《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Thirteen - Remorse and Eclairs


Remorse and Éclairs

Sebastian tore through the castle, his howls of rage echoing down the halls. His claws ached to sink into flesh, to rip and tear. He needed to fight, he needed to slaughter.

He needed to fuck that damn halfling to completion.

Leaping from the balustrade he landed in the main hall. He rose to full height with a deep growl, his chest heaving. Jasper stood in front of the heavy double doors, blocking his path. "Master."

"Get the fuck out of my way!" he thundered.

His servant didn't move. Instead his eyes narrowed, flashing with irritation. "Do you wish to frighten her? To drive her away? How can you possibly win her affections-?"

"I do not want her affections!" Sebastian slammed his fist against the wall, crushing the stone.

Jasper raised a brow. "And why not?"

That gave him pause. He struggled for clarity. His mind and body were on fire, his instincts running high. The demon in him was on the razor edge, the cage in his mind crumbling. He stared at his hands, at his brutal black claws still aching for blood. "What would be the point? She will never accept me."

"Not acting like this she won't."

His teeth snapped. Fuck him!

Victoria's words kept replaying in his mind. She wanted him to let her go. Disappointment laced through him. Sitting with the little female and talking with her openly had felt like a dream. For a moment he'd thought...

"She already wishes to leave me." He felt his chest tighten at the very idea of it. And she hasn't even seen me yet. He dragged the claws of one hand down the wall. He was losing it, the cage in his mind cracking with every ragged breath. "Why should I give a fuck about her?"

"You need to give her time-"

"That's enough!" Fury overwhelmed him, the cage shattered. He barreled towards Jasper, his claws slicing through the air. They passed through the other demon harmlessly, slamming into the doors. The heavy wood burst open from the force, splinters flying past his head. He wanted to crush bone and flesh. Sebastian roared with frustration, clutching at his hair. "Damn you!"

"I only speak the truth."

"Silence!" He struggled to breathe. He felt trapped. He needed out.

Jasper's eyes became unfocused. "The halfling calls for me."

"Then go to her!" he bellowed.

Jasper glared at him. He didn't wait for his servant to answer, running straight through the demon's incorporeal form and into the night. His harsh breath's puffed in the cold air as he moved faster, harder. Snow flurries fell, cooling his burning skin.

He didn't stop running. From the castle. From himself. From her.

The more distance he put between himself and the stronghold the more animal he became. The cool night air filled his lungs, wild scents rushing over him. He sprinted headlong into the forest, toppling trees in his wake. His fury still burned, he needed an enemy, anything he could vent his rage on.


The scent of something foul hit him on the wind. Hellhounds. The evil fuckers were on his lands, near his castle. Near my Victoria.

His lips curled back over his fangs as he roared into the night. He took off through the forest, tracking the scent. His heart thundered, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He relished it, the thrill of the hunt and the promise of battle spurring him on. His long strides ate up the miles, reaching a cave tucked against the mountain range.

Growls filled the night as he approached, eerie howls sounding all around him. He grinned, flexing his claws. Red eyes flickered among the trees as the beasts surrounded him. Their vile black bodies blended into the shadows, their stench filling the air. An enemy. Kill!

The pack attacked. He met them with ferocity, his claws tearing flesh, his fangs biting and ripping. In a matter of minutes he decimated the entire pack. When the last hound fell, its body bursting into a pile of ash, he roared with victory.

Stepping back he wiped a hand over his mouth. Blood covered his body, dripping off his claws. He reveled in it. A strange sound reached his ears and he realized it was his own demented laugh.

For long moments he stood among the ash, his chest heaving and his heart pounding in his ears. With each cool breath his sanity returned, his inner demon retreating to its cage, its savage needs finally satisfied.


Sebastian stared down at his bloody torso and jeans. The sight was appalling even to him, how could she ever accept him?

He frowned, but hadn't she been about too? They'd been talking so easily. She'd seemed general interested in him, maybe even liked him. Victoria hadn't run from him when she'd discovered what he was, she'd bloody moved closer to him.

And when he'd lost his temper she'd been fucking standing up to him! The act had both thrilled and confounded him. Even the most hardened warrior's cowered before his demonic form. Yet the little female stood toe to toe with him, scarcely reaching his chest, claiming he wasn't a monster.

And I terrified her. He dropped his head into his hands. He'd purposely tried to prove her wrong, had sought to frighten her. What the fuck was wrong with him? Confusion and shame racked him. He shook his head. No, she wanted to leave him. Had said so herself! He was in the right to be angry with her. Wasn't he?

Fuck! He closed his eyes, raising his face to the falling snow. He pictured her standing before him, those big brown eyes staring up at him as he pulled her closer. The memory seemed to focus him. He loved the way her heart sped when he touched her, not from fear but with desire.

