《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Three - The Mysterious Bidder


The Mysterious Bidder

Victoria watched in horror as the blonde was purchased by a red eyed vampire for half a million. He snatched her off the platform with an evil grin. The girl kicked and screamed as the vampire snapped his fangs at her and laughed.

A Forsaken.

She didn't want to think about what would happen to the poor girl. From what she'd learned so far Forsaken vampires were heartless creatures who took pleasure in tormenting their prey. They were consumed with blood lust, forsaking pure emotions and eventually falling into madness.

What if she was sold to one of their kind? Her heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to run. Clenching her fists she forced herself not to move. She had to do this, she owed her father that much.

A demon won the next bid, offering three hundred thousand and the bones of a virgin witch. As he carried away his prize a group of witches shot him evil looks and one muttered under her breath. The demon hissed at her, but she simply laughed, flicking a hand through her bright blue hair.

She stared at them, transfixed. Surrounded by their familiars they sat in lawn chairs, drinking beer as if watching a soccer game. Each one had brightly colored hair in various styles. One girl had a white rabbit resting on her shoulder, another a small red dragon curled up around her feet.

A pack of goblins sat close by. The stout fat creatures were disgusting, covered in hair with rotted teeth. They watched the witches intensely, practically panting. One got too close, leering at a witch's exposed legs. With a flick of her wrist she set him on fire. The foul creature ran into the bushes, yelping in agony.

The elves laughed, slapping each other on the back. Victoria didn't let their carefree appearance fool her. She knew first hand that they were cruel and cunning. Elves followed their own laws. And if one of their kind broke those laws they were hunted without mercy. Like my mother.

"Victoria O'Hare!"

She jumped. Jeramiah beckoned her forward. Swallowing hard she stepped onto the platform. Despite her fear she forced her head high, refusing to cower in front of these creatures.


"Next we have this stunning beauty," the vampire announced. "A sweet half-elf with all the beauty and none of the power. You can claim her to your hearts content without risk of limb or life."

The elves in the back laughed uproariously. Anger burned in her stomach. How could they find any of this amusing?

"Please look your fill," he instructed. "The bid is half a million."

Victoria cringed as each male eyed her with lust. Some growled openly at her, others running their tongues over their fangs.

After a moment the vampire cried, "Let the bidding begin!"

Vincent was the first to bid. Thankfully, he was not alone. Victoria held her breath as the bids went round and round. She felt her knees begin to quake as the wolf continued to counter bid each offer. Not Vincent, please...

The wolf countered once more against another vampire with bright green eyes, a Pure One. Victoria felt a spark of hope; Pure One's were kind vampires that valued life. The auctioneer looked to vampire in question, but the Pure One shook his head, giving up the bid. Disappointment crashed around her.

Please not Vincent!

"We have another bid!"

Victoria let out a pent up breath, her eyes traveling to the new bidder. The man was tall and lean with dirty blonde hair. He was dressed in all black, the lower half of his face hidden by his cowl, and had a sword strapped to his side. She frowned; he appeared human.

Vincent also eyed the new bidder with menace, but presented another bid. Without hesitation, the stranger continued to counter. Victoria's eyes widened as the price went up and up, reaching nearly one million along with a Dagger of Woe and a Pendent of Transcendence. With each bid the werewolf angered, growling low and showing his fangs.

"Once again, countered by the gentlemen upfront!" Jeramiah announced. "Do you counter, sir?" he asked Vincent.

Vincent's nostrils flared as he glared at the stranger. After a moment he nodded. "One million, plus the Sword of Reckoning." The crowd gasped. "That's my final bid," he growled.

"We have a final bid! Do you counter, sir?" The vampire looked to the stranger in black eagerly.


The stranger hesitated, looking behind him.

Victoria followed his gaze to a cloaked figure looming in the shadows at the far back of the crowd. She nearly gasped. He had to be at least seven feet tall and massive, his face and body hidden underneath a black cloak.

The stranger raised his brow in question. The cloaked figure gave a curt nod.

"My master wishes to counter. We bid one point five and the Ring of Ruin," the stranger announced immediately.

"What!?" Vincent yelled, his face turning red with anger.

"Excellent!" Jeramiah laughed. "Any counters?"

With a growl Vincent stormed away from the crowd, his eyes burning blue. The rest of the men shuffled their feet but none offered a counter bid.

"Very well, sold!"

Victoria felt her heart sink. She now belonged to this massive cloaked stranger of indeterminable species. What will happen to me?

Just as the blonde stranger moved to take her off the platform a loud explosion resounded towards the back of the crowd.

"Ascended!" someone shouted.

Victoria looked on in horror as a giant fireball fell from the sky, exploding not ten feet in front of her.


Sebastian tore through the crowd as all hell broke loose. Fireballs and electric bolts rained from the sky, explosions lighting up the night. The creatures around him were turning on each other, ripping and tearing. He could just barely make out the female on the platform, ducking down and covering her ears as a ball of flames exploded before her.

He roared, his inner demon demanding he protect. Those closest to him bolted in terror, realizing his demon was about to break free.

His eyes stayed fixated on the female as he ripped through the crowd. He gave no thought to who stood in his way. He had to get to her, get her to safety.

Nicholas was closer to the platform, moving swiftly through the crowd. The mercenary unsheathed his sword, dispatching any in his way. Out of the corner of his eye Sebastian caught sight of the werewolf Vincent Shaw stalking towards the platform.

Damn it! Shoving a vampire out of his way a black bolt of energy slammed into his side. He staggered but didn't falter, letting out a vicious snarl. A Forsaken turned towards him. Sebastian gave him a threatening snarl. The foolish vampire ignored the warning, rushing towards him with sword drawn. Sebastian caught him by the neck, crushing it with a sickening snap and tossing the limp body aside.

The crowd was beginning to thin as groups broke off to fight or run, allowing him to see more clearly. Nicholas was nearly to the platform now, slicing the head off a Forsaken with one clean move. The wolf Vincent was close as well, fighting against two demons. One managed to land a good blow to the wolf, sending him soaring backwards. In a flash of black smoke Vincent turned mid-air, an enormous black wolf emerging from the cloud of ash and smoke.

Sebastian felt his gut twist; he'd never seen a wolf that big before. Vincent snatched one demon in his massive jaws, tossing him aside. The werewolf then bolted towards the platform. Shit! Shit! What the hell did a werewolf want with the female? A part of him feared that perhaps she was his mate.

Nicholas jumped onto the platform just as the werewolf reached it. The mercenary snatched the female to him, tossing her over his shoulder. Bolting back into the crowd Nicholas narrowly avoided Vincent. The wolf let out a loud howl of frustration, before giving chase. But the werewolf was too late. Nicholas handed Victoria to a white haired witch, who quickly shoved her onto a teleportation rune. In a blink the female was gone. Nicholas turned towards Sebastian and gave him a salute, a bloody grin on his face, before he disappeared as well.

Relief washed over him. The woman was safe.

He felt a sharp stab in his side. Looking down he frowned in annoyance at the arrow sticking out of his ribcage. His inner demon rattled the cage, ready for the fight.

Forsaken began to surround him, red eyes hungry.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here, Cursed King," one mocked.

Memories of these red-eyed monsters feeding off his army filled his mind. With a sadistic smile Sebastian ripped off his cloak. His inner demon hungered to kill, and it was time he satisfied it.

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