《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 8


A whole week had past. Jevil didn't see Dimentio at all. It was like he just....left. He probably had hard feelings about Marx, but it didn't matter. Jevil didn't need him anymore. He could teach himself.

Everyday, he would run out and try to warn everyone about their fate, and everyday, people wouldn't believe him. He really did cause quite a stir. Everyone seemed to think he'd gone mad.

Everyone....including Seam.

Seam would always drag Jevil back home. Jevil hadn't been going to work. People didn't want to watch him perform anymore because he was 'mentally unstable.' But that didn't matter to him.

"SEAM, I'M NOT INSANE. I'M NOT CRAZY. WE'RE TRAPPED. PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO BELEIVE ME!" Seam looked down at Jevil. It hurt to see his best friend like this. "Jevil, please, just try to think. I miss you. I don't know what's going on with you, but people are worried. I'm worried."

Jevil's actions alarmed everyone, including the four kings. One day, they called in Seam. And Seam alone.

Seam reported to them. This was weird. He was never called in alone. Whenever the Kings talked to him, he would have Jevil by his side. This made him nervous.

"Seam, Our Trusted Magician." The King of Clubs stated. "I bet you're wondering why you were suddenly called in here. Rest assured, you have nothing to fear. You have done nothing wrong." Seam let out a sigh of relief. The King of Diamonds then Stepped forward. "However, we called you here regarding the Court Jester. Your friend and roommate, Jevil." Seam's eyes went wide. "J-Jevil?" He asked. The kings nodded. "He is causing quite a stir, and it is disrupting peace here."

"Okay....so why have you called me here?" The king of hearts stepped down, and handed Seam a key. "The man has gone mad. He's insane. He keeps saying things that aren't true. As kings, we must protect our people from threats, and at the moment, Jevil is the largest one. We know you are close with him, and we know this is difficult for you, but we need you to capture him and lock him away."


Seam dropped the key. The metal, clashing against the floor. "W-what?? No! I can't!" The King of Spades, who always seemed the most on edge of them all, stepped forward. "That is an Order. You cannot disobey us, we are the kings. I have a son on the way, and I cannot have him living in a world with an insane court jester running loose. You will lock him up, or you will be relieved of your job as Court Magician and placed under arrest for not following our direct orders. Now LEAVE"

Seam slowly picked up the key, and walked away. "Yes, your majesties."

Once he left the room, he broke down in tears.

He looked at the key in hand. He knew where it led. There was a cell, way way down, underneath card castle. It was very good at containing people. This cell restricted Magic and was made to contain incredibly unstable beings. No one could get in or out without the key.

And he was going to have to lock away Jevil, his best friend, in it.

Why?? He wasn't doing anything really wrong! Why were the kings making him do this??

It didn't matter. These were the Kings' orders, and he had to follow orders.

"Okay, okay okay, let me think."

Luigi sat down, back against the door. "Who is this guy, and how does he know Dimentio? I've never even heard of him! And how does he know me??"

Luigi hated the feel of the Underwhere. It made his stomach feel a little sick, but he couldn't go back to flipside.

"I can't believe there's two insane jesters here now." He put his face in his hands. "I don't know what to do. I wish Mario was here."


"Okay, okay, gotta focus." He turned his head. "I need answers....and I think I know where to get them." He stood up, hands shaking.

"I can do this, I can do this. He's locked up. No need to be afraid. He can't hurt you."

He slowly made his way to Queen Jades' castle. Hopefully she would let him talk to him. That's all he wanted. To talk. This was the Underwhere, so he had to be here somewhere.

"HURRY, CATCH HIM, HE'S TRYING TO ESCAPE AGAIN!" A D-man cried out from afar. Luigi rushed over to see what all the commotion was about. He saw two D-Men holding a prisoner. "This one just won't quit, will he?"

Luigi hid so he wouldn't be seen, but watched. He saw the prisoner being dragged to Queen Jades. She looked down at him and shook her head.

"I told you, wherever you go, we'll find you. Now, quit being so difficult and just stay put." The prisoner laughed. "Ah ha ha ha, you'd like that, wouldn't you, your Majesty." Luigi froze. "I know that laugh." He stayed quiet and watched.

Queen Jades towered over the prisoner. She rubbed her temples. "I don't have time to deal with you right now. Guards, take him back to his cell." Luigi watched as the D-men tied a weight around the prisoner's foot, and threw him into the river. A chill ran down his spine.

That was Dimentio. He had been trying to escape??

Luigi stepped forward and cleared his throat to get the Queen's attention. She turned to face him. "Who, ah. I remember you. You're the man in green!" He shyly rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, yep. That's me. Umm, I have to ask something of you." She furrowed her brow. "Ah, well my schedule is very busy, but anything for one of the four heroes." Luigi looked slightly uncomfortable and uneasy. "Ah, well....there's someone new causing trouble on the surface....and I need to try to stop them. But....I don't know how....s-s-so I was wondering if I could talk to...."

She looked confused. "Who? You don't mean....NO." Luigi's eyes went wide. "I just need to ask him some things! Please!" She turned away. "I'm sorry. That man is supposed to be locked away. No one is to speak or interact with him besides my D-men." Luigi ran up to her. "Whoa, whoa, please. I just need to ask him some questions. That's all! Please! Someone is causing a lot of trouble, and they said they knew him!"

She looked deep in thought, before letting out a sigh. She turned to some D-men. "HEY! YOU TWO! Please escort the Man in green down to the 'problem prisoner's' cell." She turned back to me. "Be careful, okay? You're lucky I agreed to this. The only reason I'm doing this is to keep the number of incoming souls stable." Luigi smiled, and one D-man stood on either side of him. "G-got it! Thank you."

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