《Fairy Tail Origins One Shots》A Smile
I love Cecil with all my heart lmao
Since Flurry met Cecil about a week ago, she hasn't seen him smile once. And someone not smiling was something Flurry wasn't having. So she came up with a new mission for herself. She was going to make Cecil smile.
She knew she already made him happy several times - or at least not sad - several times just by giving him that bed to sleep on and that hamburger and fries to eat. It was heartbreaking to her that such simple things were something that Cecil never even experienced. But still, he has yet to smile.
So she was gonna make this sad clown boy happy if it was the last thing she did.
Of course she couldn't do it alone! She decided to get her new friend Juno to help her. She didn't pick Davis because Davis is a sad boy as well, maybe she'll have to work and making him smile one day, and Jazz was a just big asshole to Cecil. Saying how he's hopeless and what not. She was having none of that!
"Okay so what's your plan here exactly?" Juno asked the other women. Flurry told her to meet up earlier at her favorite bathing foundation and now here they were. Juno standing next to the foundation while Flurry swam in it like a mermaid.
"We're gonna make Cecil happy!" The clown announced.
"Well ya I know that but how."
"Well we can-" Flurry paused. How would they do it? If having a bed to sleep in for the first time in years wasn't enough to make him smile... what could? She shook her head at the thoughts. She had to keep her hopes up! There had to be something that made the man happy! "We'll find something."
The raven haired girl glanced at her. "That's honestly not the best answer."
"I mean there is tons of things that make people happy! L-like-" She paused. "Ice cream! Hugs! Singing! Dancing!"
"What! I didn't say anything."
"Hmmmmmm" The green haired girl squinted her eyes. "Anyways! Do you think we should try all of those?"
The other woman simply shrugged. "I guess so. I don't really know what else to do. You're the happy expert here."
Flurry got out of the foundation and began to jump up and down. "You're damn right I am! Now let's go meet up with seesaw!"
"That's what I said."
When the 2 arrived at their "guild" they were greeted with the sight of Cecil curled up fast asleep on one of the beds. His white clown makeup slightly smearing onto the cot.
"He's still sleeping? It's the middle of the day." Juno commented.
"He's use to sleeping on the cold ground. We should let him sleep for as long as he wants." Flurry told her.
"Ya but what about this whole make him happy thing?"
Flurry waved her hand in dismissal. "We'll get to it."
"I don't really feel like waiting though. You know the pollen from the flowers are triggering my allergies a bit. I can just sneeze and-"
"NO!" Flurry shouted. "We're not going to wake him up by breaking one of his ribs. I can just shake him awake."
The girl went up to her sleeping guildmate and gently shook his shoulder. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!"
All this got was Cecil slightly moving and grumbling a little bit.
"Cecil wake up! It's time for you to smile!" Nothing. "Ceeeeciiilll! The early bird gets the worm!"
"This isn't working."
"No no it will!" She began to whistle to the best of her ability. "Hear that Cecil! That's the birds chirping! It's time to wake up!"
"Cecil l-"
"Watch out." Flurry turned her head to Juno to see her mid sneeze. The clown girl opened her mouth to stop the other but it was too late. She let out a sneeze and a small knife appeared in her hand and then a second later it was heading straight towards Cecil. Flurry leaped out of the way before it could hit her.
She cringed as the small knife whirled pass the sleeping boy and slightly grazed his cheek before impaling itself onto the building's wall behind him. The blade left a cut on his cheek that started to drip blood.
Despite this the boy still didn't wake. All he did was rub the spot were he was bleeding and mumble. "Stop licking me Sparky."
"Who the hell is Sparky?" Juno asked out loud.
"I don't know but wHY DID YOU DO THAT!"
"To at least try to wake him up but I guess that didn't work." The clown huffed. Sometimes it was hard being happy, especially when your guildmates threw their snot weapons their fellow guildmates.
"Ok whatever. And how in the world are we supposed to wake him up now?" She asked out loud. The other simply shrugged. Flurry thought for a moment until a light bulb went over her head. "Oh I know! It's the bed that's making him sleep so much so we just push him off the bed."
"Um okay then. I mean he looks like a weighs literally nothing so it shouldn't be too hard."
"Okay you grab a leg and I'll grab an arm and then we'll push him off."
