《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Ten - King of Seduction


King of Seduction

Sebastian stood in front of his office window, his hands clasped tightly behind his back. He was shirtless, his feet bare, dressed only in a pair of worn jeans. He couldn't stand to wear clothes in this form. Hell, after his curse he'd run through the forest ass naked like a mad man for half a century.

He shivered at the memory.

Bowing his head he wondered for the hundredth time what Victoria was doing. Was she in pain? Had she healed from the previous night? Was she angry with him, hurt, scared?

Damn it, he wished this day would end. The sooner the sun set the sooner he could see her again.

His ears twitched. "You know I disapprove of your spying, Nicholas," he grumbled.

There came a soft chuckle behind him. "I can never get past you though."

"I could hear you breathing." Sebastian eyed the bottle of whiskey hanging limply from the mercenary's fingers. "And I could smell you."

Nicholas smirked. "Ah yes, I do enjoy my spirits." He walked to a chair in front of Sebastian's desk and sat down with a sigh. Sebastian wondered if his fatigue was due to a job or a female. "How did last night go?"

Sebastian growled, turning away from the window. "That's none of your concern."

Nicolas raised a brow. "That well?"

Pouring himself a glass of whiskey he sat at his desk and leaned back. "It was...surprising."

"At least she didn't run for the hills screaming."

Sebastian winced. "I didn't let her see me." Obviously that had been a smart move.

"She seems strong. She may be able to accept this form," Nicholas offered.

He stiffened, whirling the whiskey around his glass. He'd wondered the very same many times today. Even though she'd been frightened at first, Victoria had responded passionately to his touch. She'd fucking begged him for Christ sake's. He nearly groaned, still remembering her taste on his tongue.

Victoria may have been innocent and inexperienced but he couldn't remember ever receiving that much pleasure. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Never had he been this enthralled by a woman. Was it because he'd gone so long without, or was it her?

Aware that Nicholas was watching him intently he pushed thoughts of last night aside. "How is she today?"

The mercenary smiled, pulling out a cigar. "Very well. Jasper reported she was in good health. She also has a healthy appetite." He lit his cigar, the cherry smoke curling about his head. "She asked about you."


Sebastian perked up. "She did?"

"She wanted to know if you would be visiting her again tonight. Jasper informed her that you might."

He swallowed hard. "And what did she say?"

Nicholas smiled. "She seemed interested to see you again. She is curious about you."

"Curious?" Not terrified or angry? His heart sped up. Did he truly have a chance? The idea that Victoria might actually want to see him again had feelings he'd never known racing over him.

At that moment Jasper poked his head through the door, literally. "Am I interrupting?"

Nicholas grinned mischievously. "We were just discussing Victoria."

"Ah, good timing then." Floating through the door he turned corporal, leaning against the wood. "Did you tell him she was asking about him?"

Nicholas glanced at Sebastian slyly. "I did."

Sebastian sighed, the two of them were scheming and they weren't even trying to hide it. "What do we know about her?"

Digging in his pocket Jasper pulled out a notebook. "Her full name is Victoria O'Hare. She's twenty-six."

Twenty-six? He swallowed, so young. And yet by human standards she was well of age. How was it possible she'd still been a virgin? Had the human males grown dense? The woman was fucking exquisite. "And her family?"

"Her father's name is Mathew O'Hare. He is her only known relative. He used to work for a smelting company. Now he suffers from severe depression. She's been caring for him between several jobs. They are quite poor. He apparently borrowed a large sum of money from one of our kind. She made a deal to sell herself at the auction if his debt was wiped clean."

His jaw ticked, so that's why she'd done it. Victoria and her family had suffered, never again. "See that his needs are taken care of."

Jasper smiled. "Very well."

"And her mother, do we know anything about the elven maid?"

"The only information I've gleaned is she died shortly after Victoria's birth. And her name was Adora."

"Adora?" Sebastian tapped a black claw on his desk. "I've heard that name before..."

Nicholas frowned. "As have I, but I can't for the life of me remember where."

"I felt the same," Jasper said. "But when I try to recall her my mind goes blank."

That was interesting. Sebastian did not believe in coincidence, he'd lived far too long. "Look into it."

"Already on it."


He smiled. Not surprising for the spectral demon. "What else?"

