《Back to You | ✓》21.
Sebastian appreciated Mia's help with Diana and since that night, he was intrigued on who Mia really was?
On one hand, there was the past. There was the girl in high-school, who he'd seen that video of and that nearly caused him lose his place at university. On the other hand, there was the girl he was seeing on a daily basis, the one that was helpful, kind and strong. Who was the real Mia?
Sebastian's thoughts were clouding his mind, so much that it was hard for him to think straight.
Blake had noticed that Sebastian's whole demeanour had changed when it came to Mia. He took it upon himself to remind his friend how she was the reason they lost Aaron. Not to mention, she was nearly the reason he nearly lost everything he worked so hard for.
After speaking to him, Sebastian decided that once again he should start acting cold and indifferent with Mia. He made her make his coffee, over and over again and make her complete menial tasks. He even made her work later than usual on some days.
Mia was so confused on his behaviour, wondering how he switched back to his usual devil-like actions, since she thought they reached a place where they could be civil with one another.
She quickly realised that was not the case and thought, he probably wanted her to quit once again.
No matter how many times he barked his orders at her, running away and crying wasn't an option, she was better than that.
Unfortunately, her resilience annoyed Sebastian.
Today, Sebastian decided he wanted to work from home. It was something that he hadn't done since Mia had become his assistant. He also knew that he could use this as a way to annoy her.
By the time Mia had received the text that Sebastian wanted to work from his home, she was already on her way to work. She knew that he had done this purposely, but luckily for her, she always left early and so it didn't effect her punctuality.
She stood outside Sebastian door, continuously knocking and waiting on him to let her in. The building manager had let her in after calling Sebastian, therefore he knew she was there, but still wasn't opening his door. The arrogant twat.
Finally the door opened, with Sebastian looking down at Mia with a knowing smile.
"I've been knocking on your door for ages," she huffed.
Sebastian just shrugged at her statement. "I was occupied," he said, despite being right in front of the door, on the other side, just scrolling through his phone.
Mia glared at him. "Liar."
She then stepped forward to enter, only to realise that his arm was blocking her way, resting against the doorframe. As she glanced up at him, Mia noticed the innocent look on his face. A fake look.
"Well, come in," Sebastian told her, a mocking smile on his face.
"Move your arm," Mia said, before adding, "Sir."
Instead of moving his arm completely, he raised it higher, the space enough for her to walk under.
'Stupid man, with his stupid height, and stupid arm.'
"I mean, if you want to waste precious working hours playing this game, then fair enough. Let's just wait here," Mia smiled ever-so-sweetly.
She knew she had him, when she mentioned 'work' and 'wasting time', in the same sentence. Two things that she knew, Sebastian would never include together.
Without saying a word, Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Mia, and moved aside to let her in. He really hated that she knew how to get to him.
Smiling triumphantly, Mia walked into Sebastian's home, as he grumbled something from behind her and then walked past her.
As she walked in further, Mia looked around his place, and found it to be surprisingly neat. Since she'd seen his messy desk and had to sort it out several times, she expected a cluttered living space as well. However, to her disbelief, his home was neat.
It was just her luck that the office was the place where he seemed to be the most disorganised.
His place was void of colour, just a lot of white, grey and black. Like his soul. There was the occasional tinge of colour from some of the artwork that adorned the walls, and a from picture frames that were hung up, but not much. His place was just very masculine, that was the only thing that would come to Mia's mind as she looked around.
Sebastian went to take a seat on his sofa, where he'd set up his home-office on the coffee table. As he looked towards Mia, he found her just looking at her surroundings, this caused him to be a little conscious.
He really liked his privacy most times, and whilst he often had Blake and the others over, his home was his quiet sanctuary. Sebastian always knew he wanted a place of his own in the future, especially when he'd begun dating. Taking a girl back to your parents' place, was a little too awkward for him.
He didn't really know much about decorating, or design, minimalism was more his style. Even though his mother practically begged him to let her refurbish his place, he refused. This was how he wanted it, and yet the way he saw Mia looking around, made him feel a little conscious about it.
"So, where should I set up?" Mia then asked, looking back to Sebastian, and found that he was already staring at her from where he was seated.
He just pointed to the area that he'd already had his things on. 'She didn't say anything?'
Mia then realised that probably wasn't the smartest question to ask him. 'Surprised he didn't say anything on that.' It was probably a golden opportunity for him to call her out, she was just glad that he didn't.
Snapping out of the weird trance he was in, Sebastian's expression hardened once more.
