《Mianite Season 1》Lifeline


Jordan's POV:

I've been prolonging doing this ever since Tucker left to find Tom...... I don't want to bury him yet...... but I know it's the right thing to do..... I need to let him rest peacefully...

I'm lying in my bed, at home, since Dec gave me the all clear to leave his clinic. I haven't come out of my house very often, only to farm. My side still hurts from when my ribs fractured. I don't blame Tom for what happened, he wasn't himself. He probably feels really bad. He should've come home with me. We could've helped him. Instead he ran away.......

I heard knocking at my front door, groaned, and pulled the covers over my head. I didn't want to deal with another one of Tucker's lectures telling me to get outside and stop being a hermit. But, tucker hadn't come back yet......who the heck was at my front door?

I heard the door open, and panicked. What if I was getting robbed?! What if someone was gonna assassinate me?! I did the only thing I could do, which was hide like the scared grown ass man I was. I shook uncontrollably under my covers, and flinched as I heard footsteps outside my door.

"Jordan? It's me, can I come in?" Said a familiar female voice.

It was only Sonja.

I murmured in response, too depressed to respond with my words.

"I'm assuming that means yes" she called out.

I heard the small creak of the door opening, and opened my eyes to see Sonja sitting on the side of my bed, looking concerned. She looked at me with her kind considerate eyes, and reached out to grab my hand. We held hands for a moment, before she let go and looked at me.

"Jordan.........I'm not here because I want to lecture you like tucker.......I'm here because I'm generally concerned for your health......Please just come outside with me? It would make me really happy to see you outside your house for once....." she pleaded.


I didn't really want to, but I had been in here for about a month, and even though I didn't want to, I feel like I owe it to Sonja for scaring her like that when I had my freak out session when dec showed us Wilson's body that day. I took a deep breath in before answering her.

"Yeah......ok......I'll come with you...." I said.

Her face lit up like a lightbulb and she jumped off of me bed like her legs were made of springs.

"Awesome!!!! Now go take a shower before we go, you stink. Also, I'll go take out your trash for you" she said.

She left before I could reply, saying she'd meet me outside. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Groaning from the effort, I got out of my bed, and, taking new clothes with me, took Sonja's advice.

One shower later:

I changed into my new clothes, which were a black t shirt and grey shorts, as usual. Walking outside, I breathed in the fresh air that my house lacked, and enjoyed the sunlight beaming down on my front yard. It had been a while since I heard the nice sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and I realised then how much I missed it. I looked around for Sonja, but couldn't see her. She must still be taking out my bins. My eyes sprang open, and I cursed under my breath. I ran as fast as I could to the incinerator at the bottom of my hill, hoping I'd get there before she saw what was in my trash bags.

I made it to my incinerator, and dreaded what I saw there.

Sonja standing beside my incinerator, a split trash bag in her hand, and the five cartons of alcohol lying on the ground at her feet.


She turned to face me, a look of shock and sadness on her face; she knew that I didn't drink....

"Jordan..........Why?...........is this what you've been doing for a month?........drinking your problems away?............" she said disappointedly.

"I-I........." I half responded.

She shook her head and looked at me.....

"Please, promise me you won't do this anymore.......it's not worth wasting your life away like this......"

"I promise......" I said.

She nodded her head and wiped her tears eyes. She was obviously upset and worried about me. She started to walk away, and I got scared she didn't want to be near me anymore. Then she motioned for me to follow her. I did, and we made our way to wherever she wanted to take me. We started walking towards decs house, and Sonja was chatting away like nothing ever happened. I hoped she wasn't mad at me.....

We made a sharp right at decs house, and made our way to the animal graveyard. Suddenly, I knew why we were going there....

We stopped in front of the empty grave that was designated for Wilson, and stood quiet for a few minutes....

"When are you going to let him go?" She asked suddenly.

"I-I don't know.....probably soon"

She sighed and hung her head.

"You keep saying that! When are you going to stop procrastinating and do what you say you'll do? Which by the way is a long list of ten things! I've been keeping track."

"I know ok! I just need some time...."

"You've had all the time in the world! And all the time I can give you...... I have to go.... I'll see you later..." she said, walking off towards her house.

And that was that. She left, leaving me wondering if I really was extending this whole traumatised excuse for too long....

I thought about something, and decided on it for the first time in about a month. I raced home, and grabbed a shovel, a bouquet of flowers, and something from my basement that I had preserved.

I went back to the graveyard, and unwrapped the body of Wilson, feeling tears running down my face as I saw his lifeless eyes. I picked him up, and placed him carefully in the grave. I pulled back, my fingers brushing against his skin as I did so, and my heart skipped a beat. I had to be sure I felt what I felt, and so put my hand on his chest. My heart was in my throat, and my eyes widened as I felt it......

A heartbeat......

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