《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Fourteen - Cuddling with a Demon


Cuddling with a Demon

Victoria curled up on an over-sized chair by the window. Outside fluffy snowflakes fell in the night, shining in the soft light cast by the moon. She sighed, listening to her headphones and wondering when she would see Sebastian.

She couldn't get him out of her head all day. More than once she'd nearly gone exploring through the castle, wondering if she could find him. Jasper had shown her the common rooms earlier that day, and she had to admit when she wasn't terrified the castle was pretty freaking awesome. But Sebastian had been nowhere in sight.

Exhaling loudly her eyes slid to the cell phone beside her. Her father filled her mind, followed closely by worry. She wanted to call him, badly. Is that why Sebastian had given her the phone?

Damn it, where was that demon?

Tearing her eyes away from the phone she stared out the window once more. Just what was it about Sebastian that had her so enthralled? Aside from his hard muscular body, hot skin, and sexy as sin voice. Not to mention the air of danger and sheer power he possessed. It was like he was out of a damn romance novel.

How could she resist?

The better question was what did a centuries old demon king see in her? There was no doubt he desired her, maybe even cared for her. What was so special about her?

A cold thought struck her, what if he grew bored with her? Would he simply cast her aside? Her heart pinged. Why did that thought scare her? She should be thrilled by the idea, shouldn't she? She could go home. She would be free.

Oddly enough she didn't feel like a prisoner or like she had to escape. Except for missing her dad like crazy she knew she would be content to stay. And not just because of Sebastian. She had already made friends here. The demon servants were all generally kind to her. Jasper was a riot and she could see the two of them becoming good friends. Even Nicholas came by to spend time with her, treating her as if she were a little sister.

She felt welcome. She felt like she was home.

It was all so nuts. She just couldn't seem to get her mind straight. Maybe she was suffering from some kind of Stockholm syndrome.

All she knew is she wanted Sebastian here, now. Just to hear his voice. The very thought of being cast away from him made her heart ache painfully.

It was terrifying.


Sebastian smiled, leaning back against the door. Victoria sat in a chair by the window, her legs drawn up to her chin, watching snow fall in the moonlight. She was wearing headphones, her head bobbing slightly to the music. She hadn't even noticed him come into her room.

He watched her for long moments, the moonlight gleaming over her features. Like this she truly did appear as an elven maid, beautiful and otherworldly.


This creature is mine. The demon within growled with appreciation and desire. His hands itched to touch her pale skin, his claws flexing. Was she upset with him? Victoria had accepted his gifts. Did that mean she forgave him? God, he hoped so.

Holding his breath he approached her from behind cautiously. He didn't want to frighten her, but he also didn't want her to turn around and see him. The moon was bright and he couldn't risk her catching a glimpse of what was hidden underneath his cloak.

Reaching the back of her chair he leaned down, placing his hand over her eyes. She jumped, letting out a soft yelp. He couldn't stop the soft chuckle as he gently pulled her headphones off with his free hand. "Victoria."

"Sebastian," she breathed.

"I didn't wish to startle you," he murmured, nuzzling her soft hair and inhaling her scent.

Clearing her throat she reached up, placing her hand over his wrist. He nearly groaned at the contact, her slender fingers were like silk on his skin. She touched him with such ease, not a hint of hesitation. "It's okay." Her voice broke slightly and he had to grit his teeth against a wave of desire.

"Did you like your gifts?" he asked hoarsely.

She nodded, which was slightly comical with his hand over her eyes. "Yes. Thank you."

"Keep your eyes closed," he ordered gently.

She frowned. "Okay."

Removing his hand slowly he went to the window and shut the curtains. "You may open them now."

She did, blinking rapidly. "I can't see."

He bit back a chuckle. "That's the point, little one."

"You still won't let me see you?" She sounded disappointed.

Ignoring the sharp stab in his chest he shook his head. "I can't."

"Sebastian, you don't really mean to stay hidden from me forever do you?" she asked in a rush.

He tensed, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "Don't."

She stood up, stumbling slightly as she found him in the dark and stood before him. He stared down at her in awe. She was so small and fragile compared to him. Did she not realize how dangerous he was?

"I don't think it would frighten me," she said softly.

"Victoria..." Groaning he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He couldn't resist the urge to rub his horn over her shoulder, marking her with his scent. "I can't begin to understand you, female."

"Is that bad?" she asked worriedly.

He gave a short laugh. "No." After all his centuries of loneliness it was a welcome change.

To his surprise she leaned her head against his chest. "I didn't think you would come tonight."

