《The Unseen》Chapter 21


Juno's pleasant humming woke Kelton. Serenity's dream faded away, and he rolled onto his back, his shoulder prickling from having fallen asleep. Juno was busy collecting her things when she noticed his movement.

"Good morning." Her smile was clearly visible. Daylight streamed in through the window, lighting her like the candle never could. 'No,' Kelton thought, 'she is not unpretty.'

"Are you leaving me?"

"Floren will be here soon," Juno replied. "You live, not addled of mind. My duties are complete."

"There was a chance I wouldn't survive?"

"Some, and a chance the fever would ruin your mind and make you simple."

"So you saved my life."

"It's what a hero does," Juno said, waving to an invisible throng of worshipers. Kelton laughed, then scratched his leg. The ointment had worn off in the night. It was much too bright to discard the blanket and have her apply more. He forced himself to ignore the growing itching. He failed and scratched the other leg.

"I've already seen it all," Juno said with a knowing smile. She brought the small bowl of ointment down within his reach having deduced the need. Kelton grabbed it and brought it under the blanket and began to spread it on his legs.

"I could have put it on myself last night?"

"Sure. But where's the fun in that?" Juno sat down in the chair and watched him struggle to cover himself with the oil.

"Do you torture all the people you heal?"

"Only the ones I like." Juno's face became serious, her eyes studying him. Kelton found it confusing. One moment they were joking and now she seemed to want something from him.

"Are you coming back tonight?" Kelton was working on his chest and arms, trying to quickly dissolve the irritating itches as soon as they appeared. Juno shook her head no.

"I have to earn for the house. We all do." Kelton found the idea painful. He liked Juno and found the thought of her pleasing men for coin disagreeable. He knew it was how the world worked, but it didn't mean he had to agree with it. Kelton was about to tell her so when a knock on the door distracted him. It was the first time he noticed the door was barred.

"Juno?" The voice was female and mature.

"Coming, Mother," Juno replied and unbarred the door. A woman, not as old as Luna, entered and smiled when she saw Kelton sitting up. Her face crinkled, showing her age, though her eyes were as alert as if she were Juno's age.

"You seem fit, Kelton," Floren stated. She kneeled down next to the mattress and placed her hand on Kelton's forehead. He stopped applying the oil as she studied him.

"The fever broke last night," Juno said. "The itching started, and I applied the ointment. His mind seems unharmed, but I didn't know him before the sickness."

"She has seen me through it," Kelton stated strongly. "I'm sure I would have died without her help." Juno smiled at him from behind Floren's back.

"Yes," Floren agreed. "Juno has done very well." She turned her head toward Juno. Juno lost her smile just in time. "I'm proud of you girl. He looks more fit than I expected at this stage."

"Thank you, Mother," Juno said. There was surprise in her eyes as if the praise was unexpected.

"Head back to the house, dear. You'll need your sleep. There is a group of the King's Own coming through town tonight, fat with coin I'm told." It was an order, a stiff one.


"Yes, Mother." Juno turned and quickly gathered her things. Kelton could tell that Mother was used to being obeyed.

"Thank you," Kelton called as Juno was exited. She didn't turn back or respond to him, just closed the door on her way out. Floren started to remove the blanket. Kelton's hand snapped to her wrist and stopped her. "You sent her away." Kelton meant it more as a question, but it came out as an admonishment.

"Yes I did, boy," Floren said with an emphasis on boy. "She likes you too much, and I think it's best that she is reminded of her place in this world." She twisted her arm, breaking Kelton's grip and started to again remove the blanket. Kelton grabbed the blanket this time, not wanting to wrestle with the woman, and held it fast to his body.

"I want her back tonight," Kelton said.

"She is needed elsewhere." Floren tugged at the blanket, then sighed when Kelton refused to let it go. She looked at him, and her eyes saddened. "She is young, and you will fill her with dreams. It will hurt her more than you know." Kelton's grip on the blanket relaxed. "I know those dreams well, and suffered their pain many years ago. Is that what you want for her?"

"She is my friend," Kelton said without thinking. Floren leaned back on her heels and studied his face.

"How long were you two up last night?"

"We talked awhile."

"Her clothes remained on?"

"Yes!" Kelton said, shocked that Floren would think otherwise. Then his eyes dropped. "She saw me though." Floren laughed.

"It is a healers job to see, as it is mine." Her eyes bounced to his hands gripping the blanket and then back. Kelton released it. "And what did you talk about?" Floren asked as she slowly pulled the blanket off. Kelton's eyes moved to the ceiling as the blood rushed to his face.


"What kind of things?" Floren's hands began manipulating Kelton legs, trying to separate them. He struggled to keep them together. "Boy! I need to see between them. If the pox marks fester, it will be many moons before you will walk without pain." Reluctantly, he let his muscles relax. "Now, what did you talk about?" Her hands began moving parts about, parts he would prefer she didn't move.

"She heard me speak a name when the fever had me. We talked about that." Floren unceremoniously rolled Kelton onto his side and examined his rear more closely than he thought necessary. She let him roll back, then pulled the blanket back over the top of him. His relief was immediate.

"You will need to keep spreading the ointment for a few days, especially between your legs and under your arms. It gets hot there, and the rubbing can tear the weakened skin." Floren rubbed her palms together in demonstration. "In moist places like those, it takes a long time to heal. It can be painful for someone on the run."

"Okay." Kelton wasn't as unhappy that she checked his privates as he initially was. There was a purpose to it that made it less disagreeable.

"What was the name?" Floren asked. She sat back down on her heels and waited for Kelton to respond. "The name you spoke in your sleep."

