《His Precious Mate.》18. Break up.


POV Dayanara.

I woke up in a warm bed and it smelled like Mateo. My neck was still hurting a lot and so was my head. I sat up and nearly screamed when I saw a wolf on the floor. I stood up from the bed and saw Mateo laying on the couch.

He was covered in blood and so was the wolf, I'm assuming Gabriel, on the floor. Both of them looked at me.

"What happened?" I asked as I helped Mateo up and threw a pair of shorts towards Gabriel.

"We got in a fight with Alexander to stop him from getting to you." Mateo replied as he blocked my view so Gabriel could shift.

"Guys, you know you can't take on an Alpha. Let alone stop one from seeing his mate." I shook my head.

"But we had to protect our Luna." Gabriel stepped into view.

"Look at you." My voice cracked at the sight of them. "Mateo, you definitely have three broken ribs, a couple bruised ones, a black eye and maybe even a Goddamn concussion." I sighed. "And Gabriel, Alexander broke your arm and slashed your back open."

"Don't worry about us, we'll heal." Gabe assured.

"Mind link the packdoctor." I demanded, Mateo sighed but did so anyway. A few minutes later, a man in a white coat entered. He treated their wounds and left after bowing.

I got up and went to check on Alexander. Even though I'm mad at him, he's still my mate and I have to know if he's okay.

I walked up the stairs and into our room. Alexander shot up and stared at me while I scanned his body for injuries. His only injury was a cut on his arm.

I felt two powerful presences appear behind me and Alexander's eyes darkened. "Get out!" He said lowly to his Beta and Gamma.

"We will stand by our Luna." Mateo stepped beside me and so did Gabriel. In a flash, Alex stepped forward and wrapped his hand around Mateo's neck.

Mateo gasped for air when Alexander's claws dug into his skin. Gabriel stepped up to help but my mate grabbed his throat as well. The Beta wrapped his hand around his Alpha's neck while Mateo placed his claws over Alexander's heart.

"PUT. THE. CLAWS. AWAY!" I snapped at them. They ignored me and each of them squeezed a bit harder.

With a flick of my wrist I extended my claws. "Put. Them. Down." I growled lowly as I lifted my claws to my throat.

"You can't do that!" Gabriel panicked. He withdrew his hand from Alexander's neck.

"Don't hurt yourself." Mateo let his hands fall to his side. Alexander's gaze hardened as he looked at me.


"Let. Them. Go." I said, digging my claws in my throat, deep enough to draw blood. I felt the red liquid go down my neck. Alexander eyes widened when he realized that I wasn't playing and he retracted his hands.

"Mateo, Gabriel, leave." I said calmly.

"And leave you here with him? Hell no!" Gabriel replied, earning a growl from his Alpha.

"He won't hurt me." I assured and pushed them towards the door.

"He marked you without permission." Mateo reminded me.

"Out." I shut the door in their faces.

"Dayanara-" Alexander started but I cut him off.


"I'M SORRY OKAY?!" He screamed back as he walked closer to me. "The Alphas at the meeting kept provoking me and it made us pissed off. They kept saying that I was a pussy and too young to be an Alpha. And that I can't even get my mate to obey me."

"How is this supposed to work if you can't even defend me against other Alphas?" I asked while shaking my head.

"If you don't think this is going to work, what are we doing then?" My mate looked at me hopelessly.

"What are you saying?" I asked, taking a step back. "Are you saying you don't want to be my mate anymore?"

"I don't know." He sighed.

"Well, I'll make it easier for you." I took off the necklace and threw it on the bed. I went past him before jumping out of the window, shifting mid-air.

I landed on all fours and ran into the woods. My wolf felt mad that I left our mate but also upset because he did mark us without permission. I tried to empty my mind as I ran to my old neighbor.

~Five days later~

I laid on the couch while mrs. Carter made lunch. A loud scream was heard and glass shattered. I stood up and rushed to the kitchen.

"What happened?" I asked as mrs. Carter looked at me.

"That happened." She pointed to something behind me. I turned and saw a wolf.

"Mateo!" I scolded. "You could've knocked!" The wolf whined and I shook my head.

"You know him?" Mrs. Carter asked as I turned around again, blocking her view as well.

