《Mianite Season 1》The cavalry arrives


Jordan's POV:

I got a message on my communicator, this time, from Sonja.


Jordan I need help tucker isn't picking up his phone!


Woah woah what's going on?! You have been missing for a while! Tucker is going on a death hunt after Tom cause he said he did something to you! Are you ok?! Where are you?!


Tom built a portal for Dianite to come to the overworld on the desert past his mountain! I saw him talking to Dianite about it, and when I tried to get to tucker he ambushed me and knocked me out, then tied me to his sled in the desert. Dianite is in the overworld right now, I don't have much time they might see me. I gotta go, get tucker! Helspdhekkejqjdkejj





I started freaking out, Dianite was in the overworld! What if he erased our memories again?! Or killed us?! I had to find tucker, immediately.

"I believe I can help you with that." A voice from behind me said.

I jumped at the sudden voice and tripped forward, landing on the hard concrete path I had made to my farm. I looked up at the source of the voice, and saw a familiar white robe. It was just mianite.

"Mianite, thank god!!!We need your help right now! Tom has kidnapped Sonja and made a portal for Dianite, and he's now in the overworld! Also, I don't know where tucker is, and he's gone to find Tom!" I said panicked.

"Yes, I am well aware of the situation, and I can get you to tucker, who is currently close to Tom, Dianite and Sonja." He said.

"Wait?! Aren't you going to help us?!"

"In due time, until then, I have summoned reinforcements.... "

I heard a weird sound, and turned around to see two people. One had a red shirt, and green shorts, with light brown hair and a beard, and the others face was barely visible, a red bandanna was over his mouth, and a red hood covering his head. He wore a red and black jacket, and I could see it was ripped in some places.


I wondered where the hell these two just came from, there was no one there a second ago.

"Hello! Would you like to talk about our lord and saviour mianite?" The one with the beard said.

"Declan, that is not why I called you here. Dianite is free, and he has a follower on his side who has captured one of ours. We need your help." said mianite.

"Oh, ok my lord. Champwan!"


"Put our belongings over there near the tree"

"Yeah ok..." the one called Champwan said.

It was only then that I realised that he was carrying a ginormous bag of stuff on his back, and it looked really heavy.

"Good man!" Said Declan.

"Jordan, this is Declan, he is a priest, and my first follower! Declan, this is Jordan, he is a friend of my followers, and he hasn't chosen a god yet, but he is a friend of ours for now." said mianite.

Declan approaches me and stuck out his hand. I shook it, and he smiled at me.

"I like this one!"

Champwan came back over to us, and greeted me, turns out he is the priests apprentice, his real name is Ryley, and he has to do all the dirty work. That last part he whispered to me.

"Gentlemen, we need to go to my other follower, tucker. His girlfriend has been taken captive, but we need him for the fight."

"Wait what?! A fight?!" I said.

"Yes, I'm afraid we will have to fight my brother, who I'm sure has already summoned his reinforcements.... are you ready for the fight of your lives? To save the overworld, which is our last line of defence?!"


"Yeah sure whatever"

I needed to make a big decision. I could fight for this land, or run and hide until it's over. It sounds like an easy decision, but I still had doubts. I gathered up my courage, what little courage I had, and looked at the others.


"I'm in..."

Toms POV:

Dianite looked at me, and nodded his head.

"You have done well! I'm sure brother will be heading this way, we need to prepare for a fight. Luckily I have reinforcements...." he said to me.

Suddenly, three people appeared out of nowhere in front of me. One had a grey bandanna over his mouth, and a green and grey hood. The second one had yellow skin, a white shirt, and blue shorts, and had crosses for eyes, which creeped me the hell out. And the other one was.........wait......are my eyes broken?.....the other one was.....a penguin?

Dianite moved to my side, and looked my way.

"This is Matt, but his hero name is TheOpTiCNaDeSHoT, he said, gesturing to the one with the grey hood. This is Josh, hero name JoshModestep, and the penguin is Tony, hero name TonyModestep."

"Uh, nice to meet you, I'm Tom, but my hero name is SynHD or Syndicate."

"I have no doubt that brother will have summoned his followers....we need to prepare for a fight......Are you ready? To fight for your god?!!!!"

"FUCK YEAH!!!" Yelled the other three.

I suddenly had doubts, should I follow my god, and turn on my friends, or should I stick with my friends, and turn my back on a fucking god.

As if reading my mind, which he could probably do, Dianite shook his head.

"Tom, we have no need for friendships, only between followers of the same deity. This is a war...."

"Are you sure we want to make this guy a Dianite? He's kind of a wimp..." said Josh.

With that I tackled him to the ground, sword in hand, and held it up to his neck. My legs pinned his hands to his sides, and my other hand was ready to punch the bastard.

"Say that to me again you sausage, I dare you."

"Josh, you better apologise man." Said tony.

"Fine Fine I'm sorry ok?!"

I let him go and stood back up, sheathing my sword.

"Woah man that was so cool!!!! Can you teach me how to do that?!" Said Nadeshot excitedly.

"Skill my friend, skill, and sure. But after I kick mianites ass." I said, trying to sound confident and cool, cause I wanted these guys to like me.

"Glad to see that you are on our side Thomas, but mianite is mine..." said Dianite.


Shit, I turned around and saw someone running towards us with a diamond sword.

It was tucker....

"Dude why is he so mad at you?" Asked tony.

"Don't worry about him, I just kidnapped his girlfriend."

"Oh damn" said nade.

Tucker arrived at where we were, and stood, looking me in the eyes. Suddenly, four others teleported beside him as well. Jordan, mianite, and two other guys I didn't know, must be mianites other followers.

Tucker's POV:

I looked beside me at Jordan and mianite, and they both nodded at me.

This was going to be.....

Jordan's POV:

The battle.....

Toms POV:

Of the ages.....

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