her much lately.

"Kiyoko!" you wave as you run towards her.

"Hi Y/N, what's up?"

"I was just wondering how you did on your test. I didn't get to talk to you much yesterday or today so I decided to ask you now," you reply happily.

"Oh I did good, thanks for asking. How did you do?"

"I got first in the class!"

"Wow and you did better than Tsukishima? Good thing I pushed you having him help you study," she smiles.

"Oh actually about that," you say nervously "Tsukishima didn't actually-"

You stop halfway through your sentence once a confused look forms on her face.

"A-Are you okay?" you question curiously.

As you ask Kiyoko, you feel two arms wrap around your waist from behind. You feel someone's chest press up against your back. You freeze for a moment as you realize Kuroo's behind you. When you turn around, you see a huge grin across his face.

"Hey there, did I scare you?"

"N-No I just wasn't expecting that," you reply.

"Um, Kuroo," you ask "why are you inside the gym?"

"I just asked someone where the boys were practicing volleyball and they brought me here," he shrugs.


Shit. What if Tsukishima sees him?

Immediately you grab Kuroo by the arm. Since he's caught off guard, he doesn't hesitate to follow you. You pull him outside of the gym and around a corner so nobody will see you two.

"What's wrong, Y/N" Kuroo asks.

You see his face stay confused and you roll your eyes at his stupidity.

"Oh I see," he says as a smirk grows "were you just trying to get me alone?"

"K-Kuroo!" you scream before realizing how loud you were, "N-No I wasn't. It's just that Tsukishima's around."

"So what," he shrugs "does that matter?"

"Well I didn't exactly tell him that we're hanging out."

"Does he need to know?"

His questions keep catching you off guard. You aren't exactly sure how to answer them.

"Look Y/N don't worry about it."

You give him a smile hoping that he was right.

"Alright, I'll be right back. I need to grab my backpack. Stay here and please don't wander around," you warn him.

"Okay, okay, fine but hurry up."

You roll your eyes and smile at him before turning away to run into the gym. Once you grab your bag, you look around for Tsukishima.

I don't see him anywhere in here. I guess he left already. Thank Asahi.

With a giggle to yourself you walk back outside to find Kuroo, hoping he hadn't run off anywhere. As you approach the spot you left him in, you see Tsukishima standing next to Kuroo. Reflexively, you hide back inside to avoid confrontation.

Shit, I was wrong. What am I supposed to do now. It might be better to just let them talk and maybe Tsukishima won't find out... No, Stupidshima is annoying but he's not dumb.

As you try to suppress your thoughts, Tsukishima walks back inside the gym, moving right past you. As he passes, he gives you a glare before turning his attention to something else. Your heart sinks for a moment, not sure of what exactly was going on. You decide to run up to Tsukishima to make sure everything's okay.

"Tsukishima!" you call as you approach him.

After ignoring you, you place your hand on his arm and ask him if he's okay. Without giving a second thought, he pulls his arm away from you.

"Your date is waiting," he tells you.

"I-It's not a date," you say as you look away to avoid his gaze.

Tsukishima scoffs and picks up his bag. He looks at you for a moment before pushing past and leaving the gym.

I guess I should go check on Kuroo then.

You run outside to look for the boy who had just traveled all of the way to see you. Once you see him, you run up to him and give him a hug.

"Are you okay?" you ask quietly.

"Yeah," he chuckles "Four-eyes isn't ready to murder me just yet."

"I'm really sorry about that," you say as you look down to your feet.

"It's okay," he replies as he picks up your chin, "Are you ready to go?"

You nod and show him the way back to the parking lot.

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