《Naruto- Neglected Prodigy》Chapter 9: Game


We went into the living room and hang out their for 30 min and did homework for 30 min then played a game that a of us decided on. TRUTH OR DARE.

Menma went first and asked Saukra she pick truth and the question was who do u like? Saukra shyly said Menma causing both of them to blush.

Saukra then ask Naruko. Naruko picking Dare and dare was to kiss shikumaru. They did it and both blushed.

Shikumaru ask Naruto. Naruto pick Truth because he wasn't ready for a dare yet. OKAY Naruto tell us how many ex girlfriend do u have since u made songs do them. I didnt know how to answer this one because Suki was here. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me waiting for my answer. "Are u going to say something" said Suki. "Fine" I said. I have... 22 ex girlfriends but some I dated more than twice. I looked around and saw schock face from everyone. I try to break the silence by saying " I was a Player if that helped " but nope still silent. Once again I broke the silence.

Okay Suki Truth or Dare. I said waiting for a reply and I did everyone was back to normal. Suki pick Dare.

Okay Suki I Dare u to tell us how many ex boyfriends u had. Suki look at me like I betrayed her. Then everyone payed attention to Suki. Shyly Suki said "she have 5 ex bf " I was alittle bit happy but mad because she loved other people before.

Suki than ask kiba and he picked Truth. The truth was his secret that he keeps. He said he can only sleep with friend Akuomaru.

Kiba than asked Hinata and she picked Dare. She was dare to take of her jacket.


When everyone has 1 round done it was the 2 round left some of their friends quiet because they would do it. NOW THERE are only 6 left.

Shikumaru went first and chose Naruto because he said it was a drag to pick someone else. Naruto pick Dare. I was dared to ask out my crush in the most romantic why. So i did i chosed singing.

I than walk up to Suki and said to her "do u have a answer". She said she still thinking about it. I was alittle sad but it didn't matter because I'm her friend.

I then asked Naruko. She picked truth. So i asked her if she like Shikumaru. Shyly and quiet yes.

Naruko than asked kiba to do this Dare. Which he wplasn't able to do making itnonly 5 people left.

So This time Naruko ask Menma and Menma pick Truth and the question was who wad your crush. He bravely said Saukra.

Menma than ask Suki and she pick Truth. The truth was who do u like.

Suki know this was going to happen because she said it easily. Her crush was..Me.

Let smile to the last 2 people left in the game.

Naruto vs Suki

Suki went first and ask Naruto and he pick Truth. The truth was who are u?

All of people were confused because they thought his was the really me.

Ugh...the really me have 2 identity. The jinrikye and the Multi Zillionaire who happens to be the idol Karma Kitsu and the CEO of a business and Entertainment Company and owner of a luxuries and popular Brand. Oh i also happen to be a internal model and a pro actor. When i was done the room turn silent again so yet again I try to break the silent.


So Suki Truth or Dare.. OKAY I Dare u to stay with me for a week. Suki reply was "not happening". I then SHOUTED "I win".

Do u guys want to stay over for the night or should I ask my driver to send u home. Cuz it's already 10:##.

They all decided to stay. I told them they could find a empty room in the house and sleep or just sleep in the living room.

I wanted Suki to sleep with me because i never gotten my answer. So i went to her and ask her to come sleep with me. Shyly she said yes. I told everyone goodnight and closed the light. I went back to my room with Suki. We both got into the bed and close the light. I ask her if she gotten my answers to my confession and finally she said yes. I ask her what it was and it was a yes. I was so happy that I hugged her and she hugged back. She fell asleep in my arm and I Kiss her on her forehead and went to sleep.

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