《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The Sound 11
Alert(Long chapter)
The Konoha Eleven were reunited at the gates of Konoha geting ready to leave. The atmosphere was tense
"Ok guys our mission is to bring Sasuke back to the village."Shikamaru said in serious tone" According to Naruto his crazy now thank's to the genjutsu that Itachi put on him. And his also much stronger now, so get ready to fight for your lifes" Shikamaru told the team " The formation will be Kiba and Shino you will guide us in front, Neji and Lee on the left , Tenten and I on the right , Naruto , ino and Sakura on the middle and Hinata and Choji on the back. got it?"
"Before we go here take this fireflys. If they shiny red that that means some one is in danger so you can folow him to help."Shino gave everyone a firefly
"Ready?"Shikamru asked
"Hai."Everyone said
"Let's go."As Shikamru said that everyone got in formation and ran looking for Sasuke.
With Sasuke...
"Uchiha-sama please get inside here so your bless mark may evolve quicker."the biggest of the group said.
"Hmp..."Sasuke did as he was told and got inside the box. where he would be carried. Making him fell in a deep sleep.
"Let's go. I feel some konoha nin coming."the red haired girl in the group said.
"Leave this to us."Zaku and Dosu said.
With the shino and Kiba...
"We are getting closer Sasuke's smell is getting stronger"Kiba said as they were jumping from tree in tree."Hã?"Kiba heard an noise."Watchout!"Kiba jumped into Shino before a hugge sonic wave could get them.making everyone's firefly get red.
"An sonic bomb?"Said shino.
kiba heard another one"Watchout!"He jumped to take Shino out of the way.
"They seen to be targeting me, for some reason."Shino said
"And you know very well why"said a familiar voice
"Zaku and Dosu."Shino confirmed the identity of the two attackers
"You remebered our names. Only for that I will make your death a little bit faster"said Zaku
"I see you got some new arms."Said Shino after noticing Zaku's metal arms recording how his arms were destroyed in the chunin exams.
"I'm going to make you pay , first I'm going to pull your arms off then your legs and for last your head."Said Zaku angerly
"And I will have my revange for that humilation in the finals."said Dosu
"Let's go Shino."Kiba said confident.
"Guys what's happening ?"Lee, Neji , Tenten and Shikamaru appered.
"This guys look familiar . Have we met before?"asked Lee
"Yes they were in the chunin exams"Shino answred Lee question
"Talking time is over, it's show time"Zaku said as he charged his arms.
"Get ready"Shikamru said
"Sound: Sonic Break!"Zaku said as a big sonic explosion came out of his arms.
"Kaiten!"Neji tryed to protect everyone but the sound wave simple passed by the Kaiten.Throwing all of then to an tree.
"Ouch What a drag of wave propertys."Shikamaru was annoyed with real Physics.
"Hey guys any problem?"Naruto , Sakura and Ino Arrived.
"Sound : Frequency break!"Dosu charged his gauntlet and realised a some strange slow sound.
"Everyone dodge this at all cost!"Shikamaru screamed. As they all easialy avoided the soundwave the tree that was on the way simple vaporised it self.
"What a drag , sound is a kenkkei genkai of Raiton and Futon. It's rare but annoying."Shikamaru said as he tryed to plan a plan to deafted those two.
"Hey what's happening?"Choji arrived along side Hinata.
"What a drag we already broke the formation."
"Shikamaru alow me and Tenten to take care of those two."Shino said with an authoritary tone
"You sure?"Asked the Nara
"Yes. Now follow Kiba he will help you guys avoid the sound bombs."Shino said as he and Tenten got ready to fight.
"Good luck Tenten-san."Lee said with his tipical smile
"Be careful"said Neji
"Good luck you two."said the others as they jumped away from the battle.
"Oh you guys won't escape! Sound: Great barr/
"Fuin: Katon: Fire Dragon!"Tenten used her new Fuinjutsu style , throwing it at the two sound nin" Nanah you are fight us."Tenten told Zaku after he dodged her attack
"Let's begin Tenten."Shino said as he reunited some insects from around.
"Sound: Great Boom!"Dosu shouted as jumped right at Tenten.
"Tenten dodge!"Shino shouted.
As Tenten dodged the attack and Dosu hitted a tree the tree became dust.
"Now I got why you wanted to fight with me. This one with the gauntlet is dangerous at close range."
"Yes. Noe focus."Shino said as he reunited some insects(I'm sure that the same tatic won't work this time so I will need to think something new. I think I know.)"Tenten buy me some time"
"Roger that. Fuin: Futon: Tornado of blades!"Tenten realised an tornado of weapons int Dosu and Zaku.
"Hmp... idiots."Zaku and Dosu said in unison.
"Sound: Sonic Barrier!"
