《Allah's Plan For You & Me》Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and His Progeny [The 12 Leaders]
rophet (s.a.w) of Allah , held the two ends of the cloak and raised his right hand towards the heavens and prayed,
Allah, these are the people of my Household (Ahlul-Bayt).
hey are my confidants and my supporters.
heir flesh is my flesh and their blood is my blood.
hoever hurts them, hurts me too.
hoever displeases them, displeases me too.
am at war with those who are at war with them.
am at peace with those who are at peace with them.
am the enemy of their enemies.
nd I am the friend of their friends.
hey are from me and I am from them.
Allah! Bestow Your Blessings, Benevolence, Forgiveness and Your pleasure upon me and upon them.
nd keep them away from impurity (and flaws) and keep them thoroughly purified."
hen the Lord, Almighty Allah (swt) said,
My angels! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships, but for the love of these Five underneath the cloak."
ibraeel (Gabriel), the trusted Angel, asked, "Who are under the cloak?"
he Almighty answered,
hey are the Household of the Prophet (saw) and the assets of Prophet hood.
They are: Fatimah (s.a), her father (s.a.w), her husband (a.s) and her two sons (a.s)."
A narrative of an incident where the Prophet Muhammad (saw) assembled Imam Hassan (as),
Imam Husayn (as),
Imam Ali (as), and
Lady Fatima (sa) under his cloak.
hen it comes to the Prophets (as), Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), Imam Ali (a.s) and the rest of the Imams (a.s) who are the true leaders of guidance appointed by Allah (swt), Holy Qur'an and other topics of Islam, we can only talk about our knowledge but not describe it as perfectly and accurately as it is.
t's like a sea of knowledge and we have some of that sea water inside a cup where it belongs to us and thats our knowledge and understanding, not the way they perfectly are or can be described. We need to keep this in mind.
الّلهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ و عَجّل فَرَجَهم.
O Allah bless Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) & his household/family. And may You hasten their glad advent.
Muhammad, Ahmed (s.a.w)
, Apostle of Allah.
Abdullah (a.s) & Amina (s.a).
Dawn of Friday the 17th of Rabi ul awwal year 571 A.D (forty years before the mission of Prophethood), in Mecca.
Passed away on Monday 28th of the month of Safar, the rear, 11th Hijrah, In Medina at the age of 63 years.
His Holy shrine is situated besides the Prophet's mosque, in Medina.
AIi (as)
"Amir Al muminin"
Abul Hassan
Abu Talib (as) and Fatima Bint e Asad (sa)
13th of Rajab, ten years before the raising of Prophet.
Born inside kaaba.
30 years
Morning of 19th Ramadan-40th hijrah was injured by Abdul rehman Ibn muijim, and passed away on the 21st of Ramadan at the age of 63 years.
in Najaf Ashraf (Iraq)
. Childhood, duration nearly ten years.
. Duration in the service of Prophet (saw), Nearly 23 years.
Duration of avoiding the Government machinery approx. 25 years.
. Duration of Apparent caliphate, 4 years nine months.
He was forced and obliged to avoid the interference in the caliphate machine.
Although he was nominated openly by Allah & the Prophet (saw) on various occasions including the feast of Zul Ashira.
Upon the day of Ghadeer khumm in the presence of nearly one hundred thousand pilgrim companions of the Prophet (saw), unfortunately after the sad demise of the Prophet (saw).
Some Muslims turned down the ordain of Allah (swt)'s Prophet by rejecting his caliphate creating a split and Ideological difference with the true school of Islamic Ideology presumed by the holy Prophet (saw).
If people knew from when Imam Ali (as) obtained the title of Amir al-Mu'minin, they wouldn't disagree with his position.
He was named Amir al-Mu'minin even before Prophet Adam (as) had soul blown into his body.
Unfortunately and heartbreakingly, There has been people in the history of Islam who completely ignored Prophet Muhammad (saw)'s sayings regarding Imam Ali (as).
And those who did self-censorship in Muslim history:
Or you can simply write:
Self-Censorship in Muslim History A case study of Da'wat dhu 'l-'Ashir and find the website.
Hassan (as).
Abu Mohammed.
