《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Two - The Auction


The Auction

A crisp breeze ruffled her hair, soft brown locks blowing across her eyes. Victoria swallowed hard as she eyed the group of men standing before her. They watched her greedily. These men wanted her. She shivered with the knowledge.

Tonight one of them would own her. Her father's debts had left her no other choice. It was either sell herself to the highest bidder or watch her father suffer.

Still, the sight before her was shocking. Eyes of all colors gleamed up at her in the night, some flashing red, others a brilliant blue, many of them pitch black. These men were not human, but males of various species, each one frightening and powerful.

Not to mention violent.

A large demon with black horns attacked an equally massive shirtless male whom she could only guess was a werewolf. With a deafening roar the two males fought each other, breaking bone and clawing flesh.

The wolf won, spitting blood to the ground with a grin. The demon simply shrugged, as if ripping each other apart were no big deal. She'd been on edge just watching the two of them, while the rest of the crowd cheered them on. A group of witches had even taken bets, their familiars hissing and growling around their feet. It was total chaos.

And now I'm a part of this.

When she'd learned that she belonged to this world, a halfling, she wondered if she'd gone mad. One minute she was a simple human - awkward, poor, struggling to pay her bills - the next she was being thrust into this world of strange creatures and violence.

Her mother, Adora, had been an elf. A freaking elf!

Of course she'd always found it strange that she never got sick, or that cuts and bruises healed in days, sometimes hours, but an elf? She'd chalked it up to good eating habits.

Victoria's eyes fell on several elven females at the back of the crowd. They sat on the hood of a car, laughing and drinking as they watched the festivities. They were beautiful, flawless creatures, with lithe bodies. Each one had a weapon, which looked oddly out of place as they munched on popcorn and chugged liquor straight from the bottle.

Her mother had been one of them?

Victoria certainly didn't look like an elf. She didn't have pointed ears or super strength and speed. She wasn't even sure if she was immortal. Her father had warned her that elven women were seductive creatures and strong warriors, using their beauty to entice their enemies before delivering them a cold death. She was nothing like that, unless you counted killing zombies in first person shooters.

And yet her mother had belonged to this world. When Adora first met her father it was love at first sight. She left behind her world, her kind...

And they killed her for it.

Victoria gritted her teeth, glaring at the elves with anger. How different would her life have been if not for them? How could anyone be so cruel?

She would never be like them.

"Are you afraid, my dear Victoria?" a deep, cold voice interrupted her thoughts.

Victoria cringed.

Turning she glared at the werewolf. Vincent eyed her back arrogantly. She resisted the urge to strike him, clenching her fist. When Vincent showed up at her door, callously informing her of her father's debts - and of her elven blood- she'd disliked the wolf from that very moment.


Vincent and Jeramiah had left that night with the promise they would return, and that a choice had better be made. As soon as they were gone she confronted her dad and finally learned the truth.

Her mother hadn't died in an accident shortly after her birth, she'd been killed. Murdered by her own kind for loving a human. Her dad blamed himself for her death. In his depression he took to gambling, borrowing money from Jeramiah, a vampire.

There was no doubt in her mind that Jeramiah would make her dad suffer. She couldn't allow that to happen. She also couldn't bring herself to go with the werewolf. Every part of her screamed it was the wrong move.

There was no other option, Victoria chose the block.

Packing her things in the dead of the night she left her dad a letter explaining her decision and set out to meet her fate.

She shuddered at the memories.

"You are afraid." Vincent smirked.

Raising her chin she stated with far more bravado than she felt, "I'm not."

The wolf reached out, cupping her chin in one large hand. "My offer still stands."

She snorted, pulling away from his touch. Several witches gasped, watching them with interest. No doubt they would jump at the chance to be with this man. Like many of these beings Vincent was attractive, with a large muscular build and strong features. His firm jaw was clean shaven, his thick black hair pulled back from his face. Dark blue eyes gleamed down at her as his lips curled up into a sneer, revealing sharp white teeth.

She didn't understand his desire for her, but everything about this man screamed evil.

Let them have him.

"I will never want you." There were more gasps. Victoria fought a smile of satisfaction.

Vincent raised a brow, as if amused. "You may regret those words by the end of tonight."

She winced, he had a point. Any one of these males could hurt her or even kill her. Her stomach jittered nervously.

A large male with wings shouted from the crowd, "Get a fucking move on before the Ascended show up!"

Vincent grinned. "You will be mine, Victoria. Resolve yourself," he warned, turning away from her to enter the crowd.

A red eyed vampire appeared behind her. Jeramiah, the very vampire who'd put a price on her father's head. Jeramiah nodded to the crowd before addressing her, "It's time. Unless you wish to go back on our deal?"

She raised her chin, steadfast in her decision. "No. I'm ready."

He smiled, the look cold and detached. "Excellent. After today your father's debts will be resolved."

Her eyes narrowed. "They better be."

The vampires face flickered with anger. "You would be wise to remember your place, halfling." With a snarl he grabbed her arm in a painful grip, pulling her roughly to stand beside a raised platform. The vampire lined her up with half a dozen other women of assorted species, all of whom trembled with fear.

Giving her one last cruel smile he stepped onto the platform and turned to the crowd. "Gentlemen, welcome! Today we shall bid on these lovely ladies. All of them beautiful...and innocent." He gave an evil chuckle, which was followed by hoots and hollers from the crowd. "Shall we begin with this beauty at say two hundred thousand?"

A small blonde was pulled to the platform. The crowd jeered and the girl gave a soft sob. She was so pale Victoria worried she'd pass out.


