《Fairy Tail Origins One Shots》Understanding Atlantide


Bee and Cat boi interaction time babyyy


Alex and Eliore were almost nothing alike. Alex like to joke around, was pretty outgoing, but could be awkward at times. Meanwhile Eliore didn't really understand jokes most of the time, was quiet, but always made sure he was polite and proper.

But there was one thing the 2 had in common, they didn't understand this world whatsoever. From the buildings, to the things apparently called guilds, and especially the people. They were totally new to this world and they both were still trying to figure out how to make their way through it.

Currently the 2 boys were sitting on the lookout at Eliore's new home. Their eyes looked over all of Atlantide, they were so high up that the people passing through the streets looked like tiny little ants.

"There's so many things in this world that don't make sense." Alex said out loud, mostly to himself but Eliore still responded.

"That's true. Especially that thing." He looked up straight at the ball in the sky and his brown eyes squinted at the brightness. He pointed up at it.

Alex gave him a questioning look. "You mean the sun?"

"Yes, I think that's what the man called it the other day. It's truly a big beautiful star, it makes the world so bright."

The brunet let out a chuckle at the other man. The sun was reflected onto his glasses, making them pure white and looking like something out of an anime. "The sun isn't really a weird thing, I mean we had it back in my world. Also, you might wanna stop looking straight at it, it can damage your eyes."

"Oh okay." The purple haired man looked down. "I apologize. It's just that I've never seen the, um what was it called again? The sun, yes, the sun before. It makes things a lot easier to see. Is it also the reason the sky is blue?"


"Eliore you don't need to apologize for that and also I think the sky being blue had to do something the water reflecting with the Earth's atmosphere or something like that I didn't pay too much attention in school."

"Oh I'm sorry for apologizing." Eliore responded in his soft voice.

Alex glared at him through his glasses. "You better not say sorry again!" He said, but a playful tone was in his voice.

Eliore didn't seem to catch on though and his eyes widened "O-oh Sorry."

"Eliore! What did I just say!"

"I-I'm Sorry I- ah I can't stop saying it!" The man started freaking out a little bit, afraid the other would be upset with him but the brunet just burst into laughter. He joined in.

After a minute or so the 2 finally calmed down, and Eliore asked. "What is this 'school' that you spoke of?"

"Hm? Oh when I mentioned the atmosphere and stuff. Well, I guess it's a place you learn and what not. Most of the stuff is pretty useless though, I'm glad I graduated a couple years ago."

"Oh I guess that makes sense." Eliore said, but the confused look on his face returned. "What is 'graduated'?"

"Um I guess it's when you're done with a certain part of school. Like middle school or high school. I graduated high school years ago and then dropped out of college. It wasn't really for me." When Alex finished his sentence he glanced back at Eliore, who still had the confused look plastered on his face. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

"It's just that you said a lot of words that I don't understand."

"Well, it's not really important. There doesn't really seem to be college in this world. But you know what is in this world!"


"What?" Eliore asked quietly.


"Of course there is magic. Wait- wasn't there no magic in your world?"


"Oh. That seems kinda sad."

"Well ouch, but I mean I guess you're right." The yellow eyed boy rested his elbow on his knee and put his head in his hand. "A lot of people, me included, would often read books or in my case watch anime to kinda escape into different worlds that had stuff like magic and such."

The purple haired boy seemed to ponder something for a second. "What's an 'anime'?"

Alex snapped his head at him and let out a dramatic gasp. "You poor thing! You don't know what anime is?"

"N-no. A-am I suppose to?"

"I don't know if anime exists in this world but if it does gonna make you watch it."

Eliore just looked even more confused. "O-okay. Anime must be something pretty good then. Will it perhaps be life changing for me?"

"Mhhhm." Alex crossed his arms. "It definitely will."

"Wow I hope you can find some of this 'anime' then Elliore. I can help you if you want. Would we find it like, on a mountain or something."

"Uh something like that." The bee boi started to realize that he might've made a bit of a big deal out of it. He was joking around, but Eliore of course didn't realize that and now thinks anime was something you could probably find on a mountain...

Then a hush fell between the 2 boys as the sun in the horizon began to fall, the sky turning a mix of yellow, red, and orange. The colors blended together to make an evening sky.

"This is also something new to me." Eliore's soft voice broke the silence. "The sun disappears at night like this, and then the sky becomes normal again."

"Ya it's called a sunset. They're very pretty." Alex responded. He turned his head and saw the sky's colors reflect on the Eliore. His body was covered in a glow of yellow. And his brown eyes practically glowed as he watch the sunset. A slight blush made it's way to the brunet's face and he turned his head back to hide it.

The conversation ended at that and the cat boy and bee boi watched the sun go down and the moon rise as the sky turned into a sea of stars.


I'm having a problem. Don't know if I ship Jericho and Eliore or Alex and Eliore, both are cute together. Anyway I just wanted to make a chapter with these 2 dorks I thought it was pretty cute. Also last couple chapters were a bit angsty so we needed some more wholesome stuff.

And thx for all the reads and votes guys, I'm kinda surprised how many I got on this book already. Glad y'all r enjoying it :)

Any see y'all later bye.

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