《Trolls: Trollstopia The Adventures of Season 1》Kick-Off Party
Narrator's POV
Poppy, Biggie, Guy diamond, Ruby and Becky were walking and Poppy was holding a stack of paper. "Wow guys thank you so much for helping me make these invitations for my Trollstopia Kick-Off Party" Poppy said.
"It was not a problem" Becky says sounding tired and causing Ruby to chuckle and padded her back. "Our pleasure Poppy Mr. Dinkles has been dying for a chance to show his calligraphy skills" Biggie said.
Mr. Dinkles was in front of a cup full of ink. He dumped his head in there then put his head on a sheet of paper and smuttered it side to side and then he pick his head and the invitation looked amazing.
Poppy, Ruby, Amber, Becky, Smidge Biggie and some other trolls all said "Ooh~" at the same time.
Back to reality
"They're perfect. Which is good cause this party will set the tone for every party in Trollstopia from here on out. So it is without a doubt... Is the most important party ever thrown" Poppy said to them. Then Tiny diamond came out of Guy Diamond's hair and says "House day party people. Whoo!" and blew his two air horns and went back inside.
"Aww Tiny diamond [ ] kids air horn the darnest things" Guy Diamond says. Tiny diamond's arm came out and blew the air horn again and goes back inside.
"Now to just deliver these invitations and then..." Poppy starts saying before cut off by Becky. "Hey wait. What's that" Becky said looking at something.
The others looked at where she was looking at and saw a poster on a mushroom.
"Val's Kick-Off Party. Misty meadows, Tomorrow night" Ruby said while reading it. Biggie gasp and said "Poppy Val's having a party on the same night as your party".
"Hmm, we better go talk to Val. At Rock Hollow" Poppy said.
At Rock Hollow
Poppy, Biggie, Guy diamond, Ruby and Becky were walking in Rock Hollow looking for Val. When the group walked inside and they all said one word "Cool~" and inside looked awesome and neat and also the rocker trolls were just being themselves.
Two rock Trolls were playing four guitars and shouted "Epic Jam!!" and smashed them on the speaker and the ground. A second pair of two rock trolls were playing puzzle and finished it then shouted "Epic Puzzle!!" and grabbed a guitar played it and smashed it on the table and puzzle breaking it. A rock troll shouted "I'm Ready To Rock!!" and held his fist. Another rock troll shouted "Im Ready To Paper!!" and placed his hand on the rock troll's fist winning Rock Paper Scissors. The rock troll looked upset and then shouts "I'm Bad At This Game!!".
Finally Val holds a cupcake and tossed it in the air on the wall and see a lot of cupcakes on the wall making it look like a skull and she laughs while getting another cupcake.
Poppy then walks up to her and says "Hey Val. Bring it in" with her arms wide open. Val turns and looks at her and gives her a glare causing Poppy to stop in her tracks. "Kay course correcting.... There" Poppy said while backing up and hugging herself.
"Anyways Poppy was curious are you really throwing a Kick-Off Party Tomorrow night Val" Ruby asked her.
Val eats the cupcake in her and says "Yeah" and gives her a smile. Poppy then says "Well we just came here to let you know [ ] We think that's a great idea" and gets happy.
Ruby and Becky exchange looks and look at her confused so did Val and says "O-kay".
"Nothing's more in the spirit of Trollstopia then another tribe taking initiative to bring us together right I was going to throw a Kick-Off Party but I'll happily toss my invitations away" Poppy said and threw her invitations in the trash can. Then it went on fire causing Becky to jump back and Ruby to stare at it and says nothing.
"Who cares, right?" Poppy says and causing Mr. Dinkles to let out a single tear and Becky went to him and rub his back. "So I'm dying to know what kind of party you're throwing. Can you give us a little hint about your plans?" Poppy asked wanting to know.
"Nah. I can't tell you my plans cause rocker trolls... don't plan parties" Val said. Biggie and Guy diamond gasp, Ruby and Becky look like she went insane and Poppy looked petrified.
"Y-You don't party plan" Poppy asked like she hesitate to ask. "Nah we just go with the flow" Val just says casually. "Val a successful party properly executing so many details you've gotta think this through" Poppy saids sounding nervous and laughed nervously.
"I've gotta? Are you going to tell me how to throw my party" Val says getting a little upset. Poppy stammers trying not to freak out and Val then says "Cuz that won't be in the spirits in Trollstopia would it" Val says.
"No..eh... Your right Val it's your party you should do it you way" Poppy said and laughs nervously. Val continues to stare her down until she said "Cool".
