《Mianite: Unitended》Unauthorized


"That's so weird", Hope said as I explained everything to her. Heading up to the outdoors trying to get her to put on a jacket. She still was reluctantly shoving the sleeve off her arm.

"HOPE". I yelled slamming the coat on the white ground.


"Put the coat on".

She did that sassy eyebrow raise thing she does. "Why do you care". She was smirking.

"B-b-because". Why did I care. "Your going to get sick again and I'm not risking my skin for you one more time".

The side of her mouth that was curved into the smirk went back down into a strait face. "Right, one time thing".

I felt guilty now. I swear sometimes being around Hope feels more like, are you a jerk test. I was failing miserably.

"Well, well, if it isn't Hopers". I man with red hair walked over to Hope. He was wearing a thick fur coat and black church shoes. "The girl it took a whole village to raise".

"Priest Declan", she curved her head to the side.

"Wait priest, like guy who raised you priest". I asked.

She nodded her head moving forward and ignoring me. "Why are you back"

"I got a message from Mianite about a". He scrunched up his face. "Tube of glitter".

"Oh Sparkles', sparkles". Tom butted into the conversation.

The priest sighed. I now see why he left. "Did you get something that fits that description".

"Yea but I don't know where it is". I turned to Tom. "Didn't you see it in the cell".

"Yea, the fear demo.....", He stopped talking. "Oh no".

"We need that!" The priest got more worried.

"It's just a tube of glitter"

He rubbed his head. "No, that is the Ianite's sugar".

Hope's normally high voice got higher. "That's a Ianite thing, I didn't think Mianite cared".


"Neither did I", the priest said with bitterness.

"We can just go down and get it", Hope tugged my sleeve. "I did kill it".

That's right. She had, and I still hadn't killed anything.

"Uhhh". I kept on thinking of the blackness of the demon against the white blood. Like I squished fly. I wasn't helping my stomach from turning. "I don't know if-". I started to trail off seeing Hope run back downstairs to the Modsteps cells.

I had no choice but to follow after her. I started going down the stairs. The wind blowing through the broken down door was whistling harder, slamming the door open and shut a few times. "Hope". I yelled her name.

I heard a small shriek and ran harder, swerving into the room that the fear demon was in. I saw Hope wrestling herself.

"What the-".

"It's the fear demon", Hope on the right yelled at me with unnaturally high voice.

"No", the Hope on the left paused. The both had each others arms, pushing each other away. "That's the fear demon".

"Help". I barely yelled hopelessly.

"Come on, you should know who I am", the Hope on the left said, glaring at me.

"Don't use my innocence glare". The two Hopes argued with each other still wrestling.

I had to figure out which one was which. "STOP OR ILL SHOOT YOU BOTH". I shouted. "Just, line up at the wall".

The Hope on the left backed up to the wall. Crossing her legs glaring at me. The Hope on the right stared at me like I was a idiot. "Are you fucking kidding me. Your just going to shoot me for the hell of it",she said matter-of-factly.

The one that would never listen to me. That was her. The real Hope looked up at the ceiling. "You probably knew it was me the whole time, but you put me life in danger just so you thought you could have me listen to you for once".


"Yep", I said trying to be sarcastic. I think she believe me though.

She crossed her arms,"Really".

The other Hope, that I could clearly now see as the fear demon, lunged at Hope. She shrieked again dodging it. She ran behind my legs. I looked back at her. "Gee, thanks".

She pointed at the fear demon. "You have a weapon, kill it".

It didn't come charging at her again. It was laying on the floor. Weak and breathing heavily, good riddance. I walked up to it cautiously. I didn't realize Hope was silently walking up to it as well. She stood by its huge, lengthy fingers as I tried to think up of a way to take it out of its misery. How do kill a demon. I didn't have any holy water on me.

The demon jumped back up at me with another surge of energy. With my somewhat quick reflexes I took the sword out of my holster blocking its hands from grabbing at me. I was so proud of myself. "Ha, ha". I breathed heavily. "Take that".

It hissed weakly at me. Probably trying to plot my demise. The creature tried to grab my shirt with its right hand. I hit it away with new confidence. It hissed again more aggravated. The swords touch burned the demons hand, slightly distracting it.

"What was that", Hope yelled over the hissing.

I held the sword over my head. "Attachment three". I swung down on the demon, serving the final blow. The head splitting right in half. The smell was awful. I dint cover my mouth or barf like I normally would have. I was way to tired.

I dropped the sword on the ground, coughing and hacking up any breath that I had left. I sat on the ground, dropping tirelessly on the floor just like the sword. I didn't care about the demon blood that was right by my knees.

Hope came over to me. Sauntering like nothing had just happened. I could barely hear her footsteps as it was. "Jordan". She sat by me. Her knees slid together as she fell. "You killed it".

"And that was pretty damn cool". I turned around and saw Tom, Tucker, and Sonja. Surprisingly Tucker was the one who said the unformal sentence.

I felt and heard cracking under the floorboards that me and Hope were sitting on. We both gave each other a horrified and 'You ought to be kidding me' look.

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