《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》12.
Well the night I had kind of been dreading had finally arrived. Yes tonight was the night of Kieran's ball / party for me. I was a little more at ease since I had spoken to Kieran about how I was feeling about his pack members maybe not liking me and me not knowing anyone else. Kieran was very understanding. He was even supportive when I told him Sophie was planning to get a few of the female members to meet with me so I could get to know them and they could get to know me better. I was even more happier when my parents, cousin and best friend said they would all attend the big event. My mum and best friend had arrived early as they wanted to help me get ready along with Sophie and Rebecca.
I knew Natalie all too well though, she just wanted to see my dress. The colour and style of it. The dress on me to see if I suited it well. How I was having my hair styled, shoes, accessories and so on. To be honest, I didn't wear much jewellery though. I owned the odd necklace, ring or bracelet but that was probably about it. Kieran was with Alex, Bradley, Josh, Jacob, Louis and Lucas getting ready. It kind of felt like this was our wedding day not a ball or party event but it was decided that I would get ready with the girls help and it would be a surprise for Kieran. Not really, what the girls didn't know was that Kieran had walked in on me when I had the dress held against me. I suppose he hasn't seen it on me properly though or my hair done. I really wanted to leave my hair down and maybe just have a side plait but Sophie refused and said she had the perfect hairstyle for me. She and Rebecca had done my hair up nice but managed to keep it low at the same time. They left out a few strands of my hair at the front of my face.
I was finally ready. I had my dress on, shoes on and hair done.
"Oh my goodness you look absolutely amazing !" Sophie squealed
"You look beautiful" my mother smiled
"Wow your Alpha isn't going to know what hit him" Natalie teased
I blushed shyly at her comment.
"Okay girls let's get ourselves downstairs and wait for the grand entrance" My mother cheered
The girls all left the room, leaving me on my own. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I still can't believe I'm getting to wear this lilac dress. I still felt like I was a princess of some sort in a Disney movie or something. I had to wait until someone came and knocked on the door and lead me in the direction of the ballroom. I would walk out at one side and Kieran would walk out from the other side, we would meet in the middle and then make our way down the stairs and to our table. There was lots of tables around the inside of the room and then in the middle was a very large spacious dancefloor. I had this weird feeling something may go horribly wrong tonight. The reason for this feeling - Kieran thought it would be a good idea to invite Sarah and Jamie to tonight's event but keep my name off the invite. I tried to warn him that it would be a bad idea but he insisted it would be fine. A sudden knock came to the door and brought me out of my thoughts. I took a deep breath before answering the door.
"Future Luna Felicity, Alpha Kieran has sent me to collect you and walk you to your destination" A young woman said. She had to have been in her twenties at least but no older than twenty two or twenty three at least.
"Right. Yes. Okay let's go" I smiled and walked out Kieran and I's room, closing the door behind me.
The walk wasn't far, I had never been round this part of the mansion before. I still haven't explored everywhere yet, I keep managing to get lost somehow. The young woman hardly spoke to me as she lead the way. I tried to look for a name tag or something but she never had one on. She lead me into a small box room type thing which had curtains up. We were greeted at the door by Bradley, a top pack member of Kieran's pack.
"Future Luna, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. I hope you don't mind me saying so" Bradley smiled.
"Not at all, thank you Bradley, you look very dapper in your suit tonight" I smiled repaying his compliment.
We waited behind the curtain until my name was called out and I would meet Kieran in the middle at the top of the stairs in the ball room. I was getting very nervous about this whole thing. I was contemplating just running away but Bradley would easily catch me. I tried to come up with a better plan in my head but it was too late. I had just heard the speaker call both mine and Kieran's name. This was it, no going back or backing out now. The curtain was moved a side so as I could walk out.
I walked out after hearing the speaker announce myself and Felicity as the Alpha and Luna. I walked to the middle and looked over at Felicity. She still looked so shy and nervous but she had nothing to worry about. As I looked at her, I felt my heart slow down almost as if it was ready to stop beating, I felt like all breath had just been sucked right out of my body. Felicity looked absolutely beautiful. I was speechless and found myself at a loss for words. I met her in the middle at the top of the stairs. She bowed down to me and I bowed my head down to her.
"You look absolutely breath taking" I whispered to her
"Thank you Alpha. You look very handsome tonight" She whispered back.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Alpha's and Luna's from our allied packs, I present to you, Alpha Kieran Templeton and his soon to be mate and future Luna, Felicity Morgan" The speaker announced.
