Stranger Chapter 3


Me and my family sat down for dinner. We didn't really have much since we literally had to bail from the store. So we just ate leftover steak and corn. I finished a bit early because I rarely ever eat. I headed upstairs and locked my door so I could change. I changed into black shorts, and a over-sized maroon t-shirt. I unlocked the door so Dillon could get in and change. I turned around so I couldn't see. "Done. You can turn around now." I smiled and turned around. He put on a white tank top and some gray sweats. I jumped on my mattress feeling relieved as I put my covers over me. Dillon climbed up on his bed and said, "Goodnight." I returned a nod. I barely ever talk. I really only talk to my mom and my brothers. That's it. I don't really talk to anyone else. I don't know why. Putting that thought to the back of my head, I sheepishly put my head under my blankets. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I grabbed my mp3 player and popped in my ear buds. I spread out my legs so the were off my mattress. I spread out my arms too. I closed my eyes and listened for 1 hour to the calm guitar keyboard, and her beautiful singing. I just lay there listening. Without a worry in the world. Until I heard Dillon say, "Hi Milo." and I hear a reply back, "Hi Dillon."

My heart raced and I turned of my mp3. "I have something to show you." the boy said. I bit my lip and slowly peered out of my covers. The boy had freakishly pale skin. His black hair was smooth and let off to the side. He wore a very dressed up outfit. "I'm supposed to be asleep." Dillon said. I smiled appreciating his answer. "Your mom just started working. She'll be down there for hours." The boy said. "How do you know?" Dillon asked. "I just..know? Do you trust me?" I saw the boy look over at me and I quickly went under my sheets. I started panting so I covered my mouth. My eyes widened, too. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. "Hey Milo!" Dillon quickly said. "Yes?" He asked. "What did you have to show me?" I smiled a bit and sighed of relief. I heard some mumbling, then I heard Dillon plop out of his bed. I started panicking again. As they walked out I whispered, "Dill? DILL?" I quickly got up and started following him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back in the room. "What are you doing?!!" I scolded him. I saw that boy appear right in front of me and pulled Dillon away from my grasp. I froze and didn't say a thing.


"And who might this be, Dillon?" He asked as he looked me up and down. "My sister." I started walking back. Dillon signaled my to stop but I didn't. I ran out the door, and into our kitchen. I didn't like being in the presence of strangers. I paced back and fourth not knowing what to do. I heard footsteps again. They stopped and I heard a creak. Were they opening a door? I peaked through the kitchen and saw them go down into some sort of basement. Then the boy appeared behind my and forced me down. I didn't fight it though. I just froze. I sheepishly walked towards Dillon and gave him a stern look. Dillon didn't reply. "How did you know this was down here?" Dillon asked the boy. "This is where I left it." The boy smirked. He walked in front of me and said, "I am Milo, if you didn't already know." I looked at him, but didn't say anything. He pointed at me and looked at Dillon. "Does she talk?" He asked. "Only to me, my brother and my mom." Dillon answered back. He took another good look at me. I side stepped towards Dillon a bit again. "Well whats her name?" He asked not taking his eyes off me. Dillon looked at me, and I shrugged a bit. "Delilah." He patently said. Milo nodded and opened a wooden chest with a metal outline. He took out an old music player and a old recorder.

"What is it?" Dillon asked. "There's only one way to find out." Said Milo. He started playing the music. It had a creepy vibe to it. Then another boy walked out. He was short and maybe about 10. His back was arched a bit. He was wearing a dirty gray button up shirt, and pants that matched the color. I jumped a bit as Milo chuckled at my actions. "Hey Ted. What are you doing here?" Dillon asked. "Milo said he was gonna show you the thing." Ted replied. He passed Milo and smiled in a sinister way. He walked up to Dillon and said, "This ones mine." Dillon took it and handed it to Milo. The tape said, "Fishing Trip."


The beginning of the tape was a happy family. I smiled at the sight of it. They were fishing, boating and practicing aim. The time lapsed and it looked darker. Milo and Ted stood up. They watched our expressions. Dillon froze as it showed the family hanging upside down. My smile immediately turned into a scared frown. My eyes widened as I saw an alligator jump up and rip off one of the family members whole top side off. "We shouldn't be watching this..turn it off Milo!" The two turned over to him and put their lips to their mouth in a "shhh" motion. I got up and pushed pass them, grabbing my brothers arm on the way. As we reached our room I set Dillon on his bed. I sighed at him and just shook my head. I plopped back on my mattress and fell asleep trying to push all the stuff that just happened to the back of my mind.

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