"She has no friends outside work associates. I've already handled inquires on that front. No boyfriend."

Lucky, he would have killed the fucker.

Jasper peered down at his notebook and scowled. "Her...Facebook...says she like's video games and music. And action movies."

Video games... At Jasper's insistence he'd modernized the castle years ago. Like most of his kind he adapted to new technology quickly. He used a laptop and cellphone for financial purposes, but nothing else. They didn't even have a television. "Find out what she likes and get them for her."

"Of course. Oh, and I would recommend researching something called Star Wars."

He raised a brow. "Star Wars?"

"Yes, she seemed most enthusiastic about it."

Then he would definitely look into it. He wanted to know everything and anything he could about Victoria, including her interests.

Nicolas said, "I have also received word that Vincent Shaw has been inquiring about her."

Sebastian tensed, a low growl in his throat. The werewolf had been at the auction last night, and he'd clearly been after Victoria. He was still shaken by how formidable his wolf form had appeared. "What would the wolf want with a halfling?"

Nicholas shrugged. "I don't know. I've been looking into it."

"What do we know of him?" If the wolf was a threat to Victoria he would take him out.

"A few centuries back he fought his alpha for control over his pack. He lost and was exiled. Not much more is known. He's also a Hunter, a good one. He only goes after the elite bounties."

A Hunter, shit. Hunters made a living killing other supernatural beings. Due to their profession only those powerful and skilled enough survived. "He took down that Forsaken general, a pureblood?"

Nicholas nodded, "I believe so."

Damn it, pureblood vampires were powerful as fuck. He needed to find out what this wolf wanted with his Victoria. She's not yours, he nearly snarled, not yet. "Find out more."

"There is another matter."

Sebastian sighed. "Isn't there always?"

"Charles Lockhart has requested an audience with you."


Nicholas chuckled. "He is very insistent."

The vampire had requested a meeting many times over the past few months. Charles the Wise was one of the oldest vampires in existence and the first of the Pure Ones, vampires who never drank from the vein. The Lockhart house was well known among their kind.

Sebastian couldn't care less. His mind drifted back to Victoria. Was she thinking about him too? He glanced out the window muttering absently, "Not interested."

"Master, perhaps it would be wise to speak with him. He represents the Ascended."

Fuck, would this day hurry up and end! "I have no interest, Nicholas."

"The factions are at play. A war is coming."

"There is always war," he remarked with boredom.

"Not like this," Nicholas warned. "The Legion is on the move in a big way. There are rumors Lord Ivan has joined the game."

Damn Ivan to hell. Before his curse he would have jumped at the chance for war with that bastard. Now he ran from it. No longer was he known as Sebastian the Vanquisher. Now I'm only known as the Cursed King, pathetic.

Nicholas continued, "He will be looking for revenge. The clans look to their king for guidance."

He snapped forward with a growl. "I'm not their king, not anymore."

Nicholas scowled. Most would have backed down by now, however the mercenary was one of the few that did not fear him. Sebastian had to admit he was also one of the few that could actually kill him in a fight. And the mercenary knew it. "They need leadership."

Sebastian scoffed, "How am I to lead them like this? Send Bane."

"He left to seek out a witch and has not returned. She is rumored to know how to help with his....condition."

Sebastian felt a ping of guilt. The night Levina attacked his castle his second in command went out to meet her, and very nearly died. The demon berserker had never been the same since. Bane's broken body refused to fully heal and he could no longer turn demonic. It was if his inner demon had been cast out.

Sebastian almost envied him that. "Find out what's happened to him."

"And about the Ascended?"

"As I said, I have no interest in their war."

"Master, the clans need their king-"

"I am not their fucking king!" he roared, jumping to his feet. Rage shot through him, hot and sharp. The demon within stirred. He just stopped himself from ripping apart his desk. "Do not speak of it again!"

Jasper went incorporeal immediately. Nicholas didn't so much as flinch. Instead he stood, snubbing out his cigar casually. "Very well, sire."

"Find Bane," he ordered sharply.

Nicholas grinned. "I'll have to speak with the witches."

Sebastian calmed, amusement quelling his previous anger. He doubted there would be much talking. Nicholas was the self-proclaimed King of Seduction. "Don't sound so disappointed."

He shrugged, heading for the door. "What can I say, the ladies love me."

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