《chef d'oeuvre | JeongMi | by festoon》4) Allegro


Mina feels two emotions right now. She's happy. Happy because her supposed 'friendly date' is today. She's stress. Stress because she doesn't know what to do. It just slipped out of her mouth. She didn't even think about it but maybe she's lucky because Jeongyeon agreed for this day.

But there's to worry about, she really had no plan in mind. She's walking around her house, panicking on what to wear, where to go, and what to say to Jeongyeon so she'll never be bored later. Thinking maybe the latter just said yes because she felt bad and maybe Jeongyeon doesn't like her.

So she wants this day to be an opportunity to take a step forward closer to Jeongyeon.

Mina and Jeongyeon are on different sidewalks. If Mina wants to be with the same side with Jeongyeon, if she wants to be with her on the same path, she'll need to find that crosswalk and wait for the go signal to cross the street and stand, walk, run, or whatsoever that will make her satisfied, with Jeongyeon.

With those past weeks Mina being friendly to Jeongyeon, she'd like to know her more.

Because there's something about Jeongyeon that make her feels things. She can't decipher it.

It's ticklish.




Scary, because it's the first time happening to her, although, she wants to explore it more. Explore this some-type-of-a-way feeling and discover something about it. Even if this 'exploring thingy' would make her more scared or hurt her, she couldn't care less. And that's make Mina an idiot, a big one.

"If I decided to be an idiot, then I'll be an idiot on my own accord."

That's one of her favorite quote from Bach and she made it her own motto. That's why her friends always watch Mina because of it. Because her friends know—although Mina is bubbly—she's naive and a fragile girl. That's why her friends are always on her side, their sunshine.


While Mina is stressing out about their hangout today, Jeongyeon is riding a bus, going somewhere before she'll meet the violinist later. There's also a reason why she moved out in this place, so she doesn't need to travel a very long ride to go to Mrs. Faye.

Mrs. Faye was the wife of the late painter and a friend of Jeongyeon, Pierre. He's a french that introduced and inspired Jeongyeon in painting. Jeongyeon met him at a young age and Pierre passed away.


"Old man, what are you doing here? I thought you'll teach me how to paint only on weekends?" said little Jeongyeon.

"Old man? That's an impolite way to address me." Pierre, in his fifty's, said playfully at the girl.

"But you're an old man." stated Jeongyeon innocently. Pierre chuckled.

"Okay, I just want you to promise me one thing." He said.

"Promise?" Jeongyeon smiled excitedly, eyes brightening. "What is it, old man?"

"I told you not to call me old man." Pierre playfully put his hand onto his waist and makes an angry-but-not-angry face. "Call me teach or coach so it'd sounds cool."

Little Jeongyeon laughs and Pierre follows suit. As the laughter came into silent, the old man squats levelling with the girl and he tucked in the girl's hair behind her ear making Jeongyeon tickle.

"If one day you grow up—"

"But I have grown up." She cut him off.

"Okay, when you become a big girl—"

"But I am a big girl now." Again, she cut him off. Pierre sighed in defeat.

"My little Jeongieee~" He smiles and pinches the girl's cheeks but deep inside he's losing his patience.

"You know Faye, right? I know you've met her before." He paused. "One day, I want you to give her camellias."

Jeongyeon get off the bus when the familiar oak tree was on her sight. It's now dark brown, leafless tree. Under it was an old lady sitting on an antique bench that seems it will be destroyed in just a few seconds. Albeit, Jeongyeon still sat with the old lady, leaving a creack sound.

"Why do you still bother to come here and give me those flowers?" Mrs. Faye started.

The younger held her hand and gave the camellias.

"It's a promise." She said smiling, still holding the older's hands.

Jeongyeon acts warm towards her, contradicting to her personality. She gives flowers on Sundays because she knows that Mrs. Faye will always be there, under the old oak tree, sitting alone, watching the sky.

The old lady tilts her head to Jeongyeon, making the younger see her clearly.

And oh.

She's so, so painfully beautiful.

The way her eyes twinkle even with those bad eyesight.

The way her smile dazzles even with those uneven, crooked teeth.

The way she's blooming even with her wrinkled skin.


She looks spry even though Jeongyeon knows, she knows, they know that she's still damaged deep inside.


If Mina wants to be with the same path with Jeongyeon on her journey, her first step is to find the crosswalk.

Sitting now in front of Jeongyeon riding a bike with nowhere destination and plan in mind, Mina feels awkward.

First, she breath deeply. Second, she stared at the girl in front. Lastly, she gathers strength to at least break the silence between them.


It seems that she's getting weaker as she realized that she's close to Jeongyeon. Being on a backseat of the bike is like a curse and a blessing to her. But, she think of this as an opportunity to take a better look at Jeongyeon's face. Mina notice that she has long eyelashes and she also has a sharp jawline.

'Oh God'; Mina thought.

It's happening again—that ticklish feeling.

That spine-chilling sensation that makes her hair on her arms, legs, and everywhere stood up, the thing called goosebump.

That makes her blood flow rapidly through her vein making her heart beats fast and loud.

And she really, really wants to know what's this really, really weird feeling of hers.

"So," Jeongyeon made the first move to break the silence because the quagmire between them irks her. She feels like Mina is getting uncomfortable and awkward with her. "Where are we going?" She said as she stopped pedalling and put one foot on the floor so they wouldn't lose balance.

However, Mina was shocked by the sudden halt and she unconsciously held Jeongyeon's waist because she might fall.

"Sorry." Jeongyeon mumbled as she realized what she did. Mina swiftly removed her hands from her waist, her face painted by pink, and god she needs help because her heart seemed have to have no intention of calming down.

Another problem is that Mina doesn't know what to answer to Jeongyeon's question. She didn't have enough time to think out for this day, she only had a day and a half to prepare something. 'Yeah, that's not plenty of time... a day and a half.'; She mused.

"Uhmm..." Mina started. "I-I," she stutters, "I will t-tour you around the city." She smiles.

She was met by silence and felt abashed. The violinist cleared her throat.

"I mean, you haven't been around other places in the city, have you?"

Well, all Jeongyeon did throughout the month is work and paint, and work and paint. So no, she hasn't explored the whole city yet.

Mina didn't exactly expect for an answer from the latter. She let out a chuckle. And thank goodness, thanks heavens, thanks to all the gods or deities out there because the violinist returned to being compose and her confidence came back.

"Then, I'll tour you around and I'll show you amazing places here and introduce you to incredible people, I know a lot of them!" Indeed, because Mina's very friendly. "We can do anything you want for the whole day!" She exclaimed, her face shows a full enthusiasm.

And so they did. Mina toured Jeongyeon the city. They would take turn pedaling the bike when one of them gets tired. Mina really did introduce amazing people to Jeongyeon, they are really kind and welcoming. Mina even told the histories she knows of some sites and probably will talk about something again if she learned something new. She would laugh every time she almost lost her balance while riding the bike or she would just laugh at random moments. She would wave every time she encountered someone she knows and would greet the most cheerful "Hello!" Jeongyeon has ever heard.

Throughout the day Jeongyeon would just listen and watch Mina.

The city is not big but Jeongyeon feels something huge about it. It's not large yet she still feels small because on how great it is; the people, places, everything. Everything about it. Maybe this is a chance for a change in her life. 'I hope so.'

After the day, they continue their living. They got back to their own routine. And they just let themselves go with the flow of time.

That's when they realized that summer is almost over.

But little did they know,

It's just the beginning.

Like how the double bar line signifies the end and a new beginning of a part.

Beginning of pleasure and heartache,

Hope and despair,

Comfort and pain.

"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time."

- Leonard Bernstein

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