"Serenity." Kelton wasn't sure why he didn't want to tell her. It was easier with Juno. She already knew.


"Did this Serenity wear the Wilted Rose too?" Floren held up her wrist to show her dulled tattoo. Kelton didn't reply right away. He hadn't even considered it and had to search his memories for any sightings of Serenity's wrist. The image of her in the pond was still very clear, and he was sure Serenity's wrist was clear.

"No, not a blemish on her."

"You saw all of her?" What followed was a fumbled rushed explanation as to Kelton's disastrous first meeting with Serenity and the idiocy in how he handled it. Floren waited patiently for Kelton to slow and take a breath. It took awhile since he felt the need to go back and fill in details he had forgotten when he started.

"So, she didn't like you spying on her?"

"I wasn't spying. Well not on purpose, at least not at first." Kelton sighed. "I couldn't look away. I wanted too. I mean I tried too, but my eyes didn't listen."

"What was Juno's advice?"

"That I should say I'm sorry. But she thought Serenity was mean for yelling at me." Kelton sighed again. "I couldn't remember if I said I was sorry or not. My words got jumbled every time I looked at her. Nothing worked right around her. Mayhap, I was already getting sick."

"Mayhap, you like her," Floren said. "It doesn't matter though, does it? You're on the run and will probably never see her again." The thought of never seeing Serenity again was not a happy one. Realistically, it was the most likely outcome, but still, it made Kelton feel hollow. He preferred Juno's advice to Floren's reality.

"What does it cost to be with Juno?" Kelton's face flushed when he asked. Floren would misinterpret his desire. He would have clarified, but it would confuse things more. It was better that she thought he was after what he was not.

"There are other girls that would be happy..."

"How much?" Kelton asked again, waving away other girls. "You have to tell me, don't you?"

"By law, yes. But then you won't be running to the King's Own, now will you?" Kelton dropped his head.

"You won't let her come, will you?"

"For her sake, not yours. As I say, I can get another girl that will please you. If you tell me what you're looking for..."

"I want a friend, not a bedmate." There, he said it. "I don't like where you intend her to be tonight." He looked up into a pair of wide eyes. "I just want to talk with her. I like talking to her."

"A silver for the night," Floren said. "And I will let her know her clothes will be staying on." Kelton smiled. "And there will be a meal for her." He nodded, already thinking the same. "And you will not promise things that can't happen."

"Gossamer has my coin," Kelton agreed.

"He's already paid a sum for the rooms and the healing. What makes you think there's a silver left for you?"

"I...I have to ask." Kelton's confidence in his plan faded quickly. Two days in town and two rooms. He knew that they had some funds set aside, though it wasn't a lot. He prayed to the Goddess that there was still some left.


"You live!" Gossamer said as he entered the room. "I would hug you, but Floren says I should keep my distance until the pox marks fade. Don't want me spreading it about." Kelton smiled, glad to see Gossamer was in a good mood.

"Did she tell you anything else?"

"Says you'll be asking for a silver and begged me not to give it to you." Kelton frowned. "But she's not the one I'll be listening too, now is she?" Kelton's smile returned.

"I want to hire Juno, the girl who cared for me at night." Gossamer's eyebrows rose. "I wish her a reprieve from work is all. I like talking to her."

"It is not my place to ask what a man does behind closed doors," Gossamer said, the surprise still on his face.

"She will remain clothed," Kelton clarified.

"Clothed, unclothed, it is your silver you will be spending." Gossamer shrugged his shoulders failing to hide his smirk.

"We have it?"

"We have four left; therefore you have two. I have paid for three more nights and meals here, then we must be off." He looked toward the door. "And that's if the door remains barred. The owner here knows what she risks and wishes you to remain hidden."

"It will be barred."

"What is that mess all over you?"

"An ointment of Floren's creation. It stops the itching, which is fierce without it."

"Did Juno spread it on you?" Gossamer's smile was broadening.

"Yes, last night."

"All over you?" Gossamer's eyebrows bounced up and down.

"She's a healer. She's supposed to see things. It was dark anyway, just a candle, so it was hard to see."

"I see," Gossamer said chuckling. "Or I don't see. Whichever." Kelton rolled his eyes.

"I'll need my clothes and both silvers then."


"Two nights. Can't spend it dead, can I?"

"No, I suppose you can't." Gossamer was still smiling. "Naddi said I could tell a few stories tonight. Mayhap, refill our coffers so you can get more girls when the feeling hits you." Kelton threw the blanket at him. "Just joking. Just joking." Gossamer was still laughing as he left a naked Kelton fuming in the room.


"Two nights," Kelton said, dropping the two silvers into Floren's hand. Her displeasure was displayed on her face.

"You'll give her no promises. Juno is going to be a great healer, and I don't need you ruining her." Floren's words angered Kelton. Hurting her was never his intention.

"She has already been ruined by the Brethren. Two nights off, that's my thanks to her." Floren stared at him. There was confusion on her face. "If you truly fear me ruining her, then don't send her, but there is her coin for two nights. She can do as she wills."

"You are a strange boy," Floren said, her hand closing about the silvers.

"I can't fix the world, but I can fix two nights for her."

"There are some that say you will fix the world."

"They are wrong," Kelton said. "I doubt I will live another moon." He pointed toward the door. "Barred doors can't hide me forever."

"They'll hide you for two nights," Floren said. She surprised Kelton by smiling. "Juno will be here tonight. I will tell her what you offer, but I know she will choose to be here. Know that you have power in this, though I don't expect you will misuse it." Kelton only understood half of what she was saying.

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