"Just here," he said, gesturing to the coffee table. "You don't get to go to my bedroom that quick."
As she put her bag down, Mia rolled her eyes. "Got someone in there keeping you occupied?"
Her question amused him, and so Sebastian then moved closer to her. "Jealous, love?" He whispered.
Instinctively Mia shifted away. "No, you prick," she replied.
Sebastian moved away, a chuckle escaping him as he saw her reaction.
'He laughs?' Mia thought to herself, watching in both wonder and annoyance, as he was messing with her.
"Now is that a way to speak to your boss?" Sebastian asked her, quirking up a brow.
"When he's like you? Yes," Mia stated, pushing up her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
After sometime of working, Sebastian felt himself getting tired. However, unlike his usual mornings, Mia's coffee wasn't at his desk to power him.
He then thought that this was probably a good chance to get under her skin.
"I need coffee," he said, turning to face Mia.
She then turned towards him, a look of confusion coming over her face. "Okay?" She said, not sure how his needs, effect her.
"Make me some," Sebastian ordered.
At this, Mia resisted the urge to laugh in his face. "What am I your slave? Make your own coffee," she replied.
"Your my assistant," he pointed out.
Mia gave him a dry look in return. "This is your own home," she said.
She couldn't believe that he was actually insisting on her making his coffee, whilst in his own home. The limit of laziness had to reach somewhere, and yet it was like there was no boundary for him. He refused to make his own coffee, in his own home, his own kitchen!
Infuriated, didn't even begin to describe how she was feeling.
"That we're making the office for the day," Sebastian retorted.
'I need your coffee,' were the words that he'd really wanted to say before, but he just couldn't admit that.
Mia groaned at his words, knowing that he wouldn't stop being so childish until he got his coffee, and so she got up from her seat.
"Your kitchen?" She asked him, realising she didn't know exactly where to go.
"Just through there," Sebastian pointed towards a doorway.
As Mia huffed and stomped away, he couldn't help but smile at her both her antics and the fact that she was actually going to make him a cup.
Mia was stood in the kitchen for a few minutes now and just looked lost.
"Now how the hell does this thing work?" She muttered to the over complicated, and fancy coffee machine, that looked like it should belong in Starbucks or possibly in the future.
"Seriously, who needs this many buttons for a coffee machine? It's just water and coffee," she grumbled, holding an empty mug in her hands.
At this point, she felt like she needed training as a barista to work the machine out or a whole another degree.
As five minutes past, Sebastian was growing both curious and impatient. It definitely would not take that long to make a cup, as far as he knew. She had been gone for too long, he thought, and a part of him wondered if she was okay?
He then got up from his own seat and walked towards his kitchen. When he peeked in, he stopped at the threshold, and watched as Mia appeared to have a conversation with the coffee machine.
The sight of her acting so weird, amused him quite a bit. She clearly was not okay. He then thought maybe he should intervene, before she started a debate with the microwave or oven.
"What are you doing?" He asked asked.
His sudden presence startled Mia, who then looked at him, the mug in her hand, and then back to him,
"Making coffee?" She replied unsurely.
"By talking to the machine?" Sebastian questioned, stepping forward into the kitchen.
"Why can't you just have a simple kettle?" Mia groaned, missing her simple little kettle at home.
Sebastian's lips twitched at her complaint. "It's not that hard," he told her.
"It is," Mia whined.
"Just move," he then replied, rolling his eyes and then taking the mug from her hands.
He wanted her to make it, but clearly that wasn't going to happen this time and he'd have to make his own. It wasn't going to be the same, but it'll do.
Mia grinned as Sebastian began to make his own coffee. "I am so smart," she mumbled to herself, happy that her plan to make him do it himself actually worked. This is what he gets for ordering me like a servant.
As he was left standing there, a mug in hand, Sebastian realised she had duped him. However, for an odd reason, it just made him laugh. It was a smart move and he couldn't deny it.
After that coffee issue, the next couple of hours were spent with the two of them working.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Sebastian, darling?" A female voice called out for him and immediately he shot out of his seat.
"Shit," he muttered, like he'd been caught with his hand the cookie jar.
Mia just looked at him in confusion. "What?" She asked, watching his slightly alarmed state.
"That's my Mum," Sebastian said, gesturing towards the door.
Mia's confusion remained. "Okay? Open the door then," she said slowly, not understanding what the problem was.
Sebastian shook his head. "I can't," he said and then looked down towards her. "Not with you here."
Mia was taken aback by his words. "What? I'm not one of your hookups or anything. Just open the damn door," she said in annoyance.