"Sound: Decifell!"
Dosu created an sound barrier while Zaku absorved the tornado.
"Really Decifell? The name hurted more then the actual jutsu."Tenten wasn't a fan of puns
"She's right Zaku what a horrible play of words."
"Shut Up Dosu! Let's focus on killing them first"
"Founded."Shino said as lot's of insects came to attack Zaku and Dosu.
"Hmp, Sound: Sonic Bomb!"Dosu punched the ground killing all the insects on and under the ground."Did you really thought that this attack wound work twice?"Dosu laugh.
"No."Shino said with a smile on his face.
"Hm?"as Dosu was confused an gigant centepede came from the ground."Sound:Harmonic!" Dosu poverized the centepede just as she touched him.
"Shino they seem to be immune to everything we trow at them."Tenten poited out
"Yes but they are low on chakra now."Shino pointed out
"You right. Zaku, let's use it."Dosu said looking at Zaku.
"About time."Zaku said and both activared stage one of their curse mark.
"This isn't good."Tenten and Shino said
"Hahaha"Zaku laugh as he was covereed in Sol notes and Dosu in Fa notes. Both coming from their marks on their necks.
"Sound: Sonic Boom!"Zaku shouted and an explosion came from his arms.
Shino and Tentem dodged the attack by a close one."Tenten keep them busy I have a plan."Shino said as he trowed a giangant wave of insects at the two sound nins
"This ain't gonna work. Sound: Sonic Barrier."Dosu shouted and a sound barrier appered in front of them.
"Fuin:Katon:Flametower!"Tenten throwed a scroll at them and a flame tower came out of it.
"Sound: Sonic Jump!"Both Dosu and Zaku said.
"I'm low on chakra but how?"Dosu asked as he checked scratched his back"Hã? Insects? You bastart! Zaku time for stage two."
"Right. Futon: Great Breakthrough!"Zaku trowed Shino and Tenten away from them
"Argh!"Both Zaku and Dosu screamed as they started to transform. Zaku turned into some strange pink redish punk lizard with a moican in his back.
"Argh!"Dosu on the other hand became an Lion like creature , removing his bandages from his face. Reavelling some fangs.
As they both finish transforming Shino's insects in their back felt dead to the ground"Fuck." Shino described their situation
" "Dosu and Zaku shouted
"Sound: Sonic punch!"Dosu punched Shino into a tree at almost sound speed
"Shino!"Tenten shouted as she realised she as the next one."Fuin: Barrier!"Tenten created a barrier to protect her and the now unconcious Shino(crap I need to think of something quick I don't have much sealedjutsus with me now.)Tenten thought as she saw both Dosu and Zaku break the barrier."Alright"Tenten puffed two gigan scrolls and started to scroll them in the air summoning a rain of Kunai, shuriken , swords , axes , lances , anything at Dosu and Zaku. "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"Tenten realesed everything she had at them for a long five minutes.
""Dosu and Zaku laugh with out a scratch ,at Tenten's failed attempt into killing them
"Shit."Tenten said thinking it would be her last words
""Dosu was charging a punch at Tenten when
""an two tailed cloak Fu punched Dosu in the face making him fly away.
""Zaku asked before he had the same destiny as Dosu.
""Fu shouted before looking at Tenten who was thanked and scared of Fu. Fu quickly discloacked her self and ran where Shino was"Shino-kun are you all right?"
"Hey Fu can you carrie us to the hospital?"Tenten asked before passing out from chakra exaustion.
A few moments ealier...
With the rest of the Konoha 11...
"Hey guys two of them have stoped , I think we got another fight."Neji alerted the team"Two are woman , and one a men , and of them seem's familiar."Neji pointed out
"What a drag."Shikamaru looked up"Good full moon. Me , Choji and Ino will take care of those three. Ino hide your self."
"Hai!"Ino went to the back
"You won't pass by us."Kin said
"You know the drill."Shikamru said as the red haired girl alowed the rest of the Konoha Eleven pass.
"We know that your friend is hided some where."Kin said
"What a drag."Shikamaru thought out loud
"Allow us to present our selfs , I'm Jirobo, this is Tayuya and the girl you already know is called Kin."Jirobo presented them selfs.
Kin throw some senbuns with bells on it at all directions.
"Now let's begin. "Tayuya began to paly her flute, and the bells beagn to produce the same sound
"INO!"Shikamaru shouted and she used her mind transference jutsu.Aiming at Tayuya. "Ino?" Shikmaru asked Tayuya.Who was playing her flute until she stopped and shouted
"The hell are you doing attack them!"Tayuya shouted at no where and after a second she was flew out of no where towards a tree."The hell?!"
"The hell?"everyone asked as the other two of the sound were send flying towards trees.
