《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Eight - Losing Control


Losing Control

Victoria screamed as he entered her, tears spilling down her cheeks. She cried out again as he withdrew, only to thrust back inside her.

She'd known it would hurt the first time, but nothing had prepared her for this. He was too big, his massive body overwhelming.

His hips snapped as he pounded into her, going deeper and deeper with each thrust. Low growls filled the room as he claimed her, his claws digging into her hips.

"Tight...so damn tight," he groaned.

She buried her head into the bed, clutching at the bedspread as he took her. He'd shown her such pleasure before, unlike anything she'd ever known. Her response to the demon had been intense and shocking, Sebastian's sounds of approval only heightening her arousal.

And she'd wanted more, had wanted all of him.

Then something changed in him. She'd sensed it - felt it - in the way his body had tensed before he released that frightening roar.

Was this the inner demon Nicholas warned her of?

He began murmuring in a language she didn't recognize, his accent growing thick and heavy. Giving one more hard thrust he stiffened, throwing his head back to roar at the ceiling. She felt him jerk inside her, filling her with warmth. He continued to come for long moments, squeezing her hips with each spasm.

When his shudders ceased Sebastian gave an anguished groan. "Not enough." He began thrusting again, not as brutal as before, but still at a painful pace that left her breathless.

He was just so big, she needed time to adjust. "Please...wait," she begged.

The demon responded with a growl, pressing one large hand against her back and pushing her harder into the mattress. He jerked her hips higher to his thrusts, giving a low groan of pleasure.

"Sebastian, you're too big! Please, just give me a moment...to get used to you," she pleaded.

He paused at that, still buried deep within her. "My female...wishes me to pleasure her again?" he asked hesitantly. His voice was even rougher than before, more animal than man.

"Yes, but you're too rough." If she could just get him to slow down...

He stiffened and snarled, as if waging a war with himself. But after a moment he withdrew, bending over her body. She shivered with awareness as she felt his strong muscular chest and torso press against her back.

The demon was nothing like she'd imagined. She could feel the power rippling through his tense body. When he rested his head against her back something hard pressed into her shoulder blade. A horn?


His claws tensed and released on her hips as he slowly entered her again. He continued at a slow pace, his low groans resounding in the darkness. She could feel the tension rolling off him as he struggled to remain in control. The action endeared him to her; he was trying so hard not to hurt her.

As the pain receded she drew in a deep breath of relief.

"Is this better, female?" he rasped.

"Yes. Thank you," she whispered against the mattress. He groaned, his tongue lapping at the skin of her back. She shivered, arching into his touch, as if helpless not too.

"My little female," he murmured almost lovingly, rubbing a horn over her shoulder. His hips rocked with his steady thrusts. He was so big he filled every inch of her. She tried to breathe through the discomfort as he moved. If she could relax maybe...

His body tensed even more, low growls vibrating his chest. With a swift jerk he snapped upward, pulling from her body. He moaned, shuddering over her, and she felt his hot seed spill over her lower back as he came again.

Releasing her hips he stepped away from her, his breathing ragged. Her lower body collapsed onto the bed. Exhausted she slipped into darkness.


Sebastian dragged in deep breaths, his chest heaving as the last of his climax shuddered over him. The demons hard instincts demanding he claim receded as his control returned.

Taking a step back he stared down in horror at Victoria's prone form.

"Victoria?" She didn't respond. He snatched her up against him, giving her a rough shake. "Female?" Fuck, what had he done?

The scent of her blood struck him like a blow. He hissed, running his hands over her body. Claw marks and scratches marred her hips and thighs, dark bruises forming over her pale skin. Snarling he gripped his head, his claws pulling at his hair. I hurt her. Took her like an animal.

He knew he was too big for her, that she needed to be prepared to receive him. Despite his attempt to remain in control he'd failed. She'd been innocent and he'd taken her brutally, slamming inside her little body. He could still feel her tight sex surrounding his cock. The pleasure from his orgasms hummed through him, increasing his guilt.

God, he'd never known such pleasure.

He was a fucking monster. He wanted to roar to the ceiling, too rip himself apart. He hated himself like this, hated the lack of control. His demonic form, his strength, it all disgusted him. He despised the demon inside him, wanted to cast it out, to free himself from its rage and mindless need.


After the curse he'd spent centuries struggling to function with even an ounce of normality, to lock his inner demon down. And yet he continued to fail. He hurt the people he cared for, chasing away all others. He'd been such a fool to even think that Victoria could be his.

And yet she'd been so sweet, so responsive.

Sebastian clutched her tighter, rocking her gently. He could feel her soft breaths against his skin, could hear her beating heart. At least he hadn't killed her. He wanted to laugh over the insanity of it.

The urge to care for her overwhelmed him. He needed to take away the pain he'd caused. Laying her down gently Sebastian hurried to the bathroom, running a hot bath in the oversized tub. Once full he stripped off his torn jeans and returned for her.

He winced as he lifted her into his arms; her body was so frail and small compared to his own. Carrying her to the bath he climbed in, settling her over his lap and tucking her against his chest.

Victoria sighed, her breaths deepening. Relieved he washed her gently, wiping away the blood and evidence of his claiming. Part of him wished he could take it all way. Yet another part, much deeper and darker, selfishly wanted to do it again.

Her body, her taste...

How could he not want her over and over?

Sebastian shuddered, gritting his teeth. Another wave of desire struck him. Get a fucking grip.

He stared down at her face, her sleeping form seeming to calm the demon waging war inside him. After a moment the need faded and he relaxed.

Sitting back he pressed her against him, inspecting her features. Her body reminded him of the elven maids, lithe but more generous. Her breasts were high and full, soft pink nipples teasing him under the water. He cursed himself for not taking them into his mouth when he had the chance.

Reaching up he traced a claw over a light dusting of freckles on her nose. Her thick lashes lay against her cheeks and he wondered at the color of her eyes.

Her hair was long and straight, nearly reaching her hips. He stroked a hand over the soft locks, groaning softly.

He'd claimed this beauty, had been buried inside her. And it had been heaven.

I nearly killed her.

Shame rode him. Her response to him had been more than he could ever have imagined. He'd thought, hoped, that if he treated her well in turn she would come to care for him. Instead he'd taken her violently, had bruised and marked her little body.

After what he'd done...

"She'll never want me now," he whispered, his voice hoarse. He ran a hand over his face. He was broken, a cursed monster. It was as if he'd been born to suffer.

From the day of his birth he'd been a slave, tortured ruthlessly. Forced to turn since boyhood in battle after battle, submitting to his inner demon, and fighting for the very bastard who had inflicted the unimaginable pain he had suffered. The memories of his slavery were permanently scarred into his mind, and body.

And through it all he struggled forward, fought to survive and free his clan. And for what? To be cursed into what he despised the most just as he found vengeance?

He stared down at his body, at the dark blue of his skin scarred from the whip and sword. Next to Victoria's pale smoothness he truly did look the part of a monster. He knew the right thing to do would be to let her go.

The very thought had his lips curling back in a snarl and his demon growling. If he released her where would she go? Back home? To another male?

Victoria was so beautiful. He could only imagine the number of men seeking her affections. A wave of possessiveness seared through him. He wanted to hunt down every single one of them and rip them apart. His claws ached for it.

His grip on her tightened, his blood burning hot.

Never had he felt this way about a woman. In one night Victoria had changed everything. He wanted everything from her, all of her.

She's mine.

He'd claimed her, been her first. No other would have her, ever.

I'll never let her go.

AN: I hope you are liking this story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment. It keeps me motivated and brightens my day.

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