"Dayanara, we need to talk." Mateo said.

"I'm done talking." I refused as mrs. Carter left the room.

"You have to come back!" He exclaimed. "Alexander has not left your bedroom! Gabriel had to chain him to the bed because we were afraid that he might hurt himself. Silver chains, Daya, silver!"


"He doesn't want me." I looked him in the eyes.

"Are you nuts?!" He yelled desperately. "The guy is crazy for you! You need each other!"

"I don't need him." I shook my head.

"With all due respect, my Luna. Look at you, you're a mess." He exclaimed. "Your hair is like a birdsnest, your skin has gone back to pale, you have bags so big you look like a skeleton and you are not healing well!"

"He doesn't need me and he certainly doesn't want me." I disagreed.

"Come on let's go!" In a second I was thrown over his shoulder as he was running back into the forest.

"There we go." He put me down again because we were already outside the house.

"Okay, what's the plan?" I asked.

"Well, my plan was to get you here and I didn't expect to succeed." He rubbed the back of his neck. "So, I'm not sure."

"What the hell am I supposed to say?! I love you and I'm sorry?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry? What am I sorry for? He is the one that should apologize."

"I don't know, just fix it." He groaned. I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk away. "Not going to happen." He picked me up by the waist and brought me inside.

"I can't go in there!" I screeched and I hit his back.

"Daya, you're a Luna. Your punches actually hurt you know." He informed.

"I know! That's the whole point!" I hit harder.

"There you go." He put me down and then slammed the door in my face. I mentally groaned when I heard him lock the door.

I turned around and saw my mate on his bed, chained to it. His eyes snapped to mine and within a second, he broke the chains.

Alexander got up and approached but stopped when I took a step back. "How is- Are you-" He stumbled over his words and sighed. "Does you neck still hurt?"

"No." Yes. "It's fine." It's killing me.

"Don't lie to me." He shook his head.

"Fine, it's burning like crazy." I lifted my hands up. "You happy now?"

"Of course not, my mate is in pain." He came closer to me.

"Oh, so we're mates again?" I scoffed.

"Tesoro, don't be like this." He begged. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking and I didn't mean to hurt you. Rage and lust clouded my mind." He took my hands in his but I pulled back.

"That's the point, you did hurt me." I said disappointed.

"Please, you are my world, my everything, my Luna. And I need you, more than anything."

"Alexa-" A sharp sting cut me off and I gasped. I fell to my knees as my hand went to my neck.

"Dayanara, I get it if you never want to see me again but I can't look at you like this." He kneeled down as well. "Please just let me help you."

I nodded and waited for him to do something. At that moment, we were so awkward. Which was weird because it's never been awkward between the two of us.

Alexander carefully pushed my hair aside and looked at me once more for permission. "Do what you gotta do." I said through clenched teeth while nodding.

One hand held my neck while he placed the other on my waist. I held my hair tightly, hoping that he would hurry up. I felt his breath on my skin before he brushed his lips over my neck. I shivered at his touch and let out a breath.

That small brush felt like a bucket of ice water compared to the burning feeling from before. He noticed my reaction and pressed his lips on the mark. All the pain flooded away and I could breath normally again. He repeated the action a few more times.

"Does is feel better?" He whispered, pulling back so he could see my face.

"Yeah, thanks." I nodded.

"Listen, Daya I really am sorry." He sounded sincere.

"Do you regret it?" I asked.

"I don't regret marking you but I shouldn't have done it without your permission." He answered.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, mentioning to his wrists. There were red marks cause by the silver.

"I can take it." He assured.

"Does this help?" I took a hold of his wrists, hoping the mate bond would take away some of his pain.

"It does."

"Do you still... want to be," I paused for a second. "my mate?"

"Yes, of course I do." He said.

"Are you sure? I mean I get it if you don't-" Alexander pressed his lips on mine, successfully shutting me up.

"Let's go to sleep." He pulled to the bed. "I don't know about you but I didn't get a wink of sleep."

"Me neither." I shook my head as I laid down. Alexander let out an unsatisfied growl and put me on top of him.

I chuckled and closed my eyes. I heard him let out a sigh and then I let the darkness take over.

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