"I'm confused"Shikamaru and Choji said
"Let's see what you do about this."Tayuya started to play her flute again. And some trees started to break.
"What a drag. Invisible summonings and Ino got one."Shikmaru said as he avoided some sembuns from Kin."Choji, Eclipse!"
"Human road roller!"Choji expanded him self and started to rool, he jumped int the air where Kin was passing up her.
"Ha you missed."Kin mocked Shikamaru
"Who said he was aiming at you."
"Hã? How?!"Kin notice that she was under Shikamaru's shadow jutsu"Jirobo Tayuya help me!"Kin screamed . Tayuya was focused on her fight against Ino , who was proving to be a better fighter then many would believe , but shamefully no one but Tayuya waas seeing it.
"Don't worry Kin I/ Jirobo was hitted by the Akimichi's jutsu.
"Since I'm to lazy to think in a new way to defeat you"Shikamaru moved Kin next to a tree and Smashed her head at full force at it. Knowcking her out."What not a drag."Shikamaru mocked him self.
"Tayuya I think we should use the first stage now."Jirobo told his team mate
Tayuya without stop playing her flute activated the first stage of the curse seal"Finnaly it's over"Tayuya said as the bells stoped.
"What?Crap maybe the bells where the thing keeping the invisible summoning that Ino was using."
"Good guessing Pineapple head"Tayuya mocked
"Ino do it again!"Shikamru shouted
"Hahaha you only had luck the first time this ain't gonna happen again. Now shall we dance Pineapple head."Tayuya said as she stoped playing her flute and though about defeating him in taijutsu.
"Crap Ino!"Shikamaru shouted
"Hahaha"Jirobo laugh out of no where."She's an yamanaka. Hahaah and she tryed to get in my mind with the bless seal on .Hahaha."
"Ino!"Shikamaru shouted
"Don't even bother I already knocked her out."Jirobo laugh
"Choji you will have to use it."Shikamru said and choji took two pills out of his pocket, and swolled one of them.
"Half expansion no jutsu!"Choji shouted and his arm became three times his size, he them proceded to punch Jirobo.
"Hahaha!"You strong now kid Jirobo said as he blocked Choji's punchs
"Wha-ta dra-g"Shikamru said as he was doging Tayuyas attacks(Thank Kami that she though she could beat my ass in taijutsu. Is Ino Ok?)
"Time for the other one."Choji swallowed his second pill. And got faster.
"Hahaha you on my level now kid!"Jirobo said kinda happy"So let's get serious now."Jirobo activated the second stage of what he call bless seal.
"Hã?"Choji recived a punch in the face that made him fly right into a tree."Ouch."
"Hey fatty will you take to long with the other fatty?! I'm dispointed with you Jirobo."Tayuya irritated both Jirobo and Choji.
"Time for the third and final one."Choji said with fire in the eyes.*Glup*Choji then started to have small spasms.
""Jirobo was about to punch Choji to his grave when an grand chakra explosion occored""Choji lost lots of fat and some butterfly wings made out of chakra came out of his back.""Jirobo tryed to punch Choji again when , the akimichi simple grabed his fist.""Jirobo wasn't beliving in it. Choji without saying anything punched Jirobo right into the chest making him fly into a tree.""Jirobo only saw choji ready to punch him""he cursed as his lasts words, before having his head smashed by Choji.
"Jirobo!"Tayuya was pissed now"Play time "she activated the second satge of her curse seal and started to play her flute again.Shikamru was send flying into a tree. And Choji was being punched by the invisible summonings, but he didn't felt a thing. He then ran into Tayuya.
"This is for calling me fat."Choji said in a serious tone before getting ready to end her life in a punch. But unffortunally the pills effects were over in the middle of the punch and she only destroyed three trees in the process, but she was still alive. Choji on the other hand passed out.
"" Tayuya said as she jumped where Choji's body was.
"Choji!"Shikamaru shouted
"/Tayuya was send flying by an strong wind. Kin's body was send flying as well and it was no where to be found now.
"Sorry for interupting the fight" said an familiar voice.
"Problematic woman."Said Shikamaru recognising Temari
"Hey she isn't alone."Kankuro said as he appered along side Gaara.
""Shouted Tayuya as she started to play her flute again
"Watchout she can do invible summonings with that flute!"Shikamaru told the sand siblings
"Stay next to Gaara"Kankuro said and Shikamaru did as he was told. And the send started to block the invisible attacks.And covering the attackers in sand , revealing three what ever the hell they were"What a ungly bastards. My turn."Kankuro unwraped his puppet
"No it's our turn"said Temari opening her fan. Kankuro then stabbed the invisible thing with his puppet, and fixed it in place.
"One down."he said
"There are two more."Gaara said as he protected them from them.
