《The Mafia's Daughter》Chapter 14


Its been 1 month and 1 week since my fathers death and 1 month and 6 days since I last spoke to Xavier...yes I've been avoiding him what? Did you think I was going to be there just to fulfil his horny needs


Sis said it.

During that 1 month period nothing much has happened although Rico won't let me become leader until my birthday which is in fact 2 days he's been leader since my fathers passing but he has let me come to the warehouse to train recruits and to train myself which I wasn't complaining about, Lola had started to show and it was the cutest little bump you would have to look twice to double check if she was pregnant or not that's how small the bump was, but it was still there!

It was currently 11pm and I was sitting in Lolas living room waiting for her to come out and tell me what they said

"THEY SAID YES!" She came out squealing

To be honest I don't know why they would say no they are so chill I mean they didn't kick Lola out when they found out she was pregnant they just said congratulations and that they will support her which to be honest made me laugh


Me and Lola had planned to go away to my beach house in LA for the weekend because of my birthday and we couldn't be more excited

When we got to my house I was greeted with a business man in a suit sitting in my living room

"Can I help you?" I called out gaining his attention.

"Ah yes mr knight let me in,I was looking for miss black!" He said


"Why do you need miss black for?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"She needs to see her fathers will" he said calmly

"He died a month ago why so late?" I asked

"We've been busy and not come around to it, so do you know where I could find miss black?"

"Pleasure to meet you I'm miss black" I say sticking my hand out which he gladly took and shook it

After our meeting turns out I'm not allowed to take over the mafia because I'm a 'girl' and that the Italian mafia will help so the two mafias will submerge to be honest I was pissed at first because I wanted to be leader but I was happy that I could get a half normal life back


"All packed?" Lola called out whilst leaning on her white jeep

"Yep" I say popping the 'p'

"Good let's get this show on the road" she says grabbing my bags and putting them in the boot getting into the car the front door of my house opens

"Where you going?" A cold voice called out As Lola started the car

"Out" she called out knowing I didn't want to talk to him after that we left and made our way to LA


Finally reaching the beach house I see it hasn't changed one bit

Why would it changes it's a fucking house

Oh you know what I mean.

"LETS GO TO THE BEACH EACH LETS GO GET AWAY" Lola screamed at the top of her lungs

"Let's go bitch" I said before going to my room to get dressed into my black bikini

"Okay baby mama you looking sexyyy" I say looking Lola up and down whilst she turns around in a circle and curtsy's making us ball out laughing


"Let's go" she says grabbing my arm as we go to the stairs that lead straight to the beach through our back garden

"Oh shit I'm so sorry" I say bumping into someone because Lola couldn't see where she was going

"Nah my bad I should have seen you running" he says smiling

"Bella,Bella black" I say pulling out my hand to shake the handsome boys hand

"Charlie,Charlie Rome" he said shaking my hand before I break eye contact because I hear Lola calling my name

"Again I'm sorry for bumping into you" I said before turning to walk away

"It's no problem" he calls out behind me making me giggle

Girl did you just giggle?

Yes I just fucking did.

Oh shit

Oh shit indeed

"Who was that?" Lola says giving me googly eyes

"He said his name was Charlie" I said smiling

"He was so cute" she whispered

"I know right" I said

"Girllll we gotta make him yours" Lola says making me laugh

As we lay on the sun bed a ball flies over to us hitting me in the stomach making me sit up

"Shit I'm so sorry my friends an idiot" a familiar voice calls out

"Missed me already?" I said putting a hand over my eyes before looking up to see his gorgeous arse,making him chuckle he scratches the back of his head

"Do you, I don't know,maybe want to join me and my friends" he says

"Yeah we would like that" I say smiling at him before grabbing our stuff to take it with us

"Guys meet Bella and..." he trails off not knowing Lolas name

"Lola" she said making him mutter a small sorry,bless his cute heart

"Anyway Luca and ace meet Bella and Lola now introductions are out the way let's play"

After a couple of matches of soccer we chilled and talked before Charlie threw me over his shoulders and pulled me towards the sea

"Charlie don't do it pleaseee" I begged but he just kept laughing and threw me in after jumping in after me,we were both wrapped into each other's arms before we heard a camera click making us pull away and laugh awkwardly

"You too look so cute!" Lola gushed making me and Charlie look at each other and smile

After we left the water I wrapped myself in a towel and called it a day and told charlie that I'd hopefully see him tomorrow which he was happy about

When me and Lola got home and had showered and changed into our pj's she finally showed me the picture and let me tell you it was perfect so I decided to post it on Instagram

And captioned it 'just friends ;)'


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