《Naruto-Gold & Silver》Back from hell


One week later...

Hinata as started to train with Tsunade ,in the Hokage's free time , while the poor Shizune do the paperwork.

At the Hokage's tower...

Tsunade, Hinata, Shizune ,Shino and Shikamru were at the Hokage's officie.

"Shino, Shikamaru after looking at the reports from the last Chunin exam, i have decided to promote you two to chunin."Tsunade said as she throw the chunin jackets at them.

"Thank you Hokage-sama."both new-born chunin said

(What a drag. More responsabilite.)

"Now dismissed."Tsunade ordered.

"Hai."Both said , one in a serious tone and the other in a bored one.

"Now Hinata let's go back to your lessons"Tsunade said as the two left the room"You see this muscle is called Omohyoid. "Tsunade began explaining to Hinata about neck muscles.

At the Streets...

Naruto was going to visit Sasuke when he heard"Hey , Naruto! Number Nine!"

"Hã? Fu long time no see."the blond greeted the green haired girl.

"Yes it's been a long time. So Do you know where is Shino-kun?"

"Hmm no Ideia. Hey do you want to come with me to visit Sasuke? He's in the hospital and I think he would be happy to see you again."

"Sasuke? Is that the emo kid who know that fire ball no jutsu?"

"Yes , don't call him a emo , he's getting over this phase."Naruto said laughing

"Well I will go with you, it's the least do after he helped saving me."

"Yes you didn't thanked anyone of us properly. Well exept Shino.Hahaha"

Fu blushed a little"You kind right I only talked to Shino after you guys saved me so I think I should thank you all."

"Alright let's go."Naruto and Fu started to walk towards the hospital.

At the Hopital a few moments later...

Sakura was trying to give some apples to Sasuke eat when Naruto and Fu opened the door. "Hey Sasuke how are you?!"the blond shouted

"Naruto."Sasuke looked mentioned with fury in the eyes.

"Hey Teme you alright?"

"Naruto."Sasuke did it again with more fury in the eyes.

"Sasuke try to eat something, it has been days that you haven't ate proper meal."Sakura said as she tryed to give Sasuke some apples slices.

"Naruto."Sasuke slaped Sakura's hand droping the apples in the ground.

"Hey Teme! Why did you do that?"Naruto shouted

"Naruto."Sasuke activated his Sharingan with two tomoes in each eye.

"Fu , Sakura you two better leave."Naruto said as he was feeling the killing intent coming from Sasuke.

"No Naruto I won't leave Sasuke-kun-"Sakura stoped talking as she felt the killing intent coming from Sasuke.

"Come on Sakura let's go."Fu took Sakura and left the room with her.

"Sasuke what happend to you?"Naruto asked


{what is it Kurama?}


{I don't know, but the first Hokage's grand daughter said that he was under a genjutsu this entiry time.}

{Why would Itachi be so cruel? He is his brother after all.}


{An accident?}

{That might explaing why that was an accident.}

"Naruto. You me fight now."Sasuke demanded

{I will}"Sorry Sasuke but we shoudn't fig-"

"Katon: Great Fire Ball no jutsu!"Sasuke did a massive fire ball targeting Naruto.

"Hey Teme! We are in a hospi/Sasuke uppercuted Naruto making him break the selling and land on top of the roof."The hell How is he so strong?"

{The curse mark! He's using it. but why isn't that strange marks on him?}

Sasuke jumped into the roof.

{Yes, the seal i putted on him blocked the part that the seal would drain his chakra. But I didn't blocked the part that absorved Natural chakra. To be honest I think I buffed that part.}


As Kurama said that Naruto's eyes became red and fox like.

"Naruto."Sasuke charged a purple Chidori and jumped at Naruto.

"Sasuke."Naruto charged a red Rasengan and jumped at Sasuke.



As the two were about to collide Kakashi and Jiraya appered and throwed both away from wach other in direction of the water tanks.Both of them explode away."The hell?"Both Jiraya and Kakashi were surprised .they already expected that coming from Naruto thanks to his use of Kurama's chakra but from Sasuke...

"Naruto."Sasuke was about to charge another Chidori when he was knocked out by Kakashi.

"Naruto what happened?" Jiraya asked his studend

"I don't know Sasuke just said he wanted to fight me and he attacked me."

"Jiraya the real question is where he got that strength."Kakashi said looking at Naruto.

"Ok I will tell you guys. During the chunin exam's Orochimaru attacked us and putted an curse seal in Sasuke."

"What and why din't you told us?!"Kakashi asked shouting

"Becuase he feared you would remove him from the exam's and besides that I sealed the seal away."

"Yes the brat here did an more then perfect job sealing that thing away."

"Yes this strenght came from the seal. I acctually buffed the seal , removing the Pedochimaru influnce on him , the constant chakra drain, buffed the natural chakra absortion and gave him complete control over it."Naruto explained

"But that don't explain why he attacked you."Kakashi said

"Well he was under a genjutsu for the entiry time he was in coma and it wasn't any genjutsu it was the Tsukuyomi."

