《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 5


Luigi looked around. There was so much going on, it was hard to focus. This didn't seem like something Dimentio would do. He wouldn't just lay waste to flipside. He made it very clear that the last thing he wanted was for the world to be left in ruin. But then again, this was Dimentio we were talking about. Who knew what was going on in his sick little mind.

People were screaming, spades were flying, it was utter chaos. "Spades...how random," Luigi told himself. Since when were Dimentio's attacks card based? And that music. That loud, loud music. He had definatly never heard this music before. It was echoing through his ears. Everything happening around him was so chaotic, it felt like the world was spinning.

He held his hand in front of his face and looked up. In front of him was a blur. It appeared to be a dancing jester, frantically spitting spades and swinging his large scythe around. He also appeared to be rapidly teleporting. He danced around. It looked like he was in five places at once.

Luigi froze. "That's not Dimentio."

Jevil looked around. He was home, but he felt different.

It didn't feel quite like home anymore.

It felt different. Was everything really just a game? Was Jevil destined to be merely a side character.

No. He was going to take control of his life.

Just then, Seam walked in. "Jevil?? Jevil thank goodness! Where have you been??" Seam ran in and hugged his friend. "You've been gone for hours! I have looked everywhere for you!" Jevil had a confused expression on his face. "H-hours?"

Seam was slightly shocked when Jevil didn't hug back. He let go. "Jevil? Is everything alright?"

Jevil met Seam's eyes, then smiled. He needed to find a way to free both himself and Seam. Maybe he could wait and let Dimentio and Marx teach him more, then he could find a way for them both to escape.


"Jevil? Hello? Friend?" Seam tried grabbing Jevil's attention. Jevil looked up and smiled. "Yes, sorry Seam. I was just....practicing my act. I lost track of time."

The next time Dimentio brought Jevil out of his world and into the void, he was alone. "Where's Marx?" Jevil asked. Dimentio smiled. "We decided we needed to get some one on one time with you to best help you understand. You know, try different methods. He's not far.

Meanwhile, Marx was watching. Dimentio made sure Marx was invisible. Dimentio wanted Jevil to learn to trust each of them individually.

"Okay, I have a question." Dimentio nodded. "Yes?" Jevil looked around. "Uhh, what's with the music?" Dimentio laughed. "Oh, that's my theme. It's called, 'Dimentio, Charming Magician,' do you like it?" Jevil eagerly nodded. "Yes! Does Marx have a theme?" Dimentio laughed again. "Yes. He does. I don't quite remember what it's called." Jevil seemed slightly excited. "Ohh! Do I get a theme??"

This guy was adorable. "Most likely. You have to give yourself a theme. Your theme kinda reflects your character. I actually have three." Jevil's eyes went wide. "THREE??" Dimentio nodded. "Yup! 'Dimentio, Charming Magician,' 'It's Showtime' and a third theme I haven't quite named yet. I'm saving that one for a big big event that may or may not happen in the future, depending on if we are able to find the perfect world out here." Jevil looked amazed. "Whoa! So how do I make a theme??"

"It just comes once you're more developed. I'm sure you'll get one eventually."

Dimentio tried getting back on track. "Anyway, today I wanted to talk about your skills. Your powers." Jevil looked slightly confused, before he smiled and responded. "Oh, I don't have powers. I'm not a Magician like you. My friend Seam is though! Maybe you can ask him." "No no no, I don't care about Seam. We're talking about you. I know you have power in you. We just need to find a way to activate it."


Jevil's eyes went wide. "Wait, you think I have power?" "Ah ha ha, of course. You are a joker after all." Jevil stopped. "A joker?"

"Yes. A Joker. It's your character in this world. Your role. I bet you and Seam are both Jokers. So you both have power." Jevil smiled. "You mean I can do magic just like Seam?? Wow!!!" Dimentio smiled. "Yes, yes. We just need to find a way to activate it."

"Seam! Seam! Seam! Seam! Seam!" Jevil came bounding towards his friend. Seam smiled. "Ah, Jevil. There you are. Are you doing better? You certainly look somewhat back to normal." Jevil smiled. "Yes! Remember the strange someone I mentioned?" Seam slowly replied. "yeah.... but we went over this. They aren't-" "THEY ARE REAL!"

Why did his voice do that? It was like he HAD a voice. Not text, a real voice.

Seam stepped back. "Whoa, what was that?" Jevil cleared his throat. "Ah, sorry. I don't know where that came from. Anyway, these strange someone's, they showed me some amazing things. They're helping me take control over the game!"

"The....game? Jevil, what are you talking about? Are you feeling alright?" Jevil ignored him and continued talking. "And they're helping me become stronger. I'm gonna have magic, just like you! And a theme, and someday we can even escape this world. We can go somewhere where we're finally free! Uee hee hee! Doesn't that sound swell!"

"Jevil! Calm down, calm down. You sound like a crazy person." Seam shook Jevil's shoulders, snapping him out of his rambling. "Jevil, listen, this 'strange someone' isn't real. I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe it's best you take a break, friend. Are you feeling overworked?" Jevil shook his head. "No, no no no they're real. I saw them. We have to act now before our fates are sealed and we're cast as side characters in this game!" Seam shook his head. "I think you must be sleep deprived or something. You're mixing dreams with reality. Jevil, look at me. I'm here. I'm real. This world is real. These other people....aren't." Jevil looked into Seams eyes. Seam smiled at him, putting him at ease. Jevil looked down, before smiling back.

"Don't worry, Seam. I'll make sure we get our freedom. I won't let us become trapped in this dark world, where we have no control over our fate."

Jevil then turned, and walked away. He was going to practice. He wanted to learn Magic. He wanted to free himself and Seam.

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