《Mianite Season 1》A spark of hope


Jordan's POV:


He was alive.....

But how?.....

Dianite strangled him to death.....

I held Wilson in my arms, and still felt that faint heartbeat emitting from his chest. I wasted no time, and ran to decs house. If anyone could answer my questions, it was him. I ran through the archway, and called out for dec by the enchantment table. I heard footsteps, and saw dec walking out of his house. I ran to him, and took him by surprise.

"Shit! Jordan you scared the devil out of me! What's going on?!"

"It's Wilson!! I felt a heartbeat!! He's alive!!"

Immediately his eyes widened, and he took Wilson, motioning for me to follow him. He didn't even check if I was telling the truth. I followed him through his house, until we finally reached two big white doors. A sign on the wall indicated that it was his lab. He approached a keypad on the wall below the sign, and looked back at me over his shoulder. I turned around, so I wouldn't see his password, and I turned back around when I heard the mechanical opening of the doors.

The lab was a decent size, with test chambers lining the walls to the left and right, test tubes, kits and machines in the back, and a table in the centre. I followed him inside, and he placed Wilson on the table. He still hadn't said a word. He grabbed a syringe, and held up Wilson's fin. I flinched when he drew a sample of blood, I hated needles with a passion. He took the sample and placed it in one of the test tubes at the back, and then placed Wilson in a test chamber on the left wall. He closed the door, and stepped back.

"Test chamber 3, keep subject alive with oxygen infused water." He said.


Yes sir. Filling chamber now. A robotic voice replied.

Of course the lab was voice activated, I mean, it's dec. The chamber Wilson was in, which had a 3 on a sign above it, started to fill with water, and the lights inside the chamber made it look luminescent. I followed dec to the back of the lab, where he was putting the blood sample into a machine. He inputted something, and it started to spin. It span for about one minute, and then came to a stop. He removed the sample, placing it back into the test tube holder. A script of paper came out of the machine, and he took it, read it, and handed it to me. I looked at the small writing.


Subject no. 1:

Blood sample provided

Species: dolphin

Age: ten

Gender: male

Blood type: A


I looked at the paper confused. If he was dead how come he had a heartbeat? I looked at dec, and he sighed.

"I know you must be confused.... but there is a reason for this. You see, gods have the ability to give power to any living being. Sometimes this power allows the creature to help the gods. Wilson was given power by ianite. She allowed him to have something called 'a second chance'. This means that when body death occurs to the creature, it's heart, and brain are kept alive for about a year, after death. The brain keeps the memories and soul of the creature, while the heart keeps the brain alive. The heart is kept alive by the power ianite gives the creature. After a year, the heart begins to die. Deteriorate. Decompose. Wilson here doesn't have long. His body is dead, but not his mind. We can still salvage it."

He walked to the chamber, and inputted something into the screen. Suddenly, the chamber lit up, and dec handed me glasses. I put them on over the top of my red and black shades, and a bright flash made me shield my eyes. Dec removed my glasses, and I looked at the chamber. The door was open, the water drained, and Wilson laid in the bottom of the chamber. Dec went to the side of the chamber, and filled a test tube with a strange purple liquid. He handed it to me.


"This, is Wilson's very soul. The dolphin in the chamber is now a corpse. You can bury him, but, Wilson's memories are in that tube. I had to, or he would die completely. If ever you find a host you think would be appropriate for Wilson, and it's dead, pour this onto it, and Wilson will become that host. Memories intact, body fully healed. Make the right choice though. Once done, it cannot be undone."

With that he gave me Wilson's body, his memories, and showed me out the door. I went back to the graveyard, and buried Wilson's body. It was done. I headed back to my house, wondering how I'd keep the tube safe. If I found the perfect host but the tube was at my house I wouldn't be able to use it. I took a piece of string, a piece of glass, and a diamond, and went to my furnace. I melted the diamond and the glass down, and put it into a mould. Once it hardened I tied the string through the hole, and poured the purple liquid into the diamond locket. Now it would be safe. I would guard it with my life...

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