《The Spark of Balance: The Realm of Mianite (Book 1)》Ch26- What you mean to him...
Claire POV-
Waking up is always the hardest thing to do everyday, you leave the world of your fantasies for the real world, not this time though. Claire was living her fantasy in a sense, not in the way she ever imagined but it made it easier to wake up knowing that at least this was a chance for something she never got back home, a chance for adventure.
Pulling back the covers, she rubbed her eyes one last time and gave a final stretch. Once she open her eyes she found a chest in front of her bed as well as an unexpected guest.
"Good morning Sparkles. I'm glad you are finally awake." Said Mianite with a sarcastic tone.
"Have you been staring at me sleep this whole time?" Asked Jordan
"No, of course not. I got here a few minutes ago. My apologies for intruding but i think you will be most pleased I came"
"Are you here to put the war to an end!?"
"Not yet my dear, this has to be handled with care, and with that is the need for time. I came on a more personal matter..."
"About me? What did I do?"
"It's nothing you have done, it's something I've done. I kept my promise to you and spoke to Ianite briefly..."
"You did! How is he? Is he gonna be ok?"
"With time he will be... he appreciated your concern and wanted me to let you know how... how much you mean to him. You are of course his champion, there is not a moment that goes by that he hasn't though of you..."
"Yeah, he wanted me to tell you that he has full faith in you and your strength helps him in ways you can't even comprehend yet. He asked me to remind you that whenever you feel down of defeated you must realize that you are a force to be reckoned with, never give up on yourself."
"He...he did. I don't think anyone has believed in me as much as he has..."
"Ianite has always had a hard time connecting to people since I can remember. He can see both the good and bad of people and although he is the god of balance, it's created a harsh environment for friendships....you may as well be his first friend..."
"I didn't...know that. I guess when you have the responsibility to create balance it makes things tough. Thank you Mianite I appreciate all that you have done. Now that my wounds feel much better I think I should listen to Ianite's advice and serve some much needed justice. Staying in bed won't do much for anyone"
"I guess not... but no champion should go into battle like that. Ianite asked me to give you something very important, something I was gonna store away for you and make you find later on, I'm quite the fan for quests you see. Given what you have gone through I think you deserve to skip those and I should give it to you personally, least I can do for someone who has done so much for my younger brother."
"But I haven't done anything...I wish I could do more"
"You are giving my brother strength when I'm powerless to help him. You are doing more than I can do..."
Miante looked at her, locking eyes with her for a few seconds. He turned around and opened the chest. He gestured her to go to him. Jordan did as she was told, curiosity burning inside of her.
When she looked at the contents inside the chest, she was mesmerized by their beauty. It was a purple enchanted set of armor...for her.
"This dear Jordan, is the Ianite armor. Some consider it only a legend because no one has seen it in person. Ianite has never had a champion so it only logical no human has ever seen it. You will be its first holder. Wear it with caution, this is a prized item that is made of Ianite's essence. There will be those who will want to steal it from you, even your friends. Trust no one with this"
"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you! I'm honored, but I'm just a nobody, I'm not even from this world!"
"You are now" Mianite said with a warm welcoming smile. He placed his hand on her shoulder and placed a small box on her hand. Before letting her open it he looked the bracelet she had on.
"It has been a long time since I've seen that bracelet, the one Ianite gave you. It belonged to our mother, under normal circumstances I would have been upset Ianite gave it away, but I'm glad he gave it to you"
"I'm sorry, I didnt how ho much this mean to you guys. If you want it back I understand..."
"There is no need, as I said, it suits you. Besides, it has meaning, mother gave us objects of hers for us to give to those we really cared and trusted. This is Ianite's promise, his message to you."
She didn't know why Ianite would entrust her with all of these important items. They had some great times when they first met each other in her dreams . They had met each other as nothing more than equals. He wasn't a god to her and she wasn't a random college girl to him, they really got to bond, see each other as what they really were, labels aside. She never though it mean as much to him as it did to her.
Mianite caught her gaze and opened the small navy blue box, in it was a small necklace with a big beige stone protected by light pink crystals on the outside.
"I found a stone by a lake near our house when I was a young boy, my mother showed me how to buff the stone to reveal its true beauty. She cut it into two halfs, she made a necklace and a bracelet with it. She also helped me cover the outside of the stone with crystals, pink was her favorite color, which is why I chose it."
Jordan had no words to thank him or even comprehend why he was giving her something so precious. It made more sense from Ianite since he was her god. Miante had no need to do this.
"I hope the colors are to your liking, I know reds are more appealing to you but it shouldn't contrast with your outfit"
He got the necklace and clicked it in place on Jordan's neck. He looked at her for a while, noticed how the necklace looked on her. He smiled, proud of his work.
"Now you have my mother's necklace and Sonja has the bracelet. They are a matching set, made for beautiful, kind hearted, strong women like you guys. You both are fit owners for them, please take care of it for me."
