《Naruto- Neglected Prodigy》Chapter 10: Sweet


When I woke up i felt a weight on my chest and warmth on my lips. If this was a dream I didn't want to be wake. But I have school today. When i open my eyes I see Naruto into of me and than went to get a kiss on the lips but this one was more passionate. He then whisper to my ear "Are u wake now". I nodded and followed him down stairs to make breakfast. The first thing I saw when I went down stairs was some of the boys sleeping shirt less. I guess the girls got their room. For some reason Naruto put his hand of over my eye and pull me into a hug and than whisper to my ears "You can't look at anyone else body that makes me feel weird" I said are u jealous and I could see red things on his face. He was so cute when he blushes. I than told him "Your body is way better to look at than all the other boys". I could see Naruto smiling which made me blush. I then went in for a kiss and surprised him. He than kiss back but we broke a part my Ino and Saukra fangirling.

I woke up all the boys while Suki woke up all the girls for breakfast. When we were done with breakfast we went to school. The day was boring but i didn't care cuz I was with Suki. I think I can't like without her. I wonder if I should proposed to her. I think I might in the future.

Today class was boring but i was with Naruto and It wasn't that boring. Now I think about it I don't ever want to split apart from Naruto. He's like Candy once u eat it u crave for more.



Months and days have pass and Naruto and Suki still happy together. 2 years have pass since they became a couple and met each other parents. Now they have 2 more years left till their high school year is over.

Naruto POV

I can't believe it 2 more years left and I'll graduate. I was things should I became a professor in the future. I mean I don't need to be I have already alot of jobs.

Suki POV

What should I be when I graduate. Should I be a Professor or should I help Naruto with his jobs like being a CEO and his paperwork or should I help him with his other jobs. I think becoming a lawyer might work to.

Naruto and Suki have been deciding in the future about what career Suki going to be. Naruko and Shikumaru have been a couple for 1 year and a half now and their parent have a arrange marriage for each other. Menma and Saukra became a couple right after Naruto and Suki and they're planning on their marriage together.

( theirs more couple in their group but i don't know who is with who )

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