Juno nodded her head and made her way over the the sleeping male, grabbing one of his legs well Flurry grabbed an arm.
"On the count of three. One! Two! Three!" Together the 2 girls roughly pushed Cecil's body off the bed and onto the grass below. Probably too rough because he fell with a loud thump and instantly shot his eyes open.
"Huh?! What?!?" The man quickly stood up and looked around at his surroundings.
"Oh um sorry Cecil." Flurry awkwardly put her hand behind her neck and flushed slightly in embarrassment.
"Ya sorry I guess. I knew you were gonna be light but I didn't know you were going to be that light."
Cecil, who was starting to calm down a bit and go back into his usual deadpan manner, glanced over at the women. "Ya I'm pretty malnourished."
Flurry started to bounce up and down and wave her hands around. "Well that good because-"
"That's good?" Cecil muttered under his breath.
"Because we are going to get you ice cream!"
A contemplative look appeared on the blond's face at that. "Ice cream? Isn't that the cold stuff?"
"Ya! But it's also yummy and sweet and sweet- wait I already said that-"
"I'm good. I kinda just wanna go back to bed if that's okay and-" He paused and put a hand up to the cut on his cheek. When he took it off he glanced at his hand, showing blood on his fingertips. "Why am I bleeding?"
"Oh well Juno sort of kinda of used her powers to wake you up once I couldn't get you up. Sorry about that!"
"Ya sorry." Juno gave a quiet apology.
"It's okay." The man's brown eyes grew sad as he looked down and slumped his body. "You cut my cheek and then push me out of bed. I just wanna sleep right now."
Flurry's heart panged at his expression. No no no! This was all going wrong! He's supposed to smile not be sad! No she's gotta keep trying harder! It was time for drastic measures!
"Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssseeeeee! Please please please please please-"
"Uh" Cecil looked at her in worry and confusion.
"Please! Please! Please! Please!"
"Cecil she's not going to stop until you say yes. Just say yes to the ice cream and then afterwards you can go back into bed." Juno told the man.
He let out a defeated sigh at those words. "Okay. I guess I'll go."
"Yaaaay! Follow me then" And with that Flurry dashed of, the other two giving each other tired looks and following the girl.
The 3 were sitting on the side walk, each with a vanilla ice cream cone in their hands. Cecil sporting a new bandaid on his cheek that they got on the way there. The hot sun above beamed on them intensely.
"Okay try a bit Cecil! I'm sorry I couldn't any other flavors the plain vanilla was all I could afford. Personally it's my least favorite but-"
Flurry was cut off by the man. "O-oh my god. It's amazing. I didn't know something could be so sweet."
The girl's pink eyes lit up like stars at the words and looked at Cecil's face, preparing for a smile.
It never came though, because just as the man was about to take another lick of the cone, the sun above made the ice cream melt and pathetically hit the sidewalk below.
"Oh." Was all he said before the happy glow in his eyes faded into his usual sad expression.
"Oh no Cecil I'm so sorry! Here have mi-" Her's dropped as well. "Mkay have Jun-" And it dropped as well.
"Hm hot day." The raven haired girl commentated.
Flurry's eyes widened in annoyance. "Yup. Noticed." She shook her head. "It's okay though. I can buy you another one!"
"Do we have any more money." The raven haired women asked.
"What kind of question is that of course we have- ya okay we have no more money."
Cecil glanced up at them. "It's okay I don't mind I'm use to it. I guess I can go back to bed."
No! Not yet! Before he could get up, Flurry remembered the next part of her plan. She took her arms up and wrapped them around Cecil's small body.
"W-what?" She could feel his whole body tense up.
"You can calm down it's just a hug."
"Um okay. But why?"
"Because you're sad that your ice cream dropped and I want you to be happy!"
"Flurry he looks super uncomfortable you should let go of him." Juno said.
The women really didn't want to, but she started to realize that this was doing the opposite of making him happy, so she hesitantly let go of the man.
"Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." The sad look stayed in his eyes, but now there was some anxiety mixed in there. Flurry could feel her hope drain.
"It's fine. I'm going to back to bed now." No wait she can't give up!
"W-wait! How about singing and dancing! Will that make you happy!?"
"No Flurry-"
"Good night." He walked off.