There was nothing embarrassing or compromising about her being in his home, as far as she saw. They were just colleagues, working together. Their stuff laid out on the coffee table was evident of that.
"Sweetheart, you in there?" Lorelai, Sebastian's Mum, knocked again.
Mia let out a snort hearing her call Sebastian with such an affectionate name.
"That's adorable," she cooed playfully and Sebastian glared at her.
"Shut up," he snapped.
Nothing good would come out of his Mum seeing Mia here, or at least nothing good for him. He knew that as soon as his Mum would see her, she'd pester her with embarrassing questions.
The only people Sebastian ever had in his home was Blake, Roman and Diana, sometimes Sophie. A fact even his mother was aware of. If she saw someone else, and that another another woman, then she'd assume all kinds of things. He never had Anna here for that reason too, only going to her place instead.
Sebastian then took Mia's arm and pulled her off the sofa.
"You need to hide," he told her.
Mia got her arm out of his hold, rooted in her spot. "I will not."
She refused to be treated like one of his hookups, that he was embarrassed for his mother to know about.
"You will," Sebastian said and then pointed in the direction of another door "Now go," he ordered, in a lower tone so his mother couldn't hear.
"I don't understand," Mia said, still not moving.
Sebastian groaned at her stubbornness. "Not that you deserve an explanation, but my Mum will immediately think there's something going on between us," he said.
Mia's face scrunched up in disgust. "Okay first off, gross. Secondly, you've probably had Sophie here. What's the big deal?" She asked.
Sebastian ran his hand over his face. "Sophie is like an older sister and Mum knows that. You are new, and she'll want to interrogate you. Now, go hide unless you want her to think we're a couple," he snapped, pointing to the door once again.
"Ew, okay fine," Mia relented. "Hide where?" She then asked, looking in the direction of his pointed finger.
"My bedroom," he stated.
"This is dumb," Mia muttered as she quickly walked to his bedroom.
As she walked into Sebastian bedroom, Mia felt too weird. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd be in there, especially not commanded by Sebastian himself. He practically begged her to go into his room.
Mia couldn't help but think, if the most impossible of things were happening today then maybe she should buy a lottery ticket and try her luck there.
She then looked around the room and noticed the demure interior of Sebastian's room. Clearly it wasn't his living room that was void of colour. His room was as bland as he was. What caught her interest was the few framed pictures he had up. His family, his friends. There was a picture of Sebastian, Blake and Aaron.
Mia then realised something, she hadn't ever thought about. Maybe it was possible that Sebastian did truly miss his friend a lot.
"Oh, look at you! Learn how to smile, would you?" Mia heard the female voice again and thought that if Sebastian's Mum was anything like her Mum, then this visit wouldn't be ending soon.
She decided it was best to just take a seat in the room, until it was alright for her to come out again.
Mia was thankful that she had grabbed her phone, before she was hauled into the room by Sebastian.
After waiting a long while, Mia realised she couldn't really hear any voices anymore. She decided to peek open the bedroom door, to check whether Sebastian's Mum had actually left.
She swiftly walked towards the door, trying her best to be quiet.
Unfortunately in that moment, Mia didn't realise that Sebastian had also thought to tell her she could leave the room and was about to walk through the door.
"You can..." Sebastian began to say and pushed on the door at the same time that Mia had pulled on it.
As if on reflex, Sebastian quickly caught a falling Mia before she could hit the ground. His arms looped around her, with one at her back, and the other supporting her head.
Mia's hands latched onto his shoulders automatically, gripping them tightly to secure herself and in the process scrunched up his T-shirt within her fists.
The position they were in amused Sebastian, as he looked down to see Mia's face slightly scrunched up and eyes shut tightly, as if awaiting the impact of the fall.
Mia peeked one eye open, wondering why she hadn't met the ground, only to see Sebastian's smug face hovering over her.
"Well, this is interesting," he mused.
Mia looked at him and noticed the way the corner of his mouth lifted up slight to form a smirk. She knew that he was going to hold this against her forever.
"Shut up," she snapped and tried to get out of his hold. "Let me go," she gritted out, when his hold on her tightened.
Sebastian cocked his head to the side. "Aren't you enjoying this?"
"No," she glared at him.
"Let me go," she firmly said once again.
"Okay," Sebastian shrugged, before he let her go, dropping her to the ground in the process and walked away laughing.
"Asshole," Mia muttered, getting up off the ground and dusting herself off.
He'd won this round.
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