《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Eleven - Conversing with a Demon


Conversing with a Demon

Victoria awoke to a dark cool room. She yawned and stretched gingerly, grateful that her muscles weren't nearly as sore as they had been. Sitting up she rubbed at her eyes and glanced around sleepily.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as a gigantic shadow moved by her bed. "Sebastian?"

"Yes," the familiar voice rumbled through the dark. Victoria felt her heart leap with excitement and chastised herself for it. She couldn't comprehend why that deep voice excited her but it did.

"You startled me," she admitted softly.

"I apologize. Frightening you is not my intent."

"You don't frighten me," she whispered, shocked that it was true. Strangely enough after last night she was anything but afraid of him, which was probably stupid of her.

"I should," he snapped. "I should terrify you and you would be wise to remember that."

Scowling Victoria peered into the darkness, trying to make out his form in more detail. All she could see was his massive shadow and broad shoulders. His features were hidden in darkness, his head and body covered by a cloak.

Today she'd spent hours reading about his kind and was beginning to suspect she knew what type of demon he was. She wondered what he would do if she told him. Somehow she had a feeling he would be upset with her. But she couldn't help but want to know more about the demon, she was just so curious about him.

In an attempt to get them on more stable ground she asked stupidly, "How was your day?"

"My day? You wish to exchange pleasantries?" He sounded both confused and irritated at the same time. He certainly didn't seem in a pleasant mood. Last night he had been so...unsure and careful with her. It was like she was speaking to a different man. "It was fine," he finally grumbled. He took a step closer. "How do you feel?"

"I'm alright." She bit her lip. "Can I turn on the light?"

"Why?" he growled.

She scowled, her irritation rising. "I just...I wanted to see you."

"I told you that will not happen."

"Do you plan to stay in the dark forever?"


That irked her. "I can't stay locked in this room, Sebastian."

"You are not my prisoner, Victoria. You are free to leave your room."


Flicking his cloak he stalked closer to the bed. Did he plan to take her again? Dragging the blankets up to her chin she inched back. "I don't think I can do that tonight."

He stopped his forward prowl, looming over her small frame. She had to suppress a gasp as his eyes glinted in the dark, bright gold. "You deny me?" His voice was low and dangerous.

"No! I just...last night I'd never..." she stuttered to a stop, dropping her gaze and blushing furiously.

He snorted. "Rest easy, female. I will not have you tonight."

"Oh..." Why in the hell was she disappointed!? Her body was still healing and there was no way she could handle his size. She bit her lip, although she had caught herself fantasizing about him today. If she relaxed, and with some preparation, just maybe...


She blushed even further at her thoughts.

Sebastian inched closer, his voice hoarse in the dark, "You sound disappointed, little female."

Her face was burning. "It wasn't all bad," she whispered honestly.

He growled, one massive hand reaching out for her. She tensed but didn't move away as he gently stroked his claws through her hair. "I would very much like to pleasure you again."

Her heart slammed in her chest. Holy shit.

He groaned. "I can hear your heart, little one. Does that excite you?"

He can hear my heart! She had to clear her throat before she could answer. "It's the way you talk."

One of his claws caressed her cheek. He leaned down close, those golden eyes gleaming, his face a shadow. Her breath caught. "I could lick you again, make you scream with pleasure. Would you like that?"

Her eyes widened. Desire shot through her, sharp and intense. She attempted to speak and failed, clearing her throat.

He backed away from her, rubbing a hand over his chest. "I told myself I wouldn't touch you tonight."

"Why...why not?" Touch me! Kiss me. Do whatever you want to me. Her own thoughts shocked her.

He exhaled loudly, as if in pain. "I would not be able to stop. And as you said earlier, little one, your body can't handle me again tonight."

She softened. He doesn't want to hurt me again.

Sebastian took another step back, clearing his throat nervously. "I would like to spend time with you..."

Her stomached fluttered. There was her demon from last night. One moment he was sexy and confident, the next bashful and unsure. She appreciated the fact that he asked, instead of just taking. I may end up really liking him, her mysterious golden eyed demon.

Crossing her legs she sat forward on the bed. "What would you like to talk about?"

He stilled for a moment, as if surprised she'd agreed. Then he snagged a chair by the fireplace and dragged it over. Taking a seat he leaned forward, only inches from her. "Do you like your room?"

"Yes. It's beautiful thank you."

He sucked in a breath before asking in a rush, "How is that you were still innocent?"

He had to ask her that! She shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I guess I didn't have much time for relationships."

"Why not?"

"I worked a lot. Between that and caring for my father there wasn't much time for me." Dropping her gaze she fidgeted with her nightgown. "Plus, I'm awkward," she admitted. And nerdy. And clumsy. Not to mention dirt poor. Honestly, who would want that?

Those golden eyes flicked over her face. "I think you're beautiful," he murmured roughly.

God damn, if she didn't stop blushing she was going to pass out from blood loss. "Thank you."

He shifted in his seat, clearing his throat again. "Are you upset about last night?"

