《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Seven - Pleasures in the Dark


AN: Just a friendly reminder this is for mature audiences only!

Pleasures in the Dark

"Do not be afraid, female," a male voice spoke from the darkness. It was deep and rough, surprising her. She expected something cold, like the hiss of snake. Instead, his voice was an attractive rumble, tinged with a strange accent she didn't recognize.

"I'm alright," Victoria whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

He moved closer, she could hear the soft rustle of his clothing. Even with the darkness, and her back turned, she could tell he was massive. Don't run, don't run.

"I can scent your fear," his rough voice grated.

Dear lord. Relax, don't panic. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her hammering heart.

"Your name is Victoria?"

"Uh, yes," she said, caught slightly off guard. Were they going to exchange pleasantries? If she wasn't so terrified she might have laughed. "Do you have a...name?"

There was a pause. Then he rumbled almost grudgingly, "Sebastian.

"Bastian?" Without thinking she moved to glance over her shoulder at him.

"Do not look at me," he snarled.

She jumped, snapping her eyes forward. Smooth move, Victoria. The one rule... "I'm sorry. I...I can't see."

He shifted behind her before exhaling slowly. "I don't want to frighten you."

"You don't think this is frightening?" she whispered.

"It's the only way." His voice sounded pained as he spoke. Was he truly that terrifying?

"Do you do this kind of thing often?" she dared to ask.

Sebastian hesitated, before answering hoarsely, "No. I have not had a female in a very long time."

Her heart ached over his words, confounding her. Why did he have to sound so torn?

She heard him move closer, shuddering when his hot breath fanned across her neck. She could feel the heat from his massive body, warming her chilled skin. Something stirred within her. This was not what she had expected at all.

"You're beautiful," he murmured. Her breath caught, no one had ever told her that before.

His head dipped down, brushing against her hair. He gave an appreciative groan as he inhaled her scent. Her stomach clenched at the sound, her fear slowly dissipating. She almost felt...excited. What's happening?

"You're innocent?" he asked suddenly.

Oh god, embarrassing. Flushing, she nodded. "Yes, but...I mean...I know what to expect." She couldn't believe she was saying this to a centuries old demon.

Sebastian gave a strangled sound. "You're shaking. Do you want to run?"

He could see that?

Wait, this creature could see her! In the dark! Powerful demon. Not human. Her arms flew to her breasts, covering them self-consciously.

The demon growled. "You hide from me?"

Stammering, she tried to explain, "I...I'm nervous..."

His breath hitched. "I wish it could be differently. I will try to make this good for you, little one."

Another spark of excitement. Did that mean he wanted to give her pleasure?

She heard him move closer and tensed. At the same time her stomach tightened with anticipation. What the hell?

"Can I touch you?" he asked, his deep voice sending shivers up her spine.

He was asking her permission! Could she say no? Did she even want too? She had expected him to ravish her in the dark like an animal, not ask for her consent. He was being so...careful with her.

He's a cursed demon, are you mad? Apparently she was, because she wanted him to touch her. He was so big and warm, and that voice...


She hesitated for only a moment before giving a shaky, "Yes."

Sebastian groaned in relief. A large, rough hand stroked from her shoulder to her lower back. She could feel the soft drag of claws, sending chills up her skin.

"So soft," he all but growled.

Victoria bit her lip, she had the strong urge to turn around and face him, to touch him too. What the hell was happening to her? She should be terrified, not...not aroused. "Sebastian?"

He reached around her, making her jump with surprise. Tugging gently on her arms he maneuvered them to her sides, her hands resting over her thighs. "Keep your hands where they are and don't move," he commanded.

Her heart slammed in her chest. What was he going to do?

Sebastian leaned in closer, his muscular chest pressing against her back, all hard planes and hot skin. He felt like heaven.

"I want to taste you," he said huskily. But he didn't move, waiting for her to respond.

Again, he sought her permission. "Okay."

