《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》2.


I breath in the fresh, cold night air. I am currently outside in the Alpha's back garden enjoying some much-needed peace and quiet not to mention some space. The pack meeting finished about half an hour ago. I managed to get away without anyone stopping me. It was a shock for me to realise that alpha Jamie was my mate. When he looked at me during the meeting, I'm not sure if he sensed it too or not.

"So, this is where you snuck off too" A familiar male voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Jamie standing there, an unreadable expression on his face.

"It got a bit hot in there with everyone I just wanted some fresh air" I answered feeling like I owed him some kind of explanation.

"I'm not that stupid Felicity, I know you felt what I felt in there, the realization that we are each other's true mate" Jamie said in a strict, stern voice

I have to admit, I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say or how to respond. It didn't matter though; another voice entered our conversation.

"Well, well well looks like you've finally found your true mate Jamie, now you can sever your bond with Sarah and give her back to me" Kieran said as he walked towards us.

"What are you doing here Kieran?" Jamie asked him.

The way Jamie spoke to Kieran, you could hear the hatred in his voice.

"I came for Sarah" Kieran replied to him.

"No. I am staying with Sarah and keeping her as my Luna, she has the qualities of a true Luna and she knows how to help run a pack, my pack" Jamie said before pausing and looking at me.

"You are too rebellious, you lack discipline, your already at college studying who knows what, you're working, a true Luna would find her mate, begin the process and bear pups and help run the pack and listen to what she's told "Jamie said looking at me with disgust in his eyes.


I was shocked, it took me a while to process what he had just said.

"I, Jamie Richardson, Alpha of Castle View Rock pack, here by reject you, Felicity Morgan as my mate, you are free to leave my pack or stay the choice is yours" Jamie added.

I felt the tears in my eyes threaten to spill. Before anyone could say anything else, I quickly ran off in the direction of my home. I think Kieran and Jamie began to argue about something. I managed to make it all the way back home without someone stopping me to speak to me or ask me if I'm okay. Once back at home, I ran straight up to my room and closed my door before collapsing face first onto my bed. Feeling alone and replaying Jamie's hateful and hurtful words over and over in my head I let my tears pour out uncontrollably. I must have fallen asleep from all the crying as it was much later when I woke up plus, I was sure my parents were home now. My parents. I wonder if they know about Jamie and what he said earlier.

I didn't get back to sleep at all after I had woken up, so I just lay there in my bed alone. I felt empty. My wolf had let out a sorrowful cry when Jamie rejected us. I needed her here with me so we could help each other but nothing was working. she was gone and I was alone, just me on my own. When I heard my parents up, they had come into my room, but I had pretended to be asleep or lay with my back to them. They had both tried to speak to me. My mother had even tried to comfort me. She had mentioned something about knowing about what happened with Jamie and about what he had said. I guess someone must have told them about it.


"Sweetheart, I know your hurting, but you can't keep yourself locked up in here forever" My mother said as she sat on my bed and tried to hug me.

I didn't answer her, I just stayed quiet. She was right, I knew I couldn't stay in my room forever and I didn't plan on it either. The memories of this place were so painful. I stayed quiet the rest of the night, not even bothering to eat or drink anything. Once I knew my parents where away to bed and off to sleep, I sat up and wrote them a letter explaining everything that I was planning and that I was sorry, but I had to leave. The pack, people and every memory I had there was so painful for me to think about now. I left the letter on my bed for them to find when they came to check on me in the morning. I knew they would be upset when they found out, I was their only child. I quickly changed my clothes so no one would know what I was wearing. I opened my window, closing it once I was out.

I began my new journey and walked into the woods. It probably wasn't a good idea giving how dark it was and giving my timing. I walked for what seemed like forever. My feet were begging to ache after I had been walking for a good few hours. I was sure I was far away from Castle View Rock by now considering I had come out of the woods at the other end and walked for miles. Here I was back in more woods in the dark with little light. I could be on another Alpha's land for all I knew. I was practically now considered a rogue since I left my old pack. I took a seat on an old tree trunk I saw for a few minutes. I was beginning to feel tired and exhausted. I wished I was in a nice cosy house safe somewhere. I was deep in my thought but was quickly brought out of them when I felt something cold and wet begin to hit my skin. It was beginning to pour down heavy with rain. Great this really was just my luck. Nothing was going right for me at the moment. I kept walking a bit more hoping maybe I could find some shelter until morning which would be soon.

I was walking that quickly and deep in thought, I lost my balance and fell off the top hill I was just walking on moments ago. I rolled down the hill but ended up hitting my head. I groaned trying to look up, but everything was blurry before it all went black, and I let darkness take over me and I lay there in the middle of the wood's unconscious.

Will anyone find me before it's too late?

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