I took my rage and confusion out on her. He groaned with the shame of it.


Jasper was right, he wanted her affection, wanted her completely. And he'd royally fucked up. Turning his head towards the direction of his castle Sebastian smirked, but he knew just how to make it up to her.


"Holy hell, what's all this?"

Jasper shrugged, an amused smile on his lips. "Gifts."

Victoria watched dumbstruck as a giant flat screen TV was installed over the fireplace. Her eyes went wide as saucers as even more boxes were stacked in her closet. Demon servants had been in and out of her room all afternoon, depositing gift after gift. Clothes, shoes...jewelry!

She'd never been a girly girl but even she could appreciate the fine pieces they continued to unwrap for her. Her heart fluttered when they presented her with a diamond and sapphire encrusted necklace. The woman in her imagined wearing it with something sexy, a little black dress maybe. Never in her life had she ever envisioned herself in such a way.

Her eyes widened even more when Jasper set a laptop and cell phone on the bedside table. "Oh my god, are you serious?"

He chuckled. "I've already added it to our Wi-Fi."

She sat down on the edge of the bed, running a finger over the top of her brand new and expensive laptop. She couldn't believe that all of this was for her. After years of struggling just to pay her bills she was suddenly being handed all these expensive gifts. It was slightly overwhelming. Just one of these pieces of jewelry would set my father up for life.

Turning to Jasper she asked, "Why so much...?"

"The master instructed it be so."

Her breath caught, Sebastian. Was this his way of making up for last night? After the way things had ended she'd been extremely disappointed, even hurt. As they talked she'd found herself drawn to him, yearning for more. Sebastian was like a puzzle she needed to solve, slowly fitting in each piece. And she definitely liked him.

Victoria couldn't remember the last time she'd just sat and had a conversation with someone, maybe never. For most of her life she'd kept to herself. She had no real friends and her male encounters had been so brief. Hell, she hadn't had a boyfriend since high school.

She sighed, who would have thought she'd find herself conversing with a big dangerous demon king? One she couldn't seem to get enough of. One she was undeniably attracted too, even though I've never seen him...

For a brief moment last night she'd even imagined that maybe they could be something more. Then he'd lost it, ruining everything. Thankfully, Jasper had been there to console her. They'd talked long into the night, mostly regarding Sebastian's temper.

She looked around her room, bemused. Didn't men typically buy their girlfriends gifts when they screwed up? Was that how Sebastian saw her? Her heart studded in her chest. "So these are I fucked up gifts?"

Jasper gave her an odd look before laughing softly. "I believe so. He feels badly about last night."

She gnawed on her lip. Part of her wanted to refuse them, the stubborn you can't win me over with nice things part. But another part of her softened that he was trying so hard to make up with her. Still, wasn't it protocol to refuse such things?

When they unpacked the latest gaming consoles her inner nerd squealed with delight. Who was she freaking kidding!? There was no way in hell she was refusing any of it.

Picking up her new cell phone she toyed with the buttons. "Is Sebastian going to apologize himself?" she asked coyly.

"He will visit you tonight," Jasper said with a secretive smile. "I'm sure apologizing is first on his list."

And then what? She shivered. She was fully healed from their first night together. There would be no reason not to have sex. Her stomach flipped with excitement but she stamped it down. She would take the gifts but that didn't mean her forgiveness could be bought. He'd insulted her and acted like a brute.

He'd threatened to lock her in a damn dungeon!

Smirking she put down her phone, Sebastian would have to do some serious groveling before she would agree to sex. Of course Sebastian was a powerful demon. It wasn't as if he needed her permission to take what he wanted. That thought should have terrified her but it didn't. She knew Sebastian would never force her. Because he's not the monster he claims to be.

A monster would not be showering her with gifts.

She all but laughed at her thoughts. Not only was she imagining the powerful demon king begging for her forgiveness, but she was excited over the prospect of being with him again. Wouldn't a normal person be trying to plan their escape or running for the hills?

Another demon entered handing Jasper a paper bag. The spectral demon opened it, pulling out a white cardboard box and handing it to her. "From Paris."

Her nose twitched. It wasn't!

She opened the box and felt giddy. Chocolate Éclairs all the way from freaking Paris! How the hell did Sebastian know that these were her favorite treat? Grinning from ear to ear she shoved one unceremoniously into her mouth and nearly groaned. So good!

Licking her fingers she smiled. Okay, maybe Sebastian wouldn't have to grovel that much. "Hey Jaz, you ever play a first person shooter?"

AN: Victoria is a girl after my own heart. I mean really...who doesn't like video games and chocolate eclairs? As always please vote her up and comment if you like!

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