"Thank you, it's absolutely beautiful, you and your mother did a great job making it. I bet she was as beautiful as the necklace itself"
"She was.. well, I should take my leave now. You will hear from the priest soon about the war matters. Enjoy your day"
Miante started to make his way down the stairs, Jordan rushed after him. She grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.
"Could you thank Ianite for me as well. The armor is great, I am very grateful to you both for making this place seem more like home"
He stood there for a second before bursting out laughing. His laugh fit his voice, it was a very deep laugh that made his eyes squint, making him seem like a young kid. She gazed in amazement, she her though she would see him in a moment that made him seem so vulnerable, not at all like a god. He just seemed like a regular guy at that moment.
"Of course, I'm sure he would appreciate to hear that, as do I. Farewell Sparkles"
She closed her eyes as she heard the front door close. What had just happened?
She went back to her room and looked at the armor. It wasn't the strongest most efficient armor in the world, but it was from her lord, which made it more special that anything. Even in these moments when he was in a bad state he still though of her. Maybe her idea of God being so strict and above the world was wrong after all.
She put on her armor and got her sword, she had a specific place she wanted to go to today. It was gonna be risky but definitely worth it. She closed her front door and made her way to Tom's house.
The plan was to make him suffer in the only way she could think of. She remembered a few days back he spoke of getting a new fish, he named him Marlin. As far as Jordan was concerned that was one of his most prized possessions at the moment, the perfect target.
Marlin was right were she though he would be, best part was that there was no one home. She took him with ease and made her way to Sonja's house. Maybe they had a good plan on what to do, Jordan didn't want to kill the poor fish, he was innocent and was not gonna be taken as collateral damage. If it were the other way around Tom would probably kill her fish, but Jordan was different from him, she had mercy.
As she made her way to Sonja's she saw a big white building in the distance. She could have sworn nothing was there before, if she could see it from there it must be huge.
"Hey guys, what's up with the giant white building?"
"Oh! Good morning. We though you were still asleep, Miante paid us a visit today."said Tucker
"Yeah me too. Is he responsible for that building?"
"You bet, common well give you a tour!"
Jordan made her way over as fast as she could, the closer she got, the bigger the building was. By the time she made her way across the sea to the small island where the building was located, she got her first glimpse at the magnificent building before her. Nothing she had seen back home compared to this...
"Welcome to the temple of Miante!"said Tucker and Sonja in sync.
After a tour of the place Tucker explained that this was Miante making up for the temple Tucker had made that was destroyed at the beginning of the war. This just convinced her that the abilities sod the gods were greater than she ever imagined.
She should be more careful next time she brings out her sass to Dianite, who knows what he could do.
Jordan almost forgot about her revenge plan with all this commotion, after explaining the situation to them, they all came of with a great idea. They also flipped over what had happened during Mianite's visit. They were both mesmerized by the armor and necklace. Sonja and Jordan looked at their jewelry side by side, not only would it be a symbol of Miante but also of their friendship. They then came up with a perfect plant the would inconvenience Tom the most, because that's what friends do.
Marlin belonged in the sea with all of his fellow sea creatures, they would help Marlin get back home.... they planned to set him on a small cage underneath the temple of Miante. Under the temple was the ocean itself so marlin would be underwater. Tom would have to risk drowning to save him, some should say that's evil, but he stood there while she was tortured, this was Jordan being nice.
After moments of panic from Tom, Jordan told him that he was somewhere near the temple, somewhere that was home to Marlin. What they didn't know was that this plan would be greater than they thought.
It was ok to mess with Tom now since the war rage had died down a bit, Nade had returned her tools to her last night and the offerings from the Ianite temple were returned this morning, so there was relative peace for now. Then they got a message from the Priest.....
"You are all to come to the outside of my house at dawn, it is time to settle this war by the judgement for the gods. Don't be late!"
It took them all by shock, what could the gods be planning. If it was a test of strength or perhaps a dangerous punishment, they needed their best stuff to live. All but Tom went back to their houses to retrieve their good weapons, he stayed to look for Marlin.
Everyone was in a rush since it was almost dawn. They had forgotten about it until they had only minutes left before they had to meet up with the priest and the gods.
Jordan got her Ianite armor and best weapons and rushed over to the site. When she got there, the place was unbelievable! There was a floating tank above what looked like a ritual set up, just up there like it was laughing at the laws of physics, ignoring them completely.
The priest sat on a ledge on a mountain facing the set up, he was just high enough that he was at the same level as the tank. He look very serious and some could say even pissed, still there was no sign of the gods.
Once she, Tucker, and Sonja arrived, they were told to stand opposite of each other. There were four pillar like structures surrounding the tank below, they each took their respective spot. There was a fire underneath the tank, none of them were sure why, but things weren't looking good for them.
Tom made it just in time, he had taken up longer than Jordan though to find Marlin. The priest looked annoyed at Tom's almost tardiness but dismissed it.
There they were, the four of them, surrounding a tank that would decide their fate, yet they're were all loud and excited, as always. The priest then silenced them and spoke...
"Welcome! This is the Tank of Judgement!"
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