"So he's been tortured for a day second for more then a week? This is more then a thousand years of torture!!!"Kakashi and Jiraya were in shock


"Why would Itachi be so cruel at this point?"Jiraya asked

"Well Kurama and I beleive it was an accident because when Kurama felt him he felt how his eyes chakra networks were damaged."Naruto explained.

"Poor kid. we should call Inoichi to check him out."Jiraya recomended

"You right."

After a few minutes...

Inoichi was at the Hopital to check on Sasuke. Who was tied up in the bed."Alright i'm going to see what's the problem and try to fix it."Inoichi said as he putted his hand on Sasuke head."Kami-sama!"Inoichi came back after a second."The hell we lived trought hell. His mind is completly broke."Inoichi said in panic

"Inoichi what did you saw?"

"He was forced to realive the Uchiha clan masecrer for more then an year straight, and the worst part , from Itachi's point of view."

"Well that still don't explain/

"The part that made this hell is that it started to damage his brain , making the experince ten times worst. He has nothing in his mind but to kill the responsible for killing his clan."

"And why he wanted to kill Naruto here?"Kakashi asked

"To gain something called mangekyou sharingan."

"Still only that?"

"Only that Jiraya? The worst part of that genjutsu is that it prevent the target to get used to it."

"Ok now that's bad. What can we do for him?"

"I don't now I will try my best but I will need to do lot's of research."Inoichi said sadly

"Sasuke..."Naruto was sad for his friend state

"Let's give him some rest he will need it. Put some guards here in case he trys to escape."Jiraya ordered

At night...

Sasuke was in his Hospital room , trying to get out of his bed when he heard something fell to the ground."Hã the hell was that?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."seven shadows appered in the room.

"The hell are you?"Sasuke then recoginased some of them "You three were in the chunin exams." Sasuke recoginised Kin , Zaku and Dosu, but not the ther four.

"Sasuke Uchiha Orochimaru-sama want you to come with us."One of the unknown shaodws said

"What do I gain with that?"


"I'm in."Sasuke said with out thinking twice.

At ichirakus ramen...

"Congratulations!" Fu and Everyone from the Konoha Twelve except for Shino and Shikamaru said.

"Thank's that means a lot."Shino thanked his friends

"Here Shino-kun I have a present for you."Fu got closer to Shino and kissed him in the lips making him blush as hard as Hinata normally do.

"ShiFu , ShiFu , ShiFu."Everyone at the table shouted the couple nickname. making both of them blush even more.

"What a drag..."Shikamaru was bored

"*Slurp* Come on Shikamaru eevrything is a drag for you."Choji said as he eated his fifth bowl of ramen..

"He's sad because that sand girl isn't here to give him the same reward. Hahaa"Naruto mocked the pineapple hair making everyone laugh

"What a drag..."As the Konoha twelve were celebrating a trio entered the restaurant

"Oh... Nice too see you guys again."said a familiar voice

"Hey Haku what are you doing here?"Naruto asked

"We are on mission and Zabuza sensei said we could pass by the leaf to sleep for the night." Haku said.

"Hey guy I know this may be a shock to you all but Haku is a boy!" said Suigetsu.

"We knew."Everyone of the leaf ninja said

"How?!"Suigetsu and Chojuro

"Haku told me when we met and I told everyone."Naruto answered"So how did you guys found out?"

"Not of your bussiness" Suigetsu said.

"They peeped on me while I was taking a shower. Hahaha"Haku laugh

"Hahaahaha"the konoha ninja and Fu did as well.They were all laughing when an Ambu appeared

"The Hokage want's to see you , Konoha eleven."the ambu said before disapeared

"Konoha eleven I didn't knew we were famous enough to get nickname."Tenten said.

"Sorry Fu we will see each other later."

"Don't worry Shino-kun I'm going to stay in the village for more two days anyway. we can have a date later."Fu said making everyone but Hinata and Choji , who was to busy eating , to smile perversively.

"Alright Konoha Eleven lets go!"Naruto shouted

At the Hokage officie...

"Konoha eleven I have a mission for you." Tsunade said in serious tone.

"What's the mission bachan?" Naruto said but Tsunade was so serious that it didn't bother her

" Sasuke Uchiha escaped from the village."Tsunade said shocking everyone

"Why?"Everyone asked the same question

"We don't know but your mission is to get him back to the village. This will be a rank S mission just base on it's importance we don't know the danger of it but the guards in his room were found dead."

"Why not send more experince ninjas?"Shikamaru asked

"All of our jounin are already in mission."

"What about jiraya and Kakashi sensei?"Naruto asked

"Kakashi still in the hospital recovering he can't use his sharingan yet. And Jiraya was summoned to the mount myoboku a while ago." Tsunade said "What are you waiting for ?! Go!" Tsunade ordered.

"Hai!"Everyone said as they left the room in leaving only a blur behind.

"Good luck, something is telling me that something bad is about to happen." Tsunade said to her self.


A/N: I got a big inspiration for what I'm going to do with sasuke while I was in the best place to think , the shower, and men i can't wait to show you guys what i planned for Sasuke. Hoped you enjoyed the chapter and what did you guys thought about bringing the sound trio with sound four? get ready because I got inspired.

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