《Quotes that fit OoO, SNO and FTO characters》[FTO]


Love is dead, and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.

Are you okay??

A cat stole my fucking garlic bread.


Bridge the generation gap by combining the old slang and the new slang together!

Mood to the max!

Tubular af

Groovy, I hate it

If she breathes, she's a square


Sleeping is nice because you're not actually dead and you're not awake so it's a win-win.

It's like being dead without the commitment...

An open relationship with death.

Death with benefits?

An every night stand!


Do you ever get the urge to just, get up in the middle of the night while everyone else is fast asleep and just walk places and to be completely alone, and dedicated to your thoughts?

...Yeeeah but the problem is I don't wanna get murdered you feel me


When will you learn...

that your acTIONS─

hAVe cONsEqUenCeS!!


There is only one thing worse than a rapist.

'rapist''child' Boom

...A child?


Don't tell your mother...

Kiss one another...


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