Poppy says nervously "Yep c-cool [ ] we'll just go with the flow" and also nervously laughs again. She then turns around and looks at the others and said "We cannot go with the flow".
Biggie and Guy diamond saluted at her and said at the same time "Right what do we do". Poppy turns around and says serious "We need help go round up the most party loving trolls we know ".
"Got it" Guy diamond and Biggie said at the same time and sped off. Then Biggie came back and says "Actually you'll have to be way more specific".
Secret Party planning-room Ruby's POV
Branch, Smidge, Guy diamond, Biggie, Amber and Becky, and I were at a table watching Poppy pacing back and forth coming up with an idea. "Alright this Kick-Off Party is to important to leave the chance. We have to plan it but Val can't know so, we have to make our plans seem spontaneous agreed" Poppy says explaining. Branch clears his throat and says "Uh need I point out that this plan is absurd".
"Uh need I point out that I will badger you until you help" Poppy said back at him. This caused Amber and Becky to snicker at him and I coughed out a laugh. "You need not" Branch says and backs up a little. "Kay first we need to get the word out so that trolls actually show up" Poppy stated.
"We can't send out invitations or she'll know we're planning" I added. "So instead we'll have to 'spontaneously' spread the word in every situation we can" Poppy says and also added in quotes.
Biggie went into thoughts and asked "Hmm every situation".
At a Random pond Becky's POV
A group of trolls were playing Marco Polo and a techno troll was it. "Marco" he said waiting to hear something.
"Trololo" the others said behind him "Marco" he said again and went forward. Then Biggie shots out from the water and says "Troll- oh you just have to go to Val's Kick-Off Party tomorrow night in Misty Meadows please don't be late it's common courtesy thank you". I only looked at him and said "Really Biggie that's what you came up with?". Biggie just shrugs his shoulders looking at me and then he got tagged to be Marco. "What? Oh marco" Biggie says closing his eyes.
"Trololo" everyone including me said and swim off with Biggie following behind them.
With Poppy and Guy diamond Amber's POV
"Next we need refreshments to arrive...accidentally. So Guy you'll pretend to be an ice cream vendor whose truck 'happens to break down' right at the party" Poppy explains to Guy diamond and I was listening.
"Ah ice cream vendor number one I know just how to play the character" Guy diamond says coming up with an idea. Guy diamond was riding the ice cream parlor for practice and pretended to fall and while saying his line and he did a good job but it was too dramatic.
"What? How about trying that again Guy only not so dramatic" Poppy says.
"Hmm less dramatic aye so like.." Guys says and changes into a clown outfit with a horn and a pie. Guy diamond laughs and says "Ha oh no [ ] My ice cream truck has broken down" and laughs slap the pie in his face then laughs again and squeeze the horn once again.
After he finished his performance I try my hardest not to laugh and Poppy only stares at him. "Ah Ah" Poppy said. Guy diamond went into thinking mode and said "I'll work on it" and walks off. "Guy wait I'm coming to help you with the ideas" I said while running off to him.
With Poppy and Branch Ruby's POV
Poppy was explaining an idea for Branch and me to do for the Kick-Off Party. "And at the end we need something like a big fireworks finale to happen 'out of the blue' Ohh~ what if two meteors streak across the sky and collide over the party causing a brilliant cosmic light show but not after a beautiful music magic happens as well also created beautiful orb lights" Poppy explain to us and we imagined it in our heads.
"Wow" Me and Branch said at the same time. "Yeah wow" Poppy said as well. Then she got up and says "Now make that happen you two" and ran off."Wait, what?" Branch said almost confused. I looked at where Poppy ran off to and shouted "Don't worry Poppy I'll come up with something!".
( )
Then I pull out my personal book of magic and spells and started to read hopefully find a perfect magic spell for the Kick-Off Party.
After going through the plan 3rd POV Night-Time
At the party there were only sounds of crickets and everyone was bored out of their mind not knowing what to do.
Poppy was casually leaning on a table looking at the party with Biggie and Becky holding a cup of punch. "Well unfortunately I was right about Val's party but this is what happens when you 'go with the flow' "Poppy whispers to them with quotes.
"But it will lighten up because in just minutes all of our 'spontaneous' wonders will begin" Biggie whispers back to Poppy also with quotes. "Are you sure this is going to work Poppy" Becky whispered to Poppy while drinking her punch. "Don't worry Becky everything will be alright according to plan" Poppy whispers to her and she just smiles.
"Huh this party is kind of a dud what's the deal" Val says then looks at Poppy, Becky and Biggie. "Gee I don't know you think it could be cuz you didn't plan anything" Poppy said to Val.
