《Persona 6: Fanmade redone!》Chapter 20: Not So Good Outcomes


Later that night, Suki returned home to find Akiniko sitting at the table with a familiar man-she couldn't exactly put her finger on what about the man was so familiar. Maybe a parent from school? A teacher? Another relative she has yet to hear about?

"How bad was it?" She heard Akiniko ask.

The man shook his head, shaking his head. "She says she saw her mother, standing right there in the doorway." He responded, a familiar southern accent in his voice. "It talked to her. She's never heard her voice, yet that damn thing talked to her."

Akiniko sighed, shaking his head. "That's not good..."


The man couldn't bear to finish. The mentioned of Anzu's name sparked interest in Suki.

That must be her father...

The man shook his head. "I can't lose her, Ko. I can't...she's my only kid..."

Akiniko nodded. "I know, Dev...I know."

Dev looked up at Akiniko. "So, how's your kid doing..? Y'know, with this whole Misaki thing?"

Akiniko sighed. "I honestly don't know. I'm sure she thinks of me as the shittiest man in the world."

"But does she know?"

Akiniko fell silent. Dev nodded in understanding.

"Y'know, you're gonna have to tell her at some point...."

Tell me what...?

"I know...just....not now. Not while things are so...all over the place." He explained.

Dev nodded and stood up. "Well, I should be going. Anzu's probably waiting for me..."

Akiniko stood as well and walked him out, where they found Suki sitting on the couch with her ear buds in, pretending she didn't hear anything. She looked up, taking an ear bud out.

"Oh, hi. Didn't know you were home." She said.

"Uh, yeah. Got off of work early. Uh, Suki, this is Deviant. He's a friend of mine." Akiniko said.

Suki stood and stepped over to shake Deviant's hand.

"Pleasure to finally meet ya, little lady." He greeted cheerful, as if he wasn't in complete despair before hand.


Suki smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Deviant."

"You can just call me Dev."

Suki nodded, although she would still to tend to call him Mr. Ayako or Mr. Deviant at best.

"Hope I can see more of you and your pop soon, Suki." Deviant said before letting go of her hand and walking out the front door.

Suki turned to Akiniko, a true geniue smile on her face. "So, his name's Deviant? Strange name..."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I mean, that's not his real name. But he hasn't really told anyone what his real name actually is so, he just uses 'Deviant.' That's his old stage name."

Suki tilted her head in confusion. "Stage name...you mean like-?"

"N-no! Nothing like that!"

Suki sighed in relief. "Okay...so why did he need a stage name? What did he do?"

"He was actually . Funny, huh?"

Suki was dumbfounded. "Yeah...funny."

Akiniko walked out of the kitchen, with Suki following quickly behind him.

"S-so, why was he here? What were you taking about?" She asked.

"It was about his daughter, Anzu. Not sure if you know her...she's a first year."

"I...think I've seen her walking around. So, what's going on with her? Is she sick?"

Akiniko stopped in his tracks, looking down. "In a way...yes."

He turned to face Suki. "She has paranoid schizophrenia. She's had it since she was born. She has these horrible audio and visual delusions for a while now...but now, it's become...violent."


Akiniko nodded, leading her back to the kitchen. Suki sat down at the table as he began to make himself coffee.

"A few years ago...Anzu was diagnosed with depression. She had it for a long time, the signs were always there but I think it's when she finally found out is when they started getting serious. She started seeing herself, dead in every way possible. The voices of her bullies always replayed in her head, calling her worthless and a freak....but I think the worst are the ones of her parents..."


"Wait, Deviant isn't her real father?"

Akiniko looked up questioningly. "You ask a lot of questions."

"You have a lot of answers that I need..."

Akiniko stayed quiet. She knew what he did. She knows what he said.

"How did you know?"


"That night...when I was about to leave, you hugged me. Like it was going to be my last, or at least one someone gives to another when they go off to fight a war. So how did you know? Or, do you even know?"

Akiniko stayed quiet before nodding. "I do...let's just say, I've know for a while..."

Suki nodded. She had gotten all the information she needed.

At least, for now.

Hanged Man Arcana: Rank

Suki stood up and smiled at him. "Thanks for the info...dad."

Akiniko was caught off guard.

Did she just call me...dad?


Suki: I have some information on Anzu from Akiniko. Apparently he knows her father.

Isas: besides the point, what did you find?

Suki: It turns out Anzu has paranoid schizophrenia. She's had it since birth, and has only recently been diagnosed with depression.

Jumin: Ayako-Chan has depression?

Jumin: she doesn't really like...people.

Suki: who is this?

Yasahiro: hi!

Jumin: ?!

Jumin: ?!

Suki: I am. He wouldn't-or, should I say, couldn't tell me more. But I am sure that has something to do with her illness.

Kimi: so, what do we do?

Isas: maybe I can help with that.

Kimi: you can help me with my part of the plan.

Kimi: well, her life is in mortal danger in another world, so I should say she should be pretty cooperative.

Suki: yeah. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Hope everything goes well.

Isas: goodnight. Rest well everyone.

Kimi: night!

Jumin: night

Yasahiro: night night!

Suki chuckled at Yasahiro's last text as she went to put her phone on the bedside table when she received a separate text from Kimi.

Kimi: hey listen...

Kimi: I still remember what happened. In the house of mirrors. And I know you probably don't want to talk about it..

Kimi: but if you do, I'm here. I'm always here.

Suki's smile faltered and she sighed, laying the phone face down and going to bed.

I'll deal with it later....my feelings aren't important right now...


March 13th, 20XX


The Quaran-Team met outside the school in front of the lamppost that Suki and Kimi crashed into since it was the best place to get some privacy.

"Alright, so what do we got?" Suki asked.

"Well, Isas and I checked her hospital records to see if she's been there in the past couple of days and well...." Jumin trailed off.

"Her hospital records show that she has been there about everyday after school for excessive bleeding from the wrists, thighs, nose, and mouth."

Kimi let out a light gasp as Suki looked up, absolutely shocked.

"She's been there a lot in the past, too. Main for...for...I...I CAN'T SAY IT! I-IT'S TOO MUCH!" Jumin suddenly shouted, gripping the sides of his head.

"Eko-Chan...?" Yasahiro questioned.

Suki looked up at Isas for the answer. Isas sighed.

"She...was admitted for...self-harm. The excessive bleeding from her wrists and thighs...they are her new and old wounds opening up."

"I can't...why? Why would someone do something like this...? Even if she's kinda closed off...why would she think of herself so horribly to do this to herself....?"

"I....I don't know, Jumin." Isas replied, not wanting to give him the real answer.

Suki turned to Kimi and Yasahiro. "Well, what do you two have?"

Kimi scratched the back of her neck. "Nothing...we tried but we got nothing."

"That's okay. I'm gonna go talk to her later anyways. See if I can get through to her."

"We'll be counting of you, Suki." Isas said.

Suki nodded with determination as she caught a quick glance at Anzu, walking pass them with a clawed up black notebook.

I'll find a way...



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