"Ah, you please me," he murmured. Nuzzling aside her hair, his hot tongue slid along her neck. He gave a broken groan. "So sweet, little female. I want to taste every inch of you." With a snarl his mouth pressed against her neck and sucked. She gasped at the pleasure of it. His big hands gripped her hips, holding her firm as he feasted on her skin.

Desire hit her hard. His mouth...

Why did that feel so good? Was it because she couldn't see? Her senses felt heightened, her body hypersensitive.

She whimpered and he paused, raising his head. "Do you like that?" he asked hoarsely.

"I...don't know," she answered honestly. Part of her wanted to deny the unexpected pleasure - she didn't even know what he looked like - but she couldn't.

Sebastian pressed even closer, rasping in her ear, "I can scent your desire, female. You like my mouth on you, don't you?"

He could scent her! A shiver raced up her spine, followed closely by another wave of desire. Squeezing her fists she nodded.

A deep rumble erupted from his chest. His warm hands ran up over her stomach, cupping her breasts. She gave a soft cry when his sharp claws stroked gently over her nipples. "What about this, little one? Do you like it?"

Self-consciously she shook her head. But her traitorous body arched back, pressing against his calloused palms.

"You're a bad liar, halfling." He continued to tease her with his claws, her nipples hardening painfully.

"I...Sebastian?" Was that her voice so rough and thick?

"I'm going to have my mouth right here," he grated, catching one swollen peak between his claws and pinching lightly. Sharp pleasure shot down her stomach, pooling between her thighs. She moaned, stunned by how good it felt.

"I think you liked that," his deep voice rumbled. He continued to roll both her nipples between his claws, lowering his head to suck on her neck. Gone was the timid demon from moments before. This one was powerful, confident, and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Her eyelids grew heavy, her head falling back against his chest. Little moans escaped her throat. A deep empty ache was building between her thighs. With shock she realized she was rocking her hips against air, seeking friction. She couldn't seem to stop her reactions.

"The sounds you make. You madden me," he whispered. One large hand slipped down her belly, cupping her sex.


"Oh!" Her hips bucked as he stroked her flesh with his claw. The pleasure was staggering.

"You're wet for me?" he choked on a groan. "You're driving me to the edge, female. I need to taste you."

She gasped as he shoved a massive hand against her back, pushing her face down onto the bed. Gripping her thighs, Sebastian pulled her back to the edge of the bed, his mouth trailing open hot kisses down the curve of her backside.

She froze. He wasn't going too...down there...?

Fear kicked in and she struggled against his hold. "Wait!"

"Do not fight me," he growled.

Immediately she stilled, clutching at the bedspread, heart pounding like a drum. "I've never...no one's ever done that before."

Sebastian sucked in a breath, his claws clenching around her thighs. "I'll make it good for you, little one," he said huskily. "I'll bury my tongue so deep you'll scream my name."

The way he talked! The image of his hot tongue stroking that part of her flooded her mind. Shuddering, she felt herself grow even wetter.

Sebastian groaned, kissing the inside of her thigh. "I can see you growing wet for me. Do you want me to taste you?"

Oh, god. Swallowing a moan she nodded, pressing her face into the mattress. "Yes."

He made a rough sound. "I'm going to lick you until you come on my tongue."

Her heart thudded. This was wrong, she knew it. She shouldn't be lying there, waiting breathlessly for his touch. Her body trembled with anticipation. She wanted it, wanted him. What was this demon doing to her?

When she felt his hot breath on the inside of her thigh she just stopped herself from begging. Then his tongue gave one long lick and her body exploded with pleasure.

She jerked, crying out into the bedspread. Sebastian licked her again, a low groan of approval vibrating over her skin. "Fuck, you taste good. Like honey."

He pressed closer and she gasped as he inhaled deeply, letting out another groan. Then he spread her with his thumbs and licked at her wet flesh as if he were starving for her.

"Oh my god!" she cried, rocking against his mouth. His tongue was so hot, so good. He lapped at her folds, before skimming over her swollen clit. She cried out again at the sharp stab of pleasure. His grip on her thighs tightened, holding her against his mouth as he did it again and again.