"I wasn't sure if I should." He'd debated coming for half the damn night. Part of him was afraid she would reject him while another part worried he wouldn't be able to control himself with her. He never wanted to hurt her again. The very thought was a knife in his heart.


However, he couldn't stay away from her. And Victoria was once again surprising him with her easy acceptance of him. His arms tightened around her. "Did you miss me?" he teased.

She swallowed audibly. "No...maybe...kind of."

He felt a thrill, the halfling had missed him! "Are you not angry with me?"

Leaning back she smirked. "That depends. Are you sorry?"

"I am," he admitted solemnly. "I didn't wish for you to experience that part of me, Victoria. I was worried about how you would react to what I am and I didn't take it well."

She bit her lip and glanced away. "I didn't mean...what I said about leaving..." she broke off awkwardly.

"You didn't?" he practically choked.

"I do like it here. Everyone is so nice. And you..." she broke off again and bit her lip.

He could hear his heart slamming in his ears. Even his inner demon waited with baited breath, as if afraid to hope. "What about me?"

"I like spending time with you," she admitted.

His head dropped to her neck, breathing her in. "I feared I'd ruined things between us," he murmured against her throat.

"You didn't ruin anything," she whispered.

"Victoria..." He sighed with relief, lifting her into his arms. She gave a little squeal, grabbing at his shoulders. Carrying her to the bed he set her down gently, lying beside her and tucking her against his side. She didn't fight him. Instead she curled up against him, her fists wrapping in his cloak. He shot hard as steel. God, she would drive him mad with lust.


Don't take her. He couldn't have her, not tonight. It wouldn't be right. "I just want to lay with you, is that alright?"

"We're not going too," she paused to clear her throat, "you know, have sex?"

Fuck! "You're killing me," he growled.

"Sorry," she murmured, her voice muffled against his cloak.

He sighed, stroking his claws down her arm. "Victoria, if I take you now I won't be able to bring you pleasure." There was no doubt if he took her tonight it would be hard and fast; he'd been fighting his inner demon all damn day.

"Does that matter?" she asked. He could tell by her tone that she didn't mean it to be an insult, but it stung none the less.

Placing his finger under her chin he forced her to look up at him, even though he knew she could only see his shadow and the glow of his eyes. "It matters. I want to please you."

She blushed all the way down to her collarbone. "I think I'm attracted to you."

Well shit! "You think?" he rasped.

"I mean, I've never seen you but I can't stop thinking about you," she admitted bashfully. "Do you think that's weird?"

It took him a moment to steady himself before he could respond. "Most women would be running from me, Victoria. You're curled up against me without an ounce of fear. I'm not quite sure what to make of you."

She smirked. "In other words I'm weird."

He laughed. "Maybe a little."

"Sebastian, why did you get me a phone?"

He raised a brow. "Jasper said you didn't have one."

"I know but...am I allowed to make phone calls?"

"Why wouldn't you be?"

"I just thought, because of the auction..." she trailed off with a shrug.

"I told you, you're not my prisoner, Victoria."

"So does that mean I can call my dad?"

He stiffened. He knew that she would broach the subject eventually. He couldn't deny her contact with her father, it wouldn't be right, he knew that. After a moment he nodded. "If you want."

Laying her head down she sighed. "Thank you."

"If I could I'd give you anything you desired," he admitted gruffly.

Her hand clenched in his cloak. "I'm so confused. None of this is what I expected when I agreed to the auction. I guess I just don't know what you want from me."

He wanted so much from her; he didn't know where to begin. "For now I just want to lay with you." Even his inner demon was content to just lie with the feel of her against him.

"Okay." She nuzzled against him. "You're warm. Are all demons like that?"

"Mmm...Our realm was a cold wasteland, the sun rarely shined there."

"I wish I could have seen it," she whispered.

"No you don't," he scoffed. "It was hell, literally."

She gave him a look in the dark and then laughed. His heart twisted at the sweet sound. "Nice one." Her eyes widened with excitement. "So if there are demons are there angels too?"

He snorted. "Angels are arrogant pricks."

Victoria laughed again, laying her head back down on his chest. "Oh. Is there a God?"

"Wouldn't know, never met him. I'm old but not that old," he teased.

She chuckled. "I see. So no mysteries of the universe will be solved this night."

They grew silent, his claws absently stroking over her arm. Victoria sighed, her eyes drifting shut. He was content to let her fall asleep in his arms when a thought occurred to him. "Victoria?"


"What the hell is Star Wars?"

She shot up like a rocket. "You have got to be kidding me! We are so having movie night."

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