I took Felicity's hand in mine and walked down the stairs with her to our main table. I made sure to have her family and best friend close to our table to give her some sort of comfort. As the speak announced our names, I scanned the room and found the two faces I wanted to see so badly. Sarah and James. They had hurt us so much and caused myself and Felicity so much pain, I wanted to see their faces when they see us together as Alpha and Luna. Sarah looked shocked and confused, I guess she just wasn't expecting me to have found someone so fast after she rejected me. Jamie on the other hand, he was a different story. He didn't look too impressed by the whole thing. No doubt he will be wanting to have words with us later.
I walked Felicity to the table and pulled her chair out for her. As always she smiled and thanked me. I took my seat next to her and soon the buffet table was open. Some of the female and male pack members offered to work as our waitresses and waiters for the night. They didn't have to do much, just walk around with champagne or water to fill up some glasses. Clear the plates and make sure everyone is having a great time.
The night had gone by smoothly so far without anything going wrong. I had given a speech about how I was now a proud Alpha and grateful to have found such beautiful mate and Luna as Felicity. Gayle had even made Felicity an amazing birthday cake for tonight. The time had come for Felicity and myself to have our first dance of the night. Once again, I took Felicity's hand and lead her over to the dancefloor. This time, we had our first dance to Ed Sheeran - Perfect. This song fitted so well with the lyrics. I held Felicity's hand in mine and rested my other hand on her waist whilst she placed her hand on my shoulder.
We had, had a few dances together to a few different songs. Some of the others had even gotten up and danced along with us. I made sure to dance and lead Felicity along and over by Jamie and Sarah. I hadn't understood how after I had wanted to imprint on Sarah it never happened. No matter how many times I looked at her or wanted it to happen it never did but now that I had imprinted on Felicity, it felt so real. My feelings for her were true, there was no fake love or anything between us.
After a few more dances, Felicity and I decided to step outside for some fresh air, the doors were already open in case any of the others had wanted to come outside if it got too hot inside for them.
"Are you having a nice time ?" I asked Felicity as we found a quiet place
"It's been amazing" Felicity smiled
"Good, I'm glad. I really wanted it to be perfect for you" I said
"I've never had anything like this before in my life. It's been more than perfect" Felicity smiled at me.
I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She was starting to get cold so I took off my jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
"Thank you" Felicity said. She moved closer to me so she was resting her head into my side.
"You want to cut this short and head to bed ?" I asked getting the feeling she was beginning to get tired
"No, I'm just enjoying the peace and fresh air and being here with you" Felicity replied.
We stood up and I wrapped my arms around her and rested them on the small of her back. Felicity wrapped her arms around my neck we danced slowly to the music we could hear from inside.
"I wish this could last forever" Felicity said
"It soon will be forever" I promised her
"Aww well this is sweet" A familiar male voice said. His tone was full of venom.
Felicity and I broke apart to come face to face with Jamie and Sarah.
"What do you two want ? Can't you see we're having a private moment ?" I asked sounding agitated.
"Do you two rejects really expect us to believe that you two are going to be true mates ?" Jamie snarled
"We maybe rejects but we have worked hard to get something real and now we have" Felicity hit back at Jamie
"So you are Jamie's true mate I take it" Sarah said to Felicity, you could hear the jealousy in her voice.
"Not any more, I'm Kieran's mate and Luna now" Felicity said confidently.
Wow I had never known or seen this feisty side of Felicity before, I'm not gonna lie, I rather liked seeing this side of her a lot more than I'd care to ever let anyone know.
"You two won't last, one of you are sure to break the other's heart when you realise this won't work out" Jamie said trying to sound confident
"Really ? Well it's going to be a bit late for that now" Felicity said pointing to her marking I gave her when I bit her.
"A mark doesn't mean anything special, you can still decide to part ways" Sarah spat out
"Well not exactly we can't no, I've done something I'd been trying to do for years on you, it never worked but it worked perfectly the night I marked Felicity" I said jumping in to defend Felicity
"What could be more spe-" Jamie began but Sarah butted in
"Oh my god, you've imprinted on her" Sarah said sounding shocked and a little hurt.
"Clever girl, not just a pretty face" I sniggered at Sarah
Jamie and Sarah gave each other a look of hurt and confusion. I'm guessing they haven't managed the whole imprinting situation yet.