"Futon:Grand Tornado!"Temari send the otehr two left flying
""Tayuya was about to play he rflute again when
"Futon: Great Breakthrough!" Temari said making Tayuyas flute fly away from her
"/Tayuya was interrupt by Gaara
"Sand coffin!"He quickly killed her."Kankuro Temari take them to Konoha and tell Tsunade I will be there soon."
"Hai Kazekage-sama."both Kankuro and Temari said for Shikamaru's surprise
"Hey Pineapple head let's go."Temari told Shikamaru
"There's anotehr one of us she's hiddedn in the woods."Shikamaru was worried with Ino
"Don't we saw her as he arrived."Temari said
With the rest of the sound team.... a few moments earlier...
Sasuke opend his box "I can go by myself now."Sasuke said
"No our mis/Kidomaro tryed saying some thing when he felt the Killing intent coming from Sasuke"As you wish."
With the rest of the Konoha 11...
"Sasuke go out of something and he's going on his own."alerted Neji"Now the two left of them are waiting for us."
"We won't allow you to pass."Kidomaru said
"Isn't he right brother?"Said Sakon/Ukon
"I will fight then , right Akamaru?"
"Au!"Kiba differently from Akamaru wasn't aware of those two power level.
"I will fight along side you two as well"said Neji"Hinata-sama , Naruto be careful."
"I will fight as well" said Lee
"No Lee if someone else apperes they problably will be even stronger, then this guys."Neji told Lee
"But Neji"
"Lee you are stronger then me the only one who doesn't know that is you"Neji told his team mate who almost cried
"You right Neji, Team Let's go!"Lee shouted
"You aren't going/
"Gatsuga!"Kiba and Akamaru attacked the Siamese brothers.
"Hmp..."kidomaru was about to shot an arrow when
"Two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, thirty two palms, eight triagrams sixty four palms."Neji Shouted as he attacked Kidomaru
"You brat!"Kidomaru said actiavting his curse mark stage two to re-open his chakra's points
"We going all out?"asked Sakon/Ukon as he activated the his second stage as well
"Yes we have no reason to contain our selfs"Kidomaru hide him slef in the trees
"What I can't see him with the Byakugan!"Neji panic
"Behind you!"Kiba jumped at Neji taking him away from a arrow.
"Kiba go against the spider like. He some how found out about the byakugan blind spot."
"It has a blind spot , Hah/
"Kiba this isn't time for jokes!"Neji was pissed with Kiba imaturity"I will take the two in one."Neji said as he jumped to attack Sakon / Ukon
"Au au."
"Neji watchout! Your left!"Akamaru alerteed Kiba to alert Neji"Now Akamaru let's find this idiot." Kiba then jumped into the woods looking for that spider wannabe."Let's see where are you."Kiba closed his eyes to focus on Kidomaru's smell and sounds."Hã?!"Kiba dodged an close arrow fired at his heart."That was close. let's go there Akamaru"Kiba was about to go where the arrow was fire when
"Au au."
"What Akamaru? We shoudn't go there? why?"
"Au au."
"It's a trap?"
"Fine I will focus again."Kiba close his eyes again."Hã?"he dodged another arrow."Hehe easy." Kiba said. He then saw an arroe coming from his front"Easy to dodge"he doged the arrow coming from the front but"Argh, crap!"another arrow that came from his left perfurated his arm. "Crap."
"Au au au au!"
"What?! You saying that I shoundn't trust my eyes?!"Kiba still hasn't realised that he was the muscle and Akamaru the brains of their duo.
"Au au."
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Zero Fate against the world (An Isekai Story)
This is a repost done by me the author. The original site where I post this is on Webnovel.I just wanted to see how my novel would go on another site if you liked it be sure to go to Webnovel since I am very active there. Although I can try to be just as active here.Now for the synopsis: Philip lived his life like any university student, he went to the campus, heard his teachers, made his notes, went home, studied, and played some games with the boys at night.Until one fateful day. It was the final class of the year, and he together with all of the people present in the room, were transported to another world.In a strange and unfamiliar world, everyone received powers and abilities including him, but with a twist, he didn't receive a class. Only a skill.They weren't there to kill a demon king, nor they were there to prevent a war. Although you could say they were there to cause one...How will he do with his strange skill? And how will his "friends" act?Let's find out because I am also curious!...Hey!No release schedule yet. I will post the chaps as I see fit since I am currently focusing on my other works. Go check them out!They are on the other side, although I can try to repost them here as well.I am here to say that I don't own the cover image, nor do I own the special abilities of the MC, you will see why.If you own any of these things and want me to take it down I will, but remember that currently, I am not receiving any money from this.
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[𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝]16 настай охины анхны хайрын түүх. ❤️
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