《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Nineteen - The Demon and His Halfling


The Demon and His Halfling

Victoria sighed, slipping down further into the warm tub. After their tryst in the snow Sebastian had carried her back to the castle, clutching her tightly against his warm chest. She'd been shocked at just how far she'd run.

Jasper had been waiting for them, urgently insisting Sebastian come with him. Thankfully, Jasper had been fine, nearly healed from Sebastian's claws. He did not appear at all upset by what had happened.

She had been disappointed that her demon had to leave her, and judging by the Sebastian's growls he'd clearly disliked it as well. After carrying Victoria back to her room the demon kissed her deeply, his lips lingering as if he was loath to leave. Then he left to find Jasper, cursing under his breath.

Washing away the dirt and grim she inspected herself for any wounds. Her body wasn't in any pain and her scratches and bruises were already completely healed.

Bonus points for being a halfling. She didn't want to admit that she was even remotely thankful for being half elf. Just the thought of those bastards made her skin crawl and anger flare in her gut. But at least like this she could handle Sebastian's rough lovemaking.

A blush burned her cheeks. She still couldn't believe what she'd done with the demon. Outside. In the freaking snow!

At first seeing Sebastian's demonic form she'd been shocked, but it had been his behavior that terrified her. It was one thing to hear him roaring at her in the dark and another too see the rage reflected clearly on his face.

That gloriously handsome face.

She sighed wistfully, recalling his strong jaw and straight nose. The deep blue of his skin matched perfectly with his eyes. The darker shade around those golden orbs made him look even more dangerous. His fangs were long and sharp, a stark white against his skin. As he took her in the snow she couldn't stop herself from wondering what they would feel like sinking into her neck, marking her.

Dear god, she'd almost begged him too. Her neck had ached for it.

Now that she'd finally seen him Victoria understood how his form could terrify another; everything about him was made to strike fear. Was it strange then that she found him so attractive?

Maybe she was crazy but she felt a connection with Sebastian, had felt it from that very first night. She didn't understand it, wasn't sure if it could even be explained but she thought maybe he felt it too. If only they could get past his rage and hurt...

Upon reflection she now knew that running from him had been a bad move. She feared her actions only engraved in his mind that he was a monster. Moreover, she'd nearly gotten herself killed. Sebastian had chastised her for it the entire walk back. Seriously, how was she to know hellhounds were constantly trying to invade his lands?

Leaning her head back against the tub with a sigh she remembered the way he'd fought the beasts off. Sebastian had been both frightening and glorious. Not once did he hesitate to protect her, his body so powerful, unstoppable.


And the way he'd looked at her afterwards, covered in blood, ash and snow falling all around him...Victoria shuddered, his golden eyes had blazed with a mixture of possession and desire.

Anyone else would have taken one look at him and ran. Victoria couldn't stay away. She'd found herself running into his arms, needing him. When he stiffened, his rigid erection pressing against her belly, she'd known he was going to take her. Right there in the snow. And she'd wanted him too.

Victoria rubbed her heated cheeks at the memory. There had been no fear, only want, when her demon had shoved her to the ground, shredding through her clothes, his low growls in her ear. At first it had hurt, his size still too big, but once he gentled the pain had turned into pleasure.

Holy hell, had it felt good. He'd filled her, every inch of her, hitting that sweet spot deep inside with each thrust. And the way he spoke to her... That rough voice heavily accented with lust, his words pushed her right over the edge.

She moaned, that empty ache building between her thighs. Already she wanted him again. Stepping out of the tub she dried off and slipped on a soft nightgown, this one longer and more modest than the last.

Brushing out her wet hair she inspected herself in the mirror. There was a dark red mark on her neck from Sebastian. She twisted back and forth, inspecting it at different angles. The demon had given her a hickey and she loved it. Placing her hand over the mark she shivered. Then she finished brushing her hair, leaving it down to dry and crawling into bed.

Nothing had gone the way she'd imagined tonight - smile on her lips she wrapped her arms around her pillow - but it hadn't been all bad.


"What is it?" Sebastian demanded, already longing to return to Victoria. What was she doing right now? Would she be able to receive him again? His cock stirred just at the thought of it.

"I was summoned by Nicholas," Jasper informed him. "While searching for Bane he dug up some info on Vincent Shaw."

Sebastian poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat down at his desk, the fucking werewolf again. "And...?"

"And he has teamed up with the Legion. They plan to take Victoria, by force if necessary."

The glass of whiskey shattered in his hand. He clenched his fists, his claws digging into his palms. "What?"

"We suspect he wishes to make her his queen."

"Are you sure?"

Jasper nodded. "The information is sound."

I'll kill them. I'll fucking rip that damn wolf apart. Clenching his teeth he fought to remain calm. How could he protect Victoria if he turned into a mindless monster?

Sebastian's jaw ticked but once he stopped seeing red he frowned with confusion. None of this made sense. Why in the hell would Shaw want Victoria as his queen?