The woman beside her, a dark female with long pointed ears, gave her a fearful look. Victoria knew they were both thinking the same thing.

I may not live out the night...

And if she did, she may not want to live another.


What the fuck am I doing here?

Sebastian growled at a goblin, shoving the filthy creature out of the way with his boot. Disgusting.

Nicholas shifted beside him, surveying the crowd with keen eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

"Aye, my demon demands it," he said grudgingly.

Sebastian despised Legion auctions. Once a slave himself he found such practices abhorrent. Nevertheless, where else could he find a companion? No woman would dare to bed him, not with his inner demon so high in him. Even the lowest of whores turned from him. The auctions had seemed the only option, and it shamed him.

He'd convinced himself that he wasn't like these other males. He would take care of his female, would lavish her with gifts, and treat her as a queen- saving her from a far worse fate.

Of course deep down he knew he was only fooling himself. His actions were no better than the demon lords who had enslaved him.

Yet the need for companionship, for a woman's body, was overwhelming. His inner demon demanded it.

Sticking to the shadows, his face and body hidden under a thick black cloak, he worked his way to the back of the crowd. Passing by a gargoyle draped with females he sneered. The gargoyles webbed wings were fully spread and one woman was stroking them, the equivalent to stroking a man's cock.

"Does the Legion have no decency?"

Nicholas chuckled. "Lucky bastard. Gargoyles get all the females."

"As if you've ever had a problem," he remarked smartly.

"True," Nicholas sighed, as if popularity with women were a burden. Sebastian resisted the urge to punch him.

Shaking his head Sebastian stood at the back of the crowd. His demonic form towered over many of the other males. A couple of females took notice, glancing over at him and whispering to each other.

"Who's that?" a small witch murmured with slight interest.

"A demon," another female whispered. "He must be a berserker, to be that big. Why is he demonic? Is he looking to start a fight?"

"Never had a berserker before," the small one purred.

"Don't even think about it," yet a different witch warned. "He's the cursed king. The demon within controls that one. He'd rip you to pieces."

They shook their heads, their expressions a mixture of pity and fear. The back of his neck heated beneath the hood of his cloak. He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists until his claws bit into his palms.

This is why he never left the damn castle.

His inner demon was already stirring. He'd long since denied it a kill, and there were many potential enemies he could vent his rage on. The number of Forsaken here alone...

He growled.

"Calm yourself," Nicholas murmured. "Now is not the time."

With a steady breath he locked down the animalistic urge to slaughter. "I'm fine."

A vampire ascended to the stage, announcing the first bid as a blonde mortal was pulled to the front of the platform.

"She's pretty," Nicholas remarked.

"Hardly," he scoffed. The mortal was weak and timid, her body shaking with fear. She wouldn't last five minutes with him.

Damn it, seven hundred years he'd been without the feel of a woman beneath him. There was a time when they fell into his lap, begging.

A Forsaken won the bid, lugging the poor female away.

Nicholas brushed a speck of dirt off his black coat. "Such a shame, she won't last the night."

"Perhaps he'll turn her."

"Then she'll suffer a fate worse than death," Nicholas stated absently. Although his demeanor appeared calm, almost bored, Sebastian knew better. Nicholas' dark eyes darted around the crowd, assessing.

"Looking for your next target?" he asked. As a mercenary Nicholas was often on one job or another.

Nicholas smirked. "Always."

Sebastian didn't envy whoever that might be. Even though Nicholas was human he'd been cursed as a boy with immortality. The centuries had made him unnaturally strong for one of his kind, if not a bit mad. Sebastian would never forget the first time he'd laid eyes on the mercenary. Still a slave to Lord Ivan he'd watched as a young lad was tossed into the pit for slaughter. At first none of the slaves thought the boy would survive, but something fierce had shined in the humans dark eyes. Nicholas had killed his enemies savagely, a grin on his blood splattered face. To this day he was damn terrifying in a fight, brutal and unforgiving. Luckily, Sebastian had his loyalty.

"What about that one?" Nicholas asked, shaking him back to the present.

Sebastian looked her over and shook his head.

Another female was pulled to the stage, then another. Not a single one caught his eye. He ground his teeth with annoyance; this was waste of his time.

"What are elves doing here?" Nicholas mused from beside him.

He frowned, following the mercenary's gaze to a group of elven maids lounging on the hood of a car. They laughed loudly, passing around a bottle of scotch. He too found it odd that they would be there. Elves normally sided with the Ascended, hated enemy of the Legion.

One of the maids, a wood elf if he were to guess by her short red hair, met his gaze. He stiffened; she seemed to look right into him, as if she knew him. Cocking her head she grinned, then winked.

Sebastian scowled, his rage simmering just under the surface. Was she teasing him? Another female who would deny him? With a dismissive snort he looked away. He noticed a few demons watching him, no doubt recognizing his scent. Their once proud king hiding in the shadows like a coward.

He bit back a harsh laugh. He'd been a fool to come here.

"Shouldn't have come," he muttered, his inner demon be damned. "Let's go."

Nicholas raised a blonde brow. "You don't wish to see any more?"

"What's the point..." the words died in his throat as a dark haired beauty stepped to the platform. Her back was straight, head held high. He could detect a slight shake in her step, the female was afraid, and yet she stared at the crowd with something close to defiance.

His heart rate increased, his breaths shallow. She was beautiful.

Sebastian sniffed the air, sorting through thousands of scents until he caught hers. Soft, sweet. His inner demon roared as desire hit him hard. Fuck!

A deep growl fell from his lips. "I want her."

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