Juno glanced at the women next to her and sighed at her dejected look as Cecil walked away, realizing that she was going to have to help.
"I have an idea that might make him smile."
Flurry looked at Juno. "H-how?"
"Um I can't tell you but just take my word for it."
"Okay then, go after him then I'll follow you."
"No you stay there. I'll be right back."
The raven haired girl began sprinting to catch up with her guildmate who was slowly walking with his head down.
"Cmon grumpy we're gonna get you and ice cream and eat it inside this time."
He looked up at her, blinking his brown eyes. "But Flurry said that we have no money."
"Ya and?" Juno gave him a knowing smile and it clicked in the boy's mind.
"Oh okay." He nodded his head. "You lead the way then."
"Will do. Just don't tell Flurry about this though. She's hellbent on not stealing anymore and whatnot."
The girl started to take lead, the boy following close behind. As they made their way to the ice cream shop, she took a glance in the window. Looking inside, she noticed the man who was working there, his head in his hand, appearing to be fast asleep.
"He's asleep." Juno commented. "Now let's be sneaky. I can-"
She stopped when she realized Cecil was already walking inside the store. Her eyes widened and she started waving her hands frantically, trying to get his attention and get him to stop before he gets caught. Geez he was not the sneakiest thief.
The blond looked at the ice cream cone in front of him, reaching his hand out. He's almost there he can-
"THIEF!" A woman in the store shrieked, causing the sleeping man to jolt up and whip his head towards Cecil who immediately froze in fear.
"COCO ATTACK!" He shouted. Suddenly a big German Shepard came up from the corner of the store and jumped onto the boy.
"CECIL!" Juno yelled and dashed into the store, getting ready to produce a weapon and fight the dog if need be. But as she ran in, preparing herself for the sight of the dog attacking her guildmate, it was the opposite.
The dog immediately relaxed as Cecil was scratching him behind the ear. And then there was the thing Juno expected least of all. He had a smile on his face.
And it wasn't no half smile, it was a wide toothy smile where his eyes squinted and his nose scrunched. It was basically blinding.
"What in the world?" The owner of the shop muttered as he watched his dog.
Oh no Flurry! She had to show Flurry this!
"Cecil I'm going to get Flurry I'll be right back. Don't you dare stop petting that dog!"
"I won't!" His voice was practically filled with glee and Juno had to pause for a second. She shook her head though and ran off towards where Flurry was last.
The clown girl was still sitting at the sidewalk with a disappointed look in her eyes.
"Flurry! Flurry!"
"What." She asked half heartedly.
"Come quick! Cecil's smiling!"
"W-what?" Her voice lifted.
"And not like small smiling he's basically beaming!"
"Yes really cmon!" She grabbed the other's arm and ran towards the ice cream shop.
Flurry stopped when she saw Cecil and the dog. He had a hand scratching behind each ear while the dog licked his face. Then he let out a giggle. Cecil giggled.
"Oh hi Flurry! Didn't see you there!" He said happily, a smile plastered on his face. Okay this was weird. But also, completely adorable!
"Oh my goodness! Cecil you're smiling."
He chuckled. "I know I can't help it. Dogs make just make me so happy." He turned towards the owner of the dog. "Girl or boy?"
He stood awkwardly beside them, seeming to be completely confused of what was going on. "Um. Girl."
"Who's a good girl! You're a good girl!" He hugged the around it's neck.
"Who would've known that dogs make Cecil so happy." Juno commented.
"Well they remind me of Spot. He was a stray dog I found on the street the week after my parents kicked me out and I was homeless. He helped me out during a really rough time and was the only living thing in the world that didn't see me as." Cecil paused. "As useless. H-he's gone now."
"Well Cecil! Now you have me, the rest of your guildmates and this dog here who don't think you're useless! Now let's pet this dog Juno!" Flurry announced.
"Sounds good to me." The other woman said as they crouched down beside Cecil who was now petting the dog's tummy.
Together the 3 of them laughed and pet the German Shepard. The smile never leaving Cecil's face.
Okay wow that was way longer then I expected it to be lol. And at some point there was this big ol fight between Cecil and Flurry but I deleted it and decided maybe I'll do that for another chapter.
Also thanks for the reads and voted guys I really appreciate it. I'm glad you're liking this so far it'll really help me just improve on my writing.
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