"S-Sebastian," she all but sobbed, clutching desperately at the bedding.

"My little female likes this, yes?" he asked between hard licks.

"Yes!" She loved it. Why had she never known this before?

He snarled, his mouth wrapping around her throbbing clit. Then he started to suck.

Her mind went blank. Nothing could feel that good, nothing.

"Please...that's...Don't stop," she pleaded.

The pleasure was building and building. Desperate she thrashed, moaning uncontrollably. He held her firm, his tongue probing against her opening. She all but screamed.

"Tight on my tongue." He licked deep within her body, growling with each taste. "You like me fucking you like this?"

"Yes. Don't stop. Oh god, don't stop!" she sobbed, her hips thrusting back, trying to press him closer. "Please!" she begged.


Sebastian nearly lost it at that sweet little plea. She's begging me. So long he'd been without a female, now an innocent was driving him to the edge of sanity.

The scent of her desire and honey taste was maddening. His cock had never been so hard, throbbing painfully for release. His inner demon was roaring with need. Stay in control.

God, but she was exquisite. Her pale skin was flushed with desire, her wide hips and round ass bucking to his mouth.

Was this woman truly an innocent? The way she moved against his tongue...

Little wanton. And she was all his.

Sebastian groaned, rubbing a horn against the inside of her thigh. He wanted to mark his scent over every inch of her with his horns, his tongue, his seed.

He could never have imagined how responsive the little female would be to his touch. Instead of cowering and pleading with fear, Victoria was moaning and thrashing against his tongue, begging for more!

The demon within clawed for release, beside himself with lust. It took all he had to remain in control.

Damn, but her taste! Sweet honey on his tongue, he couldn't get enough of her. He lapped at her center, probing deeper and deeper, nearly at her virgin barrier. He needed to give her pleasure, to make this good for her.

Victoria gave a strangled cry, her thighs twitching in his hands. The demon roared within him, demanding he claim. He refused it. He wanted to take her to the edge, to taste her as she came. Don't give this up, don't lose control.

His hands began to shake with the effort. "Come for me," he ordered.

"I'm so close," she moaned.

Yes! His cock jerked at the sweet sound. Unable to take the building pressure any longer, he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her firmly as he tore at his jeans. His claws shredded through the fabric, ripping his erection free.

Snarling, he stroked himself, his seed beading on the tip. Spreading it, he used it to slick up his hand, devouring Victoria's dripping flesh.

She tensed under his mouth. Sensing she was near he probed her again, nearly spilling his seed as he felt her tight opening clench around his tongue.

"Give this to me, Victoria," he commanded.

"Yes!" She bucked harder, her little body writhing against the bed.

He quickened his pace, licking her deeper and deeper, then sucking hard on her swollen nub. A scream tore from her lips, his name. He all but bellowed in pleasure as she came on his tongue.

So. Fucking. Good.

With a shout he tore his head way, releasing his seed over her thighs and generous ass. He continued to stroke himself, wringing out more and more, shuddering with each hard jet that escaped his throbbing cock.

The demon within raged at the sight of his seed coating her pale skin. He felt himself slipping, losing control. He wanted to prepare her for him, but his inner demon was having none of it. It wanted her now.

Even as he grabbed her hips in a painful grip he fought for control, fought to keep it at bay.

"Victoria, I'm lost," he managed to choke out the warning.

With an anguished roar the demon within broke free. Victoria stiffened underneath him and he scented her fear. His claws tightened, digging into her soft flesh. Instinct and desire overwhelmed him. He needed to pin her to the bed and fuck that sweet little body to completion.

Now, right fucking now!

He pressed the head of his shaft against her opening, almost spilling again at the feel of her wet heat. With a snarl he thrust forward, burying himself inside her virgin flesh. So good, so tight.

He threw his head back and bellowed with pure pleasure, losing himself inside her.

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