Then Val went into thinking mode and said then shouted "Nah it's the location. Yo~ Let's Move The Party To The Lagoon~". And everyone then began to cheer. "WHAT!?" Poppy and Becky exclaimed shocked and surprised. Then everyone began walking away while chanting "Lagoon, Lagoon, Lagoon!".
"Biggie Becky everything's set up to happen here in the meadow" Poppy said to them freaking out. "But the Lagoon is not the meadow. The meadow is the meadow" Biggie said also freaking out. "Ahh we got to start the fun before they go Poppy" Becky exclaimed to her.
"Guy. Now" Poppy called out to Guy diamond. But unfortunately Guy diamond couldn't hear and still practicing an act dressing as a robot and says "Oh no my ice cream truck has broken down beep bloop".
He thought for a moment and then says "Or maybe it's..." and he changes into a muscular bodysuit. Then he says in a deep voice "My ice cream truck has broken down".
"Argh No" Guy diamond exclaimed not liking it at all and Amber just sighs and facepalm. Poppy pulls her hair down still freaking out and says "He's not hearing me [ ] Branch meteors" and points up at the sky. But Branch is busy writing and studying and says "Still working on it".
Poppy starts freaking out again and looks at Ruby and says "Ruby the spell". But Ruby is also busy as she's still going through her book flipping through the pages and says "I'm going as fast as I can".
"Ah we've gotta stall them" Poppy exclaims to Becky and Biggie then the three of them quickly ran off. The crowd was still chanting and walking heading to the Lagoon then Poppy ran in front of them stopping them in their tracks. "Wait, you can't leave now!" Poppy said to them.
"We can't [ ] why not" Val asked. "Because....because I...I Have too.. sing you a song" Poppy stammers and then came up with an answer. Becky literally looked at Poppy with a blank expression while Val gave her a deadpan face. "A song?" Val questioned her with her arms still crossed.
"Yeah....a song..uh...about....uh this tree" Poppy said while showing Val a tree behind her and a tree branch falls down. Poppy chuckles nervously and then says "And a one, and a two, and a.." then she starts to sing to distract them.
Look at is beautiful of tree with a bark and the leaves
Yeah it's all brown and green Leaves, Leaves, Leaves, Leaves. Bet you can't count each one
Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves no one lives till we're-
"WAIT!" Val shouts causing Poppy to stop singing. "Are you singing a song about a tree... To stall us" Val asked Poppy raising an eyebrow and crosses her arms. Becky looked at Poppy to see what she was going to say.
Poppy looks at her nervously and says "Noo~" and throws her leaf pom poms in the air and just gives a smile. "Good. To the Lagoon" Val shouts and everyone continues walking forward while chanting 'Lagoon'. Poppy was trying to come up with an answer to use another distraction but when she couldn't came up with one she finally says "Wait" and everyone stopped and looked at her.
"Y-you can't go because [ ] you're gonna miss the party that we planned" Poppy finally confessed to them. Val turned around and looked at her and asked "Planned?".
Poppy turns around and shouts "We're blown guys go ahead and show them". Then she takes out a couple of seeds from her hair and tossed them on the ground and they grew into flower speakers and playing music.
Biggie and Becky shot out confetti in the air to decorate the trees. Smidge comes out from behind a bush and shouts "Fly my pretties Fly" and the glow flies came out to spread the festive lights. And at the same time Ruby comes out from behind a mushroom summons her staff spins it around and bangs it to the ground and created a beautiful music blast to fill up the air.
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Warning: This story is purely for practice. Do not expect me to finish it. Do not expect it to be good. Do no expect regular updates. Do not expect perfect grammar. Do not expect good story-telling. Do not expect innovative ideas. This will be very ameturish. Also there will be profanity, possible light-sexual content and possible gore. All criticism is welcome. Kenta is a 17 year old who on his way to a grocery store sale, dies and is reincarnated into a world of fantasy, where magic and mythical beasts exist. Everyone in this world has a status menu, like a game, which tells a persons name, title, skills and attributes. In this world the strong rule and the weak fall behind. As a baby people start out with 0 skills and 0 attributes. Everyone in this world can build up their attributes, learn skills and earn titles. A select few a born skills and raised attributes. Kenta having died in his previous world, is shocked to learn this, but quickly adapts to this game like reality and uses his knowledge and training to help survive in this new world. Upon opening his status menu, he notices he already has a skill. Skill: Eater: Allows one to consume any singular item (excluding proper food) to gain skills/attributes. Consuming dangerous substances will not kill you.
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