Could this be any more awkward? "No. I don't know. I think I'm more confused." She had not expected to feel such desire for him, or so much pleasure. And now she couldn't stop thinking about him.


He stared at her in the darkness before asking, "You are not angry with me?"

"Why would I be angry with you?" she asked softly.

"I hurt you."

"I know you didn't mean too-"

"You don't know that," he cut her off angrily. His hand moved towards her before he stopped, snatching it back.

Shit. Gnawing on her bottom lip she watched him in the dark, wondering what he would do. She could hear his ragged breathing but he seemed to be calming down. As a distraction she asked, "So this is your castle?"

He paused before inching closer. "Yes."

"You were some kind of king?"

"A long time ago."

"Nicholas said you're cursed," she mentioned softly.

"Did he?" he drawled. "What else did he tell you, little female?"

"That you broke the heart of a mystic."

"Mmm..." He reached out again, as if he couldn't resist touching her. Gathering up a lock of her hair in his hand he sifted it through his fingers. "I was very handsome once. Many women sought my affections."

She licked her lips as he ran his big hand down her neck. Her stomach tightened at the soft touch. "What happened?"

"I was foolish and arrogant. I seduced her and used her power for my own gain." He stroked his finger over her pulse point. "When she discovered that she had meant nothing more to me than a means to an end she made sure that no woman would lose their heart to me again." He sighed, pulling back from her.

"I'm sorry." She didn't know what else to say. Her heart ached for this demon and she couldn't fathom why she should feel such things for him.

"It's done," he dismissed with a low growl.


He ignored her, leaning over and absently picking up one of the books she'd left on the nightstand. He opened it to the section she'd booked marked. "You've been reading about demons?"

Busted! "I was curious."

"Curious about me?"


He leaned back in his chair and she could have sworn he was smirking. "And what did you learn?"

"Well I learned about your realm." Like the elves they also came from another realm, a harsh deadened world that was no longer viable for life, even an immortal one.

"What else?"

"And about mates," she admitted bashfully.

He stifled a groan. "Oh? And did that interest you?"

It had. She'd read it over twice. "Yes. It said that when mated a demon becomes stronger..."

He nodded. "True. Our demonic abilities become more powerful, and we are more focused, better able to control it."

"And only males can go demonic?"


"I read that you can choose your mate? Like finding a wife?"

"Yes, although some believe our mates are preordained like the vampires."

"The vampires have mates too?"

"A vampire has what they believe to be a fated mate, one look and they know. A demon will choose their mate, the one that brings us the most in sync with our inner demon, the source of our power." He paused before adding roughly, "And often the one that brings us the greatest sexual pleasure."

She was definitely going to pass out from blushing. "So this mate, does it have to be a demon...er...demoness?"

"We do not share the same trepidation's as humans do regarding sexuality. A mate can be either male or female, and of any species."

"So it has to do with power? You don't mate for love?"

"Not always, it can be for convenience or political gain."

"Well that kind of sucks," she blurted.

"Why do you say that?" he asked. He almost sounded amused.

She shrugged. "Well the bond is eternal right? You're stuck with each other."

"Mmm...you have a point." His voice was low and gravelly as he said, "Why do you think we seek the one who can bring us the greatest sexual pleasure?"

Oh shit! She resisted the urge to fidget with her nightgown.

Biting her lip she thought back on what else she'd read. Once a male demon found his mate a bonding ceremony was performed. She immediately blushed again. The bonding took place during sex, rough sex. The demon male would speak an enchantment then mark his mate by biting them on the neck.

She rubbed the side of her neck unconsciously. "Do you really bite them?"


She winced.

Sebastian chuckled, the sound low and deep and so sexy! "It's far more pleasurable than you think."

She swallowed, her imagination running wild. Sebastian taking her again from behind, running that hot tongue up her neck, his fangs sliding along her skin...

He groaned, leaning forward. "You're thinking about it right now aren't you?"

"No!" she lied, badly.

After a moment he grunted, "What else have you learned?"

"About the different types of demons..." she said cautiously.

He stilled. "And do you know which type I am?"

"Well, you're not a spectral demon like Jasper. And...I don't think you're a fiery because your horns don't have blue flames."

"Their horns only ignite when they go demonic," Sebastian informed her.

"Oh, well the book said they are also more human in size." Which he definitely was not.

He cocked his head. "Go on."

"You're not an imp, they are way too small."

"And very dangerous. If you see one you're better off to kill it immediately."

Victoria frowned. The book had said that imps were deceptively violent, attacking and killing unsuspecting prey.

"Perhaps I should have you fitted for a sword," Sebastian said thoughtfully.

A sword! Her? No freaking way. "I'd probably cut my own arm off."

"Elves are preternaturally good with weapons."

"Yea well, I'm half elf and I can assure you, I am not. One of my first jobs was at a restaurant. I almost cut my own fingers off...with a butter knife!"

Sebastian stared at her for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing loudly, the sound deep and rough. Holy hell, if she thought his chuckle was sexy his laugh had her panties wet in a hot second.

I'm in trouble.

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