Imam Ali (as) & Lady Fatimah (sa).
Mid of Ramadan Third year of Hijrah in Medina.
28th of Safar 50th Hijrah, at the age of approximately 47 years.
Was poisoned & martyred by order of Moawiyah through his wife Judaah, in Medina.
: In the graveyard of Baqi situated in Medina.
Three parts:
. The age of Prophet (saw) (nearly 8 years)
. At the service of his father (37 years approx.)
. The period of Imamate 10 years.
Hussain (as).
Syed u Shuhada (The Chief of Martyrs).
: Abu Abdullah.
Imam Ali (as) and Lady Fatimah (sa).
: 3rd of Shaaban 4th Hijrah in Medina.
Ashura 10th of Moharram ul Haram year 61 Hijrah in Karbala at the age of 57.
In Karbala.
Four parts:
. The age of Prophet of Allah (saw) Nearly 6 years.
. At the Service of his father (approx. 30 years).
. Along with his brother Imam Hassan (10 years).
. Period of Imamate 10 years.
Ali (as).
Sajjad, Zayn al-Abidin.
Imam Hussain (as) and Lady Sheher Bano (sa) Daughter of Yazdgard the third.
5th of Shaaban, year 38th Hijrat. Or 15th of Jamadiul ula the same year.
12th or 18th or more well-known on the 25th of Moharram 95th Hijrah. Was poisoned in Medina on the instigation of Hasham Bin Abdul Malik & martyred at the age of 57 years.
The holy grave is in the graveyard of Baqi, in Medina.
. Twenty two years with his father.
. Thirty five year's period of his own Imamate.
Nine people from Yazeed up to Hasham bin Abdul Malik the Tenth caliph of Bani Ommaides.
Mohammed Ibn Ali (as).
: Baqir.
Abu Ja'far (as).
Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as) & Lady Fatimah Bint Hassan (sa).
Thus he is the descendent of Bani Hashim both from the paternal & maternal sides.
The 1st of Rajab or the 3rd of Safar, 57th Hijrah, in Medina.
Monday the 7th of zilhijah 114 Hijrah at the age of 57 years.
He was poisoned & martyred, at behest & order of Hasham bin Abdul Malik, in Medina.
Holy Grave is In Janat ul Baqi, graveyard of Medina.
Three years, six months & ten days along with his grandfather Imam Hussain (as).
Thirty four years & fifteen days at the service of his father Imam Sajjad (as).
Period of his own Imamate was Nineteen years, ten months & twelve days.
: Jafar.
: Sadiq.
: Abu Abdullah.
Imam Mohammed Baqir (as) and Lady Omme Farwah Bint Qasim bin Mohammed Bin Abibakr (sa).
17th of Rabiul Awal, 83 Hijrah.
: Medina.
25th of Shawwal.
148 Hijrah. Age: 65 years.
: Baqi grave yard in Medina.
Poisoned by the order of Mansoor Dwanaki.
. Forty one years before the Imamate era i.e. 83 Hijrah to 114 Hijrah.
. Imamate period 34 year up to the martyrdom from 114 Hijrah to 148 Hijrah.
He developed & expanded the pure Islam of Prophet (saw) and Imam Ali (as) which was hidden amongst & behind the curtains of Islam of bani ommayaids.
: Musa.
Abd e Saleh, Kazim Babul Hawaij (The gateway of fulfilment of needs).
Abul Hassan, Abu Ibrahim.
Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) & Lady Hameeda Khatoon (sa).
7th of Safar, Year of 128 Hijrah.
'Abwa' a place between Mecca & Medina.
25th of Rajab, Year 183 Hijrah.
The Prison of Haroon Rashid in Baghdad (Iraq).
Age: 55 years
Poisoned by the order of Haroon.
: Kazemain, Near Baghdad.
The First era before Imamate spread out from 128 to 148 Hijrah (20 Years).
The Second period following his Imamate from 148 to 183 Hijrah coincident with the ruler's hip periods of Mansoor Duwanaqi, Mahdi Abbasi Hadi Abbasi & Haroon Ur Rashid.
