《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》10.


I opened my eyes to get out of the darkness. I found myself lying on the grass with Kieran next to me. I knew we were in his grounds from the familiar scenes and scents. Kieran and I stared into each other's eyes.

"It's okay Felicity, you're safe with me but I need you to wake up now" Kieran said

I gave him a confused look. I thought I was already awake ? If I wasn't awake then why were we staring at each other like this ?

"Please Felicity, you promised me you'd never leave me remember ?" Kieran asked

I looked away from him and at my surroundings.


I brought Felicity up to my room and laid her down on my bed and got one of my pack members to and ask Dr Wilson to come up to check Felicity over. This was all my fault. Doctor Wilson arrives a few minutes later.

"Alpha Kieran, What's happened this time ?" He asked sitting his medical bag down.

"I bit her, to mark her but before I did, I imprinted on her" I told him honestly

"I see, you do realise the implications that can cause ?" Dr Wilson asked as he checked Felicity over

"Yes I do, I didn't mean to do it, we were having a lovely time outside, talking and dancing" I told him, as soon as I mentioned dancing, Dr Wilson gave me a questionable look.

"It's her birthday soon, and I want to throw a ball / party to celebrate her birthday and also her becoming my Luna" I told him

"And this led to dancing how exactly ?" Dr Wilson asked with an amused expression

"She made a comment about all the girls waiting in line to dance with me, I told her I haven't danced with anyone ever so she decided to teach me" I explained

"Was it then that you bit her ?" He asked

"No it was a few hours ago tonight we were slow dancing under the stars, I asked her to promise never to leave me, she did then we gazed into each other's eyes and she moved her hair and asked me to bite her" I explained to him


"When you gazed into her eyes is that when you imprinted on her ?" He asked

"Yes I think it was. I don't know doctor, it's just after Sarah rejected me and left, you saw how broken I was. I was a complete mess. I never thought I'd find another mate or Luna but then to find Felicity. Well she changed things a lot for me. I know we were only meant to be helping each other out but I feel more for her. I can feel my wolf's protectiveness of her inside me" I began to explain

"You love her" Doctor Wilson said in a matter of fact voice

"What ? No it can't be that, it's too soon and early" I said trying to shake him off

"You forget, I'm older than you and know a lot about these things" he pointed out

We both sat down by the bedside so we could talk while we kept an eye on Felicity for any changes or her waking up.

"You both suffered from a horrible and cruel rejection but you found each other and helped each other in your time of grief. You've took time and gotten to know each other and have fun....not the mating kind I mean normal fun" Dr Wilson began I swear I could see him blush as he mentioned the fun and mating part.

"I was scared when we found her unconscious the last time in case we were too late, I was so relieved when she finally woke up and came around" I said as I gently held Felicity's hand in mine

"That's what I mean, that's the sign of a true Alpha and a sign you do care about her" He pointed out

"Of course I care about her, she" I paused taking a moment to think about what to say next

"She's become to mean a lot to me, a lot more than lately and it's been kind of scaring me" I admitted



I finally came round a few hours ago. I was sitting up in bed, I wanted to get up and walk around but Kieran insisted I stay in bed.

"What happened after last night ?" I asked

"You passed out after I bit you to mark you" He told me but I could tell he wasn't telling me something

"What aren't you telling me ?" I asked unsure if I really wanted to know the answer

"Before I bit you, when we looked into each other's eyes, I urm, I imprinted on you" Kieran told me honestly

"That's part of the marking and mating and bond between us though right ?" I asked confused

"Normally only a male mate can imprint on his true mate" Kieran explained

I took time to think about what he was telling me.

"I understand if your mad with me and want me to leave you alone for a bit" Kieran said looking upset

"I don't want you to leave, I'm not mad. I'm just glad you were honest with me and told me. I'm glad it was you that imprinted on me" I admitted

Kieran smiled and stayed with me.

"So shall we start making plans for our ball and celebration ?" He asked giving me that cocky grin of his

I groaned and playfully nudged him in the arm.

"Come on, all we have to do is set a date for it and make a guest list of people we want there, what decorations you'd like, food and we can choose your birthday cake" Kieran said trying and winning to get me to come around

"You'll need to try harder than that Templeton" I said cockily back to him

"You can finally wear that lilac dress that I found you in" He added

I was sold at that. I so badly wanted a chance to wear that beautiful dress and this would be the perfect chance.

"Okay fine, well as you know, my birthday is the 5th of June so either the Friday or Saturday closest to that date or the week after whenever the people we want to invite can make it" I said

"I will write to all my friends I wish to invite to ask them, you can write to your parents and anyone else you wish too from your old pack" Kieran said

"My parents, my cousin Scotty and my best friend Natalie" I requested

"That is fine with me, small amount of people though" Kieran pointed out

"I don't want to many people to know about us just yet back there" I told him


Kieran and I spent most of the morning planning our big event. I pray to god he never proposes to me I can't even begin to imagine what he would be like to plan a wedding with if this was what he was like with a simple ball / party. We munched away on some snacks with Sophie had kindly popped in with for us. Yes Sophie and I have spoken again and she knows it's not my intention to hurt Kieran in any way at all, we've become good friends recently. She's been very understanding over everything. I began to feel a bit tired so Kieran suggested that I lay down and get some sleep.

I had cuddled down and tried to get a good decent sleep but I became really restless. I was cold one minute then burning hot the next minute. I tossed and turned. I wanted Kieran's arms around me one minute but removed them soon after. Dream after dream that I had, they were all of Kieran.

"Shh it's okay, this is just a side effect of the marking and imprinting" Kieran whispered in my ear

Kieran began rubbing comforting circles on my back to sooth me and calm me down. I managed to calm down a bit but not too much. I managed to drift off to sleep but even then it was still only of one certain person.


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