《Mianite Season 1》A god needs MY help?!


Jordan's POV:

After the big fight I headed back to my house, I was absolutely exhausted and I just wanted to go to sleep. I stored my weapons in my basement, and went to my bed. I lay down, not even bothering to change my clothes, and drift off into a deep sleep....

It's dark.........

It's cold..........

I feel numb, and can't see anything......

I hear a sound, and open my eyes, only to see an endless empty void of nothingness and darkness. I call out, but my mouth only opens, no sound comes out. I look around, to see if anything is out there, but again, I only see nothing.

I can't feel solid ground beneath my feet, and I start to panic. What if I'm in space?! What if I'm dead from lack of oxygen, and this is where my spirit stays?! I'm so scared of heights it's not even funny, and this makes it ten times worse. I start to hyperventilate, and then realise, I'm breathing faster than the speed of light. Wait, I'm breathing, so I can't be in space! I start to calm down, and wonder where the hell I am.

A bright light from behind me stops me in my train of thought, and I turn around to see a really bright and big star in front of me, an actual star!

I squint at the bright light radiating from the star, and cover my eyes with my hands. Suddenly the star shatters into a billion pieces, and I shield myself from the projectiles. They seem to all be avoiding me, which is weird.

I open my eyes and see mianite standing in front of me, radiating a golden light. He opens his mouth and appears to be speaking, but I can't hear a word he is saying.


"What?! Mianite I can't hear you!" I say to him, finally having found my voice.

He clears his throat and looks at me, then says one word.


I hear a loud crack, and look below me as pieces of darkness start to fall apart, revealing a horrible wasteland below. I fall into the hole, screaming, and I watch as mianite walks to the edge, and seals up the hole......

I wake with a start, sweat running down my forehead, and look around. I was lying in my bed, at home, light shining through the curtains. It was just a dream.

What did mianite mean by eagle? What was I supposed to do? Was it just a dream? Or a vision? Or a message from mianite? Or something completely different? I didn't ponder it too much, I walked to my bathroom, and washed my face. I got changed into my regular v-neck, and headed outside.

I breathed in the cool air, and sighed, the weather was so nice, and it was a beautiful day. I felt a vibration, and pulled out my communicator, but I had decided to use the word "com" instead.






I need TNT fast!!! I need to blow this shit sky high!


Umm, what the hell is going on?!


Go to the beach! You'll see it!


Uh ok...

I put my com in my pocket and started walking to the beach, I heard yelling up ahead, it was tucker laughing at Tom and saying " in your fucking face!" a bunch of times.

We had decided to let Tom and the others still stay in the world of mianite, but with restrictions, so no trolling or killing, which Tom was upset about. I still didn't trust him after what he did, but it wouldn't be fair to make him start a new life from scratch.


I finally arrived at the beach, and saw what the big fuss was about. A few hundred metres out in the ocean, lay a ginormous gold and white temple, with the word MIANITE spread across the top of the entrance in big bold capital letters. A white path about ten metres wide led into a giant dome topped building, and pretty flowers and trees lined the garden areas on either side of the path. Two giant white statues each holding a giant sword stood in front of the building, on either side. It was bigger than toms and Tuckers mountains combined. White and gold pillars held up the building, which made it look like a Roman temple. It was so big and majestic, that I almost fell over trying to see the top of it.

Standing on the beach were Tom, tucker and Sonja, all staring in awe at the huge temple that laid before them. I approached them, and they turned to look at me.

"This is amazing!!!" Yelled Sonja.

"Dude do you guys have any TNT on you?!" Asked Tom.

"Why?" I asked.

"No reason!!"

"Hahaha Tom's just salty that our god got a temple built for him before his did!" Tucker gloated, with the biggest smile plastered across his face.

"Shut up! I'm not salty, I'm just upset that you guys got a cool building and I didn't get no shit!"

"Tom, that's exactly what being salty is..." said Sonja.

"Whatever!" He pouted, while crossing his arms.

We all gathered some wood, and made some boats to get to the temple. Once we arrived, we docked our boats and walked inside. It was just as beautiful as the outside. On the roof laid a giant picture, the one from the Sistine chapel, and in the middle of the building lay a giant throne. Paths extended from the throne area to the outsides of the building, water flowing between each one. Behind the throne say a statue of a big white and gold eagle, and its wings were spread outwards.

The eagle Jordan!

What the hell?! Who just said that?! I thought, looking around wildly.

I did.... it's me mianite! Jordan, in five days time, a door will open up under the eagle, and a safe locked by a code will lie there. To find the code, you need to go to the coordinates -3354 79 -765. Your coordinates can be displayed on your communicator under the map tab. You will hopefully find my sister ianite there. Please, I need your help to save her. Tell no one of this, not even my followers, they may betray you if they find out.....I need you Jordan.....

The voice disappeared, and I was left speechless. It was a message from mianite, and my dream wasn't a dream, it was a clue. I couldn't believe it.....a god needed MY help.....

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