《My Time (Jungkook Ambw)》Chapter Eighteen


The night was filled with just a lot of fun and light humor. Of course a few of the members had gotten drunk and had crashed at almost midnight.

Jungkook spent a lot of the night showing off his room and showing Carmen where he would make covers, and record things.

He showed Carmen how he would edit videos they let him shoot and even showed her his game set up for Overwatch. Over all Carmen was amazed at all the little skills Jungkook had.

The two love birds stayed up a few extra hours playing overwatch before they actually crashed at three am, since Jungkook totally wasn't keeping track of the time.

Carmen was one of the few who woke up early at six am, exhaustion over her expression but she managed to slip Jungkook's arms off her waist standing up.

"Jungkook." She hissed quickly shaking at his shoulders, her bonnet had slipped off half way through her sleep but she didn't have time to worry about that.

Jungkook was snoring loudly head pressed into the pillow his back rising and falling since he chest wasn't shown. He let a loud grumble out.

"Hyung leave me alone." He grumbled out Carmen rolled her eyes playful.

"Babe." She kept shaking him slowly before his brown eyes popped open slowly like dried drool on his lips.

"Oh baby... What time is it?" He muttered a little his head almost crashing back down on his large pillows.

"Six am, remember gym?" She whispered chuckling quietly when the realisation washed over him.

"Shit, go get my keys off the desk, give me like five minutes, you can use the bathroom first." He told her sitting up.

He grabbed his shirt he had taken off last night tossing it in his dirty clothes bin good thing he lost the habit of sleeping fully naked, just needed his shirt off.


While Carmen almost had a few minutes I heart attacks from the exposed skin.


After a very rough start to the morning with the two still half sleep, and almost knocking over a few things around the dorm as they got ready, Jungkook had taken Carmen back to the hotel so she could change clothes and do her hair properly.

Carmen's mom had already gotten a jump start on the day, and was going her own little exploring and told Carmen to be safe.

Jungkook sat in the drivers seat of his car, of course he didn't get to always use it since they were always taking the company Big Hit SUVs but he looked in the mirror fixing up his facemask a bit messing around on his phone. In his mind his lock screen was beautiful.

It was him and Carmen so when ever he got dad he did have that to look at. His eyes glance up to watch Carmen coming out of the hotel lobby switched out in a pair of work out leggings, with a matching top, and some running shoes her hair styled into two puffs with a face mask on.

"Alright I am back sorry that took too long." She laughed sliding into the passenger seat putting her bag in the back. Jungkook just smiled setting his phone down in the cup holder sliding his mask down a bit.

"You're fine there's no rush baby, no one likes working out in the morning but I gotta keep my arms and body nice." He wiggled his eyes playfully turning the key in the ignition.

He started backing out using one hand on the steering wheel starting the drive to the gym near Big Hit.

"So last night I was thinking about something." Jungkook commented looking out the window. He then held out his other hand for Carmen to hold on her thigh while he focused on driving.


"You always are thinking of something aren't you." She chuckled interlocking their hands with full ease while she stared at the window the morning air blowing through the open window.

"Just something I always do, listen I was thinking and maybe it could be easier for us but I was thinking that when you turn eighteen, you could come do a year of college out here, and you know if you don't like it, you can go back out to Texas." Carmen turned to stare at Jungkook in shock.

"Wait seriously?" She questioned fast. Jungkook hummed nodding his head a couple times.

"Yeah, I know you said you had a scholarship and that it's letting you venture out to other places, baby think about it, legally you'll be eighteen and you can stay at the dorms till I get permission from Bang PD Nim to get my own place we can start like a new section of our future together, you in college you told me that you always wanted to major in makeup."

Carmen did recall all the times that she had told Jungkook about her strange love for makeup. The weird thing is, she hates putting make-up on herself but other people it was always fun and amazing.

"Cosmetology school." She chuckled softly squeezing at Jungkook's hand.

"But that's just a hobby babe, I can't really make that into a career can I?" Jungkook made a face chuckling.

"No you totally can you can become a makeup artist, own a salon, even do nails, you could become a stylish for kpop groups." Jungkook had stopped at a red light and leaned over to kiss at her cheeks softly.

"I'm just saying baby, it can be a small stepping stone and no matter you wanna do I'll support you." Carmen wiggled around in her seat.

"Its not a bad idea babe I actually like it." She smiled leaning back a bit holding Jungkook's hand more closer.

"I'll start looking into more stuff about it cause I love makeup on other people not on me." She giggled a little Jungkook grinned a little.

"You can always practice makeup on me."

"Then I would have to do your really really long skin care routine babe."

"Hey! My skin is always coated in makeup."

"Then maybe Jimin can do the makeup test."

"No I wanna do it!"

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