"Pretty soon, we are going to mate and Felicity will be my Luna. My true Luna" I said adding emphasis on the word true.
Judging by the look on Sarah's face, she didn't like this whole situation that was unravelling in front of her. I guess she wanted me to still be moping after her and chasing her. She only loved it when things where going her way in life and right now wasn't one of those times.
"If you'll excuse us but we do have a ball and guests to be getting back inside too" Felicity said as she took my hand and lead me back towards the house with her.
"I don't think they were too happy with us" Felicity said once we were out of their earshot so they wouldn't hear us.
"Don't worry about them Miss Feisty" I smirked
"Feisty ?" Felicity asked confused
"You back there, jumping in and defending me and us" I explained
"I thought I was doing the right thing as your future Luna, I'm sorry if I was out of line" Felicity began but I stopped her
"You weren't out of line. No one has ever defended me like that before. That was the sign of a true Luna" I smiled
"You two owe us both an apology !" Jamie roared as he marched towards us.
Sarah walked behind him, trying to keep up with him. We were now stood right outside the house in the back garden.
"Excuse me but we owe you both nothing" I stated back clearly
"No one talks to my Luna like that !" Jamie snapped
"No one talks to my Luna or treats her like how you have" I hit back
"Luna ? Her ? Miss Independent that would never look at a man who's now bedding the first Alpha that'll give her a look since I rejected her" Jamie spat at Felicity, each word dripping with venom.
"She may have been rejected but at least I love her !" I roared back at Jamie
The whole place fell silent. I just realised what I had just blurted out but it was the truth and I wasn't about to deny it now.
"You love her ?" Sarah asked almost sounding heart broken
"Yes. I love Felicity" I said confirming my previous words
"Don't expect her to love you back" Jamie said in a stone cold voice
Felicity took this as her chance to say something.
"I do love Kieran. More than I have ever loved anyone, more than I thought I could ever love anyone. He's become to mean something special and important to me" She told them, looking them both in the eye without even blinking.
"There is your answer, maybe you two should leave" I suggested
"Alpha, do you need any help out here ? Alex asked as he stood by the open doors.
"No thanks Alex, Jamie and Sarah were just talking about leaving" I said turning away from them and turned to walk back inside.
"Kieran, maybe we should all just calm down" Felicity whispered to me
"I am calm, we need to get back to our guests inside" I replied
"No wonder you were so desperate to keep your names off the invitation" Jamie sneered
"We wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, I wanted everyone to see what a beautiful girl Felicity is and I couldn't wait to tell them all how lucky I was to find her and have her as my mate and Luna" I replied in a rather stern voice.
I could see from the look on his face, he was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Each time I spoke or said something nice about Felicity, I was winding him up and he didn't like it one minute. I turned around again to walk away, Felicity held onto my arm. A growl could be heard from behind us. Felicity and I both stopped in our tracks and looked behind us. I was ready for whatever fight Jamie wanted.
"You really sure you want to do this here and now ?" I asked Jamie
Jamie didn't say anything, instead he just moved his arm and was ready to hit me. I was ready for his hit to make impact on me but before he could strike me, Felicity screamed and jumped in front of me, taking the hit for me.
I looked to the ground where Felicity had fallen to after impact of Jamie's hit. She was holding the side of her face where she had just been hit. Within a matter of seconds, all my pack members and allies where gathered around us. I looked around until I found who I was looking for.
"Sophie, Natalie, Mrs Morgan could you all please take Felicity down to the infirmary to Dr Wilson so he can examine her" I called out.
Sophie came over right away and helped Felicity to her feet along with her mother, Stephanie and Natalie.
Mrs Morgan stood to her feet and turned to Jamie.
"I am so ashamed to call you Alpha, your no man" She told him in a stern voice before helping the others and walked off with Felicity.
"You'll pay for that" I told Jamie in my angriest voice
"You can't hurt me or take anything away from me" Jamie snarled
"As of tonight, we are no longer allies and neither of you are welcome back on my land" I said in a matter of fact voice
"So what, do you really think I need you as an ally ? I have plenty more Allies than you" Jamie snickered
"You no longer have us as allies either" My long time friend and ally Oliver said
To keep things short, let's just say Jamie lost pretty much all his closest allies tonight. After they saw what he done, how he behaved, they were all disgusted with him and even some of his own pack members where ashamed to call him an Alpha. Jamie and Sarah were escorted off my land warned never to set foot on my pack land ever again.
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