The most of his Imamate period was coincident with the era of Haroon, which stretched as long as 23 year, 2 month & 17 days.
Haroon was the fifth caliph of the Abbasade Dynasty during whose period of rule the Imam mostly remained imprisoned.
: Ali Ibn Musa (as).
Ridha', Reza.
Imam Musa Ibn Ja'far (as) and Lady Najma (sa).
11th of Zilqaad year 148 Hijrah, in Medina.
End of Safar, 203 Hijrah at the age of 55 Years was martyred through poisoning of Mamoon (Abbassade caliph) in Sana bad nauqan (a Mohallah today & site at Mashad Muqadas, (Islamic Republic of Iran.)
: Mashad Muqaddas.
In three segments.
. Before Imamate (35 Years), From 148 to 183 Hijrah.
. After Imamate, 17 Years Residence in Medina.
. And Three Years in Khorasan, the most Sensitive part of his political life was in this period.
He had only a single son, Imam Jawad (as) who was seven years of age at the time of his Martyrdom.
His sister's name was Lady Masoumeh (sa).
There is a saying by Imam Reza (as): "Whoever visits Lady Masoumeh's (sa) Holy Shrine, It is like having visited me."
: Mohammed.
Jawad, Taqi (as)
: Abu Ja'far.
Imam Reza (as) and Lady Khaizrun (as).
10th of Rajab 193 Hijrah in Medina.
: Year 220 lunar Hijrah at the age of 25 years by the effect of Poison given to him by the order of Motasim Abbasi through Umul Fazl (his wife) & the daughter of Mamoon.
Martyred at Baghdad.
: City of Kazmain near Baghdad.
Two parts
. Seven years before Imamate.
. 17 Years after commencements of Imamate coincident with the Government of two Taghoots (devils) Mamoon & Motasim the seventh & Eight Abbasade caliphs.
His active Imamate Started at the age of seven & he was martyred at 25.
: Ali (as).
: Hadi, Naqi (as).
Abul Hassan (The Third).
Imam Jawad (as) & Lady Samana (sa).
15th of Zilhajah, 212 Hijrah at Medina.
Time & Place of Martyrdom: 3rd of Rajab, 254 Hijrah, at the age of 24 year in the city of samara poisoned to martydom by the conspiracy of Motaiz the 13th caliph of Bani Abbasade.
: Samera, Iraq.
. Eight years pre Imamate from 212 to 220 Hijrah.
. Duration of Imamate: 12 Years before the reign of Motawakil from 220 to 2.3.3 Hijrah.
. Duration of Imamate in most difficult & hardest conditions, 14 years of it being coincident with the dictatorship period of Motawakil (The Tenth Abbasade Caliph & Then The caliphs afterwards.
: Hassan (as).
Abu Muhammad.
Imam Hadi (as) and Lady Saleel (sa).
8th Rabi usani or 24rth Rabiul Awal 232 Hijrah in Medina.
8th Rabi ul Awal 260 Hijrah by The conspiracy of Motamid the Foureenth Abbasade caliph, in the city of Samara at the age of 28 years.
: Samera (Iraq)
Before Imamate 22 years (from 232 to 245 Hijrah. After Imamate 6 years 254 to 260 Hijrah.
He was constantly & permenently under observation in the prison of the evil oppressors of his age & was brutally martyred by poison.
: Mahdi
The Imam e Asr,
Sahib Uz Zaman,
Baqiyyat Ullah,
(Arwahana Lahul Fida) (May our souls be sacrificed for him)
Imam Hassan Askari (as) and Lady Narjis Khatoon. (sa)
15th of Shabban, year 255 or 256 Hijrah, Samara and remained under the guardianship of his father for nearly five years in secrecy.
. Childhood:
Secretly nursed by his father up to a period of five years so that he could remain safe & secure from the harm of the enemies, and when his father was martyred in 260 Hijrah, the post of Imamate was shifted over to him.
. The short & small occultance: Started from the year 260 Hijrah & ended in 329 Hijrah, coming to nearly 70 years.
. The major occultance: Began in the year 329 Hijrah & until the time where Allah (swt) give him the permission to reappear, it will continue on.
. The shinning period of his advent.
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