Was this a power play? Since Shaw was a dominant werewolf it meant he was not only stronger than a normal wolf but a potential alpha. All packs were led by an alpha male, the most powerful of the pack. The alpha's mate was considered the packs queen. Tapping his claws on the desk he murmured, "Victoria is not his mate."


"How do you know?" Jasper asked.

"At the auction he fought to get to her, but his demeanor wasn't desperate. If she'd been his mate Shaw would have been beside himself to reach her. His moves were more strategic." Like vampires the werewolves had what they believed to be preordained mates. A wolf recognized his mate as the one he wished to protect above all others.

Jasper scowled. "Then he plans to make her his queen without a mate bond? That's unheard of."

Not unless the benefit outweighed forsaking his fated mate. Yet why Victoria? She was a halfling. Aside from her ability to heal, and running faster than fuck as he'd discovered earlier that night, there was nothing she could offer the wolf. What did he have to gain?

"There's something about Victoria he knows that we don't. We need to find out more, about her mother." Sebastian felt his claws dig into his desk. Victoria's safety was suddenly at risk and he knew nothing of the reason why.

Jasper shifted on his feet. "Well, there is one we could ask. According to Nicholas he has close ties with the elves."

Sebastian exhaled loudly. "Let me guess..."

The spectral demon smirked. "Shall I arrange an audience?"

He waved his hand with annoyance. "Fine. But if the vampire starts preaching that Ascended crap he's gone."

Jasper chuckled. "Very well, master."

"And have the wards around the stronghold checked, just in case." If the wolf came for his Victoria there would be war. Sebastian would rip him apart limb from limb, mate or not.

"Of course." Jasper stood still for a moment before saying, "Ivan's army is on the move. He marches towards the northern clans."

Tensing Sebastian glanced out the window. "Don't..."

"Sire, they need you. Do you not recall what he is like? What he's done?"

"I will never forget," Sebastian snapped. How could he? How could any of his fellow berserkers forget centuries of torture?

He did feel guilt that he could not lead them. Before the curse Sebastian had prided himself on his strategic genius. His victories and skill on the battlefield had earned him the loyalties of the demon clans.

How could he lead them now when he couldn't even control himself?

"I'm in no condition to lead, Jasper. You know this."

"I've noticed," Jasper said cautiously, "that lately you seem far more focused."

Sebastian snorted. "Did you forget I tried to rip your head off just last night? And you still have a nice gash in your chest."

Jasper smiled. "No, but you did recover far more quickly. Normally you would be running through the forest for days. You came back in less than an hour, completely lucid." He chuckled. "And fully clothed."

Because of Victoria...She had centered him, giving him more than just physical pleasure, but a sense of peace. Just as a potential mate would.

"Could she be your mate?" Jasper asked, as if reading his mind.

"I don't know..." His fangs still ached to claim her. Never had he experienced the need to claim one for his own. Everything about her called to him. He couldn't deny he felt strong emotions for the halfling, would do anything to make her happy. He would give her the fucking world if she asked him for it.

Had it truly only been a few days since their first night together? It felt like a lifetime ago.

Jasper's eyes took on that faraway look when he was being summoned. "It's Nicholas again. Perhaps he's found Bane."

"Go on," Sebastian dismissed him.

He bowed before vanishing.

Alone Sebastian stared out the window. Could Victoria truly be his? He was beginning to hope.

Not wishing to stay away from her for another moment he went back to her bedroom. When he opened the door the room was dark once more and Victoria was asleep on the bed, her arms wrapped around her pillow. She didn't stir when he shut the door and approached the bed.

Standing over her he watched her shoulders rise and fall as she slept. Her hair was spread out over her back, the shining dark locks tempting him to touch. Unable to resist he stroked a hand over her hair, groaning softly. He'd claimed this beauty tonight, had felt her come as he buried himself deep inside her.

What he wouldn't give to feel that again.

He hardened despite himself and bit back a groan. Would she receive him? Something deep inside him told him that she would. The cage shook.

Sebastian shook his head, forcing himself to step back. He was too dangerous, the demon waited just under the surface. Watching her sleep Sebastian realized with anguish that he could not take her. If he hurt her again it would kill him. Which meant until he learned to cage his demon once and for all he would not have her body.

But what about the rest? Could he ask Victoria to be his mate? Rubbing a hand over his face he knew the answer was no. How could he ask her to be his while this curse still plagued him?

What if she learned to love him? He could be free of his curse and have her as his mate. He nearly snorted at the very idea of it. And just how was the little female ever going to love him when he continuously fell into rages and fucked her like an animal?

Make her yours. Find a way. There had been a time when women fell at his feet. He knew how to seduce and tempt. He could woo the little female as he'd done in times past. Only this time it would be different. He would not seduce Victoria just for a meaningless fuck, he wanted more. He wanted eternity.

And what if she's not immortal? He rubbed a hand over his chest, a deep ache building there. Looking down at his Victoria's face, soft in sleep, he knew he would take her for as long as he